Max Payne Guide

[ENG] Updated Classic: Max Payne for Max Payne

[ENG] Updated Classic: Max Payne


This guide is dedicated to pack of modifications for your favorite game. This build of mods are carries a several fixes for the game and restore some cut content.


What is Updated Classic?

Updated Classic is a modpack that restores a lot removed features from the game and gives some fixes (that won’t destroy original atmosphere), even exclusive ones so you won’t find them anywhere else (if it hasn’t been stolen). And we’re working hard on it, spending hours, days and even months to fix some issues that can be already present in the games or can be caused by mods. And we’re working a few years on this already.

Changes – Part 1

Changes from default PC version:
  • Game now properly supports any widescreen modes (16:9, 16:10, 21:9 etc.).
  • Fixed all problems with missing sounds and music.
  • Fixed “JPEG Error” on Ryzen 3000 CPUs.
  • Fixed a problem with Vinnie Gognitti’s jump in Chapter 1 Part 6 – “Fear That Gives Men Wings” (FPS locked to 60).
  • Fixed a problems with height of bullet-time-jumps (FPS locked to 60).
  • Improved some textures (check Demonstration section).
  • Fixed problems with startup and initializing Direct3D by the game engine inside DllMain.
  • Exclusive: Title screen taken from PS2 version.
  • Exclusive: Intro movie taken from PS2 version (with Rockstar’s logo).
  • Added all official ReadMes (located in ‘ReadMe’ folder).
  • Added official PC Manual (located in ‘ReadMe’ folder).
  • Added a proper Jump to Chapter option to the game, just like in Max Payne 2, you must complete the game once on Fugitive to unlock it.
  • Enemies now use their fire death sounds (while the boss enemies use their normal death sounds) as their falling to death sounds.
  • Restored an unused third variation of the “Found Painkillers” dialogue, the one that plays when picking up a painkiller for the first time.
  • Restored Max’s unused death sounds, including the fire death sounds.
  • Restored unused sound variations for projectiles, clips, shells and weapon collision sounds, they are all a bit more varied now.
  • Now all characters in the game have and use their own character sounds properly. Previously, a large number of characters were using the generic “mobster” sounds in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where Frankie Niagara, Boris Dime and Angelo Punchinello had two death sounds playing.
  • Project: Valhalla test subjects now behave exactly like the other junkies in the game, using their character sounds as well.
  • Restored Vinnie Gognitti’s unused death sound when he dies in “Police Brutality”.
  • Fixed a bug where the “pickup dropped” particle effect did not play on some weapons when they were dropped.
  • Lead Pipe is now available in Part II instead of being absent, it can be picked up from Frankie’s corpse after he dies in “The Baseball Bat”.
  • “Hidden Truths” now uses the “coldsteel” skybox instead of not using any skybox, even though it’s not visible.
  • Fixed a bug where the “coder” console command didn’t give the player infinite painkillers.
  • Corrected a minor issue with the Sawed-Off Shotgun pickup, now it gives you two bullets instead of four.
  • Restored Max’s unused “get damage” sounds, but they only work on AI-controlled Max skins.
  • Restored an unused texture variation for the Inner Circle members, now there are a total of three different variations.
  • Restored Alex’s unused death sound when he is shot dead during the cutscene in “Live From the Crime Scene”.
  • Restored the unused “The Flesh of Fallen Angels” music track, now it plays during the boss fight with Jack Lupino in “An Empire of Evil”.
  • Restored all of the unused Killer Suit alert dialogues, there are now a total of 32 unique and different alert dialogues for them.
  • Restored an unused “get damage” sound for Mercenaries.
  • Police officers now use the Mercenaries’ character sounds. But only the “get damage” and death sounds are used from their character sounds.
  • Removed Bullet Time and extra New York Minute time bonuses for killing non-hostile characters.
  • Corrected the “get damage” sounds of a mobster in the toilet in “The Baseball Bat”.
  • Restored an unused “character landed to death” sound, which was meant to play when a character died after falling from a height.
  • Made many small internal improvements to all playable Max skins, the suit Max skin now behaves exactly like the normal Max skin.
  • The second gun model appearing in Max’s left hand when wielding any dual weapons has been repositioned to match the gun in the right hand more closely.
  • Max’s jacket design now matches E3 2000 and the leopard jacket underneath it is now orange, like in E3 2000.
  • Smart compatibility with non-English versions of the game; the new text additions no longer cause any other texts to auto-change to English.
  • Fixed a difficulty level-related bug where you would get awkward amounts of ammo when playing on the “Fugitive” difficulty level.
  • Added a new music track to the end credits from a special credits video which is only available on the PS2 version of the game.
  • Recreated the Roscoe Bank security guard skin and restored them to “Live From the Crime Scene”, where they were meant to appear.
  • The scared mobster who helps you get into the laundry in “Fear that Gives Men Wings” now has skin variations.
  • Restored the collision sounds of broken wood pieces, these sounds play when wooden objects (only the ones that break into several pieces) are broken.
  • Bullets are now clearly visible during gunfights and when the game is paused, so now you can avoid damage by dodging them.
  • NYPD cops are no longer set to be invulnerable and have disabled projectile collisions by default upon spawning, normally the bullets would just pass through them.
  • Restored three different color variations of the trenchcoats worn by the Ragna Rock trenchcoat mobsters.
  • Restored one coat texture of a fat mobster, a purple jacket texture of a street mobster (like in E3 2000), and a dusty jacket texture of a thin and bald mobster.
  • Restored a light-blue undershirt texture of a mobster (this mobster is the one with a shotgun near the vending machine in “Roscoe Street Station”).
  • Restored three different texture variations of the coats worn by the Project: Valhalla scientists.
  • Added a new “GetLeadPipe” console command, it adds a Lead Pipe into your inventory.
  • Fixed the muzzleflash of the Ingram in Max’s left hand when firing the Dual Ingrams, now both Ingrams display separate muzzleflashes.
  • Characters now grin correctly when firing the Sniper Rifle, the Ingram and the Dual Ingrams.
  • Transparent and semi-transparent textures with adult content now completely disappear when using Parental Lock, non-transparent textures still turn grey though.
  • Removed all of the fake shine, chrome and specular effects from all weapons and their pickups. Now they all appear in their true colors, without any environment mapping.
  • Added a new graphic novel page that displays the game’s title, this new page also the default one used by the game now.
  • The AI-controlled Max who appears tied to the chair in the first nightmare level now no longer has a Beretta in his hand.
  • The dead mobster tied to the chair in “The Blood Veins of New York” also no longer has a Beretta in his hand.
  • The small blood splatters on the ground left by Vinnie in “Police Brutality” now no longer appear when using Parental Lock.
  • Restored a second variation of the shootdodge sound effect that was left unused.
  • The game now uses all unused four variations of the “melee weapon hits hollow metal” sound instead of one.
  • Red bullet holes and red melee hit marks now appear on the “flesh” material (used by objects like the meat in “The Baseball Bat”) if not using Parental Lock.
  • Fixed a bug where switching from the Sniper Rifle to Colt Commando made Max perform the Colt Commando reloading animation.
  • The “coder” console command now sets the total amount of Bullet Time to maximum.
  • The “flesh” material now also behaves just like the “character” material by using the same particle effects and sounds.

Changes – Part 2

  • All graphic novel pages are now really disabled when using Parental Lock, the only viewable page is now the new one that was mentioned earlier.
    (This was done to bring Parental Lock in line with the text that says “all graphic novel screens are removed” when starting the game with Parental Lock on.)
  • The dead mobster tied to the chair in “The Blood Veins of New York” now uses the “death” face texture correctly, like the other “custom death” animations.
  • The AI-controlled Max who appears tied to the chair in the first nightmare level now uses the “death” face texture, because his eyes are normally open.
  • “Angel of Death” and the two nightmare levels now use the “asgard” skybox instead of not using any skybox. This “asgard” skybox just consists of a simple plain cloudy sky.
  • “Put Out My Flames With Gasoline” now uses the unused “skyscrapers_streetlevel” skybox. The restaurant is actually located in Manhattan, I saw this in the intro cutscene.
  • Fixed the “dropped-by-dead-enemy Pump-Action Shotgun” projectile, now it correctly uses the rifle collision sound instead of the handgun one.
  • Fixed the “painkiller” weapon’s HUD text if you somehow manage to end up wielding it, now it uses it’s own proper alpha texture which was left unused.
  • Any thrown Grenades now leave a small mark on whatever they collide with, just like when using melee weapons.
  • Changed the Colt Commando bullet model, now it uses the Sniper Rifle bullet model instead of the Beretta bullet model.
  • Separated character and flesh bullet hit particle effects from generic bullet hit effects, so the game only disables those ones when using Parental Lock.
  • All weapons now use one model for both far and near distances, which no longer causes the weapon animations to not display when the camera is far away.
  • Fixed the Dual Berettas’ reload sound playing three times when reloading the Dual Berettas, now only one reload sound plays on each gun.
  • A shotgun shell now ejects from the gun after each shot when using the Jackhammer.
  • Restored Michelle Payne’s “alive” face texture, the game now only uses her “death” face texture when she performs any death animations.
  • Improved weapon animation resetting, now weapons in both hands have their animations reset instead of only the right one and the animations are now reset instantly.
  • Fixed Alfred Woden’s glasses alpha texture, the missing glass piece of the glasses is now completely invisible instead of being semi-transparent.
  • Fixed the “docks” skybox, now the buildings on the horizon don’t look like they are “sunk” in the docks water and the entire skybox texture is repositioned.
  • Removed the unrealistic “burst-firing” from the Ingram and Dual Ingrams, now they fire single shots on each press of the Shoot button.
  • Removed the “combined” shooting sound of Dual Ingrams, now each gun plays it’s own sound.
  • Removed all “gangsta”, “mobster” and “merc” variations of all weapons’ shooting animations from all characters, they’re way too “broken-looking” to be actually used in the game.
  • Mercenaries no longer try to shoot at the player while descending down using ropes in some levels, their shots are never accurate and correctly timed.
  • Decreased the collision capsule height for rats to be the same as their collision capsule’s radius, so the player doesn’t float above the rats when standing on them.
  • Junkies and Project: Valhalla test subjects now shout whenever using any weapon, instead of only when using the Beretta.
  • Removed all weapon animations from the Sniper Rifle, the animations are way too long to work properly and the gun’s chamber pulls itself back automatically.
  • Replaced the Sniper Rifle’s shooting animation with a much more better-looking one that was meant for a cut “burst-fire MP5” weapon.
  • Fixed the position of the Sniper Rifle’s bullet shell creation, now it falls out of the chamber instead of falling out from the end of the gun’s barrel.
  • Sniper Rifle’s bullet shell now falls out instantly after firing a shot, instead of taking way too long.
  • Fixed the incorrect timing of the left hand Beretta’s bullet projectile creation when using the Dual Berettas.
  • B.B. now no longer uses the Desert Eagle shooting animation when using the Beretta.
  • Rats can now reload and shoot all weapons properly, especially the Dual Berettas and Dual Ingrams.
  • Added light camera shake effects to Sawed-Off Shotgun and M79, and heavy camera shake effects to Jackhammer and Sniper Rifle.
  • Increased the look-at blend time to 0.25, now it matches the internal blend time used for character animations and Max’s head turns more smoothly.
  • Picking up an M79 ammo-box now gives you four M79 grenades and picking up a Sniper Rifle now gives you five bullets.
  • Removed the chamber sound from the Sniper Rifle because it no longer moves.
  • Sniper Rifle’s shooting sound effect now slows down when the time slows down.
  • Changed distance fogging values in “Fear that Gives Men Wings” to match the ones that were used in the older builds of the level.
  • Increased the player’s health multiplier in New York Minute difficulty level from 0.9 to 1.0 for literally balanced and normalized gameplay.


From words to action:

Here is some screenshots made in the game:

And small comparisons of improved textures:


NOTE: Updated Classic DOESN’T require original game or Steam. You can install a build and play Updated Classic without Steam.

We are marks versions of this pack, so that it’s easier to navigate with the freshness of the versions. Right now, Build 1 is available for Max Payne.

You can download here (link for choice): (Size: 998 MB)


Note: Build works perfectly without Steam. But, if you want to play it through Steam, then follow the instructions below.

So, you downloaded the archive and do not know what to do next.
1. Remove the Steam Version:
First, you need to remove all files from the original Steam version of the game. To do this, click on the Max Payne with the right mouse button in your Steam library and select Properties > Local Files> > Browse Local Files…. After this action you will have to open the folder with the game files. Just delete them all.
2. Rehabilitation of Game:
Now everything is simple. All you have to do is take the files of the folder UC Max Payne – Build 1 and put the files in game folder where you deleted some files recently.

NOTE: If you want to install the build without downloading the Steam version of the game, you can simply use the .acf file from the archive below, which is responsible for having the installed game on Steam.

Download (link for choice):

Put a file in Steamsteamapps folder, after installation, restart Steam.
Content of the archive:
appmanifest_210350.acf – File for Max Payne (RU)
appmanifest_12140.acf – File for Max Payne

Pre-launch settings

Most important:

Part I. In game launcher select D3D Hardware T&L in Acceleration.

Part II. Prerequisites
Install all prerequisites from folder Max Payne/ReadMe/Prerequisites. This is require to correct work of the game and mods.
1. DirectX PackMax Payne/ReadMe/Prerequisites/Direct X/DXSETUP.exe
2. Runtime PackMax Payne/ReadMe/Prerequisites/Runtime Pack/RuntimePack_x86_x64.exe
3. Visual C++ Redistributable HybridMax Payne/ReadMe/Prerequisites/Visual C++ Redistributable Hybrid/VCR_Hyb_x86_x64_24.04.2019.exe

Part III. Anti Aliasing:
The game’s anti aliasing works bad on Hardware mode. The problem is a white lines on geometry in dark places ONLY. Here is how it looks like:

Well, if it’s not really bothering you, just skip this part. But if it does bothering you, here is a solution:
I have Nvidia video card so the only instruction I can give you is how to enable anti aliasing in Nvidia control panel. If you’ve another video cards manufacturer I will really thankful for different instructions for specific video cards manufacturers.

For Nvidia video cards users:
1. Open game’s launcher, then head to Options… and turn off Antialiasing.
2. Launch your videocard settings program: Nvidia Control Panel.
3. Head to Manage 3D settings, then go to Program Settings and Add MaxPayne.exe there.
4. After adding, you’ll see a settings for this application.
5. Apply following settings:
Antialiasing – Mode: Enhance the application setting
Antialiasing – Settings: Maxium that your PC can handle with.
Antialiasing – Transparency: Maxium that your PC can handle with.

Part IV. Save game files now stores to Max Payne/savegames folder. Your old saves are probably can be founded in Documents folder.

Part V. Windowed Mode
To play with Windowed Mode open file Max Payne/d3d9.ini via notepad and change the value of parameter ForceWindowedMode to 1.

Part VI. Developer Console
1. If you’re playing via Steam, go to your Steam game library and click with right mouse bottom on Max Payne then select Properties. In LAUNCH OPTIONS box type following commands:

-developerkeys -developer

2. If you’re playing without Steam, create a shorcut to MaxPayne.exe then click right mouse bottom on shorcut and select Properties. In Target in the end of the line with a space add following commands:
Make sure that you have quotes at the beginning and at the end of the line!

-developerkeys -developer

Part VII. Black-borders
If you like to disable black-borders in cutscenes, open the file Max Payne/scripts/MaxPayne.WidescreenFix.ini via notepad and change value of parameter CutsceneBorders to 1.

Part VIII. Screenshots
You can enable in-game screenshot feature. Just do same steps as in Part VI (Developer Console) but this time only code you need is:


Press F10 in game to take a screenshot! They will be store to Max Payne/screenshots folder.

Part IX. How to play in 21:9 mode (or another that not listed in launcher)

  • You need to open Registry Editor (use regedit in search on taskbar or in ‘run’ window.)
  • Go to ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWARERemedy EntertainmentMax PayneVideo Settings.
  • Edit values of parameters Display Height and Display WidthMake sure that you selected DECIMAL base when editing them! – put a values of your monitor resolution.


Dipslay Height = 1080 Display Width = 2560
  • Do same steps as in Part VI (Developer Console) but this time only code you need is:


Updated Classic Dev:
  • Philips_27

  • Philips_27
  • Raptor227

Authors of all used modifications:
  • ThirteenAG
  • DimZet
  • The Eddo
  • The_Silver
  • Darkje
  • UCyborg
  • luigoalma
  • 1C Company
  • Cheshire28
  • Tycoon

My special thanks to:
  • Energij#5408
  • Baskinator#1986
  • BrotherMaxPayne


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