If it’s impossible for you to survive the part of Chapter 9a: Entanglement, where you have to struggle to survive truckloads (or dropshiploads) of Combine waves with nothing but 3 turrets, a health charger, a suit charger, and your weapons on your side, this tactic should really help you. But if you still want the challenge, then you don’t want to follow this guide.I took the screenshots in Half-Life 2: Update.
After getting gunned down, repeatedly, I looked around the prison room, and found the perfect hiding place on the upper platform on the right side of the room, and 6 crates and 3 barrels on the lower floor. You can stack at least 3 of the crates below the platform, place one of the barrels on top (or just stack the rest of the crates below the platform), climb up the stack, and step into the small upper hallway, which the soldiers don’t enter, and can’t reach, where you can defend yourself from the soldiers, below. It’s also a good strategy to use the Gravity Gun to pull all 3 turrets up there with you to back you up, against the soldiers. Then, you’ll easily survive all the waves.