This guide will explain how to get this specific achievement within the game Everything.
Are you sort of a completionist like me? Do you want to get every single achievement that you possibly can within a game? Well, I at the very least have a guide for you on how to get one of the most odd achievements within the game Everything. Believe it or not, this achievement literally involves BREAKING THE GAME several times in order to get it. This achievement is called Destroyer of Worlds, and in this guide, I’ll show you the lazy man’s…or woman’s, way to get it 🙂
The Process
Step 1: This step will at least make sure your computer/laptop/toaster doesn’t set on fire while trying to get this achievement. Simply go to the Power Options in the control panel, and whatever power plan you have selected, go to maximum processor state and set it very low. I would recommend doing it as shown here, so that you can unplug the device while getting the achievement, and plug it back in to have it function as normal.
Step 2: This step is optional. Simply hold the Q key and select “everything”. This will allow you to join with any thing, of any category, though this has to be unlocked later in the game.
Step 3: Either find a large object, or enter a smaller one and simply hold R to enlarge yourself. The latter is shown in the image below.
Step 4: Simply make a cluster♥♥♥♥ of things by either joining with everything in sight, or holding + to duplicate many clones of these things.
Step 5: Move around haphazardly with this cluster♥♥♥♥ of things, singing, wobbling your camera, anything you can do to overload the game. This is why I said to open the power management settings in step one. So this ♥♥♥♥ doesn’t set your computer on fire.
Step 6: After all is said and done, you should get something that looks like this, or similarly.
Step 7: Repeat steps 4-6, as many times as you need to, until this happens.
End of the Guide
Well, after all that, I hope this guide was easy to follow, and if you ended up earning the achievement thanks to this guide, congrats! You still earned it 🙂