Who benefits from ending up on the same side as whom, this will obviously entail some spoilers
Here in I will detail all the “good” endings, specifically in regards to characters desiring to remain with other characters. I will not be focusing on Ascending / Staying individual characters except in regards to how it affects inter-personal relationships, if you want to see how the individual character’s presence or absence affects the outcome of the story you can look for it within the video linked below yourself. Including such in this guide I feel would spoil the story more than I am comfortable with. Additionally, I am only including the “good” side of things in this guide; eg for every good “with X” you can generally assume there is a bad “without X” that is not listed here.
This guide will only cover the members of the Nightwings directly; that is to say interactions with members of other triumvirates will be included under the member of the Nightwings with which they share a relationship, but members of other triumvirates will not get their own separate section.
PLEASE NOTE! Just because a relationship is listed below does not mean you will necessarily be able to get its card in your epilogue without having the two fight together enough for them to develop that relationship.
You only get to ascend 7 characters per campaign and if you want the “best” ending then at least 6 of those must be members of the Nightwings (excluding Oralech and the Reader) or so I am told.
Ascending Manley Tinderstauf leads to a rather humorous end for him, but is generally not recommended since you have so few free spots available.
Q: Where did you get all this info?
A: From a lovely video made by one “DanaDuchy” showing off all possible epilogues, if you want to see more spoilers go ahead and have a look at it here:
Visual Representation
For those of you who are visual learners here is a graph containing most of the information within this guide. Some connections are one sided, others are reciprocated as indicated by a double line between the two, and Oralech’s epilogue only includes a card about the reader if they are NOT together.
Blue bubbles are “true” Nightwings that count towards the 6 required for a bloodless revolution.
Hedwyn the Deserter
Fikani Shang
They will always end up together, no action is required by the player
(Ascended with Friend)
“In all his days as a leader in the Sahrian Union, Hedwyn oft confided in his friend, Jodariel. Despite her intense manner, there was no one he trusted more in times when circumspection was required.”
(Remained with Friend)
“Through it all, he oft confided in his friend, Jodariel. The two always remain close and Jodariel and Fikani would eventually become good friends, as well.”
Team Ascended aka Hedwyn, Jodariel, Rukey, and the Reader
“His promise had come to pass, though he always knew that this was not his own doing. He was always deeply grateful to the other three, his closest friends.”
“They had failed to return to their homes, each in turn. Yet, they succeeded in staying together. Hedwyn came to realize they found a certain freedom, after all.”
(with Rival)
“Sometime later, she ran into Ignarius, also liberated. Both their horns had started to recede by then. The two of them grew close, and soon took residence together.”
(with Friend)
“She remained close with Hedwyn all through this experience, and they supported each other through their struggles many, many times.”
Mae the Moon-Touched
(with Friend)
“She kept an eye on Mae, who, noenetheless, demonstrated a surprising knack to get by on her own. Though, Jodariel was always willing to provide assistance, just in case.”
Rukey Greentail
(with Friend)
“One of his orders of buisness was to seek out one of his old companions, Pamitha Theyn, to whom he took a likeing during their quest for freedom. They bonded further over love of drink, and supported one another through uncertain times that lay in store.”
(with Friend)
“He also kept in close touch with Gilman, ever the perfect practice-partner. They would train together often, taking care to stay in tip-top shape as much as possible throughout the years.”
Falcon Ron
They will always end up working together, regardless of whether Rukey is Ascended or not
Barker Ashpaws
Though not mentioned in Rukey’s biography, whether you helped him settle his debt with Barker or not is discussed in Barker’s epilogue cards with no negative consequences either way, but Rukey does gain a permanent +2 Hope during the campaign if you complete this side quest
Mae the Moon-Touched
(with Friend)
“Amoung her friends, she always remained close with Ti’zo, who, more so than anyone, could always make her laugh.”
(with Friend)
“She cited her relationship with Jodariel as the single most important in her life. Jodariel would always provide for her a circumspect perspective, and the wisdom of experience.”
(with Reader)
“Whenever she felt genuine doubt, which was not very often, she sought out the reader of the Nightwings. If there was anyone whom she trusted as much as the Scribes, it was him.”
(with Rival)
“One day, she encountered one of her former adversaries, one called Almer, who had served the Fate. She remembered him much more than he did her, though only just at first. Thier shared experience in the Rites, and their different points of view about the Scribes, formed the basis of what grew to be a long-lasting relationship.”
(with Rival)
“He and Oralech reconciled, as well. Oralech offered him free room and board, and that was that. Ti’zo liked riding on his shoulders.”
Mae the Moon-Touched
(with Friend)
“He would visit his friend, Mae, at every opportunity. She was amoung the few who could consistently interpret what he meant, and they were always close since first they met.”
(with Friend)
“Sandalwood sometimes called for his assistance, and Ti’zo was always happy to oblige. The two would often reminisce about their times with The Lone Minstrel.”
(with Reader)
“He often chirped about the Reader of the Nightwings, with whom he built quite a rapport. The Reader understood him perhaps better than anyone.”
Sir Gilman
(with Friend)
“He still trained regularly, just in case, especially with his fleet-footed friend, Rukey.”
Big Bertrude
(with Friend)
“From time to time, he would seek guidance from one of his former comrades, Big Bertrude, much his elder, and a wellspring of perspective on his life decisions.”
(with Reader)
“He was always grateful for the council of the Reader, and would regale him, over and over, about the time they squashed the spawn of Unfathomed Plurnes.”
Sir Deluge included only for completeness
(with Rival)
“He wasted no time dwelling on his days under the leadership of Sir Deluge, his former commander. The other wyrm-knight stayed well clear of him.”
Pamitha Theyn
Tamitha The injury referenced in both cases is later revealed to be a crippled right wing which leaves it up to your judgment whether these “with Rival” are really “good” or not. It should also be noted that the more violent the ending (aka the fewer Nightwings you ascend) the better Tamitha’s Ascended epilogue becomes
(Ascended with Rival)
“One day, Pamitha received an invitation to return to the Highwing Remnants, where she was to be fully pardoned. That was where she ran into her blood-sister, Tamitha, for the first time since their exile. Their re-union was not as amicable as Pamitha might have hoped, and Tamitha, still resentful of their history together, turned violent. Pamitha would later brush aside the incident, though always had an injury to show for it. Yet, from that point on, the blood-sisters were back on speaking terms. At least for the most part.”
(Remained with Rival)
“One day, while traveling to the Black Basin, Pamitha ran into her blood-sister, Tamitha, for the first-time since the conclusion of the Rites. Their reunion was not as amicable as Pamitha might have hoped, and Tamitha, still resentful of their history together, turned violent. Pamitha would later brush aside the incident, though always had an injury to show for it. Yet, from that point on, the blood-sisters were back on speaking terms. At least for the most part.”
Big Bertrude
(with Friend)
“Someone with whom she kept in contact was the bog-dweller called Bertrude. They would discuss all sorts of matters long into the night, and sometimes hunt together, too.”
(with Friend)
“Sometime later, Pamitha had an unexpected run-in with Rukey, with whom she had spent a fair amount of time while traveling with the Nightwings. Under these new set of circumstances, it turned out the two had more time to talk about, and rather more in common. They would often put to test which one was able to out-drink the other. It is unclear as to which one of them prevailed in that contest, in the end.”
Volfred Sandalwood
(Ascended with Reader)
“He invited the perspective of the Reader of the Nightwings at every opportunity, and counted him one of his chief advisers and most-trusted friends.”
(Remained with Reader)
“He welcomed the company of the Reader of the Nightwings at every opportunity, and counted him a trusted friend – and a keen editor.”
(Ascended with Rival)
“He evidently made amends with his old one-time friend, Oralech, with whom he clashed during their days as exiles. Oralech was instated as the nation’s chief physician, and became a close confidant.”
(Remained with Rival)
“It is said that, at some point, he made amends with his old one-time friend, Oralech, with whome he clashed during their days as exiles. After that, they seldom traveled separately.”
(with Friend)
“One of his allies in all this was the imp, Ti-zo, with whom he traveled all across the Downside. Sandalwood often cited Ti’zo as the wellspring of his own enthusiasm for a brighter future, such was the creature’s spirit.”
Big Bertrude
(with Friend)
“He often sought the wisdom of Bertrude of the Southern Bogs, with whom he had a close relationship. When the printed word became permissible again, they had collaborated to create a daily written publication which described the latest happenings throughout the nation, for all to read.”
Big Bertrude
(with Friend)
“Much of her effort was doubtless due to the influence of Sandalwood, someone whom she had admired now for decades. He made clear that he could not requite her feelings for him. But, what could have been a hurtful dismissal led only to a deeper understanding between them.”
(with Friend)
“She maintained an unlikely kinship with the Harp, Pamitha Theyn, whom she had known during their time together on the Nightwings. They each had different strategies for dealing with life’s day-to-day annoyances, a subject that they both found vital, if not fascinating to no end.”
There is nothing in the epilogue about it, but these two do have some interaction when pitted against each other. Specifically, Bertrude will shake Udmildhe’s faith in her god if you activate the right Titan star.
(Ascended with Rival)
“In light of having witnessed the aftermath of Sandalwood’s Plan, Oralech sought out his former companion. While they kept private the details of the conversation that took place, it must have been enough to rebuild the bonds of friendship between the two of them. They were often seen together, after that.”
(Remained with Rival)
“News must have reached him, eventually, about the outcome of Volfred Sandalwood’s Plan. One day, he appeared before his former companion. While they kept private the details of the conversation that took place, it must have been enough to rebuild the bonds of friendship between the two of them. They were often seen together, after that.”
(Ascended with Rival)
“Oralech later reunited with Ti’zo, who took residence with him, in some ways similar to how they lived in olden times. The imp always enjoyed his company.”
(Remained with Rival)
“Oralech later reunited with Ti’zo, who joined his travel. It was much like olden times, in that regard, and the imp always enjoyed his company.”
Sandra the Unseeing
You will always end up together, if you exhaust her dialogue throughout the campaign
Patches may alter the epilogue or DanaDuchy might have missed an epilogue card. If you get something different in YOUR epilogue that is not listed here, please send me a screenshot of it and I’ll add it to the guide.
If you have any constructive criticism or helpful comments – I welcome such feedback.
Or if you have any questions I’ll do my best to help out.
Otherwise thank you for taking a look at my guide.
And remember to rate and favorite this guide if you found it helpful 😀