A general guide to helping us all with what mods are currently available and were to get them from for DOA5 LR.Showing what mods are out there and how they should look in game with details and advice
Guide is now CANCELLED – sorry everyone
Hi everyone
sorry but long story short this guide is now cancelled – I and many others have just given up on the aids-infested mess which is pc DOA5 NOT last round.
Were not getting the missing features and a lot of the newer mods require the piss take £39.99 dlc for clothes…………………nope isnt gona happen temco
The online modes a joke and being given less seems just insulting. So i and others have given up on the game and wont be touching pc DOA5 anymore. IF your wanting DOA5 then i suggest you get it on consoles as that way your at least getting the full game and not being ripped off when it comes to the dlc
Some links in this guide still work while others dont. Its basically a hit/miss situation
Sorry everyone
Umod – what you need for adding mods
Umod is basically a program that is running in the background while DOA5 is playing. It works a little like how Nexus Mod manager works for games such as Skyrim/Fallout3/Vegas and others.
Your first going to need Umod which can be gotten here
[link]Once downloaded open and run the exe program and a menu should open up. The simple version of how to run this is easy. Lets do this in steps to make things much easier
Step 1
Download/Run Umod exe
Step 2
Find the mod your wanting and download that mod and unzip it into a brand new folder.
Step 3
Right Click on the bottom area of Umod and select -Support TPF- as some mods are done as compact file formats rather than single files.
Step 4
Run DOA5 with Umod open. Once game has loaded Alt+Tab back to windows (with game running in background) open the folder with the mod you want (lets say Nyo retexture) and then drag all those files into the side menu of Umod (as when the game loads up a new side option will appear in Umod) once files have been dragged over then go back into DOA5 and the mod SHOULD have installed correctly. Below is an image of Umod when opened up for the first time. Dont worry about changing any of these details aside from right-click and slecting -allow TPF- as some mods use this method.
The purple box shows were the new tab will open once you have loaded the game and were your supposed to drag the files over to.
One you have opened Umod go into steam and play DOA5. When the game starts get to the title screen and press ALT+TAB to get out of the game and back to windows but with the game still running in the background. When you look at Umod now you will see a new menu called – GAME – lower down you will see another menu called – Single Textures – this is were you will drag files over to in-game for them to work. Just open the folder were you downloaded the mods and unzip the files and then just drag them into this -Single Textures – area and go back into the game
The only problem Umod has is that when your running the game you will experience slight lagging in places. The intro at the start of the game lags like crazy at the beginning and when a match first starts the beginning will stall for about 4-6 seconds. If loading a HD stage mod the game will stall for about 10-15 seconds (depending) before the stage itself is loaded up.
Forest Level HD Texture
Sick of how crappy the current Forest level looks? reminds you a little too much that it was original an XboX level from DOA3? well this mod is for you
Changes the looks of the forest to make it appear more green and makes the textures look miles better. Now the forest actually looks as if some effort went into the porting of this from the original DOA3 rather than just leaving it looking ugly and awfully low res.
As you can see from the images above the tree’s now have a little more life put into them rather than how they originally look in the none modded game.
Another note is that the pathway has been improved as well. Now the textures look nice rather than grainy and badly pixelated. Just look behind Jacky/Sarah and look at that floor.
The mod greatly improves on the original look of the forest level when you compare the two of them side-by-side. As you can see in the images below the vanilla graphics just look awful on this level. Its almost as if the developers didn’t even bother to make this look pretty
The mod itself can be gotten here
[link]Haunted Lorelei Texture Mod
This mod improves on the already beautiful looking Haunted Lorelei Castle level and adds a much needed HD appearance to the level. An improved red sun and loads of other new improved sections such as walls/floors/rocks and even the pumpkins
As you can see side-by-side the sun looks miles better in the screenshot above as to the one shown below. Take a look at how much the red moon was improved upon
The castle has had a whole load of improved textures added such as the flooring and various other places. It does all add up to greatly improve upon the castle already.
Even the pumpkins get an improved look – its slightly but it does all add together in the end to make a more better HD experience
The mod for the new texture can be gotten here from the same amazing creator of the improved forest texture mod. Hopefully more amazing work can come from this guy because the improved levels look miles better than the vanilla level in comparison
[link]Sarah – New colors
Apparently according to the mod makers of these outfits its very quick and easy to make color swaps for standard outfits? Here are x2 new colors for Sarah’s first outfit. We have a choice of gold and another choice of leather black.
Both Recolors look amazing and work really well in-game. It messes with the mind however that if it took both mod makers only a few minutes to make these recolors then why the ♥♥♥♥ didn’t Tecmo do the same for us the gamers? it seems like a rather ♥♥♥♥♥♥ excuse for Tecmo to force us to buy there DLC when they could have given us several options for recolored standard outfits.
The Gold outfit can be gotten here and was created by user Marginal0 who i have to give a MASSIVE thanks to as i love the Gold recoloring of this outfit. (All one word – had to space it due to steam)
[link] fire.com/download/on7cdtgnbz31umw/recolours.tpf
You can see how nice the new gold coloring is when in-game
The black color can be gotten here
[link] fire.com/download/z8ok72o28a053mc/SarahBlackLeathers.rar
As you can see in the screenshots below it gives a type of leather appearance when in-game but does look very nice. Basically these mods offer more choice than just the plain blue color
Honoka Recolors
Love Honoka? want more color choices for here? well here is a cool new recolor that adds new designs to her glove and t-shirts. Did i mention this also turns her blonde?
You can download this recolor from here
{LINK REMOVED}http://www.mediafire.com/download/mli69djgbgydije/Honoka+Honoka+Mod.zip
Tina – New colors
Like Tina but want her as a Red-Head? well here we go! this mod is for all us red-head lovers out there. Join the force and make Tina a super sexy red-head with attitude.
You can download the recolor here (make this all one word – ive had to space this out due to steams retarded new system layout)
[link] fire.com
Basically all this mod does is change Tina’s hair color from blonde into red…..and that’s it basically. However you can see how sexier it makes Tina look. However i’m obsessed with girls with red hair so that might just be me being bias
Install like all the other mods with Umod – simply start Umod and load game and tab out of it and then drag the files over and go back into game