This is a simple quick start guide to playing Earth From Another Sun. You can find hopefully everything you need here. And if theirs something missing please let me know what it is so i can keep an eye out for it. The game is Pre-Alpha and is ever changing so I am going to try and keep things simple. The experience is what its all about. I find my experience enjoyable and i hope you do to. I have included some of my builds at the bottom. If you have any you would like to share let me know. or even post in the comments. Thanks for reading my resource it’s more starting out as a quick reference for myself. But i hope others find it useful as well.
Disclaimer The Squirrel Experience
First off, I made this guide as a resource for everyone to use as the game progresses into Alpha Development. I also don’t want to spoil everything, so i kept the stuff super basic here. Their’s going to be a little redundancy in what you see here, and you should note that these numbers can change, and do not represent anything more then place holders. At the bottom you can find some of my successful builds that I enjoy. I hope to see some from other players in the future as this guide expands to include everything that is added to the game. Thanks for reading, and if you found this resource useful make sure to leave a review.
These are the materials you will find in the game. Some of them are used in different parts of crafting. I will go over them further as updates come along.

As far as I can tell their are 2 Currencies at the moment. One i know for sure is for the Shop Items. The other i suspect is something to do with EXP and levels. Both are obtained from killing mobs.
Guns base values are subject to change from both your Mod’s and Skill’s. Most everything is the same across the board. And if in case you are wondering, the middle stat is Fire Rate.
Scrub Tier

Mods do various things to your character as you advance through the game. Some of these may be subject to change, so use the wording for reference. If you happen to find any that are missing please let me know so that i may add them to the list.

Skills do various things to your character as you advance through the game. Some of these may be subject to change, so use the wording for reference. If you happen to find any that are missing please let me know so that i may add them to the list.

Sub Stats
These are stats that are on Mods and Skills. Here is a bit of a list to look at of what is available in the game. Sub Stats are stats that are all randomized and come in on the bottom of you’re items. Numbers may change along the way. Just use the wording for reference. But if you find a lower or higher value then whats here. Please let me know, it will be greatly appreciated.
List of Found Sub Stats
Skills Damage +13-14% Firerate +6-7% Pistol Damage +5-7%
Enemy Projectiles Damage -3-5% VS Elites Damage +10-14% Acid Spitter Damage +4-7%
Light Weapon Clip Size +8-13% Movement Speed +4-8% Bow Damage +5-8%
Enemy Melee Damage -1-5% Max Energy +1 SMG Damage +4-8%
1-4% Chance to Ignore Damage Elite Damage -1-5% Grenade Launcher +4-8%
Area & Explosive Damage +4-7% Critical Damage +8% Shotgun Damage +4-7%
Energy Recovery Speed +6% Damage Received -2%
Fixed-width font, preserves spaces
The Eleven/7
SPOILER ALERT… Its a map location in the game, almost seen as a check point. Somewhere you have a selection of various amenities to take care of you’re self. From Upgrades to New Weapons you can find it all here. Or at least I’ve seen most items come up in here. A list of various things that can peak you’re interest are Crafting Stations and Buying Spots, their is also a healing spot if you so need it. I do from time to time. At the moment this is developmental and is going through constant changes. But here is some pictures and a brief description of what these beautiful crafting stations can do.
Upgrade Interface – Here we have a crafting station that is capable of leveling up you’re items. This includes Weapons, Mods, and Skills. It will cost a amount of material to level up an item. Each rarity of item has its own amount of resources used for leveling up. But more to come on this. For now this is where the Main Levels that you see come from.
Refiner – This one is pretty interesting, so what it does is it advances you’re items Tier for resources. The Tier of the item will progress as follow Scrub > Common > Uncommon > Rare > Epic > Legendary > Mastercraft. But you probably figured this out by now. But i figured I would write it down for the crafting station.
Revamping Station – So for the finally we have this crafting station, which is used to Reroll you’re sub stats. When you reroll sub stats you get a new set of random ones, sometimes some are lit up gold indicating something. But at this time im not too sure other then x2 stat.
More to come in the future. At the moment i think there is about 12 different maps to experience in your travels across the stars.
More to come on this. But as it stand for mobs. They have a few special abilities but ill leave those for everyone to find out for themselves. As things are ever changing, i don’t know what’s certain.
More to come on this. As there are some test modes to experience I’ll leave those for you lovely people to check out ! At the moment, there is a few Conquest experiences to enjoy and discuss. But the main play experience is there, there is multiplayer at the moment. But from lack of community because of still being in Pre-Alpha phase, i haven’t had a chance to check it out yet.
At this moment their are 2 things you can operate in game. An hoverbike, and a Tank.
They are in the game, there is 3 of them. Good Luck.
Squirrel’s Build’s
Now you know all the basics about the game. Here are some builds that were, in my opinion, the most entertaining to play.