Disgaea 2 PC Guide

Disgaea 2 Tips and Achievements Guide for Disgaea 2 PC

Disgaea 2 Tips and Achievements Guide


Guide to save time on unlocking every achievement on the game.Info compiled from forums, wikis and own personal experience.

Achievement Walkthrough

The path to 100%

There is a certain order of things that will get you the most out of your time to grab the 100% achievements for this game. Several achievements require you to restart the story over and over again and if you dont plan this out, you might find yourself playing story-stages again and again.

So basically, we need at a minimum 7 story restarts with a varying degree of time and difficulty.

This is a list of all the EX bosses you need to beat and then restart the story:

Etna: Defeat Etna in Adell chapter 3-4 Tragedyland.

Rozalin: Kill Rozalin in the Worst ending.
To battle her after the end, have a 99 felony stamp on Adell and have killed 100+ allies.
including Rozalin.

Mid-boss: Pass the Assembly Bill in chapter 1-9 with at least 20 hours of game time.

Laharl A : Beat Laharl on Chapter 11 (First Fight with your own team)

Laharl D : Beat Laharl on Chapter 1
(After beating him in a previous cycle)

You need to beat Axel mode and restart to unlock several EX bosses.

Once again, I repeat, to make it count you need to save AFTER watching the ending and restart the game, talk to the Record dude and see your Dark Collection pages (there is more than 1 page) to check your progress towards 26 beaten EX bosses.

I will list the other EX bosses under its own Achievement section.

Alright, so now that we know we need to restart a lot, I will give you my opinion on the best way to do this while picking other Achievements.

*Extra note for people playing with Controllers*
If you find your game crashing when your controller randomly disconnects, start the game with the controller unplugged, use the keyboard to load your game, then connect your controller.

Love makes the world go around in cycles.

First cycle

I highly recommend you play Adell’s story for your first cycle so you learn the basics of the game and just enjoy the ride. In your first cycle, you wont be strong enough to end the game prematurerly and beat that EX boss you need for the All EX Bosses beaten achievement.

Ignore the Dark World for now, you need to beat 30 stages to get a character AND all 16 treasure maps (which is a RNG hell), dont worry now.

Leave the game running over night while you sleep or work, if you can, so you can pass the 40hr game time requirement way later.

Lose to Axel, save before one of his fights and lose and watch the credits until an achievement pops. Reload. (You dont need to have a new cycle for this, so no worries)

Finish the game proper, try to get to level 100 or 200 before moving on to the next cycle.
You can do this by grinding in the 2nd area of Alche City, then Cave of Ordeals 1 then Cave of Ordeals 2. Use Stronger enemy bill in the senate if you arent leveling quick enough.

Level up a Succubus, Wood Golem or a humanoid student, you wont be able to use main story characters in the next cycle. Axel mode does give you a few L100 characters though, its up to you.

dlvbrown1969 brought to my attention that for AXEL mode to unlock, you need to finish the game properly once (as in a good or bad ending, but all the way through) so lose to Etna, Laharl and end the story.

Save and start in AXEL mode.

Second Cycle

You want to beat AXEL mode so you can have access to Magicchange and some extra content.

Remember, you wont be able to get the main characters of Axel mode until you get to the Land of Carnage (which is hard to do) so UNEQUIP your best items from your guys before the final stage.

You can use all of your students to help Axel out.

One of the last stages has a “game over” geopanel, use your characters to lift and throw to fuse or gather the enemies in one spot so you can kill them faster with area of effect skills, if an enemy or an ally ends the enemy turn in the game over panel, its game over.

Third cycle

Once you start your third cycle, you should focus on getting to level 1000 and pumping yourself up. See my “Team and Tips” section for more info and check out other guides for excellent tips!

One thing I found out is that the Nekomata Level 9999 exploit no longer works.
Its capped by Adell’s own level so dont try it, I wasted an hour until I realized I couldnt do it.
Serves me right 😛 Well, I still had CoD4.

Your goal in your third cycle is to beat Laharl at the end of Stage 11 (Shinra Tower), once you beat him with your own team. Watch the ending, save.

Fourth cycle

Get your best ready and this time do the story until Etna.
You should be around L1000 with your best character(s), you can unlock the Cave of Ordeals if you still cant beat her to grind yourself more.

Kick her ass, watch ending. Save, restart.

Fifth cycle

First, you should have at least 20 hours of playtime, so Mid-boss should unlock in the Senate.
Go ahead and beat his ass with your party. Watch the ending, save, Restart.

Sixth Cycle

Go to the Dark Assembly, unlock “Pick a Fight with an Overlord” Beat Laharl.
This can only be done In Chapter 1.
See ending, Save. Restart in Adell Mode.

Seventh cycle: The Long One

You will need to get to the end of the game, but before you do the first stage, unlock Dark Worlds by finding the buttons and unlocking Dark Friday, in each stage as you progress the story, there will be a hidden requirement, read on this so you dont have to go back and do things again.

Read this, its important: [link]
Dark Worlds will also unlock new EX bosses, INCLUDING Lvl 9999 Baal.

You will also need to stack Felonies and Ally Kills on Adell, but read below for instructions.

Get 33 Felonies, beat Asagi b passing her Bill in the Senate.
Do NOT go past Chapter 8, you need 66 felonies to beat and recruit Priere. Do NOT go past 98 Felonies.

To get Crime Ending 1 you need between 50 and 99 Ally kills. If you get more than 98 ally kills, you will need to do another cycle to get Ending 1.

Get Crime Ending #1 now.
Reload and get more felonies to get Majorly and steal her unique items.
Might as well finish all 5 Stages of Cave of Ordeals now, get more felonies for faster levelings, you are free to get all 300 now.

Get the best items, search for a Legendary Excalibur to get Yoshituna later and a Legendary Infernal Staff for Pram in preparation for the last EX Boss. Get one Infernal Armor to unlock the Super Robot Suit. If you like Fists instead, find some Legendary God’s Fist, you wont be able to get the best weapons from these until you get to Land of Carnage.

DO NOT fight the Item gods of these Rank 39 items while in Holt Village, wait until you get to the Land of Carnage.

Make getting those treasure maps your priority.

Once you hit the 40+ hour mark, you will see a new Bill in the Dark Assembly to recruit Flonne as long as you are in chapter 12 or 13 and once you beat her, agree to her request as Senator Adell to fight Laharl. Do so and you now should have both of them.

In the land of Carnage, go into your Rank39 golden item of choice and get Item God 1, get your Rank40 weapon, go in, find a guide to perfect level it, Kill item god 2.

Do ALL the Dark Worlds, for the achievements and the Ex Bosses it unlocks.
Go ahead and Kill Baal and Prinny Baal. Get Makai Wars.
This will unlock the Lord Uber Prinny Pirate for Pringer X Go, but I highly suggest you kill him in the next cycle.

You should have 23/26 bosses beat, you only need Rozalin, Pringer X Go and Pringer X Go unleashed. You have to decide what to do now.

If you decide to leave Rozalin last, you will need to find an Prinney Uber Pirate on Floor 90+ of an Item World in the LoC then fight Pringer go X and THEN unleash LoC to fight and win against EIGHT 40MILLION in all stats Pringer X Go! Unleashed which will be HELL.


I highly recommend you leave that fight last and go kill Rozalin instead, so:
IF you kill Rozalin first, start a new cycle, go to LoC and then enter that fight, you only need to kill ONE Pringer X Go Unleashed and the moment you kill that ONE, the achievement will unlock.

Final Cycle: Getting 100M Damage and Killing ONE Pringer X Go Unleashed

DO NOT pass the Bill to Unleash the Land of Carnage until you have at least 10MILLION INT or ATK and are ready for the final fight.

You should have a perfect R40 weapon, leveled accesories are recommended.
Makai Wars, 2xRobo Suits.

You should also have reincarnated a lot so your main stat starts around 225 at level 1.
Cave of Ordeals 4 in Land of Carnage is your best friend for this, you should reincarnate every 8000/9000 levels. Pass Strongest enemies Bill in Holt Village to make the grind faster.
It should take you 20 minutes or less to go from 1 to 9000. Do this 10 or 15 times and you should be able to reach a good stat start, but maybe its overkill? Do this only if your R40 perfect weapon is not enough.

Anyway, With Rozalin and normal Pringer Go X! out of the way, you now only need to kill ONE 40Million Stat boss, easy right? Use all of your tricks.

Boost yourself with Magic Boost/Braveheart, if you use elemental magic/skills, use Magic knights to lower the enemy elemental resistance. Bring out story characters that buff your stats, like Miabel, Rozalin, etc. If it doesnt die in one hit, make someone pick your heavy hitter up so it doesnt die and you have an extra turn.

If everything goes well, CONGRATZ! you beat the hardest MoFo in Disgaea 2! Pat yourself in the back 🙂 Too bad you chickened out of killing all Eight.. or did you? :3

Alternate Path to Cycling

Alternate Path

This will ignore magic change for a while and it takes more grinding at the start, at first i thought this would be the fastest way to 100% but I dont know, I like the other way better, but here it is.

1) Save before the Axel fight, get beaten by Axel, reload,
Grind in your first cycle to be able to beat Laharl at the end of Chapter 11

2) In your 2nd Cycle, beat Laharl in Chapter 1

3) In your 3rd cycle beat Etna in Tragedyland

4) In your 4th cycle beat Midboss in Chapter 1, you will need at least 20 played hours.

5) In your 5th cycle deal with the felony stuff:
Get 33 Felonies, Beat Asagi
Get 66 Felonies, Beat Priere before ch10
Do NOT get more than 98 felonies, Get to Chapter 13, save before last boss.
Beat last boss, see Crime ending 1, Reload
Get Tink to lvl1000, beat the last boss, reload.
NOW get 99 felonies and ally kills
Beat Majorly by passing her Bill.
Beat Laharl and Flonne by passing their bill, you will need more than 40+hours.
Beat Laharl again after granting Flonne’s request.
Do the end Boss to see Crime ending 2 and get Rozalin Ex Boss, Save.

6) in your 6th cycle, finally do Axel mode (which only unlocks after ending the game properly)

7) You are done with the restarts, you can now get all the felonies you want, do the 30 Dark worlds, go to land of Carnage, get your perfect R40 weapon, beat the last EX bosses.

Team and Tips

One of the fastest strategies to get strong fast is to farm Lovers, Armsmasters and Mentors (item specialists) as well as trying to find those coveted Rank 39 items.

Lovers are specialists that spawn on items that your characters wear. They spawn after AT LEAST 35 battles (They have to be on the field when the STAGE CLEAR message pops up). If you unequip an item, the counter resets and you need to do it again. White items spawn 1 lover, green items spawn 2 and golden items spawn 3. The Lovers cap at 25. So when you capture them in the IW, you get 2 per white, 4 per blue/rare, 6 per golden.

(Specialists double their value once subdued)

My tactic is to have 3 golden items(armor or accesories) on my best characters all the time.
Dont neglect equipping your heavy hitters with decent armor/weapon just because they are white.
Once you get 13 lovers (26 subdued) you can just do what you like.

Armmasters and Mentors make your skills do more damage and level up faster. If you are grinding, you need these on your best people. At least 500 armsmasters and 150 mentors.

The Team

As for your team, I liked Adell, DL Hanako, a Thief, Pram, 3 Heavy Knights and a Mothman.

Be sure to level Pram up whenever you can, and get her the best spells, she will be key in defeating the very last Extra Boss. Unleashed Pringer X GO!

You can get DL Hanako and Pram from the Experimental Stages right as you start the game so you can start leveling their skills up. You can get other characters and try them out. Most of the fun in this game is to check which characters work best for your own playstyle.

Check their unique skill and Aptitude as well as which stat do their attack skills need to do more damage. For example, DL Hanako uses ATK to do her own skills but has better HIT and GUN growth. So, you need to decide if focusing her on Bows or Guns. Etc.

So, back to my team building.

Adell should create both the Thief (Hit-Spec) and the Mothman (Spd-Spec) so he can benefit from the Master-Student Bonus.

Each of your unique characters on your team should create a Heavy Knight student (HP/DEF) so they can benefit from bonus HP/DEF. later, you will be able to level all of these easily and get bonuses.

Adell and DL Hanako are both your Tanks and Hitters, I leveled them up first and prioritized getting their lovers as quick as possible. Remember to get some students for Pram so she can learn spells and get extra stats from their master-student relationships.

The Thief will help with putting people unconscious so you can steal from them with your high levelers or the thief herself if possible.

The mothman is your runner, he along with the Heavy Knights will get you through Item World floors fast. The mothman can go THROUGH enemies, chests and geopanels so its an excellent runner and even better with shoes. The Heavy Knights will help your characters get to that Specialist you need to kill on the first round.

To make this faster, you will need to unlock the Cave of Ordeals for 700 Mana which you can get with a little item world grinding. Once you get the Cave of Ordeals, level up your guys in stage 4.
Everytime you feel you dominate the stage, go to the Assembly and pass once of the Stronger enemies bills. CoD4 is the fastest way to level since they capped the Nekomatas.

If you cant get to CoD4 yet, try leveling in CoD with the 100%XP bonuses.

Once you dominate CoD4, make each of your unique characters create a Healer and level them up to level 50 so you can get Omega Heal. To level them up, Lift your student and attack with Tower Attacks (This is an attack available once you have someone lifted) all people in the stack will share the XP. You can fusion enemies by throwing one into another.

I would also suggest level up a Wood Golem here with lots of HP in preparation for Axel mode.

IF/When you get bored of CoD4, go to an Item World to get Armmasters/Mentors. Use the stronger enemies bills to tweak the item world level so you can level efficiently.

Your goals in the item worlds are:
1) Find the best weapons available: Golden Rank 39 weapons (God’s Hands, Megido Cannons), Infernal Sword, Infernal Armor, Universal Orb. Or just plain Golden things to farm lovers. You can get these from shops in the mystery gates, stealing them from enemies, chests or in Bonus rankings.

A good strategy, that I read way later, in the early game is to go into treasure maps items to make it easier to find Rank39 stuff. You can get these off Pirates which you find in other item worlds.

2) Get Felonies, use subpoenas to transfer bailiffs to your items so you can start getting those felonies. Each 1 felony is 1%more XP for your characters to a limit of 300. (So you can have eventually, a 300%XP bonus ) You will also need at least 50 felonies for the Crime 1 ending and 99 felonies for the Crime 2 ending.

3) Searching for Treasure maps. One of the longest things is getting to the Land of Carnange and for that you need to find 16 treasure maps. Pirates appear just before the 2nd or 3rd Player Turn. Some pirates only appear in higher levels. Check this link out for more info: [link]

Other Tips
  • To make your best items grow, double boss kill. When you get to Item Generals/Kings/God, Kill them without clearing the stage and use a Gency Door to get out then come in again, you will get their bonus again once you exit the item after leaving the stage, for this to work, you need to get back to camp before the next boss battle.
  • Try passing the Item Assembly Bills as soon as possible on Towns after levels 10,20,30. The Bills More X Growth give great bonuses to the chosen stat if you get them early on.
  • The Item spheres you find in the Item World give extra levels or powerups to your items, to use them, you need to pick them up and clear the stage either by red portal or killing all enemies, if you go into a mystery portal, the sphere wont work. You can pick them up with a character and clear the stage/go to gate with another.
  • If you kill the fortune teller in the item world, inside a mysterious portal, you will get 3 extra levels to your item, talk to him a lot to piss him off. Do this after getting the fortune from him for extra levels.
  • Have a geomancer handy in your roster, enemy geomancers can destroy those Mr Gency Portal Bonuses and you can get them back with your own Geomancer powers. He can also change Geopanels effects if you get stuck with really awful ones.
  • Fastest way to level to 9999 is on Cave of Ordeals 4 in Land of Carnage using AOE Skills.
  • Majorly has some very nice items if you can steal them from her.
  • You can double move if you use your first move and enter your base panel, your move points will refresh as long as you havent attacked.
  • If an important character is in danger, lift them with a sacrificial character so that one dies instead of your valuable one.
  • Get Accelerators for your runners. You can get a new one each cycle for a whooping +18MOV (+3 initial, +3 through Bills each) On a Mothman, he can get more than 24MOV. You can get one Accelerator each cycle by calling Prinny Kurtis 3 times using cellphones and doing his extra stage.
  • If you need your heavy hitters somewhere fast, unequip your Runner of its accelerators/boots and equip your heavy hitter. Move the Hitter. Unequip and Re-Equip his original gear. Re-Equip your Runner. This is very useful to JUMP over obstacles with your characters when needed too.

This was a very short and condensed tips section, I made this guide to list all achievements in a shorter guide so you dont get overwhelmed like I did when I started this game.

If you have the time I highly recommend reading this great guide, specially to cut on your grinding times.

Extra Bosses

There are 26 Extra Bosses in the game and the hardest achievement is to kill them all.

You can see a record of which bosses you have killed past the first page in Dark Records.
You can access the Dark Records by talking to the guy with the pen and paper icon over his head.
Remember, you need to go the second,third and fourth pages of Dark Records.

For some bosses, you will need to save and restart the game, see the Cycle section of this guide to get the most of your cycle so you wont have to restart more than you have to.

Asagi, Priere and Majorly cant be fought on your first cycle, you need to be in New Game+ so you can see their Bills. For this reason, take care of your felony count until you beat them.

You can fight the Kurtis bosses just fine in your first go, make Adell a Senator and use the Defender of Earth cellphones to unlock their proposals.

Also, you need to have enough Mana to see some Bills, keep this in mind.
The most expensive Bill costs 9999 Mana.

Here we go!!!

1. Item General defeated.
2. Item King defeated.
3. Item God defeated.

You will get these bosses defeated when you try to max out a Rank 39 or below golden item.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeat Item God

4. Item God 2 defeated – Defeat an Item God 2
He can be found on the 100th floor of a rank 40 item.

5. Etna defeated.
Beat her on stage 3-4 Tragedyland. Need to save and restart.

Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Etna Ending

6. Rozalin defeated.
See the Endings section on conditions to get this. You will need to save and restart.

Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Crime Ending 2

7. Prism Red defeated
After Shinra Tower, pass the Bill to fight them again and win.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Prism Ranger”

8. Asagi defeated.
Achieve 33 felonies to get the Bill that unlocks this fight. As a bonus, if you get her to Lvl 1000, you can pass another Bill to upgrade her.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Asagi”

9. Robo Kurtis defeated.
To get this Bill, use 3 “Defender of Earth” cellphones on the same cycle.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Kurtis”

10. Robo Kurtiseses defeated.
To get this Bill, use 3 “Defender of Earth” cellphones on the same cycle AFTER you defeat the first Robo Kurtis.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Protype Kurtis”

11. Mid-Boss defeated.
Defeat this boss between Chapter 1-9.
You will need 20+ Hours of playtime to see the Bill.
You will need to save and restart after the ending

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Mid-Boss”

12. Priere defeated.
Need 66+ Felonies and be between Ch 1-9.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Priere”

13. Marjoly defeated.
Need 99+ Felonies.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Majorly”

14. Flonne defeated.
Requires 40+ hours of playtime and be on Chapter 12 or 13.
Defeat the Battle after passing the Bill to fight both Flonne and Laharl.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Flonne”

15. Laharl A defeated.
Defeat Laharl in Shinra Tower. (Chapter 11)
You will need to save and restart after the ending

16. Laharl B defeated.
You get this along with beating Flonne (see #14)

17. Laharl C defeated.
After beating Flonne and Laharl B (#14&#16), as Senator Adell pass Flonne’s request.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Laharl”

18. Laharl D defeated.
On a new cycle, after recruiting Laharl. Pass this Bill available on Chapter 1 only.
You will need to save and restart after the ending

Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Laharl Ending

19. Overlord Zetta defeated.
You need to clear 10 dark world maps to get his Extra Stage.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Zetta”

20. Baal defeated.
Complete 25 Dark World maps.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Baal”

21. Prinny Baal defeated.
After beating Baal return to the Viewing Room to fight this Prinny along with 4 Baals.

22. Mao defeated.
To fight him, you need to reach the Land of Carnage and have beaten Raspberyl.

Achievement Unlocked: Cleared Extra Stage “Evil Academy Special Class!”

23. Raspberyl defeated.
To fight her, you need to have completed 30 Dark World stages and have beaten Champloo.

24. Champloo defeated.
Complete Axel mode and restart Adell mode.

25. Pringer X Go defeated.
After beating Prinny Baal and his 4 Baals, you need to find the [Prinny Baal; Lord of Uber] on a Rank 40 Item World in the Land of Carnage on levels 91+ (He looks like a regular Prinny Pirate but its way tougher) and then get the Bill approved for the Battle, and of course, defeat him.
He cant be damaged by the same special twice.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated the Extra Boss “Pringer X Go”

26. Unleashed Pringer defeated.
After beating Pringer X Go, pass the “Unleash the Land of Carnage” bill and fight 8 copies of Pringer X Go, of course, each copy, has 40MILLION Stats.. yes.. of EVERYTHING.

Happy Grinding!

And thats ALL 26. Got my info from forums, wikis and faqs but why look for each one when you can see them all on here? :3

Yeah… this All EX Bosses achievo is a doozy but not impossible, grind grind grind!!
Good luck doods!!

Story and Endings Achievements

Story-Related Achievements

Adell’s Story:

Achievement Unlocked: Finished Chapter 1

Achievement Unlocked: Finished Chapter 5

Achievement Unlocked: Finished Chapter 10

Achievement Unlocked: Finished Chapter 13

Achievement Unlocked: Attended your first trial in the Item World
This is gotten when you are sent to get a felony in the item world.

Achievement Unlocked: Defeated your first pirate in the Item World
This is most likely gotten while you are trying to get your first felony.

Axel’s Story

Achievement Unlocked: Performed your first Magichange (Tutorial)

Achievement Unlocked: Finished Chapter 1

Achievement Unlocked: Finished Chapter 4

Ending Achievements

You can reload after you get the ending achievement but some of these also count towards “Kill all EX Bosses” achievement and thus, you would need to save and restart a new game+ for the kill to count.

The endings which you would also need to save and restart are:

Beat Etna in Stage 3-4 : Tragedyland
Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Etna Ending

Beat Laharld on his Extra Stage in Chapter 1 (After recruiting him and restarting a new cycle)
Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Laharld Ending

These endings, you can reload and continue your current game:

Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Axel Ending
Get beaten and lose in a fight with Axel

Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Crime Ending 1
For this one you need to have BETWEEN 11 and 98 Felonies and BETWEEN 51 and 98 ally kills.

Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Crime Ending 2
For this one you need to have 99+ Ally Kills AND Felonies, one of the Ally Kills must be Rozalin.
Then proceed to kill Rozalin after you defeat the End Boss.
This counts as an EX Boss, so save and continue a new game to get her recorded in the Dark records.

Achievement Unlocked: Saw the Tink Ending 2
Level Tink to Lvl 1000+ and defeat the final Boss with him landing the final blow.

Dark World Achievements

A much better guide on how to unlock the Dark World can be found here:

Please note that if the requirement says to clear the stage a certain way, you will need to first clear it once for story mode then play it again to fulfill the requirement.

Unlock the Dark Guide
Cleared 20% of the Dark World stages
Cleared 50% of the Dark World stages
Cleared 100% of the Dark World stages

The Extra Boss Zetta is unlocked by clearing 10 Dark World Stages.

The Extra Boss Baal and their respective Prinnies are unlocked by completing 25 Dark World Stages.
Beating Baal is a requisite for Pringer X Go and its Unleashed version.

The Extra Boss Raspberyl is unlocked by having 30 discovered Dark World Stages and beating Champloo (which you need to have finished Axel mode to get)
You need to beat Raspberly and unlocked Land of Carnage for Mao. (Dark Academy)

Counter/Grind Achievements

These achievements are gotten through grinding and getting stronger.

Kill Counters

Damage Counters

A way to get 100MDmg is to level your weapons to Lvl100 with More ATK Assembly Bills as Early as Possible. Make use of bonuses like Braveheart spell, Hanako’s Stat Boost Ability. You can get the Dmg counter up with Combos or Hitting Multiple Enemies at once.

Level Counters

Both the 5k and 10k counter are for Total Levels (as in your whole group) the 9999 is on one single character.

Money Counters

Once you can beat Strongest Enemies in Cave of Ordeal 4, the Bonus Max achievement should be easy.

Reincarnate Counters:

Reincarnate Once.

Reincarnate Ten Times.

Other Grinds

Get 99 Felonies

Level a Spellcaster and use a Peta Elemental spell.

Finish all 5 Cave of Ordeal Stages

Entered the Land of Carnage for the first time by gathering all 16 treasure maps.

Obtained the Yoshitsuna!
Steal this sword from an Item God inside a Legendary(Golden) Excalibur while in the Land of Carnage. (You need to only do lvl 100 while in LoC)

Unleashed Magichange 2 by randomly finding Mao in the Item World through a Mystery Gate.


Well, that’s it for Disgaea 2!
I hope this guide helps you enjoy this great game!

Leave a like and rate up if it did!

Here are links to my other Disgaea Guides!

[link] [link]

Also check out this video, its so sweet, Disgaea is awesome.

Until next time!