This guide has been abandoned. Guides will not be made on future prisons. Aditionally some of the pictures stopped loading for some reason on Steam’s side and there’s nothing we can do about it other than taking them again. You may continue to use this guide but the information might be outdated, hopefully this guide will still be helpful.
Center Perks 2.0
Perimeter Breakout
- Get your intellect up to 50. The library is located south east of the map.
- Craft Flimsy Cutters or better. You can find the required items in other inmates desks (3 files and 2 rolls of duct tape).
- Craft the bed dummy by getting two pillows and one bed sheet. Place the bed dummy in your bed.
- Attend rollcall and bring the previously crafted cutters with you.
- As soon as you get the checkmark for attending rollcall head north west through the purple door shown in the upper left corner of the picture below.
- Go outside before 23:00 or you wont be able to escape. Head to the fence in the area shown in the picture below but don’t start cutting. Avoid any spotlights and pay extra attention to the moving spotlight.
- When the timer reaches 1 AM you can start cutting the fence to victory.
Meet The Crew (Singleplayer only)
- Raise your intellect to 50.
- Search other inmates desks to find a Broom and a Roll of Duct Tape.
- Get to the spot where the camera crew is set up, north west on the upper floor and open the desk (see picture below).
- Inside that desk you will find a Radio Receiver and Civilian Outfit, take both.
- Craft the Fake Audio Equipment (see recipe below).
The Escape:
- Put on the civilian outfit and equip the Fake Audio Equipment (make sure it’s in the first slot of your inventory).
- Now head north west of the prison to the door shown in the below picture and press “E” to escape (can be done at any time of the day). Beware of the camera, never had trouble with it but some people claimed to have problems with it.
Last Post (Multiplayer only)
Preparation:- Raise your intellect to 50.
- Search or buy the following items: 3 pieces of Timber, 2 Nails, 1 Hammer, 1 Crate top, 1 Bracket, 1 Wire, 1 Circuit Board.
- Craft 1 Crate Casing and 1 Crate Top.
- Find 1 Postal address. This can be found on the west side of the map, on the upper floor in the room shown in the picture. To get in you need a Cyan keycard.
Alternatively you can avoid this step by going through the vent system, drop into the kitchen and bring a stepladder to get back out.The Escape:
- Get the crate parts and the postal adress and assemble the crate on the eastern side of the map.
- Now just press “E” to escape.
- Get the crate parts and the postal adress and assemble the crate on the eastern side of the map.
Cougar Creek Railroad
My Little Phoney
(Singleplayer only)
- Find the following items scattered in desks around the train: Green Pen, Handkerchief, Orange Pen.
- Craft a “Pretend Carrot”.
The Escape:
- Go to the second wagon in the location shown.
- Equip the pretend carrot and escape.
Do The Locomotive
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Grab a weapon of your choice, we recommend you to do this with atleast 2 other friends.
The Escape:
- To do this escape you have to take over the front wagon of the train. For this you simply need to take out the 3 guards driving the train. They have very good weapons and are hard to beat, so the more friends you have with you the easier it gets. After you beat the guards in the wagon you have to gather all your friends, even if knocked out, in the wagon and escape as shown.
Hooked On You
(Singleplayer only)
Preparation: - Search around the train for the following items: “2 crowbars, 1 roll of duct tape, 1 rope”. These can be found in desks.
- When you find those items craft the grapple hook as shown below:
The Escape:
- Look around the train for the carriage with the ladder, it’s the third to last wagon.
- Now go up that ladder with the grappling hook equipped (make sure it’s in the first slot), go to the place shown and press E to escape (you don’t need guard outfit but it makes it easier to walk around the train).
Loose Caboose
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Navigate around the train until you find 3 crowbars. Keep in mind one of the crowbars is behind a multiplayer door, making this objective only achievable in multiplayer.
The Escape:
- Once you find 3 crowbars, head all the way west of the train. All of your friends must be there to escape.
- Use all the crowbars on the connector as shown in the picture.
Rattlesnake Spring
Perimeter Breakout
- Raise your strength to 40.
- Raise your intellect to 50.
- Steal painting job. Easiest way to do it is to interact with the job owner during job time to freeze them in place.
- Craft a flimsy shovel and dig in the shown location until your shovel has 10% usage. DO NOT let it break.
- Upgrade your pickaxe to lightweight and keep digging in the same place.
The Escape:
- Drop down the hole you just dug and head east. You’ll see a double wide wall of debris.
- Use the pickaxe found in the floor to dig through that debris.
- The pickaxe wont be enough so just finish mining with your shovel.
- Walk through that tunnel to your freedom.
Zip It Up
(Singleplayer only)
Preparation: - Raise your intellect to atleast 70.
- Colect the following items: “1 talcum powder, 1 tube of toothpaste, 1 lighter, 1 comb (or toothbrush), 2 timber, 1 bolt, 1 dowel, 1 piece of string, 2 tubes of glue. The bolt can often be found in the guard quarters desks.
- Obtain the red key and make a copy of it.
- Craft the Crossbow (recipes below).
The Escape:
- Take your red key and head north avoiding the metal detector to the building shown below. Escape during the day.
- When in, go all the way up and interact with the crate while having the crossbow equipped as shown in the picture.
Take Out The Trash
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Raise your intellect to atleast 60.
- Collect the following items: “1 trash bag, 1 handkerchief, 2 rolls of duct tape, 1 tubing” per player.
- Craft Breathable Trash Bags (pictures below).
- For the escape you need to get a Cyan keycard. Alternatively you can also dig under the door like we did. It takes longer but works if you’re having bad luck.
The Escape:
- Grab 1 Breathable trash bag per player and head south of the rollcall zone.
- Get in the escape area (shown in the picture) through your prefered way, keeping in mind there are no vents leading there and the walls aren’t chippable.
- Interact with the cart with the trash bag equipped and escape.
K.A.P.O.W Camp
Perimeter Breakout
- Get your intelect up to 60.
- Craft Lightweight Cutters or better.
- Craft a Plastic Red Key.
- Obtain guard outfit.
The Escape:
- Grab your cutters and red key, put on your outfit, check in rolecall and run all the way to the generator avoiding the metal detector.
- At 00:00, turn off the generator and run south to the fence, passing through the now disabled metal detector.
- Start cutting in the location shown and escape.
Speed McQueen
(Singleplayer only)
Preparation: - Raise you intellect to 40.
- Find 3 tins of paint, 1 screw driver, 1 can of soda, 1 packet of sugar Mints (only found on guards).
- Craft Makeshift Ladder (recipe below).
- Craft Makeshift Rocket Thruster (Can of Soda and Sugar Mints)
The Escape:
- Go to room next to motorbike, south west of the map, and place down the Makeshift Ladder as shown.
Alternatively you can dig under in order to get in the motorbike room. - Hop on to the ladder and start unscrewing the vent with you screw driver.
- Once you are in the vents, navigate to the other vent slat and start unscrewing it.
- Unscrew the vent and drop down into the room with the motorbike.
- Equip the Makeshift Rocket Thruster to the motorbike and press “E”.
- You escaped! Congrats.
Glide To Victory
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Reach 70 intellect.
- Craft 2 Sturdy pickaxes or a multitool.
- Craft a Cyan Keycard.
- Find 4 dowels (2 can be found in the multiplayer room north of the map), 2 rolls of duct tape, 1 rope, 2 bed sheets.
- Craft 2 Half Frames of Glider and 1 Glider Skin (recipes below).
The Escape:
- Grab your 2 pickaxes, 2 half frames of glider, 1 glider skin and cyan keycard (you can split it with your friend) and head upstairs to the area shown in the picture.
- Get inside using the cyan keycard and head up.
- When you’re up, head east to see a broken wall, start mining it. Be careful not to step outside as the prison will instantly go into lockdown.
- After you mine all the marked blocks just interact with the stage with the glider parts to assemble the glider. Escape.
H.M.S Orca
Scuba Doo
(Singleplayer only)
- Look around the ship for the following items inside desks: Duct tape, Tubing, Oxygen Tank.
Make sure to check medical desk aswell as it might contain tubing or oxygen tank. - Craft a Makeshift Breathing Apparatus.
The Escape:
- Head to the top deck of the ship with your breathing apparatus and go to the location shown to escape.
Wave Goodbye!
(Singleplayer only)Preparation:
- Find the following items: Tubing and Bolt. Keep in mind tubing can appear in medical desk and bolt can appear in contraband desk.
The Escape:
- Take both of those items and head to the lower deck of the ship. Fix the jet ski and you’re out!
Masters Of Illusion
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Search around the ship for the following items: 1 soap, 1 wax, 1 jar of ink, 1 lighter and 1 dinner tray. Those items spawn randomly but the Dinner Tray can only be found in 1 place as shown in the picture, west of the cells behind a multiplayer door.
- After you find all the items craft the fake gun (recipes below).
The Escape:
- Head to the top floor of the ship and just when you get up the stairs you’ll see a multiplayer door. Get through that door and head to the chopper. Equip the fake gun and escape.
Taking Back Control
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Find the best weapon you can get your hands on.
The Escape:
- Head up to the top floor with your friend and then go west.
- When you find the control room just beat up the guards and escape.
H.M.P Offshore
Perimeter Breakout
Method 1 – Preparation:
- Raise your intellect to 60.
- Craft a red plastic key (per player).
- Obtain 1 guard outfit (per player).
The Escape:
- Equip the guard outfit.
- Head to the area shown in the map and go all the way up the stairs, withouth passing through any metal detectors.
- When you’re upstairs go to the chopper and escape.
Method 2 – Preparation:
- Get your intellect up to 60.
- Craft flimsy cutters or better.
- Craft 1 plastic red key (per player).
- Obtain 1 guard outfit (per player).
The Escape:
- Equip the guard outfit.
- Shut off the generator located west of the map.
- Go to the area shown in the map marked as “Perimeter Breakout – Method 2” and cut through the fence.
- After cutting the fence simply walk on the boat to escape.
Trash Talk
Preparation: - Raise your intellect to 60.
- Find or buy the following items: 1 tubing, 1 roll of duct tape, 1 trash bag, 1 handkerchief, 1 crowbar and 1 plastic red key.
- Craft a Breathable Trash Bag:
The Escape:
- Take your crowbar, red key and breathable trash bag.
- Head to the area on the map marked as “Trash Talk Escape”.
- Break the wall with your crowbar and escape as shown, using the breathable trash bag.
Bad Intentions
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Raise your intellect to 60.
- Craft a plastic red key (per player).
- Craft flimsy cutters (or better).
The Escape:
- Shut off the generator located west of the map and go all the way down to the area marked in the map as “Bad Intentions Escape”.
- Cut through that fence, gather your friends and interact with the submarine to escape.
Swimming With Dolphins
(Singleplayer only) - Raise your intellect to 70.
- Find or buy: 1 string, 1 timber, 1 paper clip, 1 juicy worm (can be found on guards and desks).
- Craft a plastic red key and a readied fishing rod.
The Escape:
- Head to the area marked in the map as “Dolphins Escape”.
- Take your readied fishing rod and start fishing in the shown location:
- You’ll get a fish from fishing, interact with the dolphin and gift him the fish:
- Snooty the Dolphin will now give you a quest. Accept it.
- Find the “how to speak dolphin” book and craft the cake as requested.
- Equip the cake and interact with the dolphin to escape.
Fort Tundra (Work In Progress)
Perimeter Breakout
Rock-Hammer Hard Place
(Singleplayer only)
- Achieve 70 intellect.
- Complete the Rock-Hammer Hard Place quest line thoroughly. This quest can be given by any of the inmates.
- Craft Lightweight Cutters or better.
- Craft Bed Dummy and place it in your bed.
The Escape:
- Attend Rollcall and go down to the sewer entrance, DO NOT go to your cell or through the purple door before 00:00.
- Go to the sewer entrance, which is left of the statue.
- Hit it with the Rock Hammer (which you recieve as a reward when you finish the Rock-Hammer Hard Place quest).
- Go into the sewer and cut these 2 fences with your cutters
- Climb the ladder and you can smell sweet, sweet victory! Or just your stinky clothes…
Fun With Jeeps
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Achieve 60 intellect.
- Find a crowbar.
- Craft 1 red key per player.
- Craft a bed dummy and place it in your bed.
The Escape:
- Attend rolecall and head south east to find the red door shown in the picture.
- After you get past that door head south east with your friends and get through the multiplayer door.
- Start chipping through the wall with your crowbar into the area with the jeep.
- Gather your friends around the jeep and escape.
Area 17
Perimeter Breakout
- Raise your intellect to 60.
- Get the following items: “Iron Bar, Plastic Red Key, Flimsy Cutters, Bed Dummy, Guard Outfit, Adrenaline shot.
Iron Bar can be bought from inmates, bed dummy, plastic red key and flimsy cutters must be crafted. Guard outfit and Adrenaline shot can be found in knocked out guards. - Place your bed dummy in bed.
The Escape:
- Take the items listen above and head south to the location shown. Wait there until it’s 00:00.
- At the right time, drop your contraband items and shut off the generator, then head upstairs.
Alternatively you can live your contraband upstairs, guards don’t roam there. - Go upstairs, through the door and cut through the fence here:
- Run before the lights come back on and start chipping the wall with your iron bar. If you get tired (which you most likely will) drink your adrenaline shot and finish it off. Escape.
I’m Only Human
(Singleplayer only)
Preparation: - Reach 60 Intellect
- Find 2 talcum powder, 2 tubes of toothpaste, 2 lighters, 2 combs or 2 toothbrushes, Feather, Jar of Ink, Guard Outfit (or medic outfit), and a Blank Security Pass (Only on Guards).
- Craft 2 wad of puttys and 2 molten plastic.
- Craft the Security Pass as shown below.
- Craft Cyan and Red plastic keys.
The Escape:
- Head to the bottom left red doors on the first floor in the cell building as shown:
- Equip your Guard Outfit and exit the doors.
- Follow the yellow line on the image to the maintenance desk.
- Search through the maintenance desk and requip the civilian outfit, then follow the yellow line in the picture as shown:
- Press “E” on the double doors inside when you have the option to escape, make sure to have your Security Pass out.
- Congrats you escaped!
Alien Technology
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Get 50 intellect.
- Find or craft the following items: 1 circuit board, 1 energy module (2 batteries + 1 wire), 1 radio receiver (found on guards), lightweight cutters or better, red keycard.
- Take the red keycard and head west, above the blacksmith job, through those stairs to the fake moon landing set. Open the shuttle and take the empty cannister.
- Go south east through the stairs into the hangar with the UFO.
- Have your friend turn off the generator located south west of the map and cut through the fence. You can leave it open, guards never go there unless they follow you.
The Escape:
- Grab your circuit board, energy module, radio receiver and the empty cannister.
- Head to the UFO through the hole you dug in the fence and escape using the above mentioned items.
Air Force Con
Passport To Freedom (Singleplayer only)
- Circuit Board
- Two Batteries
- Wire
- Screwdriver
The Escape:
Once you have found all these items in tables around the plane you will need to assembe the Wire and 2 Batteries into a Energy Module.
Once you have done all that head towards the front of the plane which is below the cockpit.
Place the following items in this order: Circuit Board, Energy Module and then the Screwdriver.
Plane Crazy (Singleplayer only)
- Find 3 ropes.
- Craft Makeshift Harness and then a Parachute:
The Escape:
- Head to the area shown, just above the cells, and escape.
Regain Control (Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Find a friend and 2 weapons. Taking out guards for their batons and outfits is a reliable strategy.
The Escape:
- Head north on the top deck of the plane and beat up the 3 guards controlling the plane. Simply interact with the controls when they have been taken out to escape.
Plane Sailing (Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Find 3 oxygen tanks scattered around the plane in desks.
The Escape:
- Head south in the lower deck of the plane to find an inflatable boat. Fill it with the oxygen tanks and escape.
U.S.S Anomaly
Perimeter Breakout
- Craft sturdy cutters.
- Find a screwdriver.
The Escape:
- Head north on the map and go upstairs by the showers.
- Cut through the fence and head up, open the vent with your screwdriver.
- When you’re inside the vent, start cutting through the fences with your sturdy cutters. Then use your screwdriver to leave the vent.
- Now that you’re out of the vent simply head north to escape.
Race From Space
(Singleplayer only)
Preparation: - Raise your intellect to 60.
- Obtain a guard outfit.
- Craft a plastic red key.
The Escape:
- Equip your guard outfit, then head east with your plastic red key and enter the guard area. Open the contraband desk and take the jetpack.
- Now with the jetpack head west on the map, right after the cells, and go inside. When you see a metal detector drop your red key and go through it.
- Go to the area shown and interact with the green interface to escape.
Peas In A Pod
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Get 60 intellect.
- Find 2 batteries and 1 wire.
- Find an oxygen tank (can be found in desks).
- Craft an infirmary outfit.
- Take the infirmary outfit and head to the restricted room by the infirmary. Get the medical mesh from the desk.
The Escape:
- Take 2 batteries, 1 wire, medical mesh and oxygen tank with you and head north east to the stairs above kitchen job.
- Once you’re past the metal detectors craft the energy module:
- Grab those items and pass through the multiplayer door.
- Use the energy module, medical mesh and oxygen tank to escape.
The Glorious Regime
Perimeter Breakout
- Raise your intellect to 60.
- Craft or find a red key. You can get one from the quest: “Appreciation Society”.
- Craft a bed dummy and place it in your bed.
- Obtain a guard outfit.
- Find or buy a crowbar.
The Escape:
- Put on your guard outfit and head south east to the location shown. Start chipping the wall.
- After breaching through that wall head north through the red door and run, the prison will unavoidably go into lockdown so just run for it.
Cold Case
(Singleplayer only)
Preparation: - Reach 50 intellect.
- Find the following items: 2 ice packs, 1 roll of duct tape. You can find one of the ice packs in the back room in the south east infirmary. You need infirmary outfit to go there.
- Craft the Heart Rate Slower.
The Escape:
- Head to the previously mentioned infirmary with your heart rate slower and go to the indicated area to escape. The heart rate slower is contraband so make sure everything is clear before running through it to your victory.
Get to da’ chopper!
(Multiplayer only)
Preparation: - Find the following items: “Wax, Soap, Lighter, Jar of Ink, Dinner Tray”.
- The dinner tray can only be found in 1 place, north west of the prison, in the multiplayer room. Dig under it like we did:
- Craft or get a plastic red key (per player). You can get one from the quest: “Appreciation Society”.
- Craft or buy a contraband pouch (per player).
- Craft a fake gun:
The Escape:
- Take your plastic red key, contraband pouch and fake gun and head all the way upstairs through the stairs by job time.
- When you reach the top gather your friends and escape in the chopper.