Walking Zombie 2 Guide

Easy Mole Achievement Guide for Walking Zombie 2

Easy Mole Achievement Guide


Complete the Mole Achievement (2000 treasures) in days or weeks… not months or years! Too good to be true? Take a look and see for yourself…


01_Go to Woodlands and purchase a Treasure Map from the trader… (if there is no map to purchase and you have 10 or more gold, “refresh” the trader’s inventory until you see a treasure map to buy)… open your backpack and “use” the map…

02_Old House

02_Open your map and travel to the Old House location…


03_Take a look at your surroundings and appreciate the developers’ creative talent…


04_There are some pesky zombies that seem to know you are invading their territory… eliminate them before moving on to the next step… or not… your choice…

05_Dig Site

05_Look for the red floating ‘map marker’… follow it until you find the ‘dig treasure area’ surrounded by a dotted red line…

06_Dig Treasure

06_Dig up the treasure chest with your shovel or auger… (if you don’t have a tool to dig with, pick up the spinning shovel on the nearby table)…

07_Open Chest

07_Open up the treasure chest…


08_The treasure chest will float upward and then (when it is empty) move downward… as the chest is floating up, press the Tab key to escape… on the following screen, choose to ‘Abandon’ the map mission…


09_After you abandon the mission, you will be removed from the Old House location a short distance… continue back to ‘Step 02’ and repeat the steps until you complete the achievement, run out of gas, or get tired doing the same thing over and over…


10_When you have completed these steps 5 or more times, check your Steam progress… hf!
