Hey all, Todd Howard here! i am here today to help you make this game more stable. Now this game is a Treat and some Treats have bad sprinkles (do sprinkles actually go bad?) and that comes in the form of: Bugs and Bugs are bad. In other words i plan to make your game go From: [link] To: [link]
and the first mod is:
New Vegas Anti Crash or NVAC
NVAC does what it sounds like: It Limits Crashes and Crashes are bad. NVAC does need New Vegas Script Extender downloaded and don’t worry NVSE is 100% Safe if you download it from silverlock which is its original website. You can download it here [link]
and the next mod is:
New Vegas Stutter Remover/New Vegas Tick Fix or NVSR/NVTF
These mods both remove the Stuttering on the Radio’s in the game. And you may be asking “Why would i need that?” well the Stutter kinda makes the game more prone to Crashes, Freezes, Corruptions, You Name It! You may also be asking ‘What is the difference between these two mods?” well NVSR kinda doesn’t work on Windows 10 while NVTF does. NVSR and NVTF require NVSE to work
You can download these mods here
[link] Tick Fix
[link] Stutter Remover
next mod is:
CASM with MCM: New Vegas
What does this do? It fixes the unreliability of Autosaves and Quicksaves by not only making then more stable but adding more than one. This Mod requires the Mod Configuration Menu which i will get to later, JIP LN NVSE Plugin which i will also get to later, and NVSE.
You can download it here
next mod is:
MCM or Mod Configuration Menu
What does this do? This Mod allows you to control changes to your mods through the game menu
and you might be asking: “why do i need this?” To change things with a mod you might not like and because mods like: CASM require it. It requires NVSE.
You can download it here
next mod is:
What does this do? Borderless Windowed Mode or in other words Fake Fullscreen giving you the look of Fullscreen Mode and giving you the Stability of Windowed Mode. Needs NVSE.
Download it here
next mod is:
What does this do? Pretty much adds an extra Script Extender to NVSE and is needed for a lot of big Mods. Obviously requires NVSE.
Download it here
next mod is:
4GB New Vegas Patch Updated
What does this do? Makes the game run on 4GB instead of 2GB improving load times and stability during said load times. Doesn’t require anything that i know of.
Download it here
next mod is:
Yukichigai Unofficial Patch or YUP
What does this do? It patches most of the Bugs in the game fixing broken Quests and random clips through the floor/ground. This is the most important mod to have besides NVSE. Doesn’t require anything.
Download it here
Next mod is the most important of them all:
New Vegas Script Extender or NVSE
What does this do? Adds a Script Extender to the game allowing most mods to work. Also increases stability.
Download it here and don’t worry Silverlock is the official site for NVSE
I hope these Mods improve your game’s performance