Spiral Knights Guide

Easy ways to farm Eternal Orbs of Alchemy for Spiral Knights

Easy ways to farm Eternal Orbs of Alchemy


This guide is for the people struggling to find eternal orbs.Hope it helps 🙂

1st-, easiest-, fastest way with the most probable drop

The first way is runnig the rank mission 8-2 Rotting Metropolis on elite difficulty.

This way is easy to solo even on elite, it is very fast to run and it only contains undead and slime families.

If u havent got the best gear then ask friends or guild m8’s to join.

1 run always gets 10-40 shining fire crystals and many runs
give 1-2 eternal orbs.

2nd-, harder- and a longer way but with a chance to get Radiants as well

The second way i also usually get atleast 1 eternal orb, but this way might not be suited for Defender Elites as well as the first one is.

This way is to play through the Firestorm Citadel on elite difficulty.

My suggestion for this is a full party with all Blitz Needles for the boss and the trojans and elemental weapons for the slags. 1 party member can also take a Shivermist Buster with good CTR, to beat the boss with ease.

Another way is go solo take a Combuster or a Voltedge (lv 10) a Blitz Needle (lv 10, i got lv 8 does good aswell) and extra slots if u have a Polaris and then a 3rd Elemental weapon or just an Acheron. Soloing is a lot easier because everything takes so little dmg to kill even on elite.

Note: Always get the hidden boxes in D27! They can very easily be an orb or atleast 3-9 radiants.

U should always try to get through the boss as well for the highest chance for orb drops from all the red boxes. But i have gotten many drops from boxes in D25, -26 and -27, so dun worry its still very possible.


This way usually gets you: (numbers depend on have u gotten to the red boxes in D28)

– 0-1 Eternal Orbs of Alchemy
– 6-21 radiant fire crystals
– 20-30 shining fire crystals
– 8,5k – 10k cr

3rd, most expensive and hard way, but with pretty much a 100% drop chance

3rd way would be doing a Shadow Lair.

For this way I suggest a party for a few reasons:

– It can be VERY hard if u have never done a SL before.
– Key price can be shared with a party (u wont lose as much money :3) 4 members 1800/4 = 450 ce per member
– Take A group of friends for a fun experience 😀

I would suggest doing DFV if u are very experienced because this way gives the most amount of cr and Radiants.

I did IQ, i had a fun experience as it was my first SL ive ever done but from that i can already say,
this way u will probably get:

– 1 – 3 Eternal Orbs —-Numbers Depend on the SL —-
– 20+ Radiant Fire Crystals
– 20+ Shining Fire Crystals
– 10k – 20k+ cr

4th way

Doing the mission: Dreams and Nightmares (DaN/D&N) [10-2] on Elite difficulty. People farm this for Radiant Fire Crystals but eh – I’ve gotten lots of rads here since I started farming it myself.

Id highly recommend giving it a try, Its hard – you’ll need skill in dodging and positioning but that is all down to practice and this is a good way to get that too. I had to try different loadouts, strategies, sprite perks etc. for ages before I could do it. And trust me it is rewarding in the end.

I use Pulsars – they are a pretty cheap strategy, yes, but they get the job done – and its easier to survive. I keep an elemental and a shadow one with me.

I know bombs work well, such as: Dark Retribution, Dark Briar Barrage, Ash of Agni
Only problem with them is the fact that you’ll be taking hits and will die (If you cant dodge very well – I know I can’t)

In DaN, monsters cant drop a vitapod – only health and thats why I suggest a Seraphynx – Heart Attack is a great one. I use a Drakon – Firestorm is a good one – especially Frenzied. Also Maskeraith’s Shadow Cloak is useful for losing aggro and repositioning on the arena.

There are a few things to know:

Slimes are weak to Elemental (+ the usual Shadow)
There are no Fiends (= Great)
Lost Souls keep spawning – disappear when losing aggro (only when they havent started an attack)
All floors have Arsenal Stations.
First two floors are just running – get to the elevator as fast as possible.
Third floor you run through the first part – then press all the buttons that appear in the second room – And then comes the final arena several large waves of swarm monsters and four turrets.
Catalyzer shots do not stick to Swarm monsters.

As Ive Already told in the comments I am always glad to run in game too – so just add me
Name: Electronguy

Good running to everyone!

PS: Long thorough guide for Vanaduke coming up soon when I stop being lazy and finish that one.

Note this!

Orb drop chance from boxes is always 0,5% so its not like u will get them sure on every single run.
