BiT Evolution Guide

"Don't play this game" BIT Evolution "half" (Achievement guide) for BiT Evolution

“Don’t play this game” BIT Evolution “half” (Achievement guide)


Achievement guide

The Guide

This was supposed to be an achievement guide for the game BIT Evolution but i really don’t feel like doing it since I can’t say im a fan of how long the game takes. It’s an ok game but it’s really way to repetitive and gets really obnoxious with having to get every small pixel so let me know if you wanna make a guide of the this game because I don’t. good luck if you decide to try and 100% it


Pixel Collecting Achevements

Pixel Hunter
Obtain a gold star on any level

Get it, Got it, Gold!
Obtain a gold star on any 10 levels

Pixel Perfect
Collect all of the pixels in the game

Boss Achievements

BiT Smash!!!
Defeat the boss of World 1

Gentleman, Scholar, Snake.
Defeat the boss of World 2

Now You’re Playing With Power!
Defeat the boss of World 3

“Wraith” of Khan
Defeat the boss of World 4

Best in Town (Get it?)
Defeat the game’s final boss


A “BiT” of Exploration
Find any hidden area within the game

Can’t Touch This!
Survive 30 seconds with the “death wall” in level 1-11
the wall is at the end of the level in the death world. you cant leave sight of the wall for 30 seconds

I am the Night!
Complete a level without killing any enemies (not even bats!)
the level i got the achievement was 2-10 i don’t know if their is a earlier lvl to get the achievement

You’re UnBiTable!!!
Complete a level without ever entering the Realm of Code
i did it in 2-11

My Precious…
Carry the first Spider Clam to the goal tape on level 3-11

Are You Not Entertained?
Complete 20 levels in the game’s challenge mode

Have a nice day

Have a nice day i hope the guide helped. let me know if you have any questions or changes.