Deep Rock Galactic Guide

DRG Overclock Overview v2.0 for Deep Rock Galactic

DRG Overclock Overview v2.0


Working on updating it for UPDATE 32 —May take a min to load due to size.

What This Guide is About

This guide is very much a work in progress and each week we will be adding more to it. We also would greatly appreciate any who might wish to add their opinions to this guide and feel free to add me!

This guide is written under the belief that weapon builds should focus exclusively on the individual player and their play style. Not some lord of the rings one build to rule them all approach. Not every player has the time to go through each overclock and test if its a good fit for them. To that end this guide is here to present opinions of players who have used these overclocks for a week and the strengths they have found each overclock to truly excel.

We leave it to the players who read this to determine then whether they might find a overclock useful for their own play styles and builds.

Things to Note:
While we are not here to push a given build, we do present them just for reference so people can see where our opinions are coming from.

For those who may not be familiar with the build format when a build list is posted for example 1,3,2,2,1 what is meant is that for each row of weapon upgrades there are up to 3 possible choices which we call 1 2 and 3.

In this instance below we would have 3,1,2,2,1



“Thunderhead” Heavy Autocannon


Hard Stats

Damage: +12

Mag Size: -55

Max Ammo: -110

Base Spread: -30%

Top Rate of Fire: -1.5


Build : 2,3,3,1,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

This thing is another beast for an overclock. With gear mods the direct damage can be buffed up to 30. When the top rof bonus is added in that jumps to 33. It also still retains a small splash damage of 9. Combined with armor break waves of anything just melt. Armor break shreds armor off bugs while the high direct damage melts grunts and tears down praetorians. Very little survives for long head on against this thing. To add on the base spread is reduced by a whopping 30%, gear mods can tear that down further by another 20% making base spread just 50% default meaning all those shots you normally miss with auto cannon are going to hit dead on far more often.

Then the drawbacks come in. You take massive hits to ammo and clip size. Players will have to make hard choices about how much ammo they can get away with in mission. 330 rounds is not a lot for a gun that spills ammo like mad. It is very easy to run out of ammo with a thunder cannon. You also take a hard hit to rate of fire which is sort of a mixed blessing as a lower rate of fire means you can reach max rate of fire faster to get that 20% damage bonus if you take it. But it also means you will be spewing out damage much much slower so it’s good you are doing so much damage per round. Combined with a painful slow reload you will have to be very careful how you use the gun and when you reload. Having a shield ready to keep the bugs at bay while you reload is critical with this overclock. Still if you can learn to control your fire properly this overclock is madly powerful in the hands of a good gunner and highly recommended.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: -3

Area Damage: -6

Effect Radius: +0.3


Build : 1,1,3,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

The neurotox has gotten some dev love since it first came out. It used to be pretty meh at best but the toxin now does a fairly respectable amount of damage to low hp enemies like grunts and mactera. A haz 4 grunt will take roughly half its hp in damage from the toxin alone and the area effect when beefed with gear mods it’s pretty respectable at 2.3 so you’ll cover a lot of enemies in toxin in one hit. It is highly recommended to use the fear gear mod with this as enemies will take the toxin then run from the fear taking DoT damage as they run off so when they return they will be at sometimes noticeably less health making them easier to kill. Even better is against everyones’ blood enemy, the grabber. The neuro tox will last long enough that even after a grabber turns around to make another pass it will still be taking DoT damage and run away again instantly, so on mactera modifier missions where grabbers are left and right it’s incredibly useful both against the mactera and in keeping the grabbers at bay during a swarm.

Then comes the bad, you take some hard hits to both direct damage and area damage. Your area damage is gone; toss the baby out with the bath water on that one. The one gear mod to add some of that back is pretty worthless so my best setup was to focus on rebuilding my direct damage and it did really well. Relying heavily on the fear to turn away the grunts and praetorians leaving just the heavier enemies to deal with and letting the toxin work down the hp on the enemies running away let me massively stretch my ammo, essentially I let the toxin do most of the work on the trash enemies saving my ammo for beefier targets. All around a good overclock albeit a little tricky to use. Highly recommended for more defensive gunners.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Area Damage: +1

Effect Radius: +0.3


Build : 1,1,3,2,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

If you are straight up happy with the thunder cannons gear mods, this adds a nice little buff to its area damage. Not wow worthy but it does beef your dps a little at higher rates of fire. Very simple and recommended for any aggressive gunner.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +110

Reload Time: -0.5


Build : 1,1,3,2,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

Another overclock for people going in with just the gear mods, depending on how you set up the auto cannon an extra 110 ammo can represent an entire extra clip of ammo and for the rate of fire the gun spits out that is well worth it many times. The shave in reload time is not all that noticeable but anything that tears down that awful 5 second reload is a blessing when it all hits the fan. Still an all around great overclock to have for the more spray and pray among us 🙂

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Damage: -6

Area Damage: +3

Effect Radius: +0.7


Build : 2,1,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

Of all the over clocks in the game the carpet bomber is easily one of the more controversial. This overclock focuses on the auto cannons splash damage adding to both the area damage and the size of the effect radius. Combined with gear mods the effect radius can be grown to nearly 3 which does not sound all impressive but that’s roughly equivalent to 4 or 5 grunts stacked next to each other on either side of the impact of the round. And it’s handy too because the base spread of the auto cannon is pretty massive, out of 10 rounds you might be lucky if 5 hit the target mid-range. However with a large area of effect it also means you can miss and still hit your target. Also combined with gear mods you can boost the area damage up to 14 which is pretty impressive when compared against the lead storms 16 direct damage value. Due to the wide versatility of the auto cannons gear mods its further possible to mod the gun for 15 direct damage, 12 splash damage, and a effect radius of 2.7, all of which sounds pretty over powered and is until you factor in the massive spread and slow rate of fire growth. Still for point blank engagements the carpet bomber is a beast, capable of melting grunts into nothing or using the fear to turn back enemies that survive to get within melee range. All of which offsets the massive spread allowing a player to control a swarm with relative ease.

The downsides are the -6 to damage takes a real hit to your direct damage and while you can rebuild this with gear mods its largely suggested not to as the massive spread will mean hitting targets with rounds in anything but close range is extremely difficult. Most players tend to go all in on the splash but this forces you to rely on your secondary and grenades and shields when the swarm gets too close coupled with a dreadful reload time. Mastering this overclock can be difficult for many so its not suggested for those who are going cold turkey from the Leadstorm Minigun. Still all around the carpet bomber when properly used is overwhelmingly powerful and highly recommended for any gunner.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Magazine Size: -55

Movement Speed while Using: +35%

Reload Time: -1

Base Spread: -30%


Build : 2,3,3,1,1

Experience with it:

—- Update 32 —-

(edit: update image)

This got some much needed love. It was an absolute garbage heap before. So lets get jiggy with it. The Pro? Normally when you fire the auto cannon you take a whopping 50% hit to your movement speed while firing. This shrinks that to just 15% and you very much see it in game. Basically the walk speed of the gunner is now the same as while firing. For newer players this can be a real thing since other classes do not tend to suffer from this penalty most of the time. Not wow worthy but definitely a pro. The Autocannon also suffers from some god awful spread and reload speed. This very much buffs those up. +1 to reload speed might not seem much but it can be a life saver when you are in the middle of being overrun and -30% to spread means your rounds will be landing on target much farther away now. Its still not a sniper compared to a minigun but for almost all caves its more than able to snipe targets on the other side of the cave now.

Then comes the pain. -55 to clip size…ouch. The auto cannon chews through rounds like mad at max rate of fire. You are talking about just 55 rounds in the clip…55. You can offset this with gear mods but it gives you a hard choice. An extra 55 rounds for a clip size of 110 OR a whopping extra 220 rounds total. This is important and very much revolves around your build needs. You could also sacrifice both and take the damage mod in the same tier. With damage bonus of 20% at max RoF that comes in to a hefty 25.2 damage per round.

The judgement? Heres the rub, autocannons can be built in a dizzying number of ways but most builds tend to fall into one of two lines. Either you rely on the AoE to do what you want to do or the Direct Damage. AoE builds usually need a LOT of ammo in the clip to do their magic and this nerfs the crap out of your clip size. This overclock strongly pushes you into the Direct Damage build line. The Big Bertha OC still smokes this thing in terms of DPS but if you are looking to be a supportive gunner its incredibly useful. You get respectable amounts of damage and a tighter spread letting you really back up your team. For players that are struggling with the autocannons speed debuff this is really handy to kinda get into the groove of how the gun should be handled. It also should be noted that if you are not looking to really specialize the Autocannon but want a direct damage build this is absolutely perfect. All in a very much improved OC now and highly recommended.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE


“Leadstorm” Powered Minigun


Hard Stats

Damage: +4

Sun Chance: -30%

Stun Duration: -1

Movement Speed while Using: -50%


Build : 3,2,1,1,2

Experience with it:
—– 1.0 Update —–

So for many if not most minigun users this is generally going to be their bread and butter for overclocks. The obvious being the +4 damage. It may not seem like much since it is a small damage boost as far as overclocks go but you have to take in the leadstorms max rate of fire. Since it can just spew out bullets at 30ish rounds a second you are talking about a whole extra 4 damage per round. And it is hard not to see it in game, combined with gear mods to control heating things just melt under this overclocks sustained fire. This is especially true for bulks being able to melt them down fairly quickly more so when combined with a engie and a breach cutter.

Then there are some hard draw backs. The most serious being you are unable to move while firing. Which can be dangerous, swarmed by bugs, lethal bugs modifier, being unable to move can get you killed if you can’t handle what is being thrown at you. Since you cannot move you also cannot fall back firing as you go. Players have found ways around this, the most obvious being ziplines. In salvage missions you will frequently see gunners with this overclock riding ziplines to stay somewhat mobile while still being able to fire. You are also unable to stun bugs. Which can be a thing since it allows you to blunt a horde but as long as you can kill faster than they can run you down it is less an issue than you would think.

Overall it is a solid overclock to have especially for elimination missions but you do have to know when to run on higher haz levels and since you can potentially fire non-stop it is easy for some players to get tunnel visioned and run out of ammo before they know it.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: -3

Base Spread: +500%


Build : 3,2,3,1,2

Experience with it:
—– 1.0 Update —–
So i had this awesome theory in my head with this overclock. Set the minigun up for blow through rounds. Fire at a bug for 7 damage, then the round passes through the bug hits the ground and bounces back into the bug for another 7 damage. So potentially 14 damage base before weakpoint bonus per round! Sounds awesome right! In reality

The premise of the overclock is pretty simple rounds bounce off surfaces toward the nearest bug and they do in practice. The game only shows the damage indicators for the bug you are targeting to fire at, not the ones being hit by the bouncing rounds so I was never 100% sure how much damage I was truly doing. I did see rounds damaging nearby bugs to be sure and I was having an easier time melting waves since I was hitting 2 or 3 bugs per shot with the blow through rounds and bouncing hits. But it was not super awesome like I had in my head. It worked just kinda meh.

Then the drawbacks. 500% spread good god. How the hell would I hit anything I aim at. Turns out if you take the accuracy gear mod along that nerfs that to a very managable 120%, not that bad in-game once you hit max rate of fire. The -3 damage is negated since you are getting potentially 2 -3 hits with a single bullet with blow through rounds added in. Here is where the big question came in, was every round that bounced hitting a bug? NO. With a single grunt some rounds did bounce back to the grunt but i clearly saw rounds bouncing completely away. And there is a range and angle to the bounce that bugs have to be in to be targeted and its pretty tight. So 5m away or more and the rounds might bounce harmlessly away.

Is the overclock still viable at higher haz levels? Yeah, its a bit iffy to be sure but once you kinda get the hang of it, it does work well enough. I think it would be better off for more defensive or support gunners given the possible hit to the damage you take.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE


Hard Stats

Damage: +1

Spin-up Time: -0.2


Build : 1,2,2,1,2

Experience with it:
—– 1.0 Update —–

Clean overclocks are generally nothing special, little bump to the stats here and there and it’s done. So this one caught my eye just paperwise. My leadstorm overclock does 16 damage, add in max rate of fire bonus and that moves up to 18 before factoring in bonuses. Except, it’s useless. Short of dreads and bulks there is nothing in game that needs that much firepower and a good team can handle those without a gunner anyway. With this overclock you get a short bump of +1 to damage, which is not all that great. So with gear mods I have 13 damage, add in the rate of fire bonus and that bumps to 15 before other damage bonuses. This single little overclock is just shy of 3 damage compared to a leadstorm. Now when you factor in rate of fire at say 30 rounds a second. My leadstorm was running 540 dps and this overclock was running 450 baseline. A whopping 90 dps difference. Did it matter? NO

Praetorians still died, grunts still died, yeah it was a tad slower but you know what? I could move while firing. I could stun the praes and rip them down completely out of danger. I could still kill a bulk relatively easily. The spin up time decrease you did notice but only just. Nice to have but not a wow factor. If you are running elim missions I am more leaning toward the leadstorm overclock but for literally everything else this is just a better overclock to have for roughly the same damage with NONE of the drawbacks. Highly recommended for any aggressive or frontline gunner.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +300

Cooling Rate: +0.5


Build : 2,2,2,1,2

Experience with it:
—– 1.0 Update —–

Very simple overclock that adds ammo and makes the gun cool a little faster. 300 ammo is not all that much for a leadstorm especially at 34 rounds a second but you do notice the cooling rate slightly faster. Nothing wow worthy but if you are happy with the leadstorm in its stock form this is a decent little overclock to tack on.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE


Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +800

Rate of Fire: -4


Build : 2,2,2,1,2

Experience with it:
—– 1.0 Update —–

This is actually fairly closer to a clean overclock as the one drawback to rate of fire you can rebuild with just one gear mod. The 800 rounds is nothing to sneeze at, that is a good bit of ammo for a leadstorm. If you are flat out happy with the minigun in its stock form this is a fantastic overclock to have for frontline gunners.


Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Damage: +2

Base Spread: +150%


Build : 3,2,2,1,2

Experience with it:
—– 1.0 Update —–

Another minigun overclock that really puts the leadstorm to shame. You get a +2 damage allowing you to mow down most everything in the game with ease and the base spread of 150% can be nerfed pretty hard to just a very reasonable 50% with one gear mod. Almost all the power of the leadstorm overclock with none of the pain.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Heat Generation: +150%


Build : 1,2,2,1,2

Experience with it:
—– 1.0 Update —–

This thing was actually far more useful than I was really imagining. The premise is pretty simple, fire the gun and anything within 3-4 meters burst into flames. And they did, I watched entire swarms of grunts and praetorians explode in flame near instantly. The heat generation is also no joke, the weapon overheats crazy quick even with the gun mods to control heat buildup you still have to reel in your rate of fire with this thing. That being said it was incredibly handy at dealing with trash or mactera if you could get them close enough or even fending off grabbers and sandsharks while you were dealing with the swarm. Highly recommended to bring this on ice biomes where the heat does extra damage to the enemies there. If you are badass enough also bring burning bullets as it is pretty easy to keep the guns heat meter into the red. I sadly was not lol, I was just keeping the heat in check with the cooling mod. Worth noting to keep this away from the magma biome where enemies have a base heat resist.

The downside is the heat generation is still 50% even with the gun mods and it passively nerfs your rate of fire trying to keep the heat in line. Is that worth it just to set things on fire? Eh, compared to other overclocks I would say no but it does excel in the ice biomes. All around a good overclock for more support gunners or defensive gunners.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE

“Bulldog” Heavy Revolver


Hard Stats

Damage: +50

Max Ammo: -13

Recoil: +150%

Spread per Shot: +71%

Magazine Size: -1

Reload Time: +0.5

Base Spread: -50%


Build : 2,2,3,2,1

Experience with it:
—– 1.0 Update —–

There was a time when the bulldog with elephant rounds was a near god tier weapon. Massive firepower, controllable recoil and spread. Very little could withstand it. Since then it’s taken some hard nerfs. The bull dog now has a massive recoil and bullet spread on top of just a 3 round clip now. The recoil and spread can still be controlled with a gear mod but that same gear mod forces you to give up a huge chunk of damage which is what made the bulldog with this overclock so deadly.

It is still a powerful weapon even with the offset nerfs and certainly a good sniper weapon for a gunner with an auto cannon. But the loss in firepower via the recoil and the bullet spread just does not make it the shock and awe gun it once was. Is it still useful? Immensely and highly recommended. It is certainly far more on par with the BRT17 now as opposed to before.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: -20

Max Ammo: +8


Build : 1,1,1,2,1

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

This overclock is one of those useful/not useful overclocks. Any who the premise is you do not actually have to hit the target to hit it. Rounds will bounce off and automatically fly toward the nearest target. While you cannot really fire wildly into the air to hit something you do have to fire off a hard surface near your intended target. You take a pretty hard hit to the damage stat off the bat so this is more about stopping a target so your main weapon can bear down on it than really killing anything and you are still stuck with a 4 round clip so.

I did find it really useful for hitting those fast moving targets like mactera or sandsharks or getting wardens to pause to focus on the weak point, it also came in handy rescuing teammates who had been snapped up by the grabbers. I originally went with the aoe thinking that if my direct damage was being tossed out might as well throw the baby out with it but that proved not to work and i went back to what little direct damage i could muster. If you struggle hitting fast movers this is really a good overclock to have.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Damage random between 80% and 140% of weapon damage


Build : 2,1,3,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

The homebrew overclock is on multiple weapons and straight up exist for one reason: for players who do not want to bother with fiddling with the positives and negatives with the other overclocks. They just want a simple oc that gives a little boost and this fills that role perfectly well.

What it does is simple enough. Every shot has its damage randomly fall between 80% and 140% of the weapons possible damage. On my build the damage is at 80. So every shot can do between 64 and 112 damage and it’s just rng. It means your damage output will be varied and really that just boils down to if you can live with it. A shot that you expect to kill a enemy might only take 3/4 of his health but a shot where you expect to take 3/4 of his health might then kill him. On the bulldog even 64 damage is still doing a sizeable amount.
For players who are running the numbers and testing this is so not going to be your cup of tea. For everyone else give it a go and see.

Recommended Hazard Level:

Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Weakpoint hits on enemies riccochet to the next enemy.


Build : 2,2,3,2,1

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

I struggled hard to find any scenario where this particular overclock really shined…. and i got nothing. In order for this overclock to trigger you have to hit a weak point on a enemy,,, while its usually bouncing all over the place… then it chains only to a enemy that is fairly close by….and doesn’t chain to its weak point but wherever it happens to land.
Maybe if you are a crack shot this might be useful? I really could not say. I will certainly welcome anyone who might have had a better experience with this overclock. For now however, there is nothing good to say but to avoid this overclock in the higher haz levels.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: NO
Hazard 4: NO
Hazard 5: NO


Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +8

Magazine Size: +2

Base Spread: +50%

Rate of Fire: +4

Reload Time: +0.5


Build : 2,1,3,2,1

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

This is one of those overclocks for people that are happy with the bulldog with just its gear modifications. That being said, with the setup I used it wasn’t all that bad. A extra two rounds in the clip does not sound impressive but at 80 damage a shot I did need it for heavier targets like the breeder or praetorians and the extra rounds were nice to have given the damage. The spread was not really felt as I took the modification to offset it. Overall in missions, it was not great, it was not terrible, it just was. If you are happy with the bulldog with just its gear modifications this will certainly work well with you. It also feels more like a clean overclock since its one draw back is not really that bad so for people who might not want to fiddle with the pros and cons of overclocks this would be useful too.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Rate of Fire: +4

Recoil: +150%


Build : 2,2,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

I struggled pretty hard to find a happy place with this one. Initially i was really looking forward to a hip fire build. So i loaded up and went in. Boom Boom Boom Boom. Emptied the clip in nothing flat. Nice. Except, by the fourth round my gun was pointing at the ceiling…. recoils a ♥♥♥♥♥…only one option to reduce it to 188%, same result just less at the ceiling. More fiddling around and I finally settled on two builds.

One well call the ass end build, all direct damage, ignore the recoil, went in point blank stuck it up the rear of a prae or oppy boom boom boom boom, cant miss when theres 0m between you and a big butt. Worked fairly well. Two, was the aoe proc build. Took in aoe and neurotoxin. Tossed in the modifier to bring the recoil down. Since neurotoxin does not 100% proc each time the rapid fire and a quick reload let me unload into targets until I do and the aoe makes it mildly effective vs groups. Not super happy with either but they do work. And the high rate of fire lets you pop off rounds pretty fast in a pinch. The downside is a massive recoil which kills said rate of fire and you are still stuck with just a 4 round clip.. Still it a good addition to a player who relies more on their main like the leadstorm to do most all of their work.

—– 1.0 Update —–

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Damage: -25

Damage vs Burning: +300%


Build : 2,1,3,2,1

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

So just stat wise when you work out the math it’s pretty impressive. If you go all in with the damage gear mods you get a base of 55 damage. Multiply that by 300% and you get 165 damage and that’s BEFORE factoring in weak point bonus damage. For comparison a bull dog overclock does 160 damage before bonus weak point damage. There is just one tiny little drawback. Target has be on fire…. Not a big deal right? eh well…. A gunner has two ways to set things on fire. First is the minigun which has gear mods or overclocks that can set things on fire but its not very reliable. Then there’s incendiary grenades which are great at setting things on fire, except you can only carry 4 and they usually melt the weaker enemies like grunts so still a option for harder enemies. The best choice is running with a flamey driller if you know he’s packing one. I see far more cryo drillers these days so maybe not the most reliable overclock for randoms.

Still if you don’t rely super heavily on your sidearm, maybe you are a minigun gunner. It’s a very effective overclock to have, the power of a bulldog without all the kickbacks and next to nothing for ammo drawbacks. The only major flaw is requiring a target to be on fire but if you limit it to heavy targets you would rather not waste ammo on like a detonator or a spawner nest it’s incredibly handy to have.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun


Hard Stats

Damage: -8

Max Ammo: +144

Magazine Size: +24

Recoil: -50%

Spread per Shot: -20%


Build : 1,3,2,3,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

Right off the bat this overclock makes some hard trades. -8 damage is a huge hit but then you take equally huge bonuses to ammo,recoil, and spread. And you very much see it all in game. With my build, recoil in medium range was next to nothing, I was walking around with almost 300 rounds in 40 round clips. But my shots were barely doing over 10 damage even into weak points so I needed all that extra ammo to paint the same damage as before with half the shots. On the other hand, I was not using it to burn down dreads or bring down bulks. I was using my burst gun to save my primary ammo on small targets. 2 or 3 grunts here, finish off a prae there, maybe snipe a spitter or two. Not worth unloading autocannon and leadstorm ammo into. And it was great, making my main weapon ammo last longer helped with tougher situations where I might have run out before. And with gear mods you could offset some of that lost damage. So yeah all around a good overclock for players that tend to rely on their secondary pretty heavily. If nothing else when you’re in a jam, having massive amount of secondary ammo when your main is empty really helps lol.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: -3

Magazine Size: -6


Build : 1,3,2,2,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

I have never been a super big fan of minelets. I get they are useful just never have been my cup of tea. But anywho, with this overclock it is pretty handy to have. For starters unlike other minelet overclocks on other classes, these have a near instant activation timer. Meaning, from the time you shoot the ground till the time they are ready to have a bug activate them, is near instant. Other minelet overclocks have a delay of a second or two. Which is nice, and the stun from the electro is super handy when you find things getting out of control you can just spray the ground infront of a mob to shock them buying you time to flee. On top of that there are overclock and gear mods on other classes that do extra damage to shocked targets , so all around good synergy when properly paired with players in other classes.

Then there are drawbacks. You take noticeable hits to your clip size and damage, you can offset this with gear mods but there is a price to pay for that. My build was only holding 12 rounds a clip so in 6 round burst, I got 2 shots off before a relatively slow reload. So that kind of feeds into your rate of fire when you factor in a semi-slow reload rate. On top of that, not every target can be shocked, grunt guards for instance. And because of the weak damage firing into a targets weak point even wont produce a lot of results, you will end up wasting ammo on anything other than a lowly grunt more often than not. Still if you rely on it just for the stun effect alone it is a handy thing to have for an aggressive gunner than charges in only to find them surrounded and in trouble.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: +10

Base Spread: +300%


Build : 2,3,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

The burst gun as never been my favorite but its a solid gun in some play styles to be sure. I had to fiddle with this one a bit. Option A was to go for a more damage build sacrificing a little damage to rein in the spread and recoil. I ended up with a 34 damage weapon with a 24 round clip and 120 rounds of ammo. Did real damage to even praetorians. And ran out of ammo super fast. A few burst and poof dry pockets. So Option B was to dump my weak point bonus and pick up a little extra ammo for just 30 damage. It was worth it too, 192 rounds in a 24 round clip. I could deal with most weak to medium enemies well enough and those times when i was desperately trying to reload or cool off my gun i just pulled out the burst pistol and held them at bay.

All in its an extremely solid overclock to serve in a pinch for a minigunner that accidentally overheats or a thundercannon user that is pressed with enemies and not enough time to reload. Very handy overclock for people that rely almost entirely on their primary weapon to save your bacon in a pinch.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Damage random between 80% and 140% of weapon damage


Build : 2,2,2,3,3

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

These homebrew overclocks are all the same, if you just do not want to fiddle with overclocks pro’s and con’s or straight up are happy with the gear modifications alone this is a good overclock to have. The damage bounces around a bit but a burst fire pops off several rounds at a time so the odds are pretty good you’ll get 100% damage or higher with each round. That being said between the burst guns gear mods and this overclock, its a respectable weapon to have as a side arm in a pinch. Certainly for gunners who find themselves with their backs to the wall and no time to reload the main weapon.
—- Update 1.0 —-

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +36

Rate of Fire: +1


Build : 2,2,2,3,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

So with the burst pistol when you set it up right, its fairly easy to burn through ammo before you know it. This overclock adds a whole extra 36 rounds which for me was about 2 clips worth but sorely needed and gives a noticeable bump to the rate of fire. My build was running 17 damage so it was extremely handy to whip it out when my primary could not do the trick. Since I use a autocannon it was sometimes easier to just unload my burst pistol into a praes weakspot than wasting ac ammo. Still a very well setup overclock as the extra ammo helps offset the higher rate of fire and higher rate at which you will burn through ammo. With no drawbacks it is very useful for gunners that rely a little more heavily on their secondary to fill gaps where their primary cant handle such as in mid-reload or targets that would be a waste of ammo for a primary weapon.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: +1

Reload Time: -0.2


Build : 1,3,1,3,3

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

So this turned out to be a nice overclock, nothing overpowered mind you, but when combined with gear mods it was more of an all around scenario. Little bump in damage and with the gear mod reload speed, you certainly saw a faster reload. Made the gun handy for a wide range of scenarios, from dealing with stray grunts or mactera, to finishing off a praetorian. If you are happy with the burst guns gear modifications this will certainly help make it a bit more useful without specializing in any one thing.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +84

Rate of Fire: -1

Reload Time: +0.4


Build : 2,3,2,3,3

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

The hits to rates of fire and reload caught my eye at first, I rely on the rate of fire and burst clips to mediate the damage output so a slower reload and rate of fire was going to change how I use the gun with this overclock. A whopping extra 84 rounds however was very handy. Largely I used the overclock during times when I was in a bind and did not have time to reload my primary weapon or when it wasnt useful to waste the ammo of my main weapon. Like against small groups of grunts or finishing off a near dead prae. I was still rocking 17 damage so I could put down most things and 200 rounds of ammo meant even in a bind I could just ping away at even a bulk if need be. But you really felt the reload and rates of fire hit in game. Not enough to hold you back but just noticeable is all. Despite the drawbacks its still a solid overclock for players that rely a little more heavily on their secondaries as opposed to just all minigun all the time playstyles.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: +9

Max Ammo: -36

Magazine Size: -6


Build : 2,2,1,3,3

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

So I ended up really liking this overclock. You take some pretty hard hits to ammo and the clip size but you get a whopping +9 in damage. One of the great things about the burst gun is a wide variety of gear mods to play with. You can easily offset the ammo and mag decreases. The big damage boost means I could still go in with a 19 damage per round freeing up my gear mods to do other things with such as little to no recoil and quicker reloads. It made the gun a fine secondary and felt more like a well balanced overclock. This particular overclock will free up the gear mods to let you mod the burst gun to your liking while still bringing in respectable damage.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Cryo Cannon


Hard Stats

Damage: +6

Freezing Power: -3

Pressure Drop Rate: +50%

Tank Capacity: -50


Build : 1,1,1,3,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 1.0 —-
I was really expecting the changes to make this mod worse but it is better. Far better. I’m not sure if the bug health has been tweaked or what but i can mow down grunts and praes fairly easily now. With gear mods I don’t have pressure problems and i can even freeze things with what little freeze power i have. I very nearly froze a detonator with it which is a huge change. Its impressive really and vastly more useful now. I do recommend it for any aggressive cryo player now.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Tank Capacity: -100

Repressurization Delay: +1


Build : 2,1,1,3,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 1.0 —-
Not going to lie i really thought this was just going to be for giggles. But i’ll be damned it actually does work. A single snowball will freeze most enemies in a small aoe ring. It will even half freeze a detonator. Which is handy combined with a scouts cryo grenade or minelets. And it flies far but at the cost of 30 ammo. I could even respectably kill things with it and freeze even praetorians still. So is it worth it? Eh, I will leave that up to you. i can really see it being useful to some play styles. Certainly handy to save teammates in trouble. But you are talking about trading off a faster cooldown or more damage or any of the other bonuses overclocks can grant on the cryo cannon just to shoot an insta-freezy snowball. So this is really a player by player judge call. Still i do recommend it for aggressive cryo cannon players.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE


Hard Stats

Tank Capacity: +25

Pressure Drop Rate: -25%


Build : 1,1,2,1,1

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

This is a real gem of an overclock. Not only does it add a whopping 25 to ammo but with the gun mods you can set the pressure drop rate so stupid low you can fire almost half your ammo or more before you run out of pressure. It’s a fantastic mod for people just starting out with the cryo as you can really see what it is capable of. You can set it up for a freeze build letting you freeze mass hordes of even praetorians before running out of pressure or good to hang in there freezing bulks or enemies in ice biomes. Or you can set it up for a damage build increasing rate of fire and damage letting you dish out the pain to the swarm. Aside from the trade-offs of other overclocks there are no real drawbacks.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Freezing Power: +1

Flow Rate: +10%


Build : 1,1,2,1,1

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

There are few combos in the game of classes more devastating than a cryo driller built to freeze paired with a gunner. This mod is perfectly matched for a freezy cryo driller. The extra freeze power and higher rate of fire (flow rate) let you freeze even dreads fairly quickly. The downside is just freezing a target does no damage to them and depending on what you are freezing it can eat a lot of ammo in the process. Still, when paired with the rest of your team freezing whole swarms can not only let your teammates save ammo with easy kills but help keep a situation under control. Highly recommended for using in elimination missions.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Pressure Drop Rate: +125%

Pressure Gain Rate: +170%

Flow Rate: +10%


Build : 1,1,2,1,1

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

Not a big fan of the cryo cannon, mostly just because the first several times I used it, I was not terribly thrilled with it. One of the many reasons was the fire rate, with my build at the time I could fire only in short burst before i emptied the pressure chamber. This overclock entirely focuses on this one issue alone. The overclock itself adds a whopping +125% to the rate at which you lose pressure, when you add the gun mods in that drops to just +81% from this overclock.

So what does it do? With all the gear mods added in, lets you fire insanely long with a short recharge before you fire again. And you see it too in game, without the overclock you are frequently having to stop sometimes just short of freezing a enemy, with this overclock you can hang in there till hes dead or fully frozen. Also useful against large hordes where you just need to constantly keep firing to blunt the wave. You do lose pressure faster with this overclock but with the gun mods, you only get a pressure drop rate of +81% which is pretty good for the length of time you can fire. Certainly a far better trade off than without it. Keep in mind without the overclock you have a 36% loss by default, the oc bumps that up just to 81% but also adds a whopping 170% to your recharge rate. It does not make the weapon overpowered so much as it makes it incredibly viable like a flamethrower for average missions where you are not specializing. Since frozen targets take more damage also handy for those hordes of praes. All in a must have for a cryo driller that is aggressive or for noobs that want to give a fair go to the cryo cannon before they dive into all the ways it can really be built out.

I highly recommend this for people that are starting to use the cryo cannon for the first time as it eases you in from the flamethrower.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Repressurization Delay: +1


Build : N/A

Experience with it:

—- Update 1.0 —-
So this was another overclock i was really assuming was just for giggles. To some extent it really is. On the one hand the ice spear really does work. It flies fast and far and if you get good at timing the firing you can do some real damage. On the other hand in haz 4 and 5 there are better over clocks to bring to the fight. On targets such as grunts and menaces or breeders hitting a weak point i could nearly one shot them. But there is a delay in the firing between when you push the button and when the shot fires so that takes some getting used to. A major draw back is that each shot cost a whopping 50 ammo. Even with 600 ammo in the tank that is pretty expensive for a missed shot. And the incredibly low rate of fire means you will not be pumping out the rounds. Furthermore armored targets suffer little to no noticeable damage even in weak spots in hazard 4 and 5.

I could still freeze and kill effectively enough but sacrificing more useful over clocks for an albeit neat ice spear is a hard price to pay. Bring it for giggles in lower haz runs but i would advise leaving it behind in the higher hazard levels.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: NO

CRSPR Flamethrower


Hard Stats

Max Fuel: -75

Tank Size: -25

Sticky Flame Duration: +6


Build : 1,2,2,1,1

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

Compared with the clean sticky additive, this one is noticeably more powerful but with harder drawbacks to compensate. The description clearly list increased sticky damage but does not actually show any stats or explain where that number is pulled from. Fiddling with direct damage did not seem to show any real change in sticky damage to me in-game so if anyone knows I would appreciate the info.

That being said, with my build I was only packing 225 ammo in a 50 round tank! Yikes. I would have to take ammo conservation to the next level. The sticky flames were far more powerful melting entire waves of grunts with just 2 or 3 lines on the ground. Once again relying on my trusty subata to beef up my damage. The limited ammo did put me in some real jams and I had to learn to stay in the back of the pack coming out only for crowd control or to slow large enemies like bulks. It was also handy for dealing with swarmers as the duration of the sticky was +8. My build combined with fear did allow me to make rings of death around downed players allowing me to revive them in short order which was very handy. The overclock is pretty powerful as things go but the low ammo and tank size means spray and pray players might have a rough time adjusting.
(edit: update image)

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Damage: +2

Fuel Flow Rate: +30%

Max Fuel: -75

Movement Speed while Using: -50%


Build : 2,1,3,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

One thing to get out of the way is what they are calling “fuel flow rate” is in fact rate of fire. That being said, this overclock is entirely focused on direct damage. A flamers minigun might be more accurate. I had a choice between an extra 25 ammo in the clip and a longer reach and went with the reach due to the huge hit in movement when you are firing. Being able to have more time to run in the event it went wrong I thought I might need….and I did from time to time…

Still my build was rocking 17 damage with a 50 round clip in the tank. Light enemies like grunts or mactera just melted away. Even praetorians i could melt down long as i paused to give my flames time to burn. I dont really feel the extra 2 damage was really worth the massive amounts of ammo you can burn through with a whopping 30% extra rate of fire. The downside was a tiny clip, slow reload, huge rate of fire, and only 375 ammo I had to be pretty careful about what I used it on. When I used my driller in a supportive role, IT….WAS…FANTASTIC. I could easily melt the grunts or praetorians away leaving my team to focus fire on the harder enemies like opperssors or bulks. But the extremely high rate of fire and low ammo made the flamer incredibly expensive to burn lighter enemies like swarmers with so I highly recommend bringing neurotoxin grenades to deal with them and damage focused satchel charges for the harder enemies you may encounter. Still for a supportive or aggressive focused driller its a fine addition to have.

A buddy said this overclock was awesome at melting the armor off dreads so I ran it in a haz 4, 4 man group just as a test and it was pretty meh on the armor, it did work but not wow worthy. You would have better results with it at 2 and 3 however where the stats are slightly less.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE


Hard Stats

Ammo: +75


Build :
Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-
So when I first looked at this overclock a simple extra 75 ammo did not seem all that special right? Then I remember how frequently I was the last one standing on my team as a driller with hordes of bugs and little to no ammo left desperately trying to claw my way to the next nitra vein with just my EPC and Satchel Charge to save me. What I was expecting to happen was with my extra ammo I would last a little longer so maybe not so many of those desperate last stands.

In reality, yeah, that’s pretty much what really happened but with one twist. Desperate last stands are not so desperate when you are packing almost a full tank of flamey death. I had to give up a little extra damage in this build with the extra ammo but aside from the bulks or other beefy enemies you do not really notice it. Throw in a little ammo conservation practice and those last stands were actually far more better now. If you are a front line driller that goes running into the swarms dumping flamey death into them or just tend to survive longer than the rest, yeah I would highly recommend this. There are trade-offs against other overclocks out there but they do not do you much good when the ammo tanks bone dry ya know.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Build : BACCB Direct Damage, BCBBA Sticky Flames
Experience with it: For the direct damage build, BACCB, this OC extends your current large fuel reserves even further to 525, allowing for more damage before resupply and more fuel with every resupply.

For the sticky flames build, this OC is extremely useful as it is the only way to get more max fuel since the two mods for max fuel are used for sticky flame bonuses. This allows the CRSPR to be used less conservatively in combat.

This OC is viable up to haz5, as it gives more damage and more flexibility in any build.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: +1

Sticky Flame Duration: +1


Build : 1,2,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-
One of the major things I noticed when I first built it out was the ammo…a lowly 300. I tended to be the driller that sprayed and prayed with my flamethrower and my 375 ammo was just doing it. A lowly 300 to work with was going to be a real change in how I played. I also originally built it out with +9 to sticky duration but found in-game that was pretty overkill for the trash it could melt in far less than that time so I swapped out to higher heat to set things on fire faster and +6 duration and that has been working just fine.

That being said, the low ammo was going to be a issue so I had to play far more conservatively and for the first time brought a subata along as my sidearm since it had the bonus damage to targets on fire and I was expecting to rely far more heavily on my side arm to beef up my damage.. By just spraying lines in the ground to slow and burn my enemies and letting my teammates do a larger share of the work the sticky flame build worked very well. What it could not burn outright I relied on the slow to work it down with my subata and it proved very useful in dealing with larger enemies like bulks or just buying precious time to run away. Its a highly useful mod but not recommended if you are more the spray and pray type due to the limited ammo.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Tanks Size: +25

Flame Reach: -2


Build : 1,1,3,1,2

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

I winced pretty hard when I originally saw the stats for the compact feed valves, not looking forward to having to fight closer and taking a hit in damage against my existing flamer build. After I had been using it however, it was not quite as terrible as I imagined. I did notice the 15 damage vs 16 I had been using facing off against grunts but the larger tank allowed me to hang in there during large or multiple waves especially when I was working on burning down a Bulk.

The range reduction really was not noticeable on average since i was fighting in small caves anyway but you do see it fighting against enemies you prefer at distance like bulks or trying to snipe mactera or spitballers around a rock. Still the distance decrease is manageable and if you are a driller that typically goes charging into the fray a larger tank can really be a live saver sometimes. I think most drillers at some point have had that moment when a tank change meant a swarm going from being manageable to you being on the run. The only serious drawback came from a larger tank, in my case 100 ammo up from my usual 75. I found myself burning through the same amount of ammo but far faster since I was focusing more on burning down the swarm or a given target. Previously i would rely on a reload to kinda check my remaining ammo. Still for an aggressive driller play style its a all around useful overclock to have.

(edit: update image)

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Fuel Flow Rate: -20%

Flame Reach: +5

Build : 1,1,1,1,2
Experience with it:

—- Update 1.0 —-
This overclock is kinda odd. the +5 reach is really handy for torching enemies from a safer distance especially when you are talking about mactera that might be flying just out of range normally. And the rate of fire you can offset easily enough with the gear mods. But is it really useful? 9 out of 10 times i am in a cave and generally point blank with enemies. Yeah there are times in which being able to safely torch a enemy from farther away would have been less painful but those times were rare. On the other hand being able to hit enemies like spitballers or a bet-c from behind cover was so much nicer. Its a balanced overclock but really feels more like a clean overclock just due to the rate of fire not being so bad with gear mods on.

The mod does what it does well no question. Its just when you compare it to the benefits of other overclocks out there I really cannot see it being something most people will rely heavily on. I think for people who are happy with the flamers stock gear mods, this would add a nice little bonus. I would recommend it for heavy front line engie flamers that go charging in there, this might stop so many suicide charges lol or just people flat out happy with the stock flamer and what a fairly clean overclock to slap a bonus to stats on. But otherwise, good overclock.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: MAYBE
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Experimental Plasma Charger “EPC”


Hard Stats

Charged Damage: +30

Charged Area Damage: +30

Charged Effect Radius: +0.4

Charged Shot Ammo Use: +4

Cooling Rate: -25%


Build : 3,3,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-
So they made some huge changes to this one from the old days and I was really looking forward to it. Back in the day you could set up a EPC to one shot mactera which was really sweet. So my first setup i went all in on flying nightmare and anything that added to the charge shot damage. Best it could do was strip 3/4 health off a mactera in haz 4 and 5, nice but not what I was aiming for. So I swapped out for an all aoe damage build. At the least maybe i could drop a charged shot in a group of grunts and melt them down. Eh it kinda did. The normal grunts did die in one shot, but slashers or the armored ones lost very little health. Still could be useful.

Then the drawbacks come in. It adds a whopping +4 for a total of 12 ammo per charged shot. That is not cheap. On top of that it whacks your cooling rate by 25%, yeah you can offset some of this with gear mods but it requires some hard trades. It does beef the charged damage pretty high but without any kind of armor break plus all the negatives, its just not worth wasting a overclock slot when there are better overclocks for the EPC out there.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: NO
Hazard 4: NO
Hazard 5: NO

Hard Stats

Charged Damage: -20

Charged Area Damage: -20


Build : 2,1,2,2,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

So I was really looking forward to this overclock, like a sticky flame for the EPC. It works really well too, with gear mods it creates a little bubble about the size of a gunners un-upgraded shield that does a little aoe effect. It worked really well vs grunts and did respectable damage to guards and slashers to say nothing of just zeroing smaller pest like swarmers. It gives you a hit to charged damage and area damage but you can nullify that using gear mods left over after maxing out the area size and stocking up on ammo. All around its a pretty handy mod to have on hand that works very well with the Driller.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Cooling Rate: +25%

Heat Buildup when Charged: -30%


Build : 3,3,2,1,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 1.0 —-
So this overclock is roughly built for people that use the EPC’s charged function. The idea being you can fire charged shots faster or hold them longer before a overheat. On the one hand you do notice the stats in how charged shots are handled. It does take longer for a charged shot to overheat the gun before firing and it does cool down slightly faster. But its not going to wow you. This is more meant for people already happy with the stock gear mods on the EPC and this just bumps those stats a little higher. If you are not relying super heavily on your EPC charged shots to mine or deal with grunt level bugs there are better overclocks to bring to the party.

Still it is a clean overclock, no negatives and it does what it does well. If you are mining with your EPC or planning to roll into a mactera infested level with the nightmare gear mod I do highly recommend it.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Battery Capacity: +16

Charge Speed: +50%


Build : 3,1,2,2,1

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

I rely on my EPC almost exclusively when I don’t want to waste my primary ammo on something. Either taking down mactera or softening up a grunt mob or when I flat out run out of primary ammo, otherwise it just sits in my pocket. When I do use it, it is almost always in the form of charged shots and this is where this overclock excels. Combined with gear mods you can almost instantly charge a shot and the extra ammo lets your rock off more shots. With my gear mods i had a charge speed of 262%. Certainly handy for people that only use the EPC as a last resort. Since it is a clean overclock there are no negatives.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Damage: +12

Battery Capacity: -32

Normal Shot Heat Generation: +50%


Build : 2,2,3,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-
The idea behind the overclock is to beef the EPC’s normal shot damage and it does too. I went all in originally with the damage gear mods and it had 40 damage which is impressive for a weapon you can fire as fast as you can click. It wreaks terrible death upon weaker targets like grunts or menace, generally anything unarmored. A few shots can kill them easily, very handy in a pinch when you suddenly run out of ammo to be sure.

The downside is even with gear mods it overheats fast, and you have very little ammo so you frequently overheat then have that cool down period where the gun is useless before another little spurt of rapid fire. It is all but worthless versus an armored target like a praetorian and on top of that it actually cuts away your max ammo pretty hard and makes the gun overheat faster than without it. I changed out the gear mod from extra damage to extra ammo and the quick overheat was still preventing me from any real continuous damage. The overclock does beef the damage well but the trade-offs are just too hard. If you can learn to control your fire maybe but for most I doubt that will be the case. Still with a little practice its a good overclock for those who fire only in small burst.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: MAYBE
Hazard 4: NO
Hazard 5: NO

Hard Stats

Charged Shot Ammo Use: -2

Charge Speed: +30%

Normal Shot Heat Generation: +50%


Build : 3,1,2,2,1

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-
Another overclock largely geared to people who use their EPC for its charged shot it could almost be considered a clean overclock as the drawbacks only affect normal shot. While there are more effective overclocks to have for the charge shot, this one is still very useful. It reduces the ammo each charge shot uses letting your ammo supply stretch a little longer and it speeds up the charge enough you do notice it when combined with gear mods.

The only real drawback comes when you use the EPCs normal shot as it will overheat significantly faster. Still if you use your EPCs charge shot to mine with or just soften up enemies or clear out mactera this is a very good overclock to have in lieu of others available.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Subata 120


Hard Stats

Magazine Size: -4

Rate of Fire: -4

Stun Chance: +50%

Stun Duration: 6


Build : 2,2,1,1,2

Experience with it:

—- Update 32 —-

This is one of those overclocks I was really expecting something more. The idea is pretty much the same as other stun overclocks. It ups the stun chance on a target. Which could be really handy on a subata, you basically stun a target then unload rounds into it while keeping him stunned. And while it DOES do that…it does not do it very well.

For starters, you take hard hits to your clip size and rate of fire. The clip can be offset with gear mods but there is nothing to be done with the rate of fire, so you are going to fire very slowly with not that much damage. Next, stun doesnt work against armor, only the fleshy bits and its not 100%, you will stun more often than not but its kinda annoying to not stun every time. On top of that, the stun doesn’t last any longer than if you were to stun with a pickaxe. Granted its handy in a pinch to hold praetorian or menaces down long enough for your teammates to melt them down, but thats very situational. At the end of the day, the draw backs are just not worth the trade off to “stun” something only some of the time.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: MAYBE
Hazard 2: MAYBE
Hazard 3: MAYBE
Hazard 4: NO
Hazard 5: NO

Hard Stats

Max Ammo: -80

Magazine Size: -6

+Explosive Reload


Build : 2,1,2,2,1

Experience with it:

—- Update 32 —-

(edit: update image)

So this got some much needed love on the latest pass. The concept is simple you fire a few rounds into a bug then reload and boom. And it works very well… mostly. So off the bat you take a massive hit to your clip size and ammo max. Gear mods can rebuild SOME of this for both but not fully. On the other hand your damage is not nerfed and the explosive reload does very real damage to bugs. Each round fired into a bug counts as its own mini bomb so more rounds equals more boom. Now the overclock does suffer from a problem. You need ammo in reserve to reload with to TRIGGER the explosion. Meaning if all you have left is 6 rounds in the clip and no more ammo. You fire the 6 rounds into the bug, hit the reload, and nothing happens…

I fiddled with this a lot trying to find a sweet spot. The most you can rebuild your mag is to 8 with gear mods with a max ammo of 120. That is compared to the default of 17 and 240, ouch. But there are hard trades to make and this comes entirely down to your personal taste. The max damage your explosive reload can do is based entirely on your clip size, which thanks to this nerf is pretty damn small. It can kill off grunts easily enough and low hp enemies and with a little practice you can knock down a praetorian in one clip. But anything larger than that is going to be work.

On the balance? What the overclock does is GREAT but the problem revolves around the clip has just been nerfed too hard and utterly kills off that potential. 8 rounds with anywhere between 12 and 16 damage and potentially high spread just is not worth it. This needs another pass by the devs to improve on. You can make it work but its a real struggle for anything but casual sniping or maybe a lazy secondary, when the crap hits the fan this is not something you can lean on to clutch the team.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: NO

Hard Stats

Rate of Fire: +2

Base Spread: +100%


Build :

Experience with it:

—- Update 32 —-

This thing does everything you would think it does. Turns your subata into a near machine gun. +2 rate of fire doesn’t sound like much but stock you had 8 so you are talking a full extra 1/4 rate of fire and its’ pretty insane, you can unload a clip in nothing flat. The base spread and recoil you do notice but you can offset spread with a gear mod and the recoil is pretty easy to control once you get the hang of it. This is closer to a balanced overclock really but it’s incredibly powerful. You are talking about unloading an entire clip of dps as fast as you can click.

The downside, oddly enough, comes in the gear mods. You have to make some hard choices depending on your preference. A massively higher rate of fire means you’ll burn through ammo crazy fast so do you take more ammo to stretch it out longer? Lower dps means you will take more shots to kill something so do you put in more gear mods to damage? I advise to take the Recoil compensator but the rest boils down to your own taste. Still, all around a great overclock for the aggressive driller.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Damage random between 80% and 140% of weapon damage


Build : 2,2,1,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

The homebrew overclock is on multiple weapons and straight up exist for one reason: for players who do not want to bother with fiddling with the positives and negatives with the other overclocks. They just want a simple oc that gives a little boost and this fills that role perfectly well. All this does is make your subatas damage randomly fall between 80% of its stated damage value and up to 140%. Not a lot going on there and really it boils down to if you can live with that.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Weakpoint Hit Chance: +50%


Build : 1,2,1,1,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

So its a clean overclock no draw backs which is about the only good thing about it I can find. I’m not a super fan of the subata so when a overclock is making me wretch i’m usually assuming i am missing something somewhere. I don’t have it setup right or i am not using it right. I did a lot of fiddling with this, I can’t even tell if it’s getting a bounce shot when I do hit a weakpoint on a bug, even stacked next to each other i don’t see a damage indicator on nearby bugs at all. I could see maybe this might be handy with volatile guts where you can chain grunts in explosions but really…its just not that useful. You have to hit a weakpoint for it to chain on top of that and there is a range to the chain. If you are happy with your subata stock yeah maybe this is a neat thing to add on but there are just better overclocks out there. Still, it does what it does without costing anything so.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Magazine Size: +10

Reload Time: +0.5


Build : 3,2,1,2,1

Experience with it:

—- Update 32 —-

This is a overclock for people who are straight up happy with the subatas stock gear mods and here is why. The tier one gear mods give you 2 of 3 options, A) Mag Size of +5 or B) Take -0.6 off reload time. With this overclock you gain a Mag Size of +10 and gain a longer reload time of +0.5 seconds. By equipping the overclock with the gear mod you are essentially gaining +5 rounds in the clip and shaving off -0.1 seconds off your reload. And that’s it. End of story. Pretty darn close to a clean overclock really. So if you are happy with the subata as it is, take this to beef your stats a little more just equip the gear mod to offset the reload time.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


“Stubby” Voltaic SMG


Hard Stats

Damage: -3

Electrocution Chance: -5%


Build : 2,2,1,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

So this seemed like a neat idea, fire at your turret and pop off a electrocution bubble that zaps bugs. Does it work? eh yes….ish. It does do as advertised but much like the fine print on the “free” sample, there are hangups. For starters lets get the downside out of the way, it makes you take hard hits to your damage and electrocution chance. The damage I could see but nerfing your chances? That doesn’t make much sense. Electrocution damage alone does little to nothing on higher haz levels, its the stun you are relying on. Without gear mods you get a lowly 15% chance. WIth gear mods you can beef that up to 45%. The -3 damage is a huge hit as well, you can rebuild it in gear mods but it forces you to make some hard trades to electrocution chances. On top of that the EM field does not trigger with every bullet. It fires off for a few seconds then you have to trigger it again. The field size is about the same as a gunners un-upgraded bubble size so fairly small. It looks large from the graphic it triggers but the affected field itself is small. Now that’s if you just bring the one turret. If you bring the dual ones you can lay them together then roughly alternate firing between them. On top of that it takes hard chunks out of YOUR SHIELD and your teammates that are in the area of effect. You can very easily nuke your teams own shields in the middle of a swarm LOL.

Now the ups, with the boosted electrocution chances you can zap most bugs in one pass. Its very handy for slowing down large masses of bugs around your turret which can buy you precious time to run or the turrets time to widdle them down. Other classes have gear mods that boost damage vs electrocuted targets. Is that worth it? Eh if you are very careful maybe. The drawbacks are hard, to someone that is careful how they use it i can see it being effective but for an average random player I really don’t recommend you bring this. The trade-offs are just too hard.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Max Ammo: -120

Rate of Fire: -2

Build : 2,3,2,1,1
Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

So this is one of the niftier overclocks out there. You setup two turrets and fire at each of them to “charge” them as it were and they create a electrical zap fence between them. Does it work? Very well actually. The turrets can be spaced pretty far apart so you can create a wide zone and it last for a long enough while. Shooting a single turret will create a very very small zap zone around the turret itself as well. The negative hit in stats can also be easily offset with just two gear mods and a single gear mod can get electrocution chances up to 50%. Its pretty handy to slow entire swarms to a crawl in a pinch. Really closer to a balanced overclock in terms of things.

The bad? This only works with TWO turrets, you bring just the one and its a waste. You have to unload nearly a whole clip to charge a turret and at long range trying to hit a turret with the stubbys recoil can be a real challenge. Then it gets bad. You can EASILY zero your teammates shields and outright kill them if they walk next to the turrets or through the turret arc itself while charged. Is it worth it? Again you gotta be freaky kinds of careful with this overclock but yes, in the hands of a defensive engie you can all but shut down a zone from enemies especially in tight caves or, sad to say….well made bunkers. Highly recommended for defensive engies tho.

Worth noting this does work with OTHER engies turrets, so you could have 2 engies with a MKII turret each and turret arc between them. It only works between 2 turrets sadly so chaining 8 turrets between 4 engies, while cool, doesn’t seem possible at the moment.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Rate of Fire: +2

Reload Time: -0.2


Build : 1,3,1,1,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

It’s a clean overclock so what this does is pretty straight forward. Beefs the rate of fire and shaves a little off the reload time, not by much but you do notice it. Combined with the gear mods you can empty a clip in nothing flat. The stubby stock already had a pretty high rate of fire and an acceptable reload time so this is not really going to wow you but for an aggressive engie the increase in dps might be worth it. The downside is the recoil is really going to take you for a ride if you go all out on the rate of fire but a simple gear mod can help bring that under control. All round recommended for anyone that is just looking to boost some stats a little.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Magazine Size: +5

Base Spread: -20%


Build : 1,3,1,1,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

Another simple clean overclock, the added mag size really isn’t anything special since the stubby has a pretty high default rate of fire but the huge reduction in base spread is highly useful. It makes the gun massively more accurate at full auto fire especially for engies that take the upgraded rate of fire gear mod. The reason this is important is for full auto fire the spread grows with each round fired up to a point. Having a lower base spread means the max the spread can grow as you are emptying a clip is lower. Certainly handy for those spray and pray engies to be sure. Highly recommended.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Damage: -1

Max Ammo: +180

Rate of Fire: -2


Build : 1,2,1,1,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

You take a hit to damage and a hit to rate of fire but both of these can be replaced with just two gear mods. If you struggle with the recoil and have to take the the gear mod for it then yeah you will see the hit to rate of fire in game. Otherwise, this overclock isn’t bad but isn’t great either. The massive increase in ammo is helpful since the stubby has a pretty high default rate of fire and the more spray and pray among us can empty ammo bags before we know it. If you were happy with the stubby with just its default gear mods this is a pretty nice overclock to bring along. You can stay in the fight longer while keeping the stock stats on or if you go full auto and burn through ammo like crazy this can be a real life saver. Certainly recommended for the more aggressive engies out there.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Electric Damage: +2

Rate of Fire: +4

Base Spread: +50%


Build : A, B, A, A, A

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

This overclock is actually a good bit better than it seems on the surface. You get a whopping +4 to rate of fire so you empty clips in a flash, good for dps. The +2 electric damage is nice but not going to wow you. The base spread is where the pain should come in. An extra 50% is a hard hit but in reality you dont see it much except in long range engagements of say 20m or more. Short to mid range fights it doesnt really bother you much. A higher rate of fire means you can bring the recoil gear mod while still dumping rounds like a madman. You do have to judge if you need to bring along more ammo as 200-300 rounds can vanish at full auto. Still all around long as you dont try to snipe with your stubby a solid overclock for aggressive engies.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Breach Cutter


Hard Stats

Max Ammo: -6

Armor Break: -75%

Beam DPS: -175


Build : 1,1,2,3,3

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

(edit: Update Image)

When it first came out the inferno was insanely broken, the fire proc was so high it could one shot most things from spitballers to praetorians. That has, sadly, since been fixed but the fire proc is still potent. It is still highly effective vs masses of enemies, spitballers or mactera. Even with the hit to beam damage what survives is usually easily finished off by the fire proc and while it isn’t 100% chance to ignite it does seem pretty high up there most times, 90% or above it seems. Its most potent vs large groups of mactera or grunts, a single beam is usually enough to murder them all in one swipe especially with gear mods added on.

The downside is the armor breaking and ammo take hard hits but can be slightly offset with gear mods. Even with these negatives the inferno overclock still takes an already massively over powered weapon and takes it to a whole another level of over powered. Highly recommended for any engineer build.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Beam DPS: -460

Projectile Lifetime: +2.2

Max Ammo: -6

Magazine Size: -3


Build : 2,2,1,2,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

This was originally a balanced overclock called the yaw man and while its taken a huge change stat wise, its still is just as unimpressive as the yaw man was. Anywho the notion is the beam from the breach cutter spins horizontally. Which makes it kind of a walking blender, which sounds pretty cool. Its fairly decent against grunt mobs and trash like swarmers, but at the end of the day, its pretty bland for a overpowered weapon. Right off the bat you take a massive hit to dps -460, ouch. It gives you a full +2.2 to lifetime which seems like a lot, but its not. The gear mods do little to nothing to offset this so chuck out most of your god tier damage right away. To make matters worse you take massive hits to ammo and clip size which would make sense if you still had that god level of damage but you don’t, so they limit your ammo on an overclock that reduces your uber powerful breach cutter to a pretty light show…. ok. On top of that when you fire the round once it deploys, it barely moves and i mean BARELY, like 2 ft at most.

On the other hand the gear mods actually let you turn it into something mildly useful. You can use the blender to strip the armor off grunts and praetorians and other armored enemies, sad end to a god weapon but ok. You can leave behind a plasma trail that does aoe damage which prob does more damage than your breach cutter beam will.. You can use it to stun large groups of enemies in a pinch. For a support engie this overclock is actually very useful as you can control or weaken large groups of enemies. For the rest of us however, do not bother. Still recommended but only just barely.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: MAYBE
Hazard 3: MAYBE
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE


Hard Stats

Beam DPS: +50

Projectile Lifetime: +0.5


Build : 2,2,1,1,3

Experience with it:

—-Update 1.0—-
Once upon a time, the breach cutter was the closest thing to a god tier weapon this game had to offer. 4 simple rounds could melt entire waves of praetorians, shred bulks, and utterly vaporize waves of grunts. Then God stretched forth his hand in the Great Nerfing of 2019 and the breach cutter was no more… Back in 2020, the breach cutter is back and better than ever.

The increased life time wont be noticed by most players and the +50 dps isn’t much considering the stock gear mods bring it to 750. Oddly enough the overclock shines with enemies you use it on the least, dreads and detonators with high hp. These are typically where you empty whole clips into and where that +50 really starts to stack up. Otherwise, solid, clean overclock for players that are either happy with the stock breach cutter or just don’t want to fool with the pros and cons of the other overclocks.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Roll Control


Build : 2,2,1,1,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

So when i first saw this i was really looking forward to wiping out whole tunnels at a time. Basically the plasma line flies like a car tire upright going down the tunnel and you can rotate it by holding down fire. So simple right, extend the plasma width to max and watch things melt away. In reality, not so much. It does spin a little faster than before now and the bugs are a little weaker so it can kill more due to the breach cutters damage output. The problem remains the same however in that the speed of the line moving forward combined with the bugs moving towards you makes it more often that you will only get one good pass on them. It took freezing, stunning or slowing them down in some way to get more than one pass most of the time.

What I did find it do was it was great at stripping armor off bugs, guards or praetorians because each pass it would trigger another armor remove calc, one shot was sometimes enough to competely strip a prae of all its armor leaving it highly weak to my teammates fire, certainly awesome for prae waves or just helping my team conserve ammo not wasting it on bullet sponge armored enemies on higher haz levels. It takes a little getting used to but it is extremely handy for engies that play a more support role, stripping armor or working large masses of slowed or choked bugs to death. If nothing else when paired with a gunner you can help save mini gunners tons of ammo that they would otherwise waste of spongy armored enemies.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +4

Reload Time: -0.2


Build : 2,2,1,2,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

This overclock is extremely simple adding just an extra 4 rounds. If you are happy with the breach cutter with just its gear mods this is a solid oc to add on. 4 rounds doesn’t sound like much but for my build it was a whole extra clip. Very useful for tankier enemies like dreadnoughts or large groups of praes. The overclock reload is the only modification anywhere in any of the gear mods or other overclocks that actually affects the breach cutters reload and shaving 0.2 off was not all that noticeable. Chances are you were settled with the reload rate anyway so this is not going to wow you any. Still good overclock to have if you just want a little extra ammo to work with without fiddling with the pros and cons with other oc’s.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Max Ammo: -6


Build : 2,2,1,1,3

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

The devs have once again made another pass on the breach cutter and while the overclock itself remains unchanged they did alter the base stats of the breach cutter which do affect many of its overclocks including this one. Anywho, the premise of the overclock is pretty simple. When you fire, HOLD down the fire button and the plasma line moves outward, once you RELEASE the fire button the plasma line returns to you. Keep in mind the plasma line has a fixed life meaning backwards or forwards it only lives for x amount of time which you can extend with gear mods. Still this overclock is now incredibly useful. It retains most of its god teir power plus because you can move the line through a target twice! you can get double the damage on a single enemy! Worth noting the plasma line has to fully exit an enemy before it returns for the game to recognize this as a fully different pass or it just treats the damage as one pass. The gear mods are where this overclock really shines as you can vastly alter how it functions to do a wide variety of things.. You can leave a plasma aoe field behind, make the line explode at the end of its life or add 3 lines to catch enemies at different levels. Incredibly effective against mobs like swarmers or grunts. The forward and back takes a little getting used to and the ammo hit can be offset with gear mods easily enough.

The downside is the rate of fire takes a hard hit because you have to wait for the line to fully die out before firing another one if you want to move the line back to you again. Additionally you have to kinda get used to how long you have before the line dies out to properly reverse it. Still with gear mods and a little time this is an extremely versatile overclock for any engie.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Magazine Size: -2


Build : 1,3,1,2,3

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

This is a very nice overclock that was originally classed as an unstable overclock, it’s been changed to say the least lol. The premise is pretty simple, it just flat out electrocutes things, unlike some overclocks however, rather than a % chance to proc, it’s 100% chance to electrocute every time. This is extremely handy for support engies as many classes have overclocks that do bonus damage to electrocuted targets. Furthermore it takes away none of the damage of the breach cutter and the magazine size can be offset with gear mods. This allows the breach cutter to remain largely still powerful to deal with most targets and anything that survives is either finished off by the electrocution or stunned. I repeatedly saved my team when we found ourselves too swamped or ill equipped to deal with a given horde such as a prateorian group. The stun can buy your team precious time or give them the ability to inflict bonus damage. Highly recommended for support engies or frontline engies.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

“Warthog” Auto 210


Hard Stats

Damage: -2

Max Ammo: +90

Magazine Size: +6

Recoil: -50%

Weakpoint Stun Chance per Pellet: -10%

Weakpoint Stun Duration: -3


Build : 1,2,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

So off the bat -2 to damage does not seem that bad but when my gun is rocking only 8 damage to start with you are talking about knocking off a full 1/4 of your damage. And you see it in game too it takes longer to kill things, but you get a full extra 90 rounds and an extra 6 rounds per mag which is pretty nice. If you break down your dps in the form of dps per clip it actually puts you ahead in damage. You really did not notice it in terms of just average grunts but when it came to harder things like praetorians or armored grunts. I never really relied on a stun to start with so losing the ability to stun things wasn’t that big a deal for me anyway and the recoil is not all that noticeable either with gear mods. For me at least, the major draw back was dealing with harder targets like praetorians but the engi is uniquely equipped with heavy weapons that can easily deal with them. All around you could almost consider this a balanced overclock. Certainly recommended for frontline aggressive engies. Its not great but its not terrible either.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: +1

Rate of Fire: +2

Reload Time: +0.5

Base Spread: +50%


Build : 1,3,3,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

This thing is a blast! lol not kidding you add in the gear mods and I unloaded a full 9 round clip in just 2 seconds LOL. This overclock is crazy fun, and fairly powerful once you get the hang of it. +1 damage is not much in the scheme of things but you do see it in game, things die just a tad quicker. The rate of fire is where it really shines, when added with gear mods you can unload a clip in just seconds. Which is more than good fun, at 9 base damage with a 9 round clip you are talking about 81 damage in just a second and that is before you factor in per pellet damage which if you consider at Haz 4 a grunt has roughly 100 hp not counting in weak spots or status effect bonus damage you can easily melt them down more so when you factor in bonus damage from weak spots or status effects. The reload time and spread again, beefed with gear mods, is barely noticeable and even against a Detonator you do real damage. The downside? if you don’t control your fire you empty your ammo so fast. Its easy to get caught up in a swarm and suddenly find yourself completely dry before the swarm is half dead. Still, learn to control your fire, single shots into grunts no sense wasting a clip, and this overclock is amazing for an engie. Highly recommended for any engie build.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Reload Time: -0.4

Max Ammo: +20


Build : 1,2,3,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

This overclock is made for people that are fairly happy with the stock gear mods on the warthog and simply buffs stats that let you do a little more spray and pray style gunning. No wow factor here but you do see the slightly faster reload in game and 20 extra ammo may seem like a lot but since you are firing faster it really is not adding much. It’s a clean overclock so the stats change is not huge but can be helpful when being overwhelmed with bugs. All in a good overclock for anyone that does not want to mess with the pros and cons balancing on others.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats



Build : 1,2,3,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

Typically stunning a bug can only be done a few ways, either whacking them on a weak spot with a gun modded to stun or whacking them on the head with a pick axe or a shot to the face. This overclock lets you stun with a hit anywhere on the body plus it does extra damage to a stun target. Which is handy on a engi when you are swarmed by bugs, can really save your bacon.

The downside is that it does not tell you how much extra damage the stun is and bugs only stay stunned for a moment or two. Furthermore the stun chance isn’t 100% but more like 60% maybe? I definitely was not getting stuns on every shot that landed to be sure. It also did not seem like it was working on armor, firing at grunt guards or praetorians armored bits didn’t stun them until I hit their fleshy bits. Still if you are happy with the warthogs default gear mods this is a handy overclock to have. Definitely recommended for more defensive engis or ones that tend to find themselves in trouble as often as not.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Rate of Fire: -0.5

Base Spread: -50%

Weakpoint Damage Bonus: +30%


Build : 2,2,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

If you are like me and more of a spray and pray gunner when it comes to the warthog, this is not for you lol. This was a overclock for people who, unlike us, took time to actually aim their shots most of the time.It works well too, you get a massive +30% on top of the normal weakpoint bonus damage. I went looking for a table, but all I could find for weakpoint modifiers were stats from long,long ago, in a patch far away. Combined with the -50% spread more of your pellets will land on target and do very noticeable damage. This is even more so when you throw in the gear mods. Certainly well worth if for careful gunners.

The downside? you take a hard hit to rate of fire. -0.5 might not be much but when you only had a rate of fire of 2 to start with? Its slow going firing. Now you can offset that with gear mods to get it closer to normal but that entirely depends on what you like your shotgun to do, it means giving up either more ammo in the clip or the ability to overcharge your turret. Not a big thing for me but others might rely on it more. Given the low rate of fire I would not recommend it for front line engies but more for support or defensive types. Still a very good overclock all around albeit rough.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Deepcore 40mm PGL


Hard Stats

Direct Damage: +385

Effect Radius: -2.1

Max Ammo: -2

Projectile Velocity: +350%


Build : 2,1,2,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 32—-

(edit: update image)

The devs have been making passes on this overclock every so often and little by little it is feeling better each time. I was not entirely sure how to set this up so I went through a few different setups. In the end the trade-offs for damage for the other setups were marginal at best and i poured everything into direct damage and ammo with armor break as what got the most bang for my buck for me.

So the Pro’s. The direct damage with this thing is no joke. more so when you added on the spikey grenade weapon mod. Then you ram this thing into a bugs weak point and huge chunks of health bar just vanish. With armor break added on even praetorians were dropping in 2 shots on haz 4. And it did real damage to Dreads as well. To boot with gear mods you can bring in up to 12 rounds, not super awesome but respectable for high haz levels with a good team. Definitely lived up to its overclock description.

Then comes the pain which is shockingly near non-existant. Your ammo gets nerfed, which can be rebuilt with just one gear mod so not terrible in the end. Your area effected also gets a hard nerf and that cannot be rebuilt at all so consider that gone. Gear mods can add back .06 but at the cost of other more useful mods so not worth it at all. Many of the gear mods on the PGL revolve around AoE and since this overclock effectively kills that off it actually frees up more useful gear mods. So the pain….not so much.

All around a far far better overclock this pass around and well worth bringing along for any engie role.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Area Damage: +330

Effect Radius: +1

Max Ammo: -6

Projectile Velocity: -30%


Build : 1,1,1,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

My very first overclock. Man this thing is fun and in the hands of the wrong player, the ultimate troll weapon. The premise is pretty simple, you fire a nade and it leaves behind a massive aoe radiation field. Combined with gear mods is pretty effective at swarm control too. Maxing out the radius is usually the best choice off hand followed by beefing up the ammo 4 shots isn’t much in the grand scheme of things. The area damage is not terribly important but it’s really up to you, it can help soften up grunts for the aoe radiation field. What you are really relying on is the AOE radiation field and you can stack these fields too firing multiple shots at the same spot. It can be amazingly effective at thinning out a mob leaving only the harder enemies like praetorians behind to deal with or just outright area denial for the small trash. You need to be careful however because this will kill your teammates if they hang in it too long.

The limited ammo is really the only drawback to the thing, and the gear mods at best add 2 rounds for a total of 4 rounds. It sounds like a lot but if you are planning to use this against grunts you are going to need to stack several shots to kill them off from full hp. Further more its pretty useless against heavies like praetorians or higher. Still highly recommend for support engies as a mob control or area denial tool.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +2


Build : 1,2,1,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-
Very simple overclock for people who either are perfectly happy with the 40mm’s gear mods alone or just straight up do not want to fiddle with balancing the pro’s and con’s of other overclocks. Just adds 2 to the max ammo. Not a lot but there are no drawback either so.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Area Damage: +10

Effect Radius: +0.5


Build : 1,2,1,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-
Another very simple overclock, not much going on. Just adds a nice boost to aoe damage and radius. Not enough to wow you but if you are already using your 40mm as an aoe weapon to weaken or burn down large groups like grunts, this gives a nice little boost to that stat. With no drawbacks, its a perfect fit for support or aggressive engies.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Area Damage: -10

Effect Radius: -0.5

Max Ammo: +4


Build :3,2,2,3,1

Experience with it:

—-Update 1.0—-

This is one of those overclocks for people that like the launcher with just its gear modifications. It adds a full 4 rounds which is substantial and the draw backs are easily replaceable with just the gear modifications. That being said, I never found a setup I really enjoyed and ended up just using it to stun and tear off prae armor which it did quite well. I know others just love their 40mm but it’s just not my cup of tea. The only real draw back is that if you rely on just the gear modifications, you will have to sacrifice a few of them to offset the drawbacks. You could also ignore them since the drawbacks are so minimal you really do not feel it. Still a good overclock to have if you are happy with a grenade launcher with just its gear mods.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Area Damage: -25


Build : 2,1,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

I was pretty much expecting this to be stupid fun, maybe fly like a scout. Yeah it was, but it was somewhat useful too. You can fly pretty hard with this, handy to leap cliffs that you might otherwise waste a platform trying to hop up on. You can also use it to go flying away from bugs, you do take a bit of shield damage both from the shot and from the landing if you are not careful so, doesn’t hurt to have a pair of hoverboots on to compensate. Still all around a pretty handy mod, and if you’re a real jackass, you can bump your teammates over the edges of steep cliffs and pits LOL, or actually outright save them when they are surrounded.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


GK2 Deepcore Rifle


Hard Stats

Damage: -2

Rate of Fire: -2

Recoil: -100%

Weakpoint Damage Bonus: +40%

Spread Recovery Speed: +900%


Build : 2,2,3,1,3

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

(edit: update image)

So in the last pass the devs made with this it was very close to being broken, essentially you had 100% accuracy with all the fire power of the GK2 and very little reeling you in. This go around they have tried to balance it out…and have not done super well. So well start with the negatives. Right off you take hits to your rate of fire and damage. -2 doesn’t sound bad and out of 15 damage by default it is not a nut punch, the rate of fire however, -2 out of 7 is a big hit. Technically you can rebuild both of these in the first 2 gear mods alone and since you get damn near 100% accuracy with this thing you have no need of any kind of spread or stability mods so not that bad right? The kick is you are sacrificing your damage mods just to keep your default damage of 15 so you are doing very little damage on top of a painful slow rate of fire with a teeny clip of just 25 rounds, you can boost that to 35 with another gear mod but still super low dps. But loads of big green numbers so can’t be all bad right?

900% spread recovery speed….what does that mean? damn near 100% accuracy at full auto with almost no recoil, sounds epic. Add on that 40% to weak point damage, another 20% if you add on the gear mod weak point damage as well for a whopping 70% additional weak point damage. Sounds awesome…until you go to use it. Weakpoint damage is based off your damage stat, which thanks to our nerf is stupid low and with a painful slow rate of fire it is even lower on the average. So instead of big whopping machine gun sniper of death we got a really sharp toothpick……I sat behind a praetorian munching on my teammate and unloaded clip after clip into his weak point and had to squint really hard to see his health bar go down. For low hp enemies yeah this does the trick but for a menace or prae or larger its just so much a waste of ammo.

Sounds like a garbage heap, but not so much. If you rely on it as a main, yeah it’s disappointment galore. But, if you use the zhukov or the boomstick as your main and use this as a sniper that also can do decent close quarter firefights it is pretty handy to have. For aggressive scouts it’s highly recommended since you have the accuracy as a sniper to pick things off far away and a very solid backup should your mains run out of ammo.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: -3

Magazine Size: -5


Build : 1,1,3,3,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

The Premise is pretty simple, everything you shot thats still alive gets electrocuted on reload. The proc chance is 100%. This is actually very handy for a scout that’s on a platform and can quickly find themselves in a jam or when trying to rescue a teammate downed and surrounded by enemies. The stun from the electrocute can buy precious time to run or revive. Other classes have gear mods or overclocks that also do bonus damage to electrocuted targets.

The trade off however are hard hits to your damage and clip size. -3 might not seem like much but with all the damage upgrades the GK2 can just hold its own against most enemies so -3 is a hard hit to your damage stat. You can offset this with gear mods so the gun is still effective. The same goes for the clip size. All round a good overclock for mining scouts who spend much of their time mining high up and relying on their teammates to deal with enemies.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Rate of Fire: +1

Reload Time: -0.3


Build :

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

I was pretty hardcore about my G1000 and its hoverclock mod and while there may be other mods out there I couldn’t hardly believe anything could pry me away from it. Stat wise I really was not expecting much so when I got to using it and watching it spew out ammo like a leadstorm and reload in a flash I was pleasantly surprised. A base leadstorm runs 10 damage without any upgrades or overclocks and with my leadstorm setup it was running 17 damage. My setup with my GK2 was a cool 15 damage meaning all my bullet sprays could lay down some hurt.

I found the Gas Rerouting to really shine in run and gun scenarios where the scout is laying down the rounds dealing with hordes. The quick reload and high rate of fire combined with the low recoil with my build allowed me to put down all but the toughest of enemies. It worked equally as well for scouts that stuck mostly to mining roles being highly useful on those platforms when you are suddenly being attacked and need to lay down the death. The only real drawback was the high rate of fire and quick reload, I frequently found that I could empty my ammo bags before I knew it so it was crucial to pay attention to my ammo count. Still, it is a real gem of a overclock for the GK2

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE


Build : ABAAC Accuracy + Weakpoint, BBACC Max RoF, BBAAC High RoF + Weakpoint

Experience with it:

If you are going to use the maximum-RoF build, BBACC, this OC is useful as it increases the rate of fire even further, or it lets you trade off the tier-4 RoF mod for weakpoint bonus damage (BBAAC). First shot accuracy with these builds is less important as it is more difficult to control at long-range due to the high RoF, but at medium-range it is a bullet hose that can dump all of its shots into enemy weakpoints at a medium ammo-consumption rate.

If you are going to use the accuracy and weakpoint damage build, ABAAC, this OC lets you compensate slightly for the otherwise-low RoF without any corresponding loss in accuracy. This allows the GK2 to function effectively at long-range even while moving and firing, but is less effective up close.

I would recommend the BBAAC build for this OC, as it maximizes your potential damage with high DPS.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1:
Hazard 2:
Hazard 3:
Hazard 4:
Hazard 5:

Hard Stats

Magazine Size: +5

Recoil: -30%


Build : 1,1,1,1,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

So there were two ways i ended up fiddling with this. One was to use it to buff out my gear mod load out which it did well enough. Two was to go all in on recoil and it did very well. Zero recoil which turned the GK2 into a sniper. I could zip out of trouble and snipe from a distance which was pretty handy. The +5 ammo is nice but on its own not really noticeable but the -30% recoil really can be seen. Combined with gear mods it really gives you room to play with your gear mod load out on the GK2 from a scouts perspective. Since its a clean overclock no drawbacks. Highly recommended for scouts that tend to snipe from afar or just prefer the GK2.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage random between 80% and 140% of weapon damage


Build : 2,1,2,1,3

Experience with it:
—- Update 1.0 —-

These homebrew overclocks are all the same, if you just do not want to fiddle with overclocks pro’s and con’s or straight up are happy with the gear modifications alone this is a good overclock to have. The damage bounces around a bit but with enough rounds you are bound to get a few 140%’s in there. It can also add a little extra to the damage since the GK2 can be made to carry so many rounds in a mag.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Rate of Fire: +3

Recoil: +150%


Build : 1,2,3,1,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

When I first started setting up this overclock I was horrified, the trade offs in the gear modifications were just all kinds of painful. This was a overclock about jacking up your rate of fire, but oh I have to give up accuracy so ill be painting the walls with my ammo and missing every bug in town. Have precious little ammo but without the weak point buff enemies in high haz are just bullet sponges. On and on I kept fiddling around. And then i started making comparisons to my standard load out and the load out i finally was happy with, and my little light bulb shined. I was getting all bent out of shape expecting MORE over my existing rate of fire build, but it was exactly the same, or so it felt.

That +3 rate of fire meant I had spent less gear modifications on getting my fire rate up there and more on additional buffs I had not currently been taking in with me. I had far better base accuracy, I had a buff that gave additional damage when I fired into weak points. Those two little changes meant I had been wasting less ammo doing the same damage with the same fire rate as before. I could melt grunts with it just as easily as before and do respectable damage to heavies, plus with the accuracy I could more easily pick things off of walls or ceilings. The only real drawback was the 250% recoil, ouch. And you felt it too every time you fired. But it was manageable. Pull down as you fire and I could adjust for the recoil. My build brought 15 damage which is enough to handle most of what is thrown at you with 450 rounds in a 35 round clip. The hard recoil might be more than some are willing to handle but with a little patience it is doable. And there are certainly far more ways to build it out trading off rate of fire for damage or insane rates of fire that make a leadstorm look slow. All in a fine modification to have for an aggressive scout that chooses to bring in a GK2 as a offensive weapon or a fall back.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Magazine Size: -5


Build : 1,2,3,1,1

Experience with it:
—- Update 32 —-

So here’s the thing, this is another mod where you do bonus damage…it just doesn’t tell you how much…. But its still a wonderful mod to have on a scout as a scout has a range of abilities it can bring to add status effects on his own. From the cryo grenade to the Zhukovs minelets. You do take a hit to mag size but this can be offset with gear mods without sacrificing damage in a real way. The real beauty of this overclock comes in when you throw in rate of fire and weak point damage, then you just start melting hp off enemies when combined with the bonus damage you get from an enemy affected by a status. There is a lot to juggle mind you. I couldnt tell if you got bonus damage from EACH status effect or if just one of any kind counted. Like you could electrocute and poison a enemy. There is also a lot of juggling going on if you are handling this all on your own. Such as Zhukov cryo minelet or cryo grenade, gk2 to do the kill all while a swarm is actively running around you. Still all around a great overclock for a front line or aggressive scout to be packing.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Jury-Rigged Boomstick


Hard Stats

Damage: +8

Max Ammo: -10

Reload Time: +0.5


Build : 2,2,2,1,3

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

I never use the boomstick…ever. But this overclock was actually pretty useful. My first thought was omg double barrel shotgun, going to have to fight everything point blank just to hit the side of a barn. Then I saw the raw damage, a whopping 23, for comparison on most weapons between 12 and 18 damage is pretty rough where they all fall after mods and gear upgrades save for single shot high damage weapons like the M1000 or bulldog. 23 is freaky kinds of high up there and thats per pellet! But only 2 shots.

I originally set it up for anti-armor to tear down praes and it did really well until haz 4 and 5 where i saw a marked dropped in damage. Then I went and set it up for grunt clearing and holy hell. The blow through rounds, the fire, the high damage, waves just melted or burst into flame. It also excels when combined with the scouts cryo grenade or frozen targets you do huge damage. But if you are an aggressive scout or a miner way up on those plats with grunts bearing down on you two shots is more than enough to melt most any light enemy. You do however, have to take the reload into account as there were times that while i was busy reloading that was enough time for a slasher to close in and nail me, then i was in real trouble. You could offset that by simply switching weapons. The ammo is also an issue and only 2 shots per clip but its a damned handy thing to have when you have enemies putting pressure on you.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE


Hard Stats

Shotgun Jump


Build : 1,1,2,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

The poor-mans hoverclock. Not going to lie, i never use the boomstick and when i saw this mod I assumed at best this would just be stupid fun. So I loaded up with a fast reload and as much ammo as I could cram into it and away I went. And I was surprised, yeah it takes considerable getting used to, but it works. The faster you shoot in succession the faster you fly off, so if you shoot,wait then shoot, you will fly slow. If you pop off 2 rounds back to back you will take off like a rocket. It is sooooo easy to kill yourself with this LOL. Highly recommend hoverboots with this one.

If you are not fortunate enough to have the m1000 hoverclock this is a decent substitute for saving yourself from those nasty falls, especially without shields, or just propelling yourself away from the middle of a horde. The downside is you have no real control over distance or speed so takes some learning to get the hang of how far you will go and where you will end up to plan accordingly. The other major draw back is it takes ammo to make work and you need both shots to really get going . But hey, poor mans hoverclock, you take what you got lol. Still if you want to be able to fly through the air using both the grapple gun and this overclock you can make it work.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: +1

Pellets: +1


Build : 2,2,3,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

Simple clean overclock that adds +1 to damage and pellets. Shotguns work on a simple concept of pellets with each pellet doing the listed damage. More pellets that hit a target means more dps however, shotguns also have spread. Further away a target is the more the pellets spread out and the less number of pellets are likely to hit the target. +1 is not much in the grand scheme of things but it is a clean overclock so low stats are the norm. Combined with gear mods the you will see the most out of this mod in point blank engagements or against frozen targets. Otherwise a good overclock for players that are happy with the stock gear mods on the boom stick.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Damage: +1


Build : 2,2,2,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

This is flat out unnecessary and an utter waste of ammo. This overclock simply replaces firing one barrel at a time with firing both. There is a gear mod that lets you fire massively faster if you feel its truly needed, otherwise stay away from this over clock.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: NO
Hazard 2: NO
Hazard 3: NO
Hazard 4: NO
Hazard 5: NO

Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +6

Reload Time: -0.2


Build : 2,2,3,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

So the gear mods on the boomstick are incredibly useful but also require you to make some hard trades depending on how you want to set it up. One of these, at least for me, is ammo. The boomstick carries precious little of it as you only get 2 shots per clip and the spread means you will be using multiple clips per horde, its easy to run out of ammo fast. 6 rounds might not sound like much but you are talking a whole 3 extra clips. The reload time shave isn’t terribly noticeable but when combined with gear mods it really lets you reload in a flash. Great overclock to have if you are happy with the stock gear mods but you were not bringing extra ammo mods along.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Pellets: -2

Base Spread: -35%


Build : 2,2,3,1,2

Experience with it:
—Update 1.0—-

I pulled this off a steam forums reply.

Accuracy is your base spread, the higher, the smaller the cone that any given bullet fired can potentially go. This cone expands due to recoil after a shot is fired, which is where stability comes into play. Stability reduces how much the cone grows, thus allows the cone to return to the smaller state faster after a shot is fired, as well as limits how far the cone will expand during sustained fire.

So this overclock revolves around reining in your base spread, which the boom stick has a pretty high rate of by default. On the surface it seems kind of silly since chances are you are using this thing at point blank anyway. But the boom stick does enormous damage versus frozen targets so combining this with the cryo grenade lets you melt even praetorians down. This overclock lets you do that at farther away by tightening the spread so you can fire accurately more than just point blank. Handy for firing at a frozen detonator or spitballer as well while keeping at a distance. You do see a slight uptick in damage, as lower spread means more pellets are landing on your target doing damage but its not significant in most cases, maybe close to medium range?

The downside is you take a large hit to pellets but really that can be offset with just one gear mod leaving the rest free to customize to your liking. This makes this overclock closer to a clean in the sense the only negative requires one gear mod to offset it. Spray and pray players will probably not see as much usefulness out of this as players that tend to take careful aim and fire at targets farther away. Still a solid overclock in the hands of the right player and recommended.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Zhukov Nuk17


Hard Stats

Damage: +5

Weak Point Damage Bonus: -100%

Base Spread: +50%

Movement Speed while Firing: -50%


Build : 1,3,2,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

Since I use my zhukovs almost exclusively as defensive weapons, this overclock fits in rather nicely with my style of play. I generally switch to my rifle for heavier or distant targets so the weapon spread really doesn’t factor in. Typically i am fighting off low hp enemies like grunts or mactera so while there is no weak point damage bonus my setup rocks 16 damage which is more than enough to widdle down low hp enemies combined with 800 rounds to work with. The movement debuff never really was an issue for me since it only applies while firing and the zhukovs speed boost perk upon emptying my clips lets me tear out of trouble quickly.

In the way that I used and set it up the overclock was not great but it was not bad either, its benefits and negatives really cancelled each other out. Leaving me to wonder if its worth using at all since i never got any noticeable benefit out of it. Still for an aggressive scout you could probably set it up to make use of the higher damage stat better than I making it a ideal overclock for scouts that tend to be on the front line or solo.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: MAYBE
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Damage: -6

Max Ammo: -400

Combined Clip Size: -20


Build : 1,1,2,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 32—-

(edit: update image)
Another overclock that got some much needed dev love. This thing was a bit of a joke before but now its all business. The concept is simple, fire a few rounds reload, then boom you detonate the rounds inside the bug. So the Pros. This thing does very real damage. Just a few rounds and you can drop weaker enemies like grunts. Even better is when you get enough explosives a little icon appears next to the bug health bar indicating that a reload will kill it so you dont have to guess. The more rounds you fire into the bug the more little bombs you plant inside it so the more potential damage you can do on reload. This is however limited by the rounds in your clip which the overclock nerfs hard so you are limited in the damage per combined clip you can do to one target. But the single greatest part of this overclock? It bypasses armor calcs. at least for the bombs. So the damage isnt nerfed by armor. Now you still have to fire into a low armor or fleshy bit for the bombs to pen meaning a praetorians armor or a dread armor wont take.

Then the bad comes in. And there is a lot of it. Your direct damage is completely gone, not even gear mods can rebuild it. Max ammo is obliterated. -400….Combined clip size of -30… The explosion on reload does not seem to do any AoE, meaning its largely limited to the enemy you fire at. The other issue is ammo since you will be unloading so much of your clips into enemies to rack up the bomb damage and you basically are stuck with the stock ammo level you can very easily run out with this overclock if you lean on it as your main weapon. Another slight is you have to have ammo in reserve to reload with to trigger the bombs. Meaning if all you have is the ammo in the clip that you unload into a bug then you try to reload nothing happens.

On the balance however you can rebuild most of your ammo with gear mods and since your direct damage is gone it actually frees up the gear mods to do so. Since the explosive reload is so good you actually wont miss your direct damage. And with the gear mods you get your ammo back and then some. This is actually a very good overclock. All around good for scouts of any flavor really but it does tend to favor the more aggressive ones to be sure.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Damage: -1

Combined Clip Size: -10


Build : 1,1,2,3,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

This one turned out to be far more effective than I really had imagined it would be. The idea is pretty simple you fire some rounds on the ground and they turn into little ice mines after a period of time. When a bug walks over them they explode doing a small freeze aoe. On its own if you fire in front of a swarm its fairly effective. Combined with the scouts freeze grenade its really effective. On top of that, if you get caught in the aoe the freeze on your character quickly wears off, its not permanent like would get from environmental freezing. Once frozen a target is far more vulnerable to damage off-setting the -1 damage you get from the overclock. Praetorians, bulks, dreads, anything that can be frozen is fair game with this overclock.

There are some drawbacks. For starters, if your rounds go into the bug, there is no freeze effect or aoe. For the overclock to work the rounds have to strike the ground. It also takes some time for them to activate so you have to fire a little far ahead of a bug before they will trigger. There is also ammo, you are effectively wasting it on a freeze effect that does no damage. So is it worth it? Yeah it is. When combined with the scout cryo grenade you can freeze things fairly quickly and then tear them down quickly while frozen. Useful for making a escape or just blunting a wave of bugs coming toward you. I would also suggest bringing a GK2 for added fire power using the zhukov to freeze and the GK2 to mow them down. All in, very useful overclock to have for aggressive scouts.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Combined Rate of Fire: +2

Reload Time: -0.4


Build : 2,2,2,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

I primarily play my scout as a miner, meaning I go after deposits first and foremost even in the middle of a swarm. That being said my Zhukovs are almost purely defensive weapons when I need to run off a few grunts while I am up high on a platform. My build of 12 damage doesn’t amount to much in Haz 4 and 5 but the minimal magazines overclock helps to make up for that in combination with my build.

A high rate of fire and quick reload means I can empty my twin 25 round clips into a grunt or weak spot quickly. The Zhukovs upgrade of Get-in Get-out also gives me a speed boost when the clips fully empty so I can empty the clips, speed-boost out of any trouble reload, rinse and repeat in a very short time. The drawback is that high rates of fire and quick reloads can easily empty your ammo stores so its important to pay attention and judge whether its worth the cost in ammo. Still for scouts that prefer high mobility the overclock does fit in very nicely.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Combined Clip Size: +30

Damage: -1


Build : 2,1,1,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

While this may be a balanced overclock its really closer to a clean one. The single loss of -1 damage is easily replaceable with gear mods. In exchange you get a whopping extra +30 rounds of ammo in your total clip which is pretty high, with gear mods you can push your max clip size to 90. Very handy for dealing with sudden swarms or just having the damage to eat into a praetorians hp bar in a single clip. If you are happy with the Zhukovs stock gear mods this is a solid overclock to add for any scout.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

M1000 Classic


Hard Stats

Focused Shot Damage Bonus: +125%

Max Ammo: -35

Focus Speed: -50%

Focus Mode Movement Speed: -35%


Build : 2,1,1,2,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

I was already plenty happy with my m1000’s setup, it did amazing single shot focus damage with its 135 base damage plus weak point damage to top it off. This monster however, put it all to shame. I was expecting a nice little increase but I think it’s fitting to rename this mod to god killer. With my setup I was rocking 210 base damage before you tossed in weak point bonus damage…. And I tore into things in-game. 1/2 to maybe 2/3 of all enemies in game I was tearing down with just one or two shots.

But the drawbacks were extremely hard. For starters that focus speed hit, you really see it. It takes ages to get full focus which is what you need to trigger a focus shot damage bonus. This really hurts your rate of fire with this mod. Compared to my previous setup I could fire two 135 damage rounds in the time it took for one. And the speed hit was an equal killer, you had to have time to sit there and shoot because you would move so slow enemies could tear you down so it required being in a safe area. The -35 ammo was less a burden since you were firing so slow it’s not like I was just burning through clips. And beefier enemies like a dread made it much harder since I could afford to miss less as opposed to popping off quick shots. But tearing down a praetorian or a menace in just one or two shots did come in handy. But I’m a bit in the middle of the road on this one. The overclock is extremely powerful and useful but I would only recommend it to scouts that play a heavily support role, only getting into the fight to help tear down large targets or distract enemies with pheromones.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Focused Shot Damage: -25%


Build : 2,1,1,2,2

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

This is one of those overclocks that, while I am not a huge fan of, I will admit it does what it does very well. While it is classified as an unstable overclock it really feels closer to a balanced in class as the one drawback it has can be offset using gun mods. Essentially you can get roughly the same focus shot damage with electrocution added in. Which can be handy, there are other classes that have weapon mods that do additional damage to electrocuted targets so there is a usefulness there, also it is handy for slowing down larger targets while you get in another focus shot. Good for praetorians that can be whipping all over the place over rough terrain.

The downside is you only get the electrocution with a focused shot, not a hip fire shot. The electrocution itself does not do much damage so you generally are relying on it more for the slow effect it places and it doesn’t last super long. On the other hand the gun mod that adds focus shot damage has only one other option to add more to a clip so it’s not a super bad trade-off unless you rely on the m1000 for hip fire shots. It’s not a bad overclock, it’s not a good overclock it just does what it does well for very little pain which is a good thing. If you like the m1000 with just the gun mods alone this is not a bad overclock to have as you are getting an electrocution effect to add in to your focus shots.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats



Build : 2,1,1,2,1

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

This is hands down one of my most favorite overclocks to have on the m1000. It lets you essentially fly. No cool downs. Ever since they took away impact compensators, scouts leaping to high places have been dangerous affairs, they have hover boots now but it’s just not the same. The hover clock solves that problem. With a focus shot charged, you float midair for a few seconds which can be handy when you want to take a focus shot on a target but don’t want to be nailed by bugs on the ground. Then you fire and down to earth you go taking fall damage. Cool but not great right?

Here’s where it gets good. What supposed to happen is once you fire you take full fall damage from the moment you begin to descend till you hit the ground even after activating hover clock. But! If you trigger the hover clock and float all the way till your feet touch the ground….you get zero damage. That’s not what is supposed to happen and I’m sure in the future they will fix it but for now, you can fly with the grapple gun. No cool-downs! You do have to get used to swapping to the m1000 quickly and triggering the hover clock just before you hit the ground so that takes some practice but it means you no longer need to worry about fall damage with a scout once you do!

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Hard Stats

Max Ammo: +16

Reload TIme: -0.2


Build : 2,2,2,1,3

Experience with it:
—-Update 1.0—-

This is a really handy overclock for people that rely on the m1000 as a hip fire build. For starters my build had 60 damage per shot, not great mind you when you talk about a lowly 4 rate of fire. But it’s a rifle so you have extremely low spread per shot and recoil. This is great at letting you pick off things from walls and ceilings even far away. Shaving 0.2 off the reload does not sound like much but compared to normal you do notice a slightly faster reload time. Adding 16 rounds with my 14 round clip means a whole extra clip which is what you need for a hip fire build.

Since there are no drawbacks it’s a pretty perfect fit for a hip fire build scout and you can carry enough ammo to put down most enemies but the low rate of fire means you learn the hard way to place your shots into weak points. Just randomly dumping ammo into enemies tends to get you in trouble. Still all around a solid overclock to have.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES


Hard Stats

Reload Time: +0.5

Focus Movement Speed: +70%

Focus Speed: +20%


Build : 2,1,1,2,3

Experience with it:

—-Update 32—-
(edit: update image)

Another Dev pass on this overclock has improved it a great deal over the last version. While this is a “balanced overclock” it is almost all pros. The movement speed of 70% is very noticeable in-game, maybe slightly faster than the scouts walk speed. Not a super big deal but newer players might appreciate it more. The focus speed is lightning fast allowing you to quickly pop off repeated focus shots more so with the gear mod added in. The one downside is the increased time to reload but it is really not that bad. Not so much so that it is going to kill you so this is closer to a clean overclock really. Since focus shots take 2 shots to fire off with a default 8 round clip that is 4 shots which is more than enough to bring down a prae. If the reload is really bugging you can take an increased clip size of 14 for 7 focus shots but that is a hard trade to the focus damage mod you would be leaving behind. With my build I was running focus shot damage of 135 not counting weak point bonuses which is fairly respectable for haz 4 and 5 given the rate of fire I could pop off. It is worth noting when taking in DPS calcs focus speed does very much count here so a focus speed of 150% is very much a factor in overall dps vs high damage low focus speed of just 100%

All around its a solid overclock, not wow worthy mind you but if you are a highly mobile scout popping from one spot to another briefly taking shots before jumping away again it is an incredibly useful overclock for m1000 wielders.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: MAYBE

Hard Stats

Damage: -20

Max Ammo: +72

Rate of Fire: +3

Recoil: -50%


Build : 2,2,2,2,3

Experience with it:

—-Update 1.0—-
(edit: Update image)
I am not a super fan of using a m1000 as a hipfire weapon. But this overclock…good lord. The damage you can do this this thing is freaky. A -20 to damage is a pretty huge hit but then it adds a whopping +3 to rate of fire. My build was rocking a total of 7. For comparison, a bare bones deepcore gk2 can rock 10. And good lord do you see it in game. I had a 14 round clip and i emptied it in barely a single second. Thank god the overclock gives you a whole 72 extra rounds because you need it. You can burn through ammo so fast lol and at 30 rounds a hit you can do huge amounts of damage to a weakspot. Factor in next to nothing in recoil and bullet spread and its very tempting to claim this overclock is nearly broken in its over-poweredness.

I don’t know why they claim this is a “balanced” overclock. The damage hit is offset by the horrifyingly high rate of fire with nearly zero bullet spread. Fantastic overclock to have for an aggressive scout or someone that uses their secondary weapon for a specialty use and needs a primary that can carry the workload of fighting.

Recommended Hazard Level:
Hazard 1: YES
Hazard 2: YES
Hazard 3: YES
Hazard 4: YES
Hazard 5: YES

Change log

Current: v2

Update 32:

Thunderhead- Complete

Stubby SMG- Complete
Warthog Autoshotgun- Complete

GK2 – Complete

Subata 120- Complete


1st pass on opinions and layout


2nd pass on grammar and layout, fix spacing and images where needed.
Change from letters to numbers.


3rd pass on layout, focus on ease of navigation and readability.

Format Testing Ignore Completely