The Red Solstice Guide

Drop Pod Loot Strat and Tactic for The Red Solstice

Drop Pod Loot Strat and Tactic


IntroductionThis Guide is about how to loot lots of Items.Items are of major importance in the game, wasting them can be fatal. So you better have a lot of them.This is a good starting point for Players who are rather new to the game but allready understand the Controls(and know how to survive first few waves alone).But it is also a good strategy for veterans since especially experienced Players can maxamize the usage of Items.The quality of the Images and further details will be updated as soon as I have more time in RL.


The Stragtegy is based about people gathering tons of items. This is done by Going Droppod except 1 Player. Everybody Loots Buildings and Drops the Stuff on the road.
The next step is for the team to regroup before people die because they can not handle high waves.

This Stragtegy can be applied on every difficulty. However The Tactic is probably only aplicable to difficulties up to Hard


You should have 6-8 Players to perfectly manage this tactic.
As mentioned everybody goes Droppod except for one player. People than start splitting up and entering and looting the areas 1-9. When Looting a Subarea the items will be dropped at Drop Points(Yellow Circle) (Pic1).

The Team should regroup around wave 4 to 5. After meeting up Players will Split up in 2 Groups. The first group while Get all the items from the Droppoints above the Purple Line, while the second group will loot every thing below the Purple Line (Pic2).

When looting and later gathering items from drop points i prefer first taking care of the spots which are the hardest to reach later on, so basically the spots which far from Base and Reinforcements Mission. You should be sure to finish your ownarea before you move on to help people which aren’t finished with theirs yet. If you can try to remember the Number of the area looted by you and wether you managed to finish all buildings or not because it can be helpful when one of the Leaders asks which areas are not scouted yet.

While you’re at it kill all the Strols(Orange Symbols on your ingame map/minimap), loot all the Marines (Blue Marine Symbols on your map/minimap) and activate all the Powerstations(Blue Powerstation Symbol on your map.
Killing the Strols reduces the overall hp of every single monster by 0.5% (and some additional % when you destroy 20/20)). Looting marines Hp +=5. Powerstations 2% armor Resistance each. If Marines and Strol each give XP boost aswell when finishing all of them.
Wether you bring the Items to a Base(e.g. Bunker) or just make a Few big Droppoints to do w12-15 on the run is still your choice.

I have also made a custom map(important buildings and Droppoints are marked) just /w me and i’ll send you the link

The Yellow Lines indicate which buildings are connected to a specific Drop Point(Yellow Circle). Red Numbers represent number of lockers in a Subarea.
