Devil May Cry® 3 Special Edition Guide

DMC3 Controller Fix (Logitech F310) for Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

DMC3 Controller Fix (Logitech F310)


Let’s startFirst of all, this guide is made just for the people that play with a F310 Logitech Controller.Nice controller, and it works with every game (You can find this controller in every store for 30 bucks or more), just follow my guide and this is going to work PERFECTLY.Please tell me if there’s some problems, and i’m going to see if a solution is going to pop-up right away.Well, this is my discussion from today, i’m going to copy this right away.


So yeah! Hello there, i’m Laguna, and i have a solution to your problem.

So, i have this controller. A Logitech F310, a pretty cool and good controller,
you can buy this at every EVERY Store, is like an Xbox controller mixed up with the PS3 controller.

Is comfortable, is cool, and it works with every game.

Let me get to the point.

(This works just with the Logitech F310, so, dont bother asking how it works with others)

How i make my controller work?

This is pretty damn simple, follow this steps, and this game is going to work perfectly fine.
If you turn your controller to the other side, you can see a switch.
One says D and the other one X.

If you want to play games like DMC3 you have to switch it to D, that means “Dual Action Controller” (X stands for “Xbox 360 Controller”)

Then open DMC3, there’s 2 options. Start DMC or Configure your controller.

1. Choose to configure the controller.

2. Configure the buttons and reverse the Analog sticks (You can do that without opening any folder, there’s a big button to the right corner)

3. Click 2 times on save and a little pop-up is going to show up.

4. Close the controller configure

5. And here you go! Start playin!

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading this, and i hope that this is going to be helpful for you all.