Enable Sparse Grid Supersampling Anti-aliasing (SGSSAA) on NVIDIA GPUs through NVInspector. SGSSAA combines Multisampling and Supersampling for superior anti-aliasing and image quality.
Antialiasing Settings
Antialiasing Compatibility
There are many compatibility values you may use for Dishonored. The first 3 values are the most popular, while the last value requires in-game antialiasing to be ON and set to MLAA, otherwise it does nothing.
0x000010C1 – Turn off in-game antialiasing
0x080000C1 – Turn off in-game antialiasing
0x000000C1 – Turn off in-game antialiasing
0x080100C5 – Requires in-game antialiasing to be MLAA
0x080100C5 (Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3) with in-game antialiasing set to MLAA provides the best visuals without any anomalies. It applies AA only to the game instead of the entire screen, such as the Steam Overlay.
Antialiasing – Behavior Flags: NONE
Antialiasing – Mode: Override any application setting
Antialiasing – Setting: 4x [4x Multisampling] or 8xQ [8x Multisampling]
Antialiasing – Transparency Supersampling: 2x Sparse Grid Supersampling or 4x Sparse Grid Supersampling
Texture Filtering Settings
Anisotropic Filtering Setting: 16x
Driver controlled LOD bias is ON