Don’t Starve Guide

Don't Starve Together: how to make the best team for Don't Starve

Don’t Starve Together: how to make the best team


Hey dont starve community =) Mostly this guide is about showing how each character will play a role in Don’t Starve Together and to show some of the best teams and duos in the game.

Getting started

By judging each characters powers and stats they will be assigned into 3 main groups which shows you the character’s role/roles in Don’t Starve Together. (Some of the assigning is based on my opinion, but its mostly based on powers and stats.)

The well-rounded

For a character to be well-rounded it must have well-balanced stats and little to no downsides. A well-rounded character is a very sought after character in Don’t Starve Together because they can do pretty much anything in the game.

  • Wilson: He is the starter character he’s the one who set the standards for hunger, health, and sanity plus he has no downsides and grows a beard. THE PERFECT CHARACTER!!!
  • Woodie: He has the same stats as wilson and can destroy anything with his axe and as the werebeaver. He also regains sanity by planting trees and eating trees restores his beaver meter. THE PERFECT LUMBERJACK!!! (Just make sure to keep the beaver meter up and eat lots of logs or else the curse will arrive.)
  • WX-78: WX-78 This robot may start out with low stats, but they are always in balance even after upgrading them and once upgraded WX-78 has the best stats in the game. Also WX-78 can eat anything spoiled or not without complications. Lastly If WX-78 is struck by lighting, The robot will get a massive boost in speed and will produce its own light source. Lastly, the robot will regen full health when struck by lightning. (Just remember to stay out of the rain.)
  • Webber: His sanity may be below average, but it makes up for his perks. He starts out with a spider egg (Which he can craft or give to other players.) and he can get spiders to do all his combat plus he can eat monster meat without any complications. Finally, he can grow a beard of silk. Since of these perks, webber can do anything in the game. (Besides who needs pig and bunny men anyway.)

The hunters

The hunters are characters that are good at killing anything in combat and characters that can take a beating and still be in good shape. Another type of character that is the most sought after in Don’t Starve Together.

  • Wigfrid (My main ;D): This actress Has her damage taken reduced and deals more damage in combat (not as much as wolfgang, but still a lot.) She has her own combat helm and spear (Which she can craft and give to other players.) and regains sanity and health after killing an enemy. THE PERFECT HUNTRESS!!! (once you get passed only eating meat.)
  • Wolfgang: He Deals the most damage, he runs the fastest, and he has the most health out of any character in the game! (When in mighty form: aka full hunger.) Just make sure to keep that belly and sanity up to par and to avoid the dark.
  • Wendy: She may deal less damage then any other character (Except Wes.), but don’t let that fool you because once you summon abigail, you can kill anything (Ok maybe not penguins and beefilo but close to anythng.) Also, her sanity drain buff makes it so she is less likely to go insane from fighting monsters and being the dark. She can also craft abigails flower and give it to other Wendy players to use.
  • Maxwell: He may the low health in the game, but due to his starter items, he can start killing things fairly early on in the game. (just dont get carried away.) Also his sanity is constantly regenerating so you dont have to worry about his sanity plummeting during the harder seasons. Lastly, he can create his own shadow puppets using the Codex Umbra. (Wich he can craft or give to other Maxwell players.) The shadow puppets then aid him in combat and collecting resources. (Just make sure to not spawn in to many or else you will lose a lot of sanity.) FUN FACT! Maxwell can read Wickerbottom”s books! =D

The collectors

The collectors are characters that due to there powers/stats are able to grab/craft any supplies the group needs with ease. not as important but its still good to have one.

Willow: Due to her lighter (Which she can craft and give to other players.) and her boost of sanity from fire plus her immunity to fire damage, Willow is the best character for night exploring and cave exploring. (Just dont lose to much sanity or else you will be in for a chilly suprise.) In conclusion, she can get materials no matter the circumstances. Also Bernie helps her out a lot when she needs him the most (How cute =D )

Wickerbottom: Since she has science machine level crafting at the start of the game, Wickerbottom makes the best character for crafting items and making a base. Her books (Which she can craft and give to other Wickerbottom players to use.) can also be used to make crops grow, make birds spawn, and put animals to sleep. (Even though she has the highest sanity in the game just remember this one word: INSOMNIA!!!)

Wes: Wes may have trouble surviving but since of his hunger drain debuff he will be out and about looking for food more often (=MORE FOOD!!!) and he is a good guy to tag along with because he can distract mobs with his ballons (Which he can craft and give to other Wes players.) so the other player can get the treasures near/from the mob (A bit of a strech but it works.)


Now that you know all the character’s roles in Don’t Starve Together lets start getting into teams and duos. These are some examples of some duos. (There are more duos out there then just these ones so try to experiment.) (I know the max amount of players is 6, but after theres more then 4 players in a game, stratagy goes out the window.)

The brains:

The brawns:

Hard mode:

Unlikley allies:

Brains and a little bit of spritual power:


Guardian of the robot:

The love birds:

The Crazies: (My NEW favorite duo.)

The Spider Warriors: (Fan-made =D)

Westfrid (Sorry I couldn’t help myself XD)


Teams have about 3-4 people and here are a few examples (There are more teams out there so try to experiment.)

The Rounded:

Combat masters:

Collecting of the collectors and woodie:

Mixing it up: (My favorite team.)

Mixing it up 2.0:

Mixing it up 3.0

Brains V.S. brawns:

This will be hard:

A stereotypical blockbuster movie:

The Crazies and the robot:

The Spider Killers:

The Strong and the Wes:

In conclusion…

Now you have some what of a strategy for crafting your team in Don’t Starve Together!!! So what are you waiting for?! go play some Don’t Starve Together and show off your new strats.

Please be sure to leave a like or a comment so I can learn what I could change in this guide or if you want to play Dont Starve Together with me and thanks for reading =) (P.S. If another character or changes to a character are added to the game. I will update the guide to include the new character or new stats.)

If you speak russian, here is a link to the Russian version of the guide. [link]