This guide will show you how to upgrade your whole ship to the next tier of material
First sorry for strange sentences or writting errors, english is not my mothertongue.
With this method you can easy upgrade your whole ship and blocks that arent available for that material will be of an lower tier material for example not all material have armor blocks. Important is that you know your root block i will explain this later.
Keep in mind, if you dont follow the rules or you dont know which your root block is then i cant guarantee for anything 🙂 And keep the safe mode on so you dont loose your ship by accident ;D
If you dont know which your root block is, you can create a template from your whole ship and create a new one at a shipyard and paste your template so that your root block is easy accessible.
First mark your ship
Delete all your turrets and unload all your systems. Otherwise you will drop those and they float around you and need to be collected first so no big deal but better safe than sorry i guess 🙂
First thing you need to know where your root block is. Otherwise this method doesnt work.
Then you draw a box around your complete ship (there is a button in the first row the third from the left side).
In the picture i marked my root block red.
After this IMPORTANT press CTRL and unmark your Root block if you skip this your ship will be gone if you disabled safe mode or it simply wont work!!!
Second save your ship as an template
Now after you have your whole ship marked except your root block you can save it as an template. First press CTRL+C so you copy your selection then simply press space and in the lower row, mark an free slot.
Now you can paste it in there and your ship is saved as an template for all eternity 😉
The next step is to delete your ship except the root block. Now this is why you need to know your root block. In my tests my ship was “destroyed” when i deleted the root block. Just to be save let safe mode active so you cant delete your root block if you arent sure which your root block was.
Third upgrading and restore the glory of your ship
So in the next picture you see in the upper right corner a dropdown bar. This is the material for your selected template. If your selected material doesnt support the block or some blocks for example armor, then your armor will be out of the next lower tier for example Xanion doesnt have armor but Trinium does. If i want my ship out of Xanion then everything will be Xanion except Armor will be Trinium. Hope you understand my confusion words 😉
After you choose your Material you can click on the template
Reminder: if you have a template with more than one block you can hold down ALT and chose your anchor point for your template so that it fits perfectly onto your root block. Place it down like it was. In the Picture you can see it cost me also Naonite even i choose Titanium for my template. This is what i tried to explain earlier but this time reversed. In this template i got a shield and hyperspace core which arent available for Titanium.
Now the really cool part about this method you can make your ship bigger and scale it evenly or you know like you scale a block with WASD and Q try it out but you might need more crewmember 😀 And if your ship had enough power and you scale it up it still has enough power, the acceleration is dependent on mass and therefor it might not be as good as a small ship but a capital ship doesnt handle the same as an small corvette 🙂
Its really easy and handy and i wanted to show you this because im not sure if many thought of this and i read many threads regarding this upgrading issue which in my opinion isnt. You even keep your crew and the insurance you already paid.
Hope this helps some people 😉