Mist Survival Guide

Don't get lost without a map. :) (still valid in 0.3XX) for Mist Survival

Don’t get lost without a map. :) (still valid in 0.3XX)


The only tip you will need to finding your way around without getting lost.

Glow in the dark street signs

Okay so a lot of people want a map for this game but give it time, I’m sure 1 will come, in the mean time if you are having trouble keeping track of where your base is, rambaling around the woods in the dark try to find where you came from, then this 1 TIP will guide you home. 🙂

So you’ve come to a cross roads and don’t want to get lost finding your way home in the dark.

Stop and get out the car (make sure its safe 1st) and open the build menu (pressing B) then make your way to the lightpoles like in pic 1 and click to position blueprint pic 2.

Rotate the point of the lightpole to the direction you just came from, pic 3 then place lightpole pic 4

DO NOT BUILD THE LIGHTPOLE 🙂 just leave it as a blueprint and it can be seen for miles around even through the trees day or night, when you dont need it anymore just cancel the blueprint. there you have it never get lost again with 1 easy tip.
Have fun not getting lost. 🙂 (ps will post some night screenshots when i remember to grab them lol)

Night Images
