Bastion Guide

Easy/Quick Leveling in Score Attack Mode for Bastion

Easy/Quick Leveling in Score Attack Mode


Trying to get those last few levels for that achievement? Or maybe you just want those Distillery slots? Here’s a quick way to level up.

How To:

*Note: Only works in score attack mode because it requires replaying levels.

While trying to get those last few slots for the Distillery, I discovered that the upper levels take a LOT of experience. Even going to Who Knows Where with multiple Shrines activated gave me little experience. And replaying the levels didn’t really help either. Except for one level.

The level that helped a lot was The Melting Pot. It’s the level near the beginning of the game where the whole level is waiting for the cage to lift of the Shard while fighting lots of baddies. There are so many enemies that you can practically farm experience.

So if you need to level up, follow these steps.

  • Activate as many shrines as you can, keeping in mind your skill level
  • Get a loadout that is good for taking out a large number of mostly lower level enemies. I recommend a scrap musket and another weapon of your choice. Whatever you feel most comfortable with
  • Go to the Melting Pot and kick some ass
  • Try to reduce the number of Secret skills you use. Near the end a lot of health and black tonics will drop, and for every tonic you pick up but are already full, that’s 10xp right there.
  • Make sure to pick up those spices, that’s 100xp for free. (Same goes for the core, but you kind of have to get that to beat the level)

I don’t know the exact amount of experience, but it got me from level 9 with the bar maybe 10% filled to the bar being 95% filled after just 3 times of this with all shrines activated. That’s a lot of experience.

If you have any tips or tricks, or even weapon combo’s you think work the best(I use the Musket and the Carbine), post them in the comments for others to see!

BONUS: Since this is score attack mode, you also get a score for this level. If you find yourself a couple hundred thousand below 1 million(the required amount for the achievement) and you haven’t replayed this level yet, you can easily get the required amount. My highscore from the first playthrough was something like 60,000. After playing it a few times my score became 420,000(approx.). A huge difference that pushed me over the edge and got me that achievement.