Sick of dying at the hands of the night beast? Sick of not even reaching day 2? Sick of… well… Starving? Look no more! This guide has it all!
A new beginning.
So, you have just purchased the game, downloaded it, and made a world. What’s the first thing you do?
First of all, find some twigs. Twigs can be commonly found in the forest biome, so this should not be a hard task to complete. One twig is just fine for the first night, but three are ideal. After this, get some grass, you will need it later on. Be sure to pick carrots/berries when you see some.
Also, while searching for twigs, pick up flint. One is all you need, but it will greatly help you if you pick up three. One more helpful thing to do is take mental notes of were Rabbit holes, Worm holes, and spider dens are. If you do, you are more likely to survive.
Crafting and making a fire.
After you have gathered the proper resources, if you look to the left of your screen, you will see all kinds of symbols. The top symbol represents tools. Click that, and if you have a twig and a piece of flint, you will be able to craft a hatchet. With this hatchet, you will be able to chop down trees. When a tree is chopped, it will yield 1-4 pieces of wood, and some pine-cones. Both of these objects are important. Collect five pieces of wood, and three pine-cones. After this, if you can, Make a pick-axe, find some stone, and gather twelve pieces of stone. This is not essential for the first night, but will be later on in the game. If you have completed task, search for a decent area before night falls.
Finding a spot to settle in.
Now, you have the materials to make a fire, but first you need a spot to settle in. Make sure to make it near rabbit holes, but away for spider dens. Once you have found a place to settle in, click the tab below the tools tab, which should have a fire on it. If you have followed the basic instructions of this guide, you should be able to craft the fire. If you collected twelve stones, make the fire pit. This is the same thing as the fire, but upon going out, can be re-used. Only place the fire/fire pit when night is aproaching.
Night is upon us!
Now it is night. Your fire will start to go out, but simply click on the pine-cones in your inventory, then add them to the fire, which will make it brighter. Do not make the fire too big, or you might set yourslef on fire. Now, cook the food you collected by doing the same thing you did with the pine-cones. Make sure to stay near the fire. Now all you have to do is wait. … … … … Congradulations! You survived your first night!