Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Guide

Dragon's Dogma- How to Create Saber from Fate/Zero & Sylvanas/High Elf from WoW for Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon’s Dogma- How to Create Saber from Fate/Zero & Sylvanas/High Elf from WoW


How to change existing main pawn and main character character creation. Also provide a detailed preset of Saber from Fate/Zero and Sylvanas/Blood Elf from World of Warcraft. Also provides the weapon and armor you should use after character creation.

Changing an existing save file’s Main Character & Main Pawn’s character creation settings.

In order to change an existing save file’s main character and main pawn’s character creation settings legally, you must have at least 5,000 RC (Rift Crystals). Once Per playthrough! The item will be out of stock from the vendor until New Game Plus. So use with care!

How to Obtain Rift Crystals (RC)
All creaters have a small chance to drop RC when killed. However, they are more commonly dropped in the Everfall or on Bitterblack Isle. The easiest way to get RC is when someone rents your main pawn. The experience they gained while rented is turned into RC.

Once you have at least 5,000 RC here is what you need to do:
1) Go to the Encampment (The place where you first created your main pawn.)

2) Find Johnathan. (He is inside the tent with the Rift Stone)

3) Talk to him and purchase an item called “Art of Metamorphosis
(You only need one! This will apply to both you and your main pawn. Just kidding he only has 1 for sale lol)

4) Afterwards it will seem like you didn’t receive the item. However, it is automatically used upon purchase. Don’t worry it did work! This also means it can not be forged at The Black Cat.

5) Save and Exit to Main Menu after using the item.
(Make Sure you Save! Don’t return to main menu without saving)

6) Go to the Main Menu screen where “Load Game” is available. Scroll all the way down and you should see a new option called edit character or something.

If you mess up then RIP until New Game Plus, so please be CAREFUL always double check you settings.

7) After you are done with your main character and confirm it’s settings, another pop up will appear for you to change your main pawn’s character creation settings.

Saber- Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night

-Hairstyle- 43 – Color= Last box (Last Row, Last Box)
-Faceshape- 3 – Size= 2nd bar, Skin Color= 1st row 2nd color
-Eyes- 3 – Vertical P.= All the way left, Spacing= 1st bar, Size= All the way right, Eye Color= 5th row 3rd color
-Brows- 32 – Veritcal P.= 2nd bar, Spacing= 3rd bar, Color= 5th row 2nd Color
-Nose- 13 – Vertical P.= All the way left, Size= All the way left
-Mouth- 26- Vertical P.= 1st bar
-Ears- 9 – Vertical P. 1st bar, Postion= 2nd bar

-Stature- Height= 3rd bar, Weight= 1st bar, Skin Color= 1st row 2nd color
-Build- Musculature= All the way left, Bust Size= 3rd bar
-Torso- 7 –
-Arms- 9 –
-Legs- 8 –
-Stance- Posture= 3rd bar, Stance= 1st bar

-Scars- 1 –
-Wrinkles= All the way left
-Makeup- 12 – Makeup Color= 5th row 1st color
-Color Adjustment- (See Related Section)

Weapon- Longsword= Dwells-In-Light {Note: In the anime Saber does not use a shield}
Sword= Ascalon
Shield= Orilux Shield (Provided Sword and Shield if you want Fighter Vocation)

Head- Armor= Ancient Circlet

Torso- Clothing= Silver Cuirass
Armor= Gryphic Armor

Arms- Armor= Gryphic Gauntlets

Legs- Clothing= Silver Hosen
Armor= Gryphic Greaves

Cloaks- Lordly Cape

Rings- Dragonblood
Blue Star Earring (Just for Looks)

Sylvanas/High Elf- World of Warcraft

-Hairstyle- 62 – Color= Last box (Last Row, Last Color) {For Sylvanas use Hairstyle 47 or 24}
-Faceshape- 3 – Size 2nd bar, Skin Color= 1st row 2nd color
-Eyes- 3 – Vertical P.= 1st bar, Spacing= 1st bar, Size= All the way right, Eye Color= 3rd row 5th color
-Brows- 32 – Vertical P.= 2nd bar, Spacing= 3rd bar, Color= Same as hair (Last Row, Last Color)
-Nose- 13 – Vertical P.= All the way left, Size= All the way left
-Mouth- 26 – Vertical P.= 2nd bar
-Ears- 16- Vertical P.= 2nd bar, Poistion= 2nd bar
-Voice= Type 6

-Stature- Height= 3rd bar, Weight= 1st bar, Skin Color= 1st row 2nd color
-Build- Masculature= All the way left, Bust Size= 3rd bar
-Torso- 7 –
-Arms- 9 –
-Legs- 8 –
-Stance- Posture= 3rd bar, Stance= 1st bar

-Scars- 1 –
-Wrinkles= All the way left
-Makeup- 12 – Makeup Color= 5th row 1st color
-Color Adjustment- (See Related Section)

For Sylvanas Armor use Abyssinal Armor Set – Replace the Chest Clothing piece for exposed mid section
Use Swordsman’s Mantle for Red Sylvanas Cape
Use whatever for normal blood elf that fits you

Set used in screenshot:
Weapon – Magic Bow= Militant Dove
Dagger= Chilling Razors (Dagger shown isnt this, but you should use this)
Head- Armor= Ancient Circlet

Torso- Clothing= Maiden’s Camisole
Armor- Maiden’s Petticoat

Arms- Tiger Bangle

Legs- Clothing- Silk Lingerie
Armor- Scale Greaves

Cloaks- Lordly Cape

Rings- Dragonblood
Blue Star Earring
