A simple guide for every animal in the game, how they act, where they are located, and what to hunt them with. (All Pictures in this guide belong to me and EdenStarGazer.)Special thanks to EdenStarGazer for helping with the pictures.All real information on the animal belongs to google.Big thanks to Zitro for doing the branding image!
I’m only one person. I am frequently editing the entire guide, and re-doing maps, and fixing all the errors that I can spot. Thanks to everyone that has helped me so far with my guide and all the support and love this guide has gotten.
Please go check out my other guide for duck hunting! Give it a shot!
Whitetail Deer
The Odocoileus virginianus, also known as the Whitetailed Deer, Is the Most Commonly known species of Deer, Whenever the word “Deer” Pops up, i Think of the Whitetail. The Whitetail is my favorite Species of Deer.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Odocoileus virginianus
Gestation period: 201 days
Height: 2.6 – 3.3 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 130 – 200lb (Adult, In Summer)
I find Whitetails skiddish and curious. I often see then in large open fields, Sometimes with Blacktail Deer. I find Whitetails the easiest animal to find, hunt, and kill, alongside Roe Deer; being the easiest to find on the Hirschfelden map. I’d say Balmont is your go to Place if you are looking for Whitetails/Blacktails.
For Whitetail Deer, use the Deer Bleat Caller, and the Deer Grunt Caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270.
Handguns: .357, .44.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
Blacktail Deer
The O. hemionus, also known as Blacktail Deer, Has a strong resemblence to the Whitetail Deer, only real difference is the tail and looks of the fur. They live in Western North America, from Northern California into the Pacific Northwest and coastal British Columbia.
Basic Information
Scientific name: O. hemionus
Gestation period: 203 days
Height: 2.6 – 3.7 ft. (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: Male: 120-200 lbs (Adult, In Summer), Female: 80-120 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
Blacktails are alert and shy, un-like their Whitetail counter-parts. I Mainly see Blacktails in dense shrubs, grazing on the grass. But sometimes you can find them in an open field grazing. Blacktails usually are found not too far from Whitetails, I see them in herds of Whitetails all the time. As for Whitetails, I’d say Balmont is your go-to place looking for Blacktails.
For Blacktail Deer, use the Deer Bleat Caller, and the Deer Grunt Caller.
Weapon of Choice for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: 357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
Mule Deer
(Screenshot needed)
The Mule Deer are one of the most popular Deer around the world. They make excellent game, and are very popularly hunted. They are indigenous to the plains of western North America.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Odocoileus hemionus
Gestation period: 203 days
Height: 3.9 to 4.1 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 120 – 330 lbs. (Adult, In Summer)
Mule Deer can be found most of anywhere in Parque Fernando, and are also a target for Pumas. It is recommended you bring a bigger caliber gun, because they are harder to take down than your average Whitetail.
To Lure Mule Deer, use the Deer Bleat Caller, or the Deer Grunt Call.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm
Handguns: .357, .44.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
Roe Deer
The Capreolus capreolus, or we call “Roe Deer”, or just “Roe”, is Britain’s most native deer. When alarmed, they release a barking sound. This bark can sometimes be repeated by other Roes.
Basic Information
Scientific name: Capreolus capreolus
Mass: 22 – 77 lbs (Adult)
Gestation period: 290 days
Diet: Herbivorous
Height: 3 – 4 ft (Adult)
I find Roe Deer open and sociable. I find them mainly in Tinachu just wandering beyond my circles. I find them in fields 90% of the time, so if you want to hunt them go there. Anywhere you can find Roe deer, Fallow Deer won’t be to far away. Not once has a Roe deer ignored my call.
For Roe Deer use the Roe Deer caller.
Selected weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot ONE SHOT.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
(Screenshot Needed)
The Blackbuck, or as most call them, the Indian antelope, are a near Threatened species of Antelope that are native to India, Nepal and Pakistan. They are very social animals, and herds can reach Wildebeast sie, including up to 5 to 50 Blackbuck.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Antilope cervicapra
Gestation period: 167 days
Height: 2.9 – 3.4 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivores
Mass 80 lbs – 120 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
Blackbuck are usually in all parts of the map. In my experience, they are the most common animal on Parque Fernando. You can find them usually hanging around water holes, or grazing in the open fields, if they are not being chased by Pumas.
To lure Blackbuck, use the Antler Rattler.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
Fallow Deer
The Dama dama, or we call Fallow Deer, is an uncommon deer that Lives in Britain, England and Wales, and in some areas of Scotland and Ireland. Fallow deer are Known for their weird antlers.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Dama Dama
Gestation period: 230 days
Height: 3 – 4 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: Male: 80-130lbs (Adult in summer)
I find Fallow deer very shy and cautious, Especially bucks. I mainly find them in fields grazing on grass. I often see Roe and Fallow deer together, Sometimes a male with them. I Mainly find them in Hirschdorf, in the vast open Fields.
Use the Deer Bleat Caller, Deer Grunt Caller, and for Bucks, use Antler rattler.
Selected weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
Red Deer
The Cervus elaphus, or as we call them “Red Deer”, is one of the largest deer species. They can weigh up to 350-560 lbs. They make a loud Roaring sound when alerted. This deer is Majestic, it is Protected from hunting in Britain. The Bucks are darker color than the Does. The Bucks almost look red, hence their name.
Basic Information
Scientific name: Cervus elaphus
Mass: 350 – 560 lbs (Adult)
Gestation period: 236 days
Diet: Herbivorous
Height: 3.5 – 4.40 feet
Red Deer are smart and cautious, bucks usually lay back even with a caller, some bucks don’t even respond to a call. When they do, they only waltz out into the open for seconds to investigate, before hurrying back into the cover of the brush. Success requires having the shot aimed and ready. You can usually hear them before approach with a drum-like sound. Does however aren’t shy at all, they will come right to you if you use a caller. Red Deer herds are very rare to find, but if you do find one, you are lucky.
To attract Red Deer, use the Red Deer Horn.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity:
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454. ONE SHOT
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
Roosevelt Elk
(This picture belongs to EdenStarGazer)
The Cervus canadensis roosevelti, or we call “Roosevelt Elk”, is the Largest of the Elk species. They can weigh up to a massive 1,100 lbs. they are currently of concern because of decreases in the population, because of fur trappers killing and selling the fur.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Cervus canadensis roosevelti
Gestation period: 240 to 262 days
Height: 3.3 – 4.9 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: Male: 660 – 1,100 lbs (Adult, In Summer), Female: 570 – 630 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
I Find Roosevelts curious and adventurous. Often times I see a lone bull just wandering around, looking for some adventure. Cows wander in herds, sometimes with a Male or two. I Often see large bands of males wandering around, like 4 or 5 bulls.
To attract Roosevelt Elk, Use the Roosevelt Elk horn.
Choice of weapons for integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm, .338.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve, 600gr, 600gr Bolt
Siberian Musk Deer
The M. moschiferus , or the Siberian Musk Deer, Is well known for it’s Dracula looking fangs, and their short height. They live in Southern Asia, notably the Himalayas. There are many different Species of musk deer… Including Anhui musk deer, Dwarf musk deer, Alpine musk deer, Kashmir musk deer, Black musk deer, White – Bellied musk deer, and the most important, the Siberian Musk Deer.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: M. moschiferus
Gestation period: 150 – 180 days
Height: 20 – 28 in.(Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: Male: 15 – 37lbs.
Musk Deer are some of the hardest animals to hunt in the game, and very shy and I don’t think they respond to calls, except to leave the vicinity. They are often all around in the shrubs, and yet remain invisible. Try to trail them and they disappear as if into thin air. The best approach is to hide downwind in a shrub or deer stand motionless and with them out. Alternatively, the sniper approach works for Musk Deer.
Use Musk Deer scent to lure Musk Deer to you, Takes a long time for them to get close.
Choice of weapon for integrity:
Rifles: .22LR, .223.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt
The Rangifer tarandus, or Reindeer OR Caribou, are widley known for the “Rudolf the red nosed Reindeer” tale, and they are known for santa’s sleigh and other Chistmas related traditions. Reindeer are one of my favourite animals. The distinctive sound they make in the woods sounds familiar from the Christmas carols… a sound we often associate with sleigh bells without even realizing.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Rangifer tarandus
Gestation period: 222 days
Height: 2.8 – 4.9 ft. (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: 180 – 400lbs
Reindeer are Shy and cautious, they won’t respond right away to your calls, they will instead try to come slowly to you, Both males and females have antlers, so don’t mistake one for another. They are usually seen in herds, sometimes massive herds.
Using the antler rattler will bring reindeers to your position.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity:
Rifles: 22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
Antidorcas marsupialis, or Springbok, are a medium-sized antelope. They can be found in Africa. They can run up to 55MPH. In Game, they can be seen hopping around in bigger herds, in large open fields or by watering holes.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Antidorcas marsupialis
Gestation period: 168 days
Height: 2.6 – 3 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 73 – 110lb (Adult, In Summer)
They are shy and gentle. You have to be very careful when hunting Springbok, because if they hear you they will take off too fast for you to be able to shoot them. They will stop hopping to take in their surroundings every once in a while. But, they can often be seen on the horizon; readily noticeable by their pogo stick-like cadence. This makes them fun and challenging targets to try to shoot while in motion.
Use the Snort caller to call in Springbok.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: 22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
Axis Deer
(Screenshot needed)
The Axis Deer, or more popular known as the Chital, is a species of deer located in South America. They are a popular game hunting deer, and are well known for their more unique horns. They can be found in various parts of South America.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Axis axis
Gestation period: 201 days
Height: 2.6 – 3.3 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 79 lbs – 101 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
Axis Deer are only located in some of the regions of Parque Fernando, but can roam to new regions on your map. They are main prey for Pumas, and you might see a Puma stalking that Level 5 that you’ve been stalking yourself, only to find it dead. Axis Deer are very spookable and spook very easy.
For Axis Deer, use the Axis Scream Call.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns:12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
Lesser Kudu
Tragelaphus imberbis, or Lesser Kudu, is a currently threatened species in africa. They are a forest antelope. They like to live in the firest, and can run up to 43mph.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Tragelaphus imberbis
Gestation period: 222 days
Height: 2.6 – 3.6 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 130 – 200lb (Adult, In Summer)
Lesser Kudu hang around Watering Holes and Dense Shaded Areas. You may call them using the antler rattler. They behave like most other animals.
For Lesser Kudu, use the Antler Rattler or the Snort caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270.
Handguns: .357, .44.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
White-Tailed Jackrabbit
The Lepus townsendii, or Jackrabbit is a small hare found throughout North America. They are very fast and small in the game, making them a challenge to hunt, but they give big rewards.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Lepus townsendii
Gestation period: 36 to 43 days
Height: 22 to 25.6 inches(Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: 3 to 4kg
Jackrabbits will thump, and sometime let out a mating call, but this is rare. They travel in huge groups. Be careful when hunting them, because they have an excellent sense fo hearing. Listen for little thumps and hide in brush.
Jackrabbits cannot be called.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity:
Rifles: .22.
Handguns: None
Shotguns: 12GA Birdshot
Bows: .300gr Arrow and Bolt
Scrub Hare
The Lepus saxatilis, or the Scrub Hare, gets it’s name because they look like bush scrubs. They are common in all of Africa, and can be seen running about in COTW.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Lepus saxatilis
Gestation period: 38 days
Height: 14 – 16 cm (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 3.3 – 9.9 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
They are basically Reskinned Jackrabbits. Behave the same.
They cannot be called.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR.
Handguns: None
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt
Canadian Geese
The Branta canadensis, or Canadian Geese, is a large species of bird that are all over the world, including Europe, Ohio, and much more. They are overall a beautiful animal, but they are aggressive. Especially the males. (not in the game)
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Branta canadensis
Gestation period: 24–28 days
Height: 2.6 – 3 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass Male: 7.1 – 14 lbs (Adult), Female: 5.5 – 12 lbs (Adult)
In Game Locations and Behaviour
You can find Geese roaming the skies of Hirschfelden, flying above fields and open areas.
Geese can hear your call from 500m away, you just need to be patient. In order to lure them in, you need to place Geese Decoys and a Body Blind, and start calling. You will know when they are here, they make lots of noise. Upon entering the area, the leader goose will scout the area, and if they think it is safe, they will land. Only then are they killable.
For Geese, use the Geese Short Range Caller, and lure them in with Decoys.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223.
Handguns: None
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt
Mallard Duck
(Picture by FruitBWC, big shoutout to him)
The Anas platyrhynchos, or we call Mallard, is a small species of duck found in the Northern Hemisphere through Europe, Asia, and North America. The males are called “Drakes” and the Females are called “Hens”, like in Chickens.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Anas platyrhynchos
Gestation period: 28 days
Height: 32–39 in (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 1.6 – 3.5 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
Similar to all the other fliers in the game, they roam the skies and land.
For Mallard, use the Duck Caller, and lure them in with Decoys.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223.
Handguns: None
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt
Cinnamon Teal
(Screenshot Needed)
The Cinnamon Teal is very closely related to Mallard Duck, considered a sub-species to them. As their name suggests, they have a bright red cinnamon color to them.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Anas cyanoptera
Gestation period: 30 days
Height: 30–36 in (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 3 – 14 oz. (Adult, In Summer)
Cinnamon Teal are another common animal in Parque Fernando, and are just like the Mallard. You’ll find them in flocks near water sources. Hunt them as you would Mallards.
For Cinnamon Teal, use the Duck Caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223.
Handguns: None
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt
Wild Boar
(This Picture belongs to EdenStarGazer)
The Sus scrofa, or known as many names such as “Boar”, “Swine”, or Wild Pig, are little animals that look related to a farm pig, exept have fur and tusks. They will eat almost anything that they can fit in their mouths, Including snakes, mice, worms, and will sometimes even finish off an abandoned kill.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Sus scrofa
Mass: 100 – 400 lbs (Adult)
Height: 1.8 – 4.1 ft. (Adult, At Shoulder)
Gestation period: 115 days
Diet: Omnivorous
Boars are aggressive and will attack, Males travel alone, females travel in groups. They often times will hide and then come out unexpectedly.
Use the Wild Boar Caller on Boars.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity:
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270.
Handguns: .357, .44.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
Phacochoerus africanus, or the Warthog, is a common pig found in Africa. They like to eat bugs, hence Pumba from The Lion King, hunting a blue beetle to eat. They can weigh up to 330 pounds.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Antidorcas marsupialis
Gestation period: 152 – 183 days
Height: 2.1 – 2.8 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 110 – 330lb (Adult, In Summer)
Warthogs are aggressive and have no fear of charging you if they know where you are. Make sure to bring medpacks when hunting them! They are similar to Wild Boar.
For Warthog, use the Pig Squeal Caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270.
Handguns: .357, .44.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
The Alces alces, or the Moose, is the largest of the Deer family. It can grow up to a massive 7 feet in height. The Moose can be referred to as a Deer or Elk. The Moose is also very dangerous if provoked.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Alces alces
Gestation period: 243 days
Height: 4.5-7 ft ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: Male: 840 – 1,500 lbs (Adult), Female: 440 – 790 lbs (Adult)
Moose are wise and brave. Often times they will try to trick you and come around the side of you when you call them. Males will attack sometimes. Moose are very tough and cannot be taken out easy. .338 is recommended to take them on.
To attract moose, use the Moose Horn.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm, .338.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve, 600gr, 600gr Bolt
Cape Buffalo
The Cape Buffalo, or Syncerus caffer, is well known for it’s Clashes with Lions. They are fearless Herbivores, if they know where you are, they will charge you down like a injured lion.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Syncerus caffer
Gestation period: 11 months
Height: 1.0 to 1.7 m (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 1,300 lbs – 2000 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
They are extremely Aggressive like the Warthog if they know where you are. Cape buffalo are among some of the most aggressive animals in the world. Bring a .457 along with you for self defense against them.
Cape Buffalo cannot be called.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm, .338, .470 Nitro Express
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns:12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve, 600gr, 600gr Bolt
Water Buffalo
(This Photo belongs to EdenStarGazer)
The Water Buffalo is a large species of Buffalo, that have been commonly domesticated in various parts of the world. Their meat is very popular, and they’re treated like cows if domesticated. In the wild, around the early 20th centuries, water buffaloes were imported from Cambodia for work in sugarcane plantations, and this is how they were mainly domesticated.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Bubalus bubalis
Gestation period: 281 – 334 days
Height: 4.2 – 4.4 ft. (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 660 – 1,200 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
Water Buffalo are usually around… well… water. If you find the swamps that are on the higher parts of Parque Fernando, you’ll find a Buffalo Herd, I promise. They are very hard to take down without the right caliber, I’d recommend a .338 or .470. To stop a charging bull, use the .457.
Water Buffalo cannot be called.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm, .338, .470 Nitro Express
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns:12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve, 600gr, 600gr Bolt
European Bison
The Bison bonasus, or the European Wood Bison, is a large animal. They can be dangerous at times if they feel cornered or you mess with their baby. They are common to see in Europe. They are quite tough and can injure or even kill a human duting hunting season.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Bison bonasus
Gestation period: 266 days
Height: 5.2 to 6.4 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: Male: 880 to 2,030 lb (Male or Female)
Bison are aggressive and will attack if you get too close. Males are more aggressive than females, but females will still attack. Sometimes if bison get spooked and are in a herd, they will stampede. I have gotten killed many, many times because they stampeded. Bison are very tough and require a strong weapon like the 7mm or Rangemaster .338, to even begin to think of taking one on, unless you are a brave person.
Bison cannot be called at all, which is something i really dont like. However, Bison seem curious to come to other calls.
Choice of Weapon for integrity:
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm, .338, .470 Nitro Express
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve, 600gr, 600gr Bolt
Blue Wildebeast
Blue Wildebeast get part of their fame from The Lion King. The Famous Mufasa death scene. They share some traits with humans, like beards. They carry curved horns on their head.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Connochaetes taurinus
Gestation period: 8 months
Height: 1.0 to 1.5 m (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass 250 kg (Adult, In Summer)
They travel in HUGE herds, so it is hard to pick off a good trophy. In a Group hunt, it can be a group effort to take down several of them at once, picking off the herd.
Blue Wildebeast can be called using the Snort caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns:12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
The Oryx gazella, or Gemsbok, is a species of large antelope found in several regions of Africa. Some people consider them a subspecies.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Oryx gazella
Gestation period: 230 days
Height: 3.9 – 4 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Herbivorous
Mass: Male: 490 – 660lbs (Adult in summer)
Gemsbok are very social and will come to any antler rattler call, prancing in your direction. They move together in larger herds, or solitary. Females, unlike any other species, can be Diamond potential of you can find one big enough.
Use theAntler Rattler.
Selected weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm, .338.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve, 600gr, 600gr Bolt
Black Bear
The Ursus americanus, Or Known as “American Black Bear”, Is one of the many species of Bears out there. They are the smallest of the 3 Bear species found in North America, Alongside Brown Bears and Grizzly. Black bears can sometimes be born with irregular fur, such as brown or blonde.
Black bears will eat mainly anything that is in sight if they are hungry, Making them Omnivoures.
Basic Information
Scientific name: Ursus americanus
Mass: 148-240 lbs (Adult)
Gestation period: 220 days
Length: 4.5 ft. (Adult)
Diet: Omnivores
Bears are Defensive and Curious. If you use the “Distressed Fawn Caller” they will walk around slowly and sniff around, sometimes standing on their hind legs and Roaring. If you Shoot them while you are too close to them, they Will attack you. Bears will also sometimes travel near Deer or Elk, and Sometimes travel in Larger packs, usually with a mate.
The Only caller that will affect Black Bears is the Distressed Fawn Caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454. with one shot.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
Brown Bear
(This Photo belongs to EdenStarGazer)
(Information will be added as I learn)
Ursus arctos, or Brown Bear, is a close relative to the Black Bear. They can live for up to a whopping 35 years. And are related to most other bears. Brown bears will jump into Rivers to Fish, they are very intelligent. Brown Bears use their size, and stand on their hind legs to intimidate other predators.
Basic Information
Scientific name: Ursus arctos
Gestation period: 180 – 270 days
Height: 2.5 – 7 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Omnivores
Mass: 180 – 1,300 lbs (Adult)
Brown Bears are like their Black Bear cousins, but more aggressive, and bigger. To take them on, bring at least a 7mm. Even at that. .338 is recommended.
Use the “Predator ‘Distressed Fawn’ Caller” to attract Brown Bears.
Choice of weapon for integrity:
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm, .338.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve, 600gr, 600gr Bolt
The Lion, or known as the Great King of Africa, is a well known big cat, and is one of the most popular. They are a big cat species that is located in Africa. They are well known for being the King of big cats, although the Tiger is a much more impressive Big Cat.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Panthera leo
Gestation period: 110 days
Height: 3.6 – 3.9 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Carnivores
Mass 280 lbs – 440 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
Lions are actually surprisingly hard to find in the Vurhonga Savannah, and usually hang out around watering holes. If you come into their territory, they will kill you. They also use baiting tactics, and are known to lure you into their territory so they can kill you. Try to keep away from a Pride of Lions,and focus more on solitary males. If you’re gonna shoot a trophy, don’t let them detect you. Use scent masking and hide.
To Lure Lions, use the Distressred Fawn Caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm, .338, .470 Nitro Express
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve, 600gr, 600gr Bolt
The Puma is a predatory cat that is located in various parts of the world. They have been given many different names. Puma, Mountain Lion, and Cougar. They roam, as their name suggests, in mountain regions. They are vicious and should be avoided at all costs.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Puma concolor
Gestation period: 91 days
Height: 2 – 3 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Carnivores
Mass 120 – 220 lbs (Adult, In Summer)
Puma are one of the most common animals are Parque Fernando, and can be annoying Pests. They chase and sometimes kill members of a herd, causing the herd to run when you were stalking that Diamond Animal. Pumas can kill animals.
For Pumas, use the Distressed Fawn Caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30, 45-70, .270, 7mm.
Handguns: .357, .44, 454.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot, 20ga Buckshot, 20ga Slug, 12ga Buckshot, 12ga Slug.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt, 540gr Recurve
(Eden’s Werecoyote.)
The Canis latrans, or the Coyote, or the American Jackal, is related to the Wolf, but smaller. They are troublemakers. often times getting into Chicken barns, even killing Domestic cats now and then. They are very smart and can outsmart the smartest things, plus they can be aggressive.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Canis latrans
Gestation period: 60 – 63 days
Mass: 15 – 46 lbs (Adult)
Height: 1.9 – 2.2 ft. (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Carnivorous
Coyotes are sly and sneaky. They sometimes won’t even respond to your calls but still come. They like to sneak around rocks and play tricks on you. They have a keen sense of eyesight and smell. Male Coyotes will attack you, along with sometimes fleeing and not even attacking.
Use the Predator “Jackrabbit” Caller on coyotes.
Choice of Weapons for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
Eurasian Lynx
(Click on the photo to see the lynx better)
The Lynx lynx (Lmao), or Lynx, is one of the Four Lynx Species, them being: the Siberian lynx (Lynx lynx), Canadian lynx (Lynx canadensis), Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), and the bobcat of North America (Lynx rufus).
Basic Information
Scientific name: Lynx lynx
Gestation period: 67 – 74 days
Height: 1.8 – 2.5 ft (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Strict Carnivores
Mass: 18 – 66lbs
Lynx are smart, they will try to flank you and see what is up, if you call them they will most likley not fall for it.
Use the “Predator ‘Jackrabbit’ Caller” on Lynx to Attract them.
Choice of weapon for integrity:
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
Side-Striped Jackal
The Canis adustus, or commonly known as the Side-Striped Jackal, is a cousin to the other Jackal classifications. They are similar to wild dogs, and s subspecies of it’s cousin, the Black Beared Jackal, they have a stripe on their side. They Usually hang out in swampy and scrub areas. They will eat primarily berries, and scavenge for other dead things later if they can.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Canis adustus
Gestation period: 57 – 70 days
Height: 14 – 20 in. (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Omnivoures
Mass 14 – 31lbs (Adult, In Summer)
Jackals are very alert and suspicious. They have an excellent sense of hearing and sight, making them a challenge to hunt. Try to stay low as long as you can.
For Jackal, use the Predator Jackrabbit Caller.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity
Rifles: .22LR, .223, .243, 30-30.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt, 420gr, 420gr Bolt
Red Fox
(Live photo will be added Later)
The Vulpes Vulpes, or the Red Fox, is the Largest of the “true” Foxes. They are very Nocternal and will Sleep almosr 9.8 hours of the Day away, before Hunting and going out at night.
Basic Information:
Scientific name: Vulpes vulpes
Gestation period: 49 – 58 days
Mass: 4.9 – 31 lbs (Adult)
Height: 14 – 20 in. (Adult, At Shoulder)
Diet: Omnivorous
Foxes are sly and sneaky like the Coyote, they sometimes travel in small packs, usually with one male and a few females. They are very small animals so they will be hard to see in dense forest and grass.
Use the Predator “Jackrabbit” Caller on Foxes.
Choice of Weapon for Integrity:
Rifles: .22LR, .223.
Handguns: .357.
Shotguns: 12ga Birdshot, 20ga Birdshot.
Bows: 300gr, 300gr Bolt
Please, let me know of anything you think I should add or revise, how you liked this guide, and please go check out EdenStarGazer, she helped with this guide.
Change Log/ Updates:
Sunday, September 1-2, 2018, 11:45AM: New Branding Image by Zitro, African Animals added.
Monday, September 3rd, 2018, 4:01PM: Maps Removed until further notice.
Monday, September 6th, 2018, 8:28AM: Added info about the Snort caller.
Tuesday October 2nd, 8:23AM : Added info about Mallards.
Friday December 7th, 2:23AM : Gemsbok added.
Monday February 18th, 9AM : Added Parque Fernando animals, and Lions.
Monday February 20th, 8:57AM : Added Lion Screenshot
Monday February 21th, 11:05AM : I’ve put it off for so long, but Integrity is finally done. Wooho! Several other changes, including format, and moving the update log. Working on more for this guide!
Monday March 1st, 5:30AM : Added Eden’s live coyote picture, working on the new DLC guns.