This guide will explain, with screenshots, the locations of all the DLC Packages in the main DLC Quest campaign.
This guide will show you how to get all of the DLC packages in the main DLC Quest campaign. I figured that it was about time that someone made a guide for this, since people have been posting in the forums that they need help finding some, and it can been hard to find some on your own. I have tried to place the DLC in the guide in order that you will encounter them, for your convience. There are a total of 10 different DLC Packs. Once you have found the all you will unlock an awardment / acheivement called “Catch Them All”. I hope that this guide will help you! Also, if there is an error that needs to be fixed or something that needs to be corrected / changed please tell me.
For the DLC locations in Live Freemium or Die, visit this guide instead:
Armor For Your Horse Pack
This pack is the easiest one to get. When you first start out and make your way to the shopkeep, you will see it above you. To get it you will first need to talk to the shopkeep and purchase the movement pack. After you do, head forward until you come to two signs and a small tree blocking your way. Jump on the platforms to your left until you reach it.
Time is Money Pack
Go left from the shopkeep and you will find a blacksmith. Next to blacksmith is a grindstone. Approach the grindstone and press “X” (if your using a keyboard) to use it. You will notice that nothing is happening, but you must keep pressing it. After pressing it a good amount of times the game will notify you that you have unlocked the pack.
Physcological Warfare Pack
Start at the shopkeep and go left. You will pass the blacksmith and some coins blocked by a few small trees. If you keep going very shortly after that you come to a sign that reads “Warning! Reports of strange encounters in the area!” Keep going and right after the sign your screen will begin to slant and do strange things. Once that is over a blonde guy will appear named “Random” and talk to you. After you are done speaking with him, the DLC will be unlocked.
Double Jump Pack
After buying the “Time is Money” pack, get your sword and head right. You come to a tree blocking your path, you can cut this down with your sword. This pack will accidently be unlocked while walking forward from where you cut the tree.
Pet Pack
Once you have collect all of the coins following the area after the Double Jump Pack, head back to the shopkeep and purchase the Physcological Warfare Pack. Head all the way left to the blonde guy, where you unlock the Physcological Warfare Pack, and now that you own it you can pass him. Continue on and collect the coins located in the cave. After purchasing the double jump pack with your new coins, head back to the cave. Go all the way down into the left corner and you will notice it in a corner, which you can now reach with your new jumping abilities.
Top Hat Pack
Leave the cave that you just found the Pet Pack in. You will notice a ledge that you can double jump too, so double jump to it! After that jump up to the proceeding two ledges, then jump to the right. You will see the pack resting on top of a floating ledge which you can easily reach by jumping.
Sexy Outfits Pack
Backtrack past the shopkeep to where you originally unlocked the Double Jump Pack. You will notice a ledge above you, jump on to that and then continue to the right. On your way you will find a sign that informs you of a feedback email address (this is just here to give you a landmark so you know you going the right way). Eventually you come to the side of a cliff which is a flat wall, so now you will have to jump up onto platforms. To you right you will notice an area with stone behind it that has a pack in it, but you cannot access it from where you are.
To get to it you must continue upward, where you will come to an area with a sheep above you. There is a tall and skinny ledge all the way to the right. Next to it is a wall without the “border” texture, you will know what I mean if you look closely at it. If you see a texture like this, that means you can enter it, so do that. Once you are in it you must go right, down, then left, and you will arrive at the pack.
Map Pack
Go all the way down from were you found the Sexy Outfits Pack, or just start at the shopkeep. Head all the way right, as far as you can, but stay on the grass ground. You will come to row of trees that once approached will offer you to examine them. Once you examine them you will unlock the pack.
Gun Pack
Purchasing the Map Pack will allow you the venture past those trees which you found the pack at. After going through that area you will see a second shopkeep, head past him and keep going all the way right until you see an entrance to a cave (which you will enter). Once on the other side of the cave you will find a monster, speak with him. Since he is so strong, you will need new weapons. As a result, you unlock the Gun Pack.
The Zombie Pack
This is last pack in the main DLC Quest Campaign. Hopefully you haven’t left area with the monster yet, because if you did you will need to head back. Once you are there, on your left near the entrance to the cave you will notice some ledges above you, which you will need to jump up on to. Once you have you will notice a secret entrance, jump in to it and head left until you reach a little cave. Inside will be the pack.
Night Map Pack
The player needs to go back in order to talk to an NPC. To do this he/she must go back through the forest. When you try doing this, it disallows you to and instead adds a new DLC called “Night Map Pack” to the shop.
Finish The Fight Pack
Once you have the gun, head back to the monster. This time you can kill him. Head to the right after you have. The credits will roll and when they are done you will unlock this DLC. You can purchase this DLC then head back past where you killed the monster to ‘finish the fight’.