Everything you need to know about Metro 2033 Redux is thoroughy discussed here. (NOTICE: This guide has tons of images!)
Greetings, Ranger!
I’ve recently finished both Metro 2033 Redux and Metro: Last Light, and it has been a very rewarding experience for me. The best part about Metro 2033 Redux is the newly introduced safebox feature, which was first seen in “Pavel,” a DLC level of Metro: Last Light. Thus, combat becomes more exciting in the Redux version since players will be able to scavenge more Military-Grade Rounds (MGRs) compared to Metro 2033.
Safeboxes are used to obtain the Thief achievement. These boxes are available for opening even after obtaining the achievement.
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Metro 2033 has come a long way. Sadly, Metro 2033 was removed from Steam. It was probably a business-oriented decision (ie. to incite players to buy Metro 2033 Redux instead). Significant changes in gameplay have been introduced. And in all honesty, transitioning from Metro 2033 to Metro: Last Light to Metro 2033 Redux has been quite the journey. Like, some tactics from Metro: Last Light won’t even work in Metro 2033, which is kinda cool in its own unique way.
- NPC models have been updated
- Mutant models have been updated
- Safeboxes are now available in Metro 2033 Redux, allowing players to obtain a lot of MGRs, unlike in Metro 2033.
- It is now possible to use Artyom’s lighter while holding a weapon at the same time.
- The font style and font size on captions have been updated. The captions now move according to the character’s pace.
- Interaction with objects has become faster
- In the final level, Ethereal, in the final section of that level where Artyom has to leap through floating rocks in the air while running away from the Dark One, the rocks now move significantly faster and catch up with Artyom’s pace. They were a bit slower back in Metro 2033, making players become hesitant in jumping.
- Shooting ranges have been implemented. Completing all challenges will grant MGRs as reward.
- It is now possible to change filters on your own. Back in Metro 2033, when the filter is completely used up, Artyom will automatically swap filters. In Metro 2033 Redux, players can now swap filters manually.
- The gas mask wiping feature is now available.
- Looting corpses and picking up items from the ground has become easier now. In Metro 2033, players have to repeatedly press ‘E’ to pick up everything from the ground. In Metro 2033 Redux, players now only have to press ‘E’ once to pick up everything instantly.
- The pace in using the portable battery charger has been increased. Players no longer have to press the left mouse button repeatedly.
- It is now possible to perform stealth kills. Artyom can perform a variety of melee kills which were first seen in Metro: Last Light. Stealth kills are thoroughly discussed in this guide.
- Artyom’s watch has been upgraded, which will be discussed later on.
- When putting on the gas mask, the watch now automatically adjusts itself to determine the amount of oxygen left. In Metro 2033 version, Artyom has to adjust the timer manually.
- A small horde fight has been introduced in the Library level. Once Artyom meets up with Miller and Danila at the entrance, they must hold out against a horde of mutants before entering the Great Library.
You can use your lighter while holding up a weapon at the same time. This grants you a better vision of your surroundings if ever you’re exploring a pitch-black area.
[FROM METRO 2033]. There’s no horde of mutants in front of the Library, making it a very dull moment.
- MGRs now produce small flames when fired on enemies. MGRs in Metro 2033 had no visual effect, although the Kalash 2012 has a different sound when it is loaded with MGRs.
- It is now possible to fully customize your weapons and put your weapons on any inventory slot that you desire.
- Some weapon attacks have been removed in order to make way for the usage of scopes. The weapons affected are as follows: Uboinik/Automatic Shotgun and the Volt Driver/Railgun.
- In Metro 2033, when using the Duplet, you have to use both the left and right mouse buttons in order to fire two shells at once. Also, if you have to fire each shell one by one, you must press the left and then the right mouse button. However, in Metro 2033 Redux, pressing the LMB will fire one shell at a time, and pressing the RMB will fire either two or four shells at once. Also, the reloading pace has been increased.
The Redux version allows you to immerse yourself in different game modes: Survival and Spartan.
Take note that the noise emitted by your watch WILL NOT be heard by your enemies!*
Both the analog and digital watches serve as your clock that shows time in the real world. While the analog watch continues to function as a normal watch, the digital watch switches back to its timer function when you put on your gas mask.
Considered to be the closest you can get to the original survival-horror experience of Metro 2033. Highly recommended for newcomers and veterans alike.
- All actions are slower (reloading, interaction with world objects, flashlight charging, etc.)
- Loot acquired is lower in amount
- Combat is deadlier
- Stealth is highly recommended
- Players are required to act faster on the surface
- Artyom uses the analog watch from Metro: Last Light. The watch emits a noise when you have a few seconds of air left
- Each filter last for 3 minutes
- Maximum amount of filters is limited to 20 minutes.
Artyom’s analog watch. A complete overhaul of the old one from Metro 2033 with significant changes. It now displays only 5 minutes of oxygen left, compared to the old one which displayed 5, 10, and 15 minutes of oxygen available. The red hand works as your filter timer. The reworked version also now has a blue LED indicator that shows your visibility to enemies. The watch emits a noise when you only have 60 seconds of air left.
Tired of opting for stealth kills? Spartan mode is great for you! Recommended for veterans of Metro: Last Light who are accustomed to the game’s run-and-gun play style. Newcomers will find the Spartan game mode very welcoming as well.
- All actions are faster (reloading, interaction with world objects, flashlight charging, etc.)
- Loot acquired is plentiful
- Combat is fast-paced
- Players can completely disregard stealth
- Map exploration is highly encouraged
- Artyom uses the digital watch from Metro: Last Light which is easy to use.
- Filters last for 5 minutes
- Maximum amount of filters is limited to 30 minutes.
Artyom’s digital watch, straight out of Metro: Last Light. It has a blue LED indicator that shows your visibility, and emits a noise when you only have sixty (60) seconds of air left. If you put on a gas mask, the watch will revert to its timer function. Removing your gas mask will revert your watch to its normal function.
Metro 2033 Redux comes with the highly-improved Ranger difficulty taken from Metro: Last Light. If you’re a veteran of the Ranger mode of Metro 2033, you’ll notice a huge difference between Ranger Normal and Ranger Hardcore in this game.
Take note that crosshairs are fully disabled in Ranger mode. However, lasers, iron sights and scope attachments are still available and can aid you in your journey. Also, keep in mind that Artyom’s watches are still functional, as well as their timers.
Friendly advice: Your teammates (friendly NPCs such as Bourbon) deal increased damage, most especially in Ranger Hardcore. Keep this in mind when you’re travelling with companions: they help a lot in saving up ammo, and especially in wiping out hordes of mutants!
- Some HUD features are disabled
- Some hints are disabled
- Loot acquired is shorter in supply
- Both you and your enemies deal increased damage
- When Artyom acquires a diary entry, the “TAB: New Note” hint is disabled
- If you move close to items (ammos, med-packs, gas mask, and filters), the ‘hand’ icon will not show up
- The ‘hand’ icon, with regards to world objects that require interaction (gates, doors, boxes, etc) still shows up.
- The flashlight battery icon is disabled
- Friendly NPCs deal high damage as well
This is the full HUD when playing in Ranger Normal. Only MGRs are displayed, while the rest of your ammo is disabled.
Interaction with the diary is turned on.
- All hints are disabled
- The HUD is fully disabled
- Hints regarding world objects and loot are fully disabled
- You and your enemies deal significantly higher damage
- Friendly NPCs deal significantly higher damage as well
Hints regarding world objects are disabled.
This applies to safeboxes, lockers, and other boxes.
The only time you can view the amount of ammo you have is when you visit trading shops.
You can still check the amount of ammo that you currently have. In Metro 2033, it was possible to check your current amount of ammo by taking out Artyom’s notepad by pressing ‘M.’
>The only time you can view the amount of ammo you have is when you visit trading shops. This isn’t true actually, you can see what you have when you pull out your notepad (m and right click). (Wojciech)
found that even on Ranger Hardcore, you can check how much ammo and gear you have while in your notebook.(✪TakeMeToYourDealer✪)
If you are going to utilize explosives or knives, you must press TAB and then move your mouse to the item’s corresponding position.
Note: This is NOT a screenshot of Ranger Hardcore.
Knives are on the north, Sticky Grenades on the south, Incendiary Grenades on the east, and Standard Grenades on the west. All of them have distinct sounds when the mouse is moved towards their location, so keep those in mind.
All Metro games have the hidden mechanic called the “Moral Points system.” Any positive or negative action that you commit will either be counted as a gain or loss to the amount of moral points that you have. The set amount of points you have will never be shown in the game; the are merely speculated. The amount of points you have will dictate the ending that you will get.
The fate of the metro lies in your hands.
[FROM METRO 2033] In Metro 2033, if your NEGATIVE moral points outweight your POSITIVE moral points, you WILL NOT be able to obtain the good ending. Instead, you will get the bad (and canon) ending. In this particular screenshot, I’ve been trying to shoot the missile guidance system, but it just won’t get knocked off. In other words, I am getting the bad ending.
[FROM METRO 2033 REDUX] However. If your POSTIVE and NEGATIVE moral points are somewhat balanced, you may be able to get the ending that you desire. The amount of moral points cannot be actually checked in real time. Want the good ending? Shoot the missile guidance system. Do you wish to get the bad (and canon) ending? Watch the Dark One die in agony as he tries to stop the guidance system.
“I think that the ending is more like, if you gain enough points, you get a CHANCE to gain a good ending, because if you don’t have enough points, you wake up as the rockets are already in flight, therefore you cannot do anything to stop it.” (Kebab Removal Unit)
The Human AI in this game, in general, is dumb. But they perform quite well in higher difficulties.
WARNING: Humans on full alert will gain “true sight,” which means they can see you clearly even if you’re hidden in darkness.
WARNING: Always be ACCURATE whenever you’re about to launch a stealth attack, especially with Throwing Knives. Practice your skills with the Throwing Knives, and learn how to take out lone enemies.
Human enemies, by default, are dumb and won’t actually hear and see you move until you’re very close to them, or when you interact with foreign objects which might draw their attention (lights, cracked glass, tin cans, and other traps). You can kill them easily with your knives. Pretty basic stuff.
However, when you raise an alam, every single enemy in the vicinity will be on heightened alert and will start firing at you.
To eliminate the enemies’ alert level, don’t kill another NPC for the next 10-15 seconds or so. If you go idle for such a period, they’ll lower their defenses, but they will still be on the lookout. With their guards lowered, you can start your stealth kills again (melee attacks, Throwing Knives, or weapons with silencers). This is useful when fighting armored enemies.
- Disfigured nose
- Huge frame
- Noisy
- Attacks in quick successions
- Attacks in groups
- Fast movements
- Takes a step back after swinging its claws
- Revolver
- Rifles
- Shotguns
- Hellbreath
- Grenades
- Trench Knife (quick-time events)
Nosalises are the most common mutants that you will encounter in the Metro. They can be killed with ease with most weapons available in your arsenal. While their movement speed is fast, they actually walk very slow when they’re close to Artyom, and they walk slower while they’re swinging their claws.
- Small wings
- Supersonic attacks
- Large snout
- Serves as support to the male Nosalis during attacks
- Its supersonic attack slows down and disorients Artyom
- Clings onto ceilings and pillars
- Revolver
- Rifles
- Shotguns
- Hellbreath
- Sticky Grenade
Female Nosalises are just as annoying as the male Nosalises. What makes them dangerous is their supersonic attack, which deals low damage and can disorient and slow down Artyom. They do not engage in melee attacks. Rather, they cling onto ceilings and pillars to provide support to the male Nosalises. As the males engage in melee combat, the flying Nosalises launch supersonic attacks in order to pin down Artyom. They pose a threat in higher difficulties.
- Fur
- Loud, distinct howl
- Lives on the surface
- It stands on its hind legs while it is observing the area
- Some Watchmen act as scouts that guard critical areas in the surface
- Several Watchmen will be summoned if the scout is not killed silently
- Attacks and moves in packs
- Throwing Knives
- Pneumatics
- Any weapon equipped with a silencer
- Trench Knife (quick-time events)
- Revolver
- Rifles
- Shotguns
- Grenades
Watchmen are dangerous mutants that live on the surface. Their strength lies in numbers. Watchmen are unique mutants due to their tendency to send out scouts to observe critical areas. They stand guard on critical areas where Artyom is required to cross. If they are threatened, they will call upon other Watchmen within the vicinity to attack. Take out the scouts using stealth weapons to avoid unnecessary engagements will multiple Watchmen.
- Underground
- Areas will holes in the walls and floors
- Tiny frame
- Lighter flesh color compared to other mutants
- Loud squeal
- Crawls out of holes found in walls and floors
- Attacks and runs away afterwards
- It may or may not attack
- Moves and attacks quickly
- Occasionally attacks in groups
- Revolver
- Shotguns
Lurkers are very small mutants. They do not deal as much damage compared to other mutants. However, their small stature and agility makes them a formidable foe. As such, it is difficult to hit them sometimes, especially with bigger weapons. They are present in areas where there are holes in the floors and walls. No, you cannot shut off the holes nor burn it completely. At Defense, it is best not to spend your ammo on random Lurkers attacking you. It’s a waste of resources. Attack only when you are forced to. They will never stop spawning.
Spider variant
Scorpion variant
- Underground
- Dark areas
- Resembles spiders and scorpions
- Its body is fully covered with shells that act as armor
- Very aggresive in dark areas
- Hates sources of light such as flashlights, lightbulbs and torches
- Hides in its burrowing hole when threatened
- Flashlights
- Lamps
- Lightbulbs
- Torches
- Shotguns
- Grenades
- Incendiary Grenade
- Trench Knife
Spiderbugs come in two variants. One has an extremely durable abdomen (spider variant), and the other has a powerful stinger (scorpion variant).
Spiderbugs are an impressive combination of speed and durability. Their exterior shells act as armor that protects them from massive damage, even from shotguns. However, they are weak and vulnerable to sources of light, such as lightbulbs, torches and Artyom’s flashlight. Remember to always recharge your flashlight at maximum! If a dark room which is used by Spiderbugs as a nest becomes permanently lit, Spiderbugs will stop infesting that area and they will stop from spawning in said area.
If the Spiderbug is exposed to light, its shell immediately burns off and the Spiderbug will scream in pain and will run away. If it gets exposed for too long, it will become weak and it will flip upside down, thus becoming incapacitated.
Once it flips up, approach it and stab it to death by pressing the ‘V’ button on your keyboard. Even if you do not stab it, it will die eventually from being flipped up.
If the Spiderbug’s armor takes in too much damage, its armor will fall off and its soft flesh becomes exposed. Grenades are effective against the Spiderbug’s armor, most especially Incendiary Grenades.
- Surface
- Bodies of water
- Swamps
- Huge and durable claws
- Its body is covered in algae
- Hides in bodies of water, especially deep ones
- It covers its soft flesh using its huge claws
- Swims back to the water if it feels threatened
- Its claws have a huge reach
- Shotguns
- Rifles with MGR’s
- Grenades
- Incendiary Grenades
Male Shrimps like Spiderbugs, have massive armor that cover its body. Its strongest armor can be found in its claws. The Male Shrimp uses its claws for offense and defense. Its claws can deflect attacks from a lot of weapons, especially Rifles. It makes a defensive stance by positioning its claws in front in order to protect its inner body, which is its weak spot. While its body is covered in armor, it can be broken using grenades or shotguns.
To break the male Shrimp’s claws, shoot it using shotguns, or simply toss in a grenade in order to break it. Lucky strikes will also kill them immediately. Above all else, all variations of Shrimps are extremely weak against Incendiary Grenades.
Shrimps are extremely vulnerable when they are about to emerge from the water. They can easily be killed using weapons with MGR’s. Before a Shrimp gets a chance to get to the surface, shoot it immediately. Newly surfaced Shrimps (or ones that are about to surface) can be killed with MGRs in less than 3 shots.
- Surface
- Bodies of water
- Swamps
- Smaller claws
- Armor on its back
- High-pitched squeals
- Acid spits
- Spits out acids as a form of attack
- Serves as support to the male Shrimp during attacks
- Swims back to the water if it feels threatened
- Shotguns
- Rifles with MGR’s
- Grenades
All Shrimps live in bodies of water, especially swamps. The female Shrimps become a threat when there are several of them and spit out acid continuously. The acid spit will make Artyom’s gas mask dirty and will slow him down. This attack is dangerous when you’re treading on waters, since your movement speed is greatly reduced when walking on water. Luckily, the female Shrimps are extremely vulnerable to a lot of weapons. To avoid the possibility of being overrun by the male Shrimps, kill the females first. This will ensure your survival in water-based levels.
- Surface
- The Great Library
- Fleshy tentacle
- Hangs from the ceiling
- Appears to be neutral when Artyom is far away from it
- Becomes highly aggressive when Artyom is within its proximity
- Its attacks can destroy Artyom’s gas mask
- Revolver
- Rifles
Lianas are tentacle-like organisms found only inside The Great Library. They are highly aggressive when Artyom is near them. To avoid getting hit by these tentacles, shoot them first before moving forward. One bullet is enough to ward off the Lianas. Lianas cannot be killed. Do not waste your ammo on Lianas.
- Surface
- Tall buildings
- Large wings
- Terrifying howl
- Flies above the surface
- Swoops down from the skies to attack
- Attacks humans and mutants
- Picks up its enemies, flies at a high altitude, and then drops them to the ground
- Sticky Grenades
- Throwing Knives
- Sticky Grenades
- Rifles with MGR’s
- Shotguns
- Hellbreath
Demons are dangerous mutants capable of flight, found only above the surface. They are highly aggressive and will chase Artyom in the surface if they have the opportunity. They can be taken down easily with Sticky Grenades and Throwing Knives while they are relaxed. It’s very useful if you’re aiming for the Inquisitor achievement. However, if they become aggressive and start flying, Demons will hunt you down and will try to grab you. Once a Demon grabs you, it will fly to a very high altitude before dropping you down. This attack deals extremely high damage, so approach the Demon with caution.
Sometimes, when a Demon catches you, it will bring you to its nest, causing instant death.
- Underground
- D6
- An organic orb that glows with light
- Spawned by huge spores inside D6
- Explodes upon contact
- Highly aggressive. It will approach anything that threatens the Biomass.
- Artyom’s movements will slow down if it explodes in front of him
- Durable against some weapons
- Shotguns
- Rifles with MGR’s
- Hellbreath
Amoebas are tough organisms. They can withstand attacks from rifles. Shotguns, therefore, are an effective countermeasure against them. To prevent them from spawning, shoot the huge spores that create them. These spores are easy to spot inside D6.
In Metro 2033, the Hellbreath is weak when used against Amoebas, even when playing under Ranger Hardcore mode. However, in Metro 2033 Redux, the Hellbreath is now an effective and powerful countermeasure against Amoebas.
- Surface
- The Great Library
- Sparsely-haired primate
- Large, muscular arms, legs, shoulders and back
- Large forehead
- Large flappy nose structure that covers teeth
- Long, three membered hands and feet
- Very territorial
- They are persistent in chasing down Artyom
- Observes its enemy’s movement first before deciding whether or not to attack
- If it decides not to attack, it will go away for a few seconds before launching an ambush attack
- Sometimes, it will randomly stop moving in the middle of its attack and observe Artyom’s movements again
- Throwing Knives (Ranger Hardcore)
- Helsing
- Sticky Grenades
- Kalash 2012 with MGR’s
- Shotguns
- Hellbreath
- Helsing
- Tikhar
Librarians are the strongest mutants in the game. They have absolutely high HP and attack damage. Librarians are found only in The Great Library. Unlike most mutants, Librarians do not always attack first. Instead, they first observe Artyom’s movements before deciding whether or not it should attack. If it decides not to attack, it will shrug its shoulders and walk away, but it will later encircle Artyom as an opening for an ambush attack. If a Librarian manages to catch you, there is a chance that you might die instantly, so make sure to keep distance from it.
INSTANT DEATH. Maintain a healthy distance from the Librarian!
There are at least three approaches in dealing with a Librarian.
- Stealth: If you encounter an idle or sleeping Librarian, make the first move by using the Helsing. If the Librarian is sleeping, you can also use a Sticky Grenade first. Under Ranger Hardcore mode, Throwing Knives are the cheapest and most effective weapons in dealing with idle Librarians.
- Pacifist: Stare down the Librarian while maintaining a healthy distance from it.
- Aggressive: Throw some Sticky Grenades at the Librarian and sprint away. Take advantage of pillars and open spaces. Librarians may be tough mutants, but you can still outrun them. You will encounter only one Librarian in most cases. Should you ever encounter two Librarians at the same time, flush out your Sticky Grenades, but make sure that it sticks to their bodies for maximum effect.
Make sure that the crosshair is aimed at the Librarian’s face. Keep your distance from the Librarian.
If it thinks that you’re not a threat, it will shrug off its shoulders, like so.
Afterwards, it will walk away and leap into the nearest hole in the ceiling, but it will come back to either observe or attack you.
- A Librarian’s health DOES NOT RESET when it walks away.
- Even if it attacks you, if you walk backwards while maintaining eye contact, the Librarian will become relaxed again and will start observing your movements. If it thinks that you are not harmful, it will eventually go away. However, it will come back later.
- Arrows or use Throwing Knives don’t get detached when the Librarian runs away.
- When the Librarian takes in too much damage, it will stagger and will be disoriented for a few seconds, especially if you throw in a Grenade or Sticky Grenade at it.
On the Archive level, after you get out of the air vents, before you go down the stairs, you’ll see a sleeping Librarian. Feel free to shoot at it, because the place you’re currently in is inaccessible for the Librarian.
Personally, in Metro 2033 Redux, staring down a Librarian became a useless mechanic. Because of the introduction of safeboxes, I was able to rack up a lot of MGR’s, which was significantly higher compared to what I would usually gain back in Metro 2033.
From my previous (and final) gameplay, I found my current gear satisfying and very effective against Librarians:
- B*stard (fully upgraded, no silencer)
- Tikhar
- Duplet (fully upgraded, four barreled)
Some weapons are just as effective when facing off Librarians
- Helsing (It deals higher damage than the Tikhar, and its ammunition can be recycled and retrieved from the Depository and Archive levels)
- Kalash 2012 (Second highest rate of fire + fast reloading speed)
- Sticky Grenades
- Hellbreath
Some tactics that are listed here do not work in Metro 2033. Take note that the following screenshots were played under Ranger Hardcore mode.
For instance, the Helsing doesn’t deal as much damage as it used to in Redux and Last Light. In this particular screenshot, it took me at least two arrows from the Helsing in order to take down an idle Librarian.
This was actually a very lucky strike. I was able to take down a Librarian with just one Throwing Knife. Some of the other Librarians I’ve killed were very stubborn even with the supposed increased damage buff given to Artyom under Ranger Hardcore mode.
Another lucky strike, this time with a Helsing on a sleeping Librarian. I was able to kill it in just one shot.
Remember that using weapons of similar category will consume a lot of ammo for that type of weapon. If you have two shotguns, they will consume the Shotgun Shells twice as fast.
Silencers/suppressors reduce your weapon’s damage output.
- Stock and grip
- Laser
- Silencer
- Extended barrel
- Scopes
- High recoil without attachments
- Continuous firing translates to poor accuracy
The Revolver is an excelent pistol. It is highly recommended for usage throughout the entire game. It is the only pistol available in this game. It is a flexible sidearm that can be used for any situation due to its numerous upgrades available for use. Its bullets pack enough stopping power to eliminate most threats. With the addition of a stock and grip, the Revolver turns into a semi-automatic carbine.
- Stock
- Laser
- Silencer
- Heatsink
- Scopes
- Overheats
- Low accuracy when fired continuously, even when equipped with scopes
- Reloads slowly with a loaded magazine
- Overheats even when equipped with a heatsink
- Has a tendency to get jammed
- Inaccurate during long bursts
The B*stard is the first rifle that Artyom obtains in the game. Primitive on its own, the B*stard outshines other rifles only when it is fully upgraded. A fully upgraded B*stard is powerful enough to deal with a pack of mutants, or a group of armored humans. It is the rifle with the highest rate of fire in the game, making it excellent for usage with MGRs. The B*stard, however, reloads slower compared to the Kalash. The B*stard isn’t always ideal for usage when facing tougher opponents, such as Librarians. The B*stard still overheats despite being equipped with a heatsink.
- Laser
- Silencer
- Scopes
- Low damage output
- Can only use up to 20 bullets at a time
Unlike the rest of the rifles, the VSV is highly intended for stealth. Each magazine can only house up to 20 rounds, which translates to low damage per second. However, it makes up for its lack of firepower with its high accuracy, making it a great sniper rifle. Excellent for headshots.
- Laser
- Silencer
- Scopes
The Kalash is a stable rifle that has no known issues and can be looted almost anywhere. It is the rifle with the third highest rate of fire in the game, way behind the 2012 variant and the B*stard. The Kalash, however, reloads slower with an empty magazine. To overcome this issue, always reload the Kalash when it only has a few bullets remaining. This way, you no longer have to pull the operating rod while reloading.
KALASH 2012:
- Laser
- Silencer
- Scopes
An improvement of the Kalash in every aspect, the 2012 variant is the second most powerful rifle in the game. It is the rifle with the second highest rate of fire in the game, just fairly behind the B*stard. It reloads quickly, regardless of whether or not the magazine is empty. Also, it does not have an operating rod that is required to be pulled when reloading. The 2012 variant, however, reloads a bit slower than the Kalash in terms of reloading with a loaded magazine. This variant can only be looted in certain locations, but there are trading shops that sell this rifle.
Photo credit:(
Huge thanks to () and MrBlack20 for the information about this gun’s availability in Ranger mode!
- Stock and grip
- Laser
- Silencer
- Extended magazine
- Scopes
- High recoil without attachments
- The silencer does not improve the rifle’s accuracy by a huge margin
The AKS-74U is a rifle that can only be found in Ranger mode. It is available for purchase in certain shops. Because of its high recoil and low accuracy, the AKS-74U performs much better in short bursts. Not advisable for use against multiple opponents.
- Air-tight valve
- Laser
- Scopes
The Tikhar uses 15mm. Ball Bearings, which are powerful enough to take down even the most stubborn enemies. Because of its innate ability to have muffled gunshots, it is ideal for use on stealth gameplays and thus can be used as a makeshift sniper rifle. An overpressurized Tikhar can even instantly kill armored humans on alert. However, in terms of overall firepower, it fails in comparison to the Helsing and to the Volt Driver, which uses the same 15mm. Ball Bearing ammo.
- Air-tight valve
- Laser
- Scopes
- Overpressurizing without the air-tight valve will lead to a loss of air over time
- While its ammo can be recycled, it can also be permanently lost
The Helsing is the most overpowered weapons in the game. An overpressurized Helsing can take down a Librarian in just four (4) shots. Its silver arrows can even penetrate the armor of human enemies. It does not matter if you aim it at a human enemy’s head or body: a fully pumped Helsing is enough to kill them with just one Arrow. Be careful though, because the Helsing’s arrows are the most expensive ammunition in trading shops, and they are one of the rarest ammos to scavenge in the game. Unlike the Tikhar, the Helsing’s shots may be heard by your enemies even when fired from a safe distance.
- Extended barrel
- Laser
- Silencer
- Scopes
- Takes a while to fully reload
- It can only fire 1-2 shells when it is not fully reloaded
The Shambler is a good all-around shotgun. The Extended Barrel allows the Shambler’s shells to reach distant targets It is also very accurate, thanks to the scope and laser attachments. Its huge drawback is its reloading mechanism. It takes a while to fully reload the Shambler back to 6 shells. A Shambler which is not fully loaded can only fire one to two shells at a time.
- Grip
- Extended barrel
- Four barrels
- Laser
- Silencer
- Does not have iron sights and scopes
- Has a short range
- Inaccurate shots lead to wasted bullets
The Duplet is second to the highest in terms of damage per second, falling short from the Abzats. With its capacity to be quickly reloaded, it is an ideal weapon for run-and-gun situations. The addition of two barrels allows 4 shells to be fired at once, making it ideal in wiping out threats face to face, and thus, can guarantee one shot kills.
The Duplet’s drawbacks depend on the attachment it currently has. If it has the Extended Barrel, it will have an increased range of fire, but its damage output will remain the same. However, if it has the Four Barrels, it will have an extreme increase in damage output, but its range will remain short.
- Does not have any other attachments
- Its reloading mechanism resembles the Shambler’s
- Inaccurate, even if it is equipped with a laser sight
The Bigun, despite being a unique shotgun, ultimately fails to be an efficient weapon.
- Muzzle break
- Autofire adapter
- Extended magazine
- Laser
- Expensive in trading shops
- Slow reload speed
The Abzats is an extremely powerful weapon. The Abzats is the shotgun version of the B*stard in terms of overall firepower and damage output. It has a very high rate of fire compared to other shotguns, which enables it to dish out huge damage per second. The autofire adapter allows the user to shoot in burst mode, which helps in conserving ammo.
Its huge drawback is its reload speed, as well as its short range of fire.
As effective as it is, it is also very expensive in trading shops with a price of 200 MGRs. Its attachments are expensive as well.
- Extended battery
- Heavy-duty capacitor
- Laser
- Scopes
- Low rate of fire
- Expensive in trading shops
- Extremely noisy
The Hellbreath is an insanely powerful weapon. An overcharged Hellbreath deals significantly higher damage compared to an overpressurized Helsing and Tikhar. However, it is also very expensive in trading shops and it produces a very loud noise when fired, making it unfit for stealth. Despite this, it is absolutely accurate, making it a perfect sniper rifle. It can take down armored humans in one headshot. The Hellbreath is a rare weapon. It cannot be looted anywhere, and Miller is the only NPC that uses this weapon.
The Extended Battery allows a longer usage time before needing to recharge, while the Heavy-Duty Capacitor makes the weapon accumulate charge faster, so you can fire more full-power shots in the same period of time.
In Metro 2033, under Ranger Hardcore, the Hellbreath is weak against Amoebas, even if the Hellbreath is fully charged. Miller was very susceptible to dying back then. In the Metro 2033 Redux, however, the Hellbreath is now an effective weapon against Amoebas.
- Obtainable only in Dark Star
- Its ammo can only be scavenged in Dark Star and D6
- Becomes obsolete when out of fuel
The Flamethrower is the only weapon in the game whose ammo is unavailable for purchase and the weapon itself cannot be obtained in trading shops. It is found only in Dark Star and its fuel is available for scavenge only up to D6. It is powerful against Nosalises and Spiderbugs. Overpressurizing the Flamethrower allows it to deal maximum damage. Great for burning Spiderbug nests. However, once it runs out of fuel, it becomes obsolote and virtually useless when you finally get to reach the Tower level. This weapon is used to obtain the achievement Pyro.
- Used to execute melee attacks
- Used in quick-time events
- Not recommended for usage against humans when detected
- Permanently bound to Artyom; cannot be dropped
- Takes 1 to 3 stabs to kill humans on alert
- Best stealth weapon
- Deals the highest damage in the game
- Penetrates armor
- In Ranger difficulty, Throwing Knives are enough to take down idle Librarians
- You can only hold 5 knives at a time
- Very cheap, exploitable for the Metro Dealer and Wheeler Dealer achievements
The Standard Grenade is a basic explosive which is easy to use and can be found anywhere. It is also the cheapest explosive. Ideal for use against hordes.
An upgraded variant of the Standard Grenade, the Sticky Grenade can be attached to enemies and walls for greater efficiency. It is powerful enough to kill a Demon safely and without much effort. This is much more effective against hordes, and most especially against humans when they are congregated in one space. The explosion is massive and will hit almost anything in that area.
Taken from Metro: Last Light, these Incendiaries are effective against armored humans. They can be thrown on the ground to provide yourself a firewall that deals damage on any opponent that steps into the area. Unlike the previous explosives, the Incendiary Grenade has to be thrown accurately in order to guarantee an instant kill. Even if it doesn’t kill your opponents immediately, it will still deal damage over time, which is sufficient enough for you to pour down some bullets with your guns in order to take most threats down.
The only gas mask variant that Artyom uses throughout the entire game, even in Metro: Last Light.
Gas masks are necessary when going up to the surface or when traversing biohazardous areas. The gas mask is your most valuable item in your travels. When engaging with mutants, it is highly advisable that you must wipe them out immediately, or face the consequence of having a cracked gas mask.
The gas mask can endure a few hits from mutants before it finally breaks. However, it breaks easily when it gets hit by bullets or by grenade explosions. When facing off either mutants or humans in the metro, always make sure that your gas mask is not equipped, except of course if you’re fighting in an irradiated area.
Gas masks are common in the surface, but not every corpse has it, especially corpses of stalkers. Some corpses have broken gas masks that are either servicable or utterly useless. This is why you should exercise caution when dealing with a pack of mutants, most especially Watchmen. Lianas and Demons can also shatter your gas mask if you are not cautious enough.
When your gas mask is extremely damaged, the gas mask filter becomes less efficient, so look for replacements immediately.
If you do not have a gas mask, Artyom will be forced to breathe in the toxic air around him. Artyom can only last an approximate amount of 50 seconds before he dies from suffocation. Always keep your gas mask intact, and look for replacements if it shows signs of damage!
For more information and tips about gas masks, check out the link below.
GAS MASK [METRO WIKIA][metrovideogame.wikia.com]
The default price of a filter is 20 MGRs. The price increases by 10 MGRs as you purchase more.
In Metro 2033, there was no limit to the amount of filters you can hold at a time. In fact, filter prices were much cheaper back then. The filter price won’t increase even if you buy 10 filters at once from a single shop: they stay at a constant 20 MGR per piece. One huge problem that was present at that time was that the timer function of Artyom’s watch was very confusing to use. Going up to the surface was a problem because there was no exact way to tell how much filters you have left.
With the introduction of the Digital Watch in Metro 2033 Redux, managing your filters has become easier. The reworked Analog Watch also now makes it easier to travel on the surface. Both the Analog and Digital watches now display the exact amount of remaining oxygen that Artyom hast. However, this also comes with a drawback: the maximum amount of filters you can have is worth 30 minutes only (this also applies in Metro: Last Light).
Remember to press ‘T’ (on your keyboard) to swap filters.
Running out of filters is a fate worse than death. If you’re hit with the unfortunate circumstance of running out of filters, especially in Survival mode, you will be in a dire situation. Since you’re out of filters, Artyom will be forced to breathe in the toxic air. If you do not find filters immediately, Artyom will suffocate and die immediately. Approximately, Artyom can only last at least 50 seconds without having a filter for his gas mask, or not having a gas mask at all.
If you’re stuck in an area without filters, you should just restart the level, or jump back to a previous level and stock up on filters and a fresh gas mask.
- In the level Defense, after you meet the child, you can loot and sell the various weapons that are scattered around the map. There is a trading shop available at the end of the level. You can sell some weapons there in exchange for filters or ammo.
- In my opinion, there is no actual need for MGRs as your main ammunition throughout the game, except for levels like Library, Dark Star, and D6.
- If you are under heavy suppressive fire from humans and mutants, feel free to use some MGRs to repel them.
- Keep on opening safeboxes from start to finish. They provide you ammo, grenades, filters, gas masks and medkits.
- Because filter prices increase per purchase, you should only buy 2-3 filters per shop you visit. Don’t worry, each trading shop always starts at 20 MGRs per filter.
- Dead City provides a lot of loot for your first adventure in the surface.
With the introduction of safeboxes, it is now possible to obtain more than 1000 MGRs in the game, which gives players extra firepower, most especially for those playing in Ranger mode.
In the Redux edition, the devs have decided to be more generous to the players by providing shooting galleries. Completing the challenges presented will grant players additional MGRs
Exit the bar, go downstairs, and look for the trading shops. In the same alley, after the trading shops, is another room. You will find two NPCs there, some lockers, and a shooting range. It can be accessed for a few MGRs. Eliminate all the rat targets, and you’ll get MGRs as prize.
Beside the trading shops, you’ll find another shooting range. It can be accessed for a few MGRs. It conists of six (6) challenges, which must all be completed with the Revolver. Rifles and shotguns are not recommended here. The purpose of this shooting range is to test and improve your pistol skills. You will get a lot of MGRs as reward upon completion. You may reset the whole thing as you wish after you are done completing all six tests.
Ammunitions lose their market value once you leave Polis. Polis is the last place where you can buy and sell ammunition. If you plan on obtaining a lot of MGRs, Polis is your last chance. However, you can still obtain them from safeboxes (which are still available beyond Polis). It is ultimately up to you on how to manage your currencies.
Used by the Revolver
Maximum amount: 90
This is the sole ammunition of the Revolver, and is powerful enough to eliminate all threats. The ammunition packs a strong punch. The Revolver’s damage output is reduced if it is outfitted with a suppressor.
Used by the B*stard, Kalash, Kalash 2012, and VSV
Maximum amount: 320
True to its name, the Dirty Round/Ammo has a very dirty appearance and its color is darker compared to the MGRs. Dirty Rounds/Ammos are found almost anywhere. They are sufficient enough to take down most threats. However, their damage output is low, making them unfit for fighting stronger mutants like Demons and Librarians, and risky to utilize when engaging multiple human opponents.
However, it is best to keep these with you, since you can use them in clearing out easy targets, or as currency.
Used by the B*stard, Kalash, Kalash 2012, and VSV
The rarest ammunition in the Metro and the most expensive one, the MGR provides high damage output, and when used simultaneously, can neutralize any threat. Unlike in Metro 2033, MGRs now produce small flames when fired on opponents, which gives it a clear distinction between Dirty Rounds (which has no visual effect at all). They also are colored in gold, making it easier to distinguish it from Dirty Rounds.
Best used with the B*stard and Kalash 2012, depending on your choice.
MGRs lose market value after you leave Polis, because it is the last place where you can buy and sell MGRs.
Used by the Shambler, Duplet, Bigun, and Abzats
Maximum amount: 90
Similar to Dirty Rounds, these shotshells can be looted almost anywhere. Great for dealing with all types of threats. Make sure that you always have some of these with you.
Used by the Tikhar and Hellbreath
Maximum amount: 60
Second in availability to the Dirty Rounds, these solid pellets can be picked up from many locations, and is one of the cheapest ammo in trading shops. They provide solid damage when the weapon is fully loaded. Keep in mind that the Tikhar and Hellbreath must be pumped and charged fully in order to maximize the damage output provided by these ammunitions. Firing both weapons with low air pressure and electric charges equate to low damage, therefore wasting bullets.
These ammos hurt A LOT when fired on an enemy’s head, guaranteeing one shot kills.
Used by the Helsing
Maximum amount: 24
These silver arrows are one of the rarest ammunitions in the game, and is one of the most expensive in trading shops. They are highly valued because of their recyclability. Similar to the Tikhar, the Helsing must be pumped fully in order to maximize the Arrow’s damage output. Keep in mind that Arrows are both easy to retrieve and lose. Firing them at unreachable places means a permanent loss of ammunition.
Used by the Flamethrower
The only ammo that is unavailable for purchase in the game, and can only be retrieved at Dark Star and D6. The Flamethrower is effective against Spiderbugs and Nosalises. The Flamethrower must be pumped fully before using.
*Note: I have not tested the Flamethrower beyond Dark Star. Use this at your own risk, most especially during the Tower level*
From Metro 2033. Before leaving the Armory, you’ll get a chance to buy supplies before heading out to the level “Frontline.” These two NPCs sell the Stealth Suit and Heavy Armor.
For some reason, the devs have removed the ability to purchase armors in the Redux version. In the original, players are given a chance to buy armor at the Armory and Polis. There were two armors available, Stealth and Heavy Armor, both available for purchase for 100 MGRs.
By default, Artyom’s armor offers the best of both worlds: providing stealth while also being sturdy enough to withstand bullets.
The Stealth Suit sacrifices durability for muffled footsteps. Enemies will almost never hear or see you coming. It also comes with night vision goggles.
The Heavy Armor is the default equipment of Spartan Rangers. It sacrifices muffled footsteps for more durability. It will make you susceptible to enemy detection, but its durability will help you survive in firefights and engagements with mutants.
In the Redux version, Artyom’s armor changes over time. You cannot change them by yourself.
To execute a melee attack, you have to get close to the enemy and press either V or E on your keyboard. Once you’re close to the enemy, you will hear a knife sound effect and the tooltip will pop out of the screen. Only you can hear the knife sound effect, so don’t be scared. Take note that “E” applies only to HUMAN enemies.
Another interesting part of Metro 2033 Redux is the implementation of melee attacks that were first seen in Metro: Last Light. However, this was never explicitly explained in the game. Artyom has various melee attacks that he can use against human enemies. He also has specific melee attacks against mutants. All of them are executed with the Trench Knife.
Artyom can execute these attacks when he is in front or behind an enemy. Both approaches are fine, but be careful in doing so if you’re under suppressive fire from human enemies! Melee attacks will generally not be heard by enemies until you’re close to them while executing such attacks.
Take note that the tool tip for melee attacks is disabled in Ranger Hardcore!
The “Kill” option is a lethal attack. Lethal melee attacks apply to both Humans and Mutants. This means that the enemy dies immediately. This can be done even when you’re engaging in an open firefight, but that’s outright suicidal in higher difficulties. What’s interesting is that when you’re executing a lethal melee attack, you’re basically invulnerable during the whole process, for a few seconds, at least. If you’re performing a melee attack, enemies cannot deal damage to you during those few seconds. Once you’re done, you’re vulnerable again.
As for mutants, there are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to perform a melee attack. For instance, Spiderbugs have to be flipped over with your flashlight before you can execute a melee attack. Artyom will stab the Spiderbug and kill it instantly. He can also execute these attacks on Nosalises and Watchmen.
The “Knock Out” option is a non-lethal attack. They are applicable only to Humans. Artyom basically punches them with the Trench Knife to knock them out cold. It can also be used during full-blown combat. This permanently knocks them out, which means they will never wake up despite all of the noise you make. You can still kill them, though.
Something to add to your guide in regards to stealth, it looks like you forgot to mention nonlethal stealth takedowns. Rather than using your Melee key when close to an enemy, you can just press ( or maybe hold?) your interaction key. This will punch them in the face and knock them out cold. Actually, I think it can be used in full blown combat as well.
You should really mention this as it’s never explicitly told in the game, and those who don’t notice it and try to maintain a no kill run may put themselves in tougher situations than is necessary, by believing there is no way to incapacitate an enemy nonlethally. -Melons
Artyom’s diary pages were first seen in Metro: Last Light. They’re supposedly written by Artyom, and they provide additional insights about the world of Metro.
These pages are scattered across the game. Be sure to find them all in one gameplay, because it is much more practical if you do so. You’ll save time and effort when you make your next gameplay for Survival or Spartan mode, since they’re also needed to be finished in order to gain “Survival 2033” and “Spartan 2033” achievements.
Diary pages have the huge logo of Metro printed on them. It’s hard to miss it. (Take note that this was played under Normal mode, which explains the glowing aura of the diary page.
After obtaining a diary page, a sound effect will come out. The sound effect is a person writing on a notebook or piece of paper, which indicates that you have successfully obtained a new note. The sound effect is useful if you’re playing under Ranger Hardcore mode.
You may view Artyom’s diary entry once you obtain the item. You can also check your progress for the diary pages by scrolling up and down.
As previously discussed, safeboxes were first seen in the DLC level named Pavel, available in Metro: Last Light. They provide useful supplies to players throughout the game, but they cannot be opened immediately. In order to open LOCKED safeboxes, you must first find the key that is hidden in the level. Don’t worry. The keys have a red ribbon on them, making them easier to spot if you’re attentive enough. There are guides here in the Steam Community that help you locate the keys and the boxes, so don’t be afraid if you feel lost!
This is a locked safebox. A key is needed to open it.
This is the key used to open a locked safebox. It has a red string, which allows players to recognize it easier.
Return to the locked safebox to open it. Artyom will immediately open the box using the key. Take the loot inside the safebox. Do the same steps in the succeeding levels.
If you saved up enough resources, you’ll have this much ammo in the end, which is honestly more than enough to finish the game.
*Take note that this was played under Spartan game mode
Hello! Thanks for reading my guide. I hope that this will help you in your journey throughout the Metro, and I hope that you enjoy playing the game as much as I did (I’ve become a huge Metro fan now, and I’m planning on buying a physical copy of the books!).
Comments and suggestions? Post ’em! If you need additional help, don’t hesitate to ask.
I’d like to leave my word of thanks to the following.
- Huge thanks to Metro Wiki[metrovideogame.wikia.com] and its contributors for their vast knowledge of the game. The wiki was a very huge help for my references in the Weapons section.
- Thank you, Wojciech and ✪TakeMeToYourDealer✪, for your insights about accessing the ammount of ammo in Ranger mode.
- Thank you, Kebab Removal Unit, for your correction about the obtainable ending of Metro 2033 Redux.
- Thank you, Melons, for mentioning about the lethal and non-lethal melee attacks. I’ve completely forgotten about them!
- Huge props to (
) and MrBlack20 for the information about AKS-74U’s availability in Ranger mode!
- A super, duper huge thank you to the readers of my guide as well as the people who gave my guide a very favorable rating. Your constant usage of my guide has further pushed me to polish and finish my work.
Thank you so much! See you in the next one!