DOOM >> Cheat Codes for DOOM II: Hell on Earth

DOOM >> Cheat Codes


This guide contains some standart cheat codes for DOOM, DOOM II and Final DOOM. If you have forgotten something, here you will find the answer.


To use a cheat code in most versions of the game, one simply types the code while playing (this also applies while in automap mode).

Standart Cheat Codes

  • iddqd – Sets health to 100% and makes player immune to damage.
  • idkfa – Grants full megaarmor protection (200%), all weapons, full ammo, and all the keys.
  • idfa – This is the same as idkfa above, but excludes the keys.
  • idclip – No clipping. The player can walk through walls, monsters, and obstacles, climb high ledges instantly, and pass through items and across all tagged linedefs with no effect.
  • idspispopd – No clipping. This works only in Doom and The Ultimate Doom.
  • idbehold# (When # is one of the letters below) – this gives the powers of an item:
    R“: Radiation shielding suit.
    I“: Partial invisibility.
    V“: Invulnerability.
    A“: Computer area map.
    L“: Light amplification visor.
    S“: Berserk.
  • idchoppers – Gives the option to select the chainsaw.
  • iddt – This cheat reveals information if used while in automap mode, showing additional data the second time it is used:
    First use: full automap (reveals unexplored areas, including invisible linedefs not shown by the computer area map powerup).
    Second use: full automap with items, monsters, players, obstacles, and decorations.
    Third use: the automap is restored to normal.
  • idmypos – Shows the player’s coordinates and compass direction (note that these numbers are hexadecimal, and may require some practice to interpret quickly).
  • idmus## – Plays music from level MAP## in Doom II or Doom, and E#M# in The Ultimate Doom. Using this cheat code will make the player change weapons in hand if the numbers pressed correspond to available weapons.
  • idclev## – Warps to level E#M# or MAP##.

All Maps + secret levels

Doom or The Ultimate Doom


1) Knee-Deep in the Dead:
E1M1: Hangar
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
E1M3: Toxin Refinery (Exit to secret level)
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Lab
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly (Barons of Hell are bosses)
E1M9: Military Base (Secret level)
E1M10: Sewers

2) The Shores of Hell:
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: Refinery
E2M4: Deimos Lab
E2M5: Command Center (Exit to secret level)
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats
E2M8: Tower of Babel (Cyberdemon is boss)
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery (Secret level)

3) Inferno:
E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus (Exit to secret level)
E3M7: Limbo
E3M8: Dis (Spider Mastermind is the boss)
E3M9: Warrens (Secret level)

4) Thy Flesh Consumed (Ultimate Doom only):
E4M1: Hell Beneath
E4M2: Perfect Hatred (Exit to secret level)
E4M3: Sever the Wicked
E4M4: Unruly Evil
E4M5: They Will Repent
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
E4M7: And Hell Followed
E4M8: Unto the Cruel (Spiderdemon is boss)
E4M9: Fear (Secret level)

Doom II: Hell on Earth

1) MAP01 to MAP06 (subterranean/starport levels):
Level 1: Entryway
Level 2: Underhalls
Level 3: The Gauntlet
Level 4: The Focus
Level 5: The Waste Tunnels
Level 6: The Crusher

2) MAP07 to MAP11 (hellish outpost levels):
Level 7: Dead Simple
Level 8: Tricks and Traps
Level 9: The Pit
Level 10: Refueling Base
Level 11: ‘O’ of Destruction!1

3) MAP12 to MAP20 (city levels):
Level 12: The Factory
Level 13: Downtown
Level 14: The Inmost Dens
Level 15: Industrial Zone (Exit to secret level)
Level 16: Suburbs
Level 17: Tenements
Level 18: The Courtyard
Level 19: The Citadel
Level 20: Gotcha!

4) MAP21 to MAP30 (inside hell levels):
Level 21: Nirvana
Level 22: The Catacombs
Level 23: Barrels o’ Fun
Level 24: The Chasm
Level 25: Bloodfalls
Level 26: The Abandoned Mines
Level 27: Monster Condo
Level 28: The Spirit World
Level 29: The Living End
Level 30: Icon of Sin

5) MAP31 and MAP32 (secret levels):
Level 31: Wolfenstein2 (Exit to super secret level)
Level 32: Grosse2

Final Doom

(Final Doom is a pair of standalone Doom II modifications, The Plutonia Experiment and TNT: Evilution)

TNT: Evilution

1) MAP01 to MAP06 (experimental labs levels):
Level 1: System Control
Level 2: Human BBQ
Level 3: Power Control
Level 4: Wormhole
Level 5: Hanger
Level 6: Open Season

2) MAP07 to MAP11 (military base levels):
Level 7: Prison
Level 8: Metal
Level 9: Stronghold
Level 10: Redemption
Level 11: Storage Facility

3) MAP12 to MAP20 (nighttime levels):
Level 12: Crater
Level 13: Nukage Processing
Level 14: Steel Works
Level 15: Dead Zone (Exit to secret level)
Level 16: Deepest Reaches
Level 17: Processing Area
Level 18: Mill
Level 19: Shipping/Respawning
Level 20: Central Processing

4) MAP21 to MAP30 (hellish levels):
Level 21: Administration Center
Level 22: Habitat
Level 23: Lunar Mining Project
Level 24: Quarry
Level 25: Baron’s Den
Level 26: Ballistyx
Level 27: Mount Pain
Level 28: Heck
Level 29: River Styx
Level 30: Last Call

5) MAP31 and MAP32 (secret levels):
Level 31: Pharaoh (Exit to super secret level)
Level 32: Caribbean

The Plutonia Experiment

1) MAP01 to MAP06 (initial Earth levels):
Level 1: Congo
Level 2: Well of Souls
Level 3: Aztec
Level 4: Caged
Level 5: Ghost Town
Level 6: Baron’s Lair

2) MAP07 to MAP11 (later Earth levels):
Level 7: Caughtyard
Level 8: Realm
Level 9: Abattoire
Level 10: Onslaught
Level 11: Hunted

3) MAP12 to MAP20 (hellish levels):
Level 12: Speed
Level 13: The Crypt
Level 14: Genesis
Level 15: The Twilight (Exit to secret level)
Level 16: The Omen
Level 17: Compound
Level 18: Neurosphere
Level 19: NME
Level 20: The Death Domain

4) MAP21 to MAP30 (devil-hive levels):
Level 21: Slayer
Level 22: Impossible Mission
Level 23: Tombstone
Level 24: The Final Frontier
Level 25: The Temple of Darkness
Level 26: Bunker
Level 27: Anti-Christ
Level 28: The Sewers
Level 29: Odyssey of Noises
Level 30: The Gateway of Hell

5) MAP31 and MAP32 (secret levels):
Level 31: Cyberden (Exit to super secret level)
Level 32: Go 2 It

(The vast majority of the levels use a diamond-shaped teleport pad as the exit.)


This guide was created for who don’t remember some codes. Have fun!