The Talos Principle Guide

[DLC] Road to Gehenna QR codes for The Talos Principle

[DLC] Road to Gehenna QR codes


QR codes in Road to Gehenna.


As you know, there are a lot of hidden QR codes in The Talos Principle, so does Road to Gehenna. While QR codes in Talos Principle were messages of free programs, since the citizens of Gehenna are imprisoned, QR codes in RtG are fragments of terminal documents. These are QR codes I’ve found in Gehenna so far. If you find more, please leave a comment. Hex codes are decoded in brackets.

World 1

  • To me the honour is sufficient of belonging to the universe – such a great universe, and so grand a scheme of things. Not even Death can rob me of that honour. For nothing can alter the fact that I have lived; I have been I, if for ever so short a time
  • At last I saw the shadowed bars,
    Like a lattice wrought in lead,
    Move right across the whitewashed wall
    That face my three-plank bed,
    And I knew that somewhere in the world
    God’s dreadful dawn was red
  • And the souls of the dead shall be gathered into the spirit; and the spirit shall flourish
  • 455252 4F523(ERROR) Prisons are built with stones of law; brothels with bricks of religion. A2043414E4 E4F5 420434C 45415220 444 1544 1(CANNOT CLEAR DATA)
  • Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter. 43414E4 E4F5420444 54C455 445(CANNOT DELETE)
  • Nothing can be more abhorrent to democracy than to imprison a person or keep him in prison because he is unpopular/&&&& This is really the test of civilisation

World 2

  • 4C6574206 E6F20 (Let no) nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire 616374206 (act) than into his own soul 2652064 6F6E65207769 74686F757 420612070 757270 6F7365 (be done without a purpose)
  • I know not whether Laws be right,
    Or whether Laws be wrong;
    All that we know who lie in gaol
    Is that the wall is strong;
    And that each day is like a year,
    A year whose dyas are long.
  • And what if my soul is heavier than a feather, Who is Anubis to judge me?
  • I think what keeps us going is that we’re involved in an act of creation. Creation relieves the burden of ego, and death is all about ego. That’s why Alex&& (6 — sarabhai5645.dat
  • 44454C45 544544(DELETED) the recycle bin code is a bit funky but it should do its job even at huge 544544(TED) I’ve integrated it with the main &f()

World 3

I have found very few in World 3.

  • All our dignity consists then in thought. By it we must elevate ourselves, and not by space and time which we cannot fill. Let us endeavor to think well; this is the principle of morality.
  • 4E6F746 8696E 6720 6C617 3747320666 F726576657220627 5742074686 520636572746169 6E7479206F6 620636 8616E6 7652E(Nothing lasts forever but the certainty of change)
  • A man cannot ignore the inevitable end of his existence, but we must ask: does the nature of goodness change simply because each life is finite? T//()

World 4

  • 4A4552(JER) that society is a city, and contains in itself 555341(USA) the end and perfection of government: first founded that we might live, but continued that we may live happily 4C454D(LEM)
  • Without creatvie, independently thinking and judging personalities the upward development of society is as unthinkable as the development of the individual personality withouth the nourishing soil of the community
  • Yet each man kills the thing he loves
    By each let this be heard.
    Some do it with a bitter look,
    Some with a flattering word.
    The coward does it with a kiss,
    The brave man with a sword!
  • These three activities, then, intelligence, love and creative action, which are so closely involved in one another, I cannot but feel to be intrinsically good. 474152 4241 47452 E4 44154(GARBAGE.DAT) &they form the distinctively human kind of behaviour.
  • Whose hands built this city? &f()

Easter Egg

  • Within the ‘Goliath’ level in World 4, there are eight hidden QR codes. These won’t scan in-game, so you have to use an mobile phone application. It is said these are reference of some Harry Potter fan-fic.