100% Achievement guide for: Door Kickers: Action SquadCreated on March 18th 2020 & Published on March 19th 2020 – Will be kept up to date.
This guide was made with the intention to provide guidelines on how to unlock all available achievements for Door Kickers: Action Squad. While most achievements are self-explanatory and will be earned naturally just by playing the game, others require some coordination and guidance. The content within this guide is subject to change, mostly in order to keep up with updates but also to correct any inaccurate information.
I’m aware that I’m late to the party with this guide but better late than never.
Story Progression Achievements
Warming Up – Get 3 stars in a mission.
Self-explanatory. To get three stars in a mission simply save all hostages and don’t use the extra life strategic ability. Using health packs, armor packs or sniper support does not give you a penalty and from what I have been able to tell, taking your time on missions does not have a big (if any) impact on getting three stars.
Gangland Pacifier – Successfully complete all missions in Chapter 1
Cleanup the Hood – 3-Star all missions in Chapter 1
Troublemakers Arriving – Unlock Chapter 2
Self-explanatory. This achievement unlocks once you enter chapter 2.
Radicalized – Successfully complete all missions in Chapter 2
No Quarter – 3-Star all missions in Chapter 2
Things Heating Up – Unlock Chapter 3
Self-explanatory. This achievement unlocks once you enter chapter 3.
Alert Extinguished – Successfully complete all missions in Chapter 3
We Stand on Guard – 3-Star all missions in Chapter 3
Metro Calling – Unlock Chapter 4
Self-explanatory. This achievement unlocks once you enter chapter 4.
Bite the Apple – Successfully complete all missions in Chapter 4
Not in my City – 3-Star all missions in Chapter 4
Hell is Coming – Unlock Chapter 5
Self-explanatory. This achievement unlocks once you enter chapter 5.
Not on My Watch – Successfully complete all missions in Chapter 5
Cartel Annihilator – 3-Star all missions in Chapter 5
Going Home – Unlock Chapter 7
Self-explanatory. This achievement unlocks once you enter chapter 7.
The Court is Clear – Successfully complete all missions in Chapter 7
King of my Castle – 3-Star all missions in Chapter 7
Milestone Achievements
There is an experience / achievement farm level on the steam workshop which can be useful for grinding certain milestone achievements if you are feeling impatient. I haven’t played the map myself so if you have any technical questions or requests you need to ask the author of the map.
No Mercy – Kill 50 bad guys
Kill 50 enemies with any class.
No Respite – Kill 1000 bad guys
Kill 1000 enemies with any class.
Death Dealer – Get 100 kills as Assaulter
Buckshot Season – Get 100 kills as Breacher
Lady Justice – get 100 kill as Shield
Federal Authority – Get 100 kills as Agent Fergie
I See Things and I Kill Them – Get 100 kills as Recon
Grumpy McAngry – Get 100 kills as Off-duty Guy
Door Kicker – Kick Open 100 Doors
Self-explanatory. Kick open 100 doors with any class.
Door Hater – Kick Open 1000 Doors
Self-explanatory. Kick open 1000 doors with any class.
Attention Getter – Blow Open 100 Doors
Breaching charges and red barrels both count towards the achievement.
The Thin Blue Line – Rescue 50 Wounded Policemen
It doesn’t matter if the policemen die after they have been rescued as they still count towards the achievement.
Cavalry is Here – Rescue 50 hostages
Hostages count as rescued once they fade away and you gain strategic points. Try not to shoot them when they are running away.
Building Community – Rescue 1000 hostages
Self-explanatory. See additional details from the achievement above.
I Like Them Numb – Stun 500 enemies
You can stun enemies by using stun grenades, kicking in doors they are standing behind, using melee attacks or landing on them when jumping from above.
Cleanse by Fire – Set 20 enemies on fire
The best way to set enemies on fire is by using Breacher’s dragon’s breath.
Efficient – Use sniper support to kill 100 enemies
Slacker – Use sniper to kill 1000 enemies
Warrant Server – Make 5 VIP Arrests
Arrest 5 “Bigshots”, which are an enemy type that walks around with a cane, yellow hat and a red T-shirt. Arresting “Tiny Trouble” which is a skinny enemy that runs away does not count towards the achievement. Walk up to them to arrest them.
EOD – Disarm 30 bombs
Self-explanatory. Best way to farm this achievement is to play a small map where the bomb is always on the same spot. You don’t have to finish the mission for it to count.
Special Achievements
Two is a Party – Win one mission in Coop
Self-explanatory. If you don’t have a friend to play with this can be done solo. Easiest way to do it alone is to first load in a small map like the Mission 1 of Chapter 1 and then spawn in player 2 via drop in co-op (edit your key-binds so you can control 2 players at once). Play and finish the level and the achievement should appear.
Ketchup – Kill an enemy with an elevator
There are a couple of maps where this can be done on. For example, Mission 10 in Chapter 7 have a few elevators in the basement area where some enemies will spawn. The type of enemy that spawn is random on some locations but most of them can be baited by riding the elevator to their floor and lure them towards you. Let them step under or above the elevator and crush them when they are in position. It could take a couple of attempts to get it right.
Heating up the Night – Kill 3 enemies by blowing up one barrel
In Mission 10 of Chapter 3 is a balcony with 2 hostages and 1 red barrel, below to the right are 3 enemies standing idle. Shoot the barrel until it starts burning then kick it down to the right, the explosion should kill all 3 enemies and grant you the achievement. If not, you can go to the left to another balcony and repeat the process since a red barrel and 3 enemies can also be found there. This can be done with all classes except Agent Fergie because her kick is too weak.
Good Breach – Kill 3 enemies with one breaching charge
This achievement can also be done in Mission 10 of Chapter 3 but this time you should bring breaching charges and play as Agent Fergie. After you have killed both flamethrower enemies go to the left on the same floor where they spawned and you should see one “Molotov Manny” standing next to 2 “Blowup Barts”. Because the door between you and them is unlocked you would kick it down in one go if you played as anyone else but Agent Fergie. If you play Agent Fergie without the door kicking upgrade you can kick it once without breaking it which allows you to plant a breaching charge and kick it to lure the enemies towards you. Once they are close enough detonate the charge to get the achievement.
Ninja – Complete a level without taking any damage whatsoever
This can easily be done in Mission 1 of Chapter 1 when playing as Off-duty Guy or Assaulter. If you are still having trouble you can throw smoke grenades on the door you are going to kick open and the enemy won’t see or attack you.
Looks Interesting – Collect your first secret item
Simply collect your first doughnut (secret item). Locations listed under next achievement.
Completionist – Collect all 20 secret items
A doughnut location guide made by panzerfaust.exe can be found below. The guide isn’t written in English but thanks to the pictures it can be used by anyone.
Hidden Achievements
Darwin Award – Kill yourself with your own explosives
Self-explanatory. Throw a breaching charge on the ground and detonate when standing on it. Normal grenades work too.
Bad Eyesight – Kill 50 Hostages
Pest Control – Kill 50 rats
Self-explanatory. Mission 7 in Chapter 1 has a dark room in the basement filled with rats. Replay the mission to get the achievement fast.
In the Nick of Time – Defuse a bomb in the last 3 seconds
It takes 10 seconds to defuse a bomb. To get the achievement defuse the bomb when the timer is at 12 seconds.
Terminator – use 5 extra lives in the same mission
I personally did this in Mission 2 in Chapter 7 since the map has a lot of hostages and enemies. Bring breaching charges and simply kill enemies until you have enough strategic points for a extra life. Kill yourself using breaching charges and wait until the extra life ability revives you. It will spawn you back at full armor, gear and HP so you can easily repeat the process 4 times until the achievement appears. Note that it resets your strategic points so don’t collect more than you need.
Another great level to get this achievement on is Mission 10 in Chapter 4 as autumnsky suggested. You can get it here if you want to get the achievement sooner while playing the chapters chronologically.
Stay With Me – Resurrect another player 5 times in the same mission.
This can be done solo if needed by controlling 2 players using drop in co-op (edit your key-binds so you can control 2 players). The process is the same as the Terminator achievement. Pick a map with plenty of enemies and then kill off player 2 with either explosives or by walking into enemies without shooting. Once player 2 dies player 1 can collect strategic points and revive player 2. Repeat 4 times until it grants you the achievement.
This is my first attempt at a steam guide so hopefully you found it helpful. Don’t forget to rate this guide and if you have any questions or suggestions let me know in the comment section. I’m open for feedback.