UFO Online: Invasion Guide

Drone/scanning guide(with pictures! yaaay) for UFO Online: Invasion

Drone/scanning guide(with pictures! yaaay)


I keep seeing the same question all day every day “How do I use these drones?!” or the very irritated people and all their swearing at the drones XD. That is why I decided to make this simple guide.


This guide will show you how to use drones using pictures and instructions, but before we start…..
there ARE skills you can purchase and level up to make drones more effective and easier to use. That being said….this guide was made without those skills, just plain barebones w/ 3 drones and a scanpad which i prefer to use 1×803 and 2×805 drones this will differ on your preferences after getting use to the drones and becoming more familiar with how they work.

[color=yellow]Update. Some users have been experiencing issues trying to use 3x 803 type drones, stick with 1x 803 and 2x 805 I haven’t had any problems like this.[/color]

Understanding your drone

We will start by breaking the drone down into 4 parts.
This little guy has 1 restriction, you can NOT place him in the path of the cone, even if the cone is starting to get light or stops, it can’t be in the path!!!
[color=lightblue]Jamming Radius[/color]
The ONLY thing the jamming radius does, is stop you from placing another jamming radius on top of it.
[color=yellow]Scanning Area “Cone”[/color]
This cone is used to pick up the anomaly that you are searching for, NOT signal strength.
[color=red]Center Line[/color]
This is the part that determines signal strength. The closer the anomaly is to this line, the higher the strength will be. and im sure the question will come up “well how do i know wether to move the center line to the left or right?”. The truth is….at first you don’t. You just have to move it 1 way or the other, if the strength goes down you went the wrong way so better move it the other direction!
[color=lightgreen]Misc Control[/color]
You can use the middle mouse button/Scroll wheel OR the slider wheel on the side of the scanpad by clicking and dragging to increase sensitivity of the drone. Doing this will make the cone smaller, but it increases the max signal strength available to your drone and each drone can be set individually to your liking. for example an 803 drone has a max of 20, adjust sensitivity and it can max out at 40, this is very useful in pinpointing your anomaly and getting that 100+ signal strength

Step 1

Ok so the first step is pretty simple. 3 drones and scanpad in your inventory lets go ahead and right click on the pad and click “use”.

Step 2

Now onto step 2, with the pad open we want to click launch on all drones. You can set them up how you like but for the initial scan i prefer to set them up this way, and you just want to remember these parts. The middle white dot is your drone, the cone coming out of it is the scan area and the circle around it is the drone’s jamming range. These ranges must NOT touch each other and the scan can go into the jamming range as long as it does NOT touch the drone itself and with that being said we want to go ahead and click “scan”.

Step 3

And we have a hit! Now that 19.74 may be smaller than what you would like it to be, but we want to leave that drone in place as a starting point and work the others around it in order to pinpoint the location of the anomaly.

Step 4

This part takes a little time as you move your drones around trying to find that sweet spot and getting your signal strength to a total combined amount of 100 or more. Also in these pics you will notice my small drone go from a max signal possibility of a 20 upto a 40. This is done by shrinking the cone for a more precise lock on the anomaly, it does makes the cone smaller but in turn increases your max.

Step 5

And after a bit of searching and realigning drones we have found it! Now all you have to do is click on it. “Are you sure you want to explore this anomaly?” Hell yes we are!! hit yes to enter the area then after a short fight with a few monsters you can pick up your goodies :D.

Hope That Helps

I hope that this will be able to help many people understand how to successfully use drones instead of giving up on them 🙂 and if anything in here is incorrect or if I missed something I’m sorry I’m currently half asleep XD so just let me know and I will fix it a.s.a.p!! Thank you!

Special Thanks

Thanks to the following for their input and help on this.
[color=lightgreen]Hunter Gerhart[/color]
