In this guide I won’t explain how to get each achievement in the game, cause – honestly – you don’t need any help to get most of them (and for the other few there are many other guides here @ steam, on astats.nl, youtube.com, etc). You just need to know how not to miss (some) of them. My intention was to help you to get 100% of both: fun and achievements in just one playthrough of this great game (and to avoid spoilers as much as it’s possible)With this guide you will know when you should worry about some achievement activity, to get all of them in single playthrough (as I did). So for example, you won’t have to look for the toilet all the game long and you won’t miss it too (or you will know you’ve just missed it). You will know when to read or watch a guide for any achievement you need. So just follow this guide (and one more for collectibles *) a bit during your game progress and have fun with it! I hope it’s enough to read a part of it just before you’ll start each chapter.Before we start read some additional notes here:- You will quicksave (F6) quite often, but use normal save from time to time. If I write ‘save’ anywhere in this guide, it means save, not quicksave.- I suggest to save right before all fights with Gunships (as you might wish to quicksave after each hit, but might also wish to go back to start of a fight).- There are 45 collectibles in the game and I won’t warn here about any of it – that would require a book. I used (*) this guide, it’s very good IMO. If you won’t miss anything you should get the achievement in 11th chapter.- Numbers show general progression of getting the achievements, not the moments you have to ‘do’ them, that’s why some are not in the order or some even appear twice.
I – Point Insertion
So, it’s right after your 1st escape through the window and entering a building again. You will meet this military who will ‘gently’ ask you to put some can to the trash. Quicksave here and do this:
1. Submissive (Put the can in the trash).
Than quickload and get the 2nd achievement:
2. Defiant (Hit the trashcan cop with the can).
3. Malcontent (Escape the apartment block raid). [Storyline]
II – “A Red Letter Day”
4. What cat? (Break the mini-teleporter in Kleiner’s lab). – do this during your lab stay, before doing anything they will ask you there, just not to miss it.
5. Trusty Hardware (Get the crowbar). [Storyline]
III – Route Kanal
6. Barnacle Bowling (Kill five barnacles with one barrel). – There are several places in whole game with a few barnacles very close each to other. Here you will spot the 1st one (and the easiest, I think). Just do it to have it done.
7. Anchor’s Aweigh! (Get the airboat). [Storyline]
8. Heavy Weapons (Get the airboat’s mounted gun). [Storyline]
IV – Water Hazard
9. Revenge! (Destroy the hunter-chopper). [Storyline]
10. Vorticough (Discover the hidden singing vortigaunt cave in chapter Water Hazard). – Right after the ‘Revenge!’ head through the gate and go left to find this hidden acid cave. Just be sure you’re in good health.
V – Black Mesa East
11. Zero-Point Energy (Get the Gravity Gun in Black Mesa East). [Storyline]
12. Blast from the Past (Find the HEV Suit Charger faceplate in Eli’s scrapyard). – Do it in scrapyard right after you get the Gravity Gun.
13. Two Points (Use DOG’s ball to make a basket in Eli’s scrapyard). – Do it right after Alex will call her DOG. Quicksave right after you will get the ball.
VI – “We Don’t Go To Ravenholm…”
15. Zombie Chopper (Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun). – To get it you have to use only Gravity Gun from beginning of the chapter. Escort is just a part of it and you will get ‘Hallowed Groud’ before ‘Zombie Chopper”, but you need to start ‘chopping’ before escorting. You might wish to save before it.
14. Hallowed Ground (Escort Gregori safely through the church cemetery). [Storyline]
VII – Highway 17
16. Where Cubbage Fears to Tread (Defend Little Odessa from the gunship attack). [Storyline]
21. One Man Army (Destroy six gunships). – So you’ve destroyed your 1st gunship, there are 2 more in this chapter – just remember to deal with all of them.
17. OSHA Violation (Kill 3 enemies using the crane). – In a moment in your car travel where you will have to use some crane with electromagnet, you will have those 3 enemies shooting to you from some platform. Just make sure to deal with them in proper way.
18. Targetted Advertising (Pin a soldier to the billboard in chapter Highway 17). – Right after you deal with some magnetic ball mines on the road, you will see some bridge and a group of abandoned buildings… and this billboard – can’t miss that. The crossbow will also wait for you in the best shooting place.
VIII – Sandtraps
21. One Man Army (Destroy six gunships). – There are 3 gunships in this chapter – if you destroy them all, and if you have destroyed all 3 in previous chapter, you will have your achievement near end if this chapter. Anyway, there’s at least one more to deal with – in 11th chapter.
19. Keep Off the Sand! (Cross the antlion beach in chapter Sandtraps without touching the sand). – You can’t miss a starting point. Just make sure to save before, quicksave very often and… have fun with the gravity gun. If the achievement didn’t pop out, it means you have touched the sand (antilions could have not notice that, but Mr. G did). But luckily, you have your save. (Yes, that can be the most frustrating achievement in the game).
20. Bug Hunt (Use the antlions to kill 50 enemies). – Right after dealing with some ‘mini boss’ you will get a new ‘biological’ weapon. Save here. Try to use it exclusively until you get the achievement. Don’t worry if you won’t get 50 kills in this chapter, you can easily finish it in the next one. Anyway, in case it’s still not enough you have your saved point.
23. Hack Attack! (Kill five enemies with a Manhack). – Near the end of this chapter you will meet your 1st Manhacks and possibility to kill enemies with it. I’d suggest to focus on ‘Bug Hunt’ anyway, as you’ll face more Manhacks in next chapter.
IX – Nova Prospekt
22. Flushed (Kill an enemy with a toilet). – After entering a building through some hole in the wall, you should find yourself in jail with cells with toilets. There’s one you can grab using your Gravity Gun. There are also some more toilets later in this level.
23. Hack Attack! (Kill five enemies with a Manhack). – You should get it easily in this chapter.
24. Warden Freeman (Survive the second turret standoff in Nova Prospekt). [Storyline]
X – Anticitizen One
25. Follow Freeman (Gain command of a squad of rebels in the uprising). [Storyline]
26. Radiation Levels Detected (Get through the toxic tunnel under City 17). [Storyline]
27. Plaza Defender (Survive the generator plaza standoff). [Storyline]
XI – “Follow Freeman!”
28. Counter-Sniper (Kill all of the snipers in City 17). – All 5 snipers are waiting for you at the beginning of the chapter.
29. Fight the Power (Shut down the supression device by disabling its generators). [Storyline]
30. Lambda Locator (Find all lambda caches in Half-Life 2). – As said before, you should get all 45 collectibles by now.
31. Giant Killer (Survive the rooftop strider battle in the ruins of City 17). [Storyline]
XII – Our Benefactors
32. Atomizer (Disintegrate 15 soldiers by throwing them into a Combine ball field). – You will recognize Combine ball field when you get there – no doubt. Just have fun there, till this icon will pop out.
XIII – Dark Energy
33. Singularity Collapse (Destroy the Citadel’s reactor core). [Storyline] – Well, you have just finished the game with 100%.
a bonus?
If you like the game and you’re a 100% hunter, get another 100% game by playing the upgraded version of the game, free for owners of this version.