Conan Exiles Guide

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Dye System Tutorial and Recipe Compendium


A Guide to get started dying your armor. From crafting the bits and pieces you need, to the reagents and recipes you need to make different colors.

TL;DR Dye Making Process

Here is the overall Dye making process:

  • Harvest reagent ingredients
  • Create a Glass Flask mold — Blacksmith bench: 15 Iron Bars
  • Create Glass Flasks — Furnace: 3 glass per Flask
  • Fill the Glass Flasks with water — Use at a water source
  • Cook the Dye at a Firebowl Cauldron — Water-filled Glass Flask + [Reagent]
  • Dye your armor

TL;DR: Base Color Recipes

All dyes are created in the Firebowl Cauldron.

Resource Image
1 Cochineal + Water-filled Glass Flask = Red Dye
Orange Phykos
1 Orange Phykos + Water-filled Glass Flask = Orange Dye
5 Brimstone + Water-filled Glass Flask = Yellow Dye
Plant Fiber
20 Plant Fiber + Water-filled Glass Flask = Green Dye
True Indigo
1 True Indigo + Water-filled Glass Flask = Blue Dye
Glowing Goop
1 Glowing Goop + Water-filled Glass Flask = Cyan Dye

False Mandrake
1 False Mandrake + Water-filled Glass Flask = Purple Dye
5 Seeds + Water-filled Glass Flask = Brown Dye
Grey-flower Lupine
1 Grey-flower Lupine + Water-filled Glass Flask = Grey Dye

TL;DR: Light and Dark Colorant Variations

Each Base Color has a Light and a Dark color variation that is made in the Firebowl Cauldron by:

[Base Color Dye] + [Light or Dark Dye Colorant] = [Light or Dark Color Dye] and [Glass Flask]

Eg. 1 Blue Dye + 1 Dark Dye Colorant = 1 Dark Blue Dye and 1 Glass Flask (empty and reusable)

Light Dye Colorant
5 Bone + Water-filled Glass Flask = Light Dye Colorant
Dark Dye Colorant
3 Tar + Water-filled Glass Flask = Dark Dye Colorant

NOTE: As of this writing there is no way to “mix” colors other than the light or dark variations. You cannot, for example, mix blue and yellow dye to get green.

Base Color Reagents/Recipes and Where to Harvest

Red : The Red Dye reagent is found by hand harvesting Cactus plants around the world. You can harvest these plants until they poof. You will gain Plant Fiber and Cochineal. The Cochineal icon looks like a red beetle, and this is the reagent you will need to make Red Dye.

You will need 1 Cochineal and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Red Dye.

Orange : The Orange Dye reagent is found by harvesting coral looking plants in the bottom of the deeper sections of the river near the “newb” or original spawn area. I found the plants near the Twin statues in the SouthEastern section of the map. They may be found in other areas.
Note: There are two very different looking “coral” plants in the deep part of the river, they BOTH yield the same reagent.
You can harvest these plants until they poof, just make sure that you do not drown while harvesting. You will gain Plant Fiber and Orange Phykos. The icon looks like reddish-orange branch coral, and this is the reagent you will need to make Orange Dye.

It takes 1 Orange Phykos and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Orange Dye.

Yellow : The Yellow Dye reagent is found by harvesting Brimstone. Brimstone can be found by going into dangerous caves around the map, or harvesting the corpses of Rocknoses. The icon looks like a rounded lumpy yellow rock, and this is the reagent you need to make Yellow Dye.

You need 5 Brimstone and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Yellow Dye.

Green : The Green Dye reagent can be found by hand harvesting plants on the ground anywhere in the world. You can harvest these plants until they poof. You will gain Plant Fiber, Seeds, and Small Handful of Insects. The Plant Fiber icon looks like a green wristband (but is intended to look like a leaf matter, I assume), this is the reagent you will need to make Green Dye.

It takes 20 Plant Fiber and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Green Dye.

Blue : The Blue Dye reagent is found by hand harvesting orange/red plants with blue berries (?) in the North Central area of the map (A.K.A The Oasis). Near two ponds of water there is a Mitra temple with two large partial foot statues which spawns Exiles, and is near the Arena Desert Dog camp. The plants spawn on the ground around the pools of water. You can harvest these plants until they poof. You will gain Plant Fiber and True Indigo. The True Indigo icon looks like a twig with brown/orange leaves and blue berries on it, this is the reagent you need to make Blue Dye.

You need 1 True Indigo and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Blue Dye.

Cyan : The Cyan Dye reagent can be found under the water in the pools at the Oasis. There is only a small amount of these bright blue coral/plants available, but unlike some of the other new reagent plants that spawn since the dye patch, you can harvest these until they poof, much like regular Plant Fiber bushes. You will gain Plant Fiber and Glowing Goop. The Glowing Goop icon looks like a bright blue squiggly blob, and is the reagent for making Cyan Dye.

You will need 1 Glowing Goop and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Cyan Dye.

Purple : The Purple Dye reagent can be found on bushes with small leaves and purple flowers around the world. So far, it seems like they generally spawn near the base of the black ruined columns, walls, etc. that stick out of the ground. These plants can be harvested until they poof. You will gain Plant Fiber and False Mandrake. The False Mandrake icon looks like a small bunch of purple grapes or berries with a few leaves and is the reagent you need to make Purple Dye.

You will need 1 False Mandrake and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Purple Dye.

Brown : The Brown Dye reagent can be found when hand harvesting your basic bushes and shrubs around the world. You will gain Plant Fiber, Seeds, and Small Handful of Insects. The Seed icon looks like a pile of brown seeds, and this is the reagent you need to make Brown Dye.

You will need 5 Seeds and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Brown Dye.

Grey : The Grey Dye reagent is probably the most difficult to get. I have not been able to harvest this plant without enabling “fly” through the admin console. It can be found WAY up on the top of unscalable cliffs, usually near black rock ruins. The bush looks like the False Mandrake plant, but with white or light grey flowers instead of purple. These plants do not poof and can only be hand harvested once per spawn cycle, although there may be clumps of the bushes grouped together in one spot, so keep harvesting and moving around to make sure you didn’t miss one. You will gain Plant Fiber and Grey-flower Lupine. The Grey-flower Lupine icon looks like wisps of grey fibers or cloth and is the reagent you need to make Grey Dye.

You will need 1 Grey-flower Lupine and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask to make 1 Grey Dye.

Light and Dark Color Variations

There is a light and a dark variation for every Base Color. Light colors require Light Dye Colorant, and Dark colors require Dark Dye Colorant.

Light Dye Colorant:
This is made just like regular base dye colors, but it can not be used independently to dye armor.

Place 5 Bone and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask for each Light Dye Colorant you want to create in the Firebowl Cauldron.

To make a Light Dye color, you place 1 Light Dye Colorant and 1 Base Color Dye in the Firebowl Cauldron. This will result in 1 Light Dye and 1 Glass Flask. Apparently because you are using 2 Flasks to create one new color, you get an empty flask back. These empty flasks can be reused.

E.g. 1 Blue Dye + 1 Light Dye Colorant = 1 Light Blue Dye and 1 Glass Flask

Dark Dye Colorant:
This is much the same as the Light Dye Colorant. It cannot be used independently to dye armor.

Place 3 Tar and 1 Water-filled Glass Flask for each Dark Dye Colorant you want to create in the Firebowl Cauldron.

To make a Dark Dye color, you place 1 Dark Dye Colorant and 1 Base Color Dye in the Firebowl Cauldron. This will result in 1 Dark Dye and 1 Glass Flask.

E.g. 1 Blue Dye + 1 Dark Dye Colorant = 1 Dark Blue Dye and 1 Glass Flask

How to Make Glass Flasks

You need to create A Glass Flask mold at the Blacksmithing bench with 15 Iron Bars.

As of the writing of this compendium, you only need ONE mold per Furnace you are creating Glass Flasks in. It is NOT consumed when you create a Glass Flask, and can be moved from Furnace to Furnace if you like.

Next, find some Glass. This can be looted from some human (NPC) enemies in higher “level” content areas, but, you can create it yourself by placing Crystal in the Furnace.

You will need 2 Crystal to make 1 Glass. (Rocknoses make for good crystal-farming creatures)

After you have the Mold and the Glass, you place them both in the Furnace and turn the Furnace on. This will create Glass Flasks. It takes 3 Glass to make 1 Glass Flask.

How to Fill Glass Flasks

Take your stacks of Glass Flasks to a water source, this could be a Refreshment Statue, Well, or River/Lake.

Note: The Statue of Refreshment runs out of water fairly quickly, so I would advise using one of the other sources if you have a lot of Glass Flasks to fill.

Place the stack of Glass Flasks on your HotBar (like you would any item you want to use). Now you can fill it by pressing the appropriate HotKey, just like you would your Waterskin. It will take the Glass Flasks off the Glass Flask stack and put it back into your inventory as Water-filled Glass Flask. Repeat this filling process until your Glass Flasks are full.

Dying Armor

Now that you have made the dye colors of your choice, you can dye different parts of your armor. Make sure that you have the flasks of dye in your inventory before you begin.

Open your inventory window, select the piece of armor you want to dye (you do not need to unequip it). There will be several buttons at the bottom left inventory screen with options like “DROP” “REPAIR” etc.

One new option should be “DYE”. Click on the Dye option. It will bring up a view of your piece of armor on the left with different slots that you can color. Each colored square is a different area of your armor, and each can be dyed. On the right side of the dying menu should be a list of the different dyes you have in your inventory.

By clicking one of the colored squares under your armor (left side of the menu) and then clicking on one of the flasks of dye (right side of the menu) you should be able to preview what your armor would look like with that color on that “color slot”.

If you cancel or hit escape your armor color will not be changed, so you can play around as long as you like without committing to using the dye. Once you are happy with your color choices, click on the SAVE button and this will dye your armor. When you save, the dye you used is consumed, and you do not get the glass flasks back.

A very similar process is used to dye armor that is in your inventory, but unequipped. Select the armor in your inventory. This will bring up extra options at the bottom left of your inventory menu. After the DROP, REPAIR, etc you will now see a MORE option. Click on More and a sub-menu will appear. This should have the DYE option. Click on DYE and follow the steps to dye equipped armor.