Little Big Adventure 2 Guide

Enabling The Steam Overlay - Allows screenshots - Chatting with friends for Little Big Adventure 2

Enabling The Steam Overlay – Allows screenshots – Chatting with friends

How does one enable the steam overlay?

It’s quite simple actually.

First off you will need to go the location where the game is installed.

Find a file called ” LBA2.conf “

Run it with a text file editing software like notepad.

You will need the edit the following lines:

fullresolution=original to fullresolution=1280×960

output=overlay to output=openglnb or output=opengl

priority=higher,normal to priority=normal,pause

scaler=normal2x to scaler=none

Save the file.

And you should be able to run Little Big Adventure 2 with the steam overlay – Warning It does have some known issues.. but you can still chat with your friends and take screenshots while your ingame.

Known Issues

You cannot use the default key(s) Shift +Tab for the overlay

If your using this guide to take screenshots and to chat with your friends while ingame, I would recommended you change your steam overlay key to something that the game doesn’t use. I used F11 key.

Also you cannot use the same key to leave the overlay, you gotta press the ESC key.

To change the steam overlay key, go into your steam settings and go to In-Game Options.

1. I would also turn off the In-game FPS Counter – If your using it.

2. While In-Game move your chat with your friend(s) to something like this. – just keep it line within the game not outside the game window. – I have solved this issue, do not worry about it.

Or else you’ll get this…

3. It may have a graphic issue when a friends sends you a message or friend comes online.. You press ESC and it should slove the issue. – I have also solved this issue.


If you prefer to download the already edited config file, you can download it here.


Just copy and paste it into your LBA 2 directory.

VirusTotal Link for people who are worried it’s a virus…

