This guide is aimed for newer players of don’t starve, and to get them to find themselves addicted to this difficult, yet amazing survival game.
The first day of waking up in a living hell!
So, you just woke up as Wilson. And there’s maxwell being his cocky little self again. What do you do?? WELL I’ll tell ya
Step: 1. Run around the grasslands (Which is the lighter green grass areas) and pick up some flint, twigs and grass.
Step: 2. Go ahead and make an axe in the crafting menu with those flint and sticks, and start chopping say… 2-3 bigger trees.
Step: 3. Okay you’re good on the wood, go pick up tons of berries, carrots, grass, and twigs.
Step: 4. If you got unlucky with berries and found some carrots, lay the carrots far outside the rabbit holes with your axe, wait patiently for the rabbit to sniff the carrot THEN ATTACK! Carrots are a great source for trapping rabbits.
Step: 5. You’re probably thinking “It’s already night time shouldn’t I just wait for day!?” NO! While it’s night time make sure to make your camp fire next to some bushes, or trees. This way you can chop trees or harvest berries while your waiting. Don’t starve is a game of time, so hurry and be as productive as possible in the night. BUT BEWARE: The Gru (AKA: Charlie) will kill you if you’re in the darkness for too long!
I’m on my second day, NOW WHAT!?
On the second day most starter players get confused assuming they already have some decent items. You’re doing great, but you have so much more to go get!
Step: 1. Make sure you have a good amount of atleast 10 flint in your inventory at all times, and make yourself a pickaxe!
Step: 2. Try to find some rocks, gold, gems that sort of things. You’ll need tons of boulders to get rocks with your pickaxe, and you need rocks to make that lovely base later on!
Step: 3. When you’ve got atleast a full stack of rocks and a MINIMUM of 8 gold, start to head out before nightfall. IT IS ESSENTIAL to find a good place to make your permanent camp before winter.
Step: 4. Often people assume that they can just setup camp in their first spawn point and go on from their, well… Unless your spawn point was in the middle of a savannah biome with perfect flowers, bee nests, trees, and a spider nest with beefalo right with you to help in the fight. Then no, don’t! The best spots to start camp would be in a savannah biome with normal stuff like grass and twigs and trees, etc. Nearby. Savannahs are flat and have beefalo, and beefalo have manure, the more manure you have the more plants and crops you can move to a base! So once you’ve found yourself some beefalo in a decent spot after a few days of searching. Boom setup your camp in a clever area in the biome!
Step: 5. Don’t make a basic campfire the night you setup the camp. make a bonfire, or rock campfire if you will. It’s a reuseable fire that is great for bases and checkpoints sorta. Once you’ve done that make sure you have plenty of logs and rocks with your gold in your pockets, so that you can make a SCIENCE MACHINE! Ahhh the glorious science machine!
Step: 6. Okay it’s day, now what? Well I’ll tell ya’, go get some manure from the beefalo nearby. 8-10 will do doesn’t matter, depends on how much you really think you’ll need. Then go chop wood un til you get atleast 16-20 logs. Go to your science machine, and click the refine option. Turn your logs into boards, and 6 of your rocks into cut stone, and make yourself a damn alchemy engine! Now you’ll have almost all the crafting recipies in the game! Crafting at it’s finest!
Step: 7. You’ll need a weapon to live in these dark times, so make yourself a spear! It’s made with 1 rope which is in the refine section and some flint and sticks! THEN, make a shovel! This is soooooo required for a good base.
Step: 8. Go to some other biomes really quickly and shovel up with right mouse button, and get the ROOTS of twigs, grass, berries etc. What I mean by roots is dig up the entire thing itself! Yes I said it.
Step: 9. It’s probably getting late, rush back to your base with all your saplings (twig stems), grass roots, and berry bushes! And plant them. The saplings will grow without manure, but the rest will need that beautiful doo doo to help them grow back. Keep doing this until you’re satifsied. NOW you have berries, grass, and twigs all at your easy to harvest disposal. Put them in a fitting spot and make sure they’re organized with like the picture below!
Step: 10. Go ahead and get all your grass huddled up, get some manure, and some of your rocks and make yourself some fast farm plots! These are AMAZING they grow fruits and veggies real quick for you to nomz on!
Step: 11. Now that you’ve done that, go chop some trees, mainly to get the pine cones. Get atleast 6 pinecones, and plant them in a small circle together. Wait for them to grow into tiny trees, craft a torch, and burn them down. Yes I know it sounds weird, but you must do it. When you chop down burnt trees you get charcoal!!!!
Step: 12. Now that you have the charcoal, make 3 cut stone, and make a crock pot! A crock pot is also one of the most used and most amazing things in the game. It makes beautiful meals that heal you a ton more, and fill your hunger meter up a ton more aswell! (There is another don’t starve guide on crock pot recipes in the guide section.)
It’s been 14 days and I’m scared!!
Right about now you’re probably wondering “What now?” well you’ve survived up to here, I give you a firm thumbs up! BUT winter is coming soon, and you will freeze to DEATH. Winter is a harsh cycle of don’t starve where your berries and farm plots won’t grow to keep you alive.You’ll need warm clothing and a diet completely consisting of meat (Vegetarians beware :P)
Step: 1. Winter is coming and you need clothes!! So, kill your friendliest beefalo nearby, I know, I know it’s cruel. First you need some armor though. I assume you’ve already seen the recipe in these 14 days, but unless you haven’t. It’s 8 logs and 2 rope. So get choppin’ and have that rope! Now that you have your armor (And hopefully your spear) find a beefalo, and make sure he’s alone. Hit him once and start to run, he will try to headbutt you but most likely miss, now is your time to STRIKE! Hit him a good 2-3 times and start to run again. This is called “Kiting” when you battle without taking damage, by moving and hitting in a strategic way!
Step: 2. Now that our poor fuzzy friend is dead, take his meat (Duh) and wool/fur. You’ll need this to make yourself a cozy winter vest/hat. Now this is your pic entirely! Do you want the winter hat or the winter vest. The winter hat is much easier to craft but will keep you less warm BUT gives you a sanity bonus in the winter. While the winter vest (Not breezy vest) will keep you FRICKEN WARM AS HECK with no sanity bonus. Either one you pick you still need to do the same step ahead.
Step: 3. Take as many twigs and grass you have as possible, and head over to a spider nest. Build a bunch of bunny traps YES BUNNY TRAPS and put then infront of the next, near you. Step on the nest and tick off some spiders. And lure them into the traps, you now have caught spiders without having to fight. On picking up the trap you recieve the item you would have gotten from KILLING the spider and a lower durability trap. You can repeat this process everyday until you have atleast 12 silk. Now that you do, you are ready for the next step.
Step: 4. Winter is almost here, and you’re freaking out.. DON’T take those traps (If you still have them) from the spider nest and put them around bunny holes with any carrots or food you’ve got. Trap the bunnies and kill them and stock up on meatballs. Do this until the air is chilly and the sound is slightly muffled. This means winter is here.
Step: 5. Now that winter is here you need your last item to make that sexy vest (If you haven’t already made the hat, still your choice) try to find a brow thing called the suspicious looking track. (Or something around that) and click it, your character will reveal a foot print!, follow the direction the toes of the footprint are point to, you should find another track. Reveal that one, repeat this process until your character says a special line. Like “I think the animal is nearby” this means YOU’VE FOUND THE WINTER KOALEFANT. This is a majestic creature with a soft, warm trunk. That YOU need to live! Setup a campfire (Not a stone one) next to him, warm up, and don’t scare him away, they run away if you’re too close.
Step: 6. Stay at just the right distance of this koalefant so it’s startled just staring at you (Much like a beefalo would) and wait until it’s night time. Yes, dead NIGHT. Slowly inch away from the koalefant until it falls asleep, equip some armor and a spear. And SPRINT AT HIM AND STRIKE. Once you hit a koalefant it is bound to keep fighting you with all its might. You might take a few hits but they’re well worth it.
Picture of koalefant who is startled and immobile:
Step: 7. Okay the koalefant is dead, you have 8 meat and 1 winter koalefant trunk. You can eat the trunk BUT DO. NOT. EAT. THE. TRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the trunk and meat, and make the meat into meat stew by putting 4 pieces into your crockpot/crockpots. Go up to your alchemy engine and turn that trunk into a cozy, soft, warm fricken vest. And remember DO NOT MAKE THE BREEZY VEST. Make the winter one, or thick one I don’t exactly remember the name..
Step: 8. Now go ahead and make a heat stone, this is make with some flint, some rocks, and a pickaxe!??! Weird recipe I know but just make one. Place it by your fire while it’s night time. This way, when you need to leave the fire you can take the heat with you!
Step: 9. You have your vest, still on and your heat stone and meat in your inventory, the winter will be gone in no time! Congrats, you just survived the winter. Now this guide may be for basics but now that you’ve passed your first winter cycle there is so much more in store for you in your don’t starve world. Like spelunking, magic, insanity, and more!!