Below, I’ve tried to document as many of the random encounters as I could. Ultmiately what it boils down to is you want to have a lvl2 Med bay, an Engi, a Rockman and a teleporter as soon as possible.
random events and blue-options
Giant Spiders
- Boarding drone
- Personal Defense drone
- Anti-Bio bream
Mining Colony Outbreak
- Rockman
- Engi
- Medbay Lvl2
- Medbay Lvl2 + Engi Nanobots
Drifting freighter in nebula
- Long-range scanners
- Teleporter
Ship in Asteroid belt
- Rock hull plating
- Teleporter
- Hull repair drone
- Defense drone
Mad survivor on planet surface
- Slug
- Medbay Lvl2
Stuck pirate
- Beam weapon
Science station fire
- Rockman
- System repair drone
Haywire defense system
- Ion weapon
- Engi
- Cloaking
Rockmen stuck in asteroid belt
- Rockman crew
- Long-range scanners
Abandoned space station – disease
- Medbay Lvl2[/list]
Abandoned Rock Freighter- Slug[/list]
Search debris/asteroid field
- Advanced engines
- Rock plating
Slug captain drink
- Rockman
- Slug
Peaceful horse-like creatures- Slug
Pirates bombarding settlement
- Fire Bomb
- Slug[/list]