This Guide cover Building, Minions, Henchmen, Loot, Genius (Work in Progresses)
The harder the rock you dig into the more expensive it is to build your room but if you fill in a room the rock will become soft so you don;t have to pay more if you want to dig it out again in the future.
To dig gold you must place a room over gold tiles in the basement.
You do not need higher tiers of mining to build stairs, search for softer rock on the floor you’re building stairs.
Crown Gold
Smallest build space but has plenty of gold to mine.
Beaches distract tourist.
Venerable to P.A.T.R.I.OT.
Recommended for
Montanas Gemelas
Smallest initial build space but largest after research.
Distracting view from cover operation.
Chock point separate base.
Venerable to S.M.A.S.H.
Recommended for Zalika, her research bonus will allow you to unlock higher tiers of rock mining faster.
Caine Key
Largest initial build space, Plenty of space to build your evil lair.
Agents must enter from the Cover Operation allowing you to distract Saboteurs, plus
their an extra bones you can set the door to the helipad to security 1 and save you a little time.
Recommended for Emma, take full advantage of her bonus to distracting agents.
Venerable to A.N.V.I.L.
Base Building
Guard Post can only be placed in a Corridor, they also give a Spotting Power bonus for minions on duty at Guard Posts.
Put in large groups (recommended in groups of 6 – 8) at key areas like the main entrance.
Try to combined with a camera so
armory minions come and reinforce.
Advanced Guard Post can only be placed in Corridor.
A good place for them is at your prison.
If no minion are at the Advanced Guard Post recruit more muscle.
Try to have a Barracks near your Cover Operation, Armory, laboratory and control room.
Minions using Luxury Beds sleep for less time, but beds will require repairs.
Mess Hall
I recommend placing multiple smaller Mess Hall with 2-3 food counters.
Try to have a Mess Hall near your Cover Operation, Armory,
Staff Room
Place your Archive near anywhere you will have Science minions like Laboratory and Control Room.
The Multimedia education , learning lamp, Brainiac machine Basic require a science minion.
Training Evil 101 requires a worker
science minion work in the Infirmary.
Minion vitality can be improved to 100 using Super serum Machine muscle, Multi gym science, OMNII check-up Deception Deception, Cloning Machine workers.
One reason you may want science or Deception minions to have more vitality is to survive tarps.
Training Room
For late game the recommend number of training devices 7 Guard, 6 Mercenary, 2 Martial Artist
, 3 Hitman, 4 valets, 2 Socialite, 3 Spin doctors, 3 cover agents, 3 Scientist, 2 Biologist, and 3 Quantun Chemist.
Power Station
Generator – Power 9
Nuclear Generator – Power 18
Fusion Generator – Power 36
Tip having a few higher tier generators reduces the amount of technicians needed compared to having many lower tier generators.
The generators need repairs often so try to keep them accessible for technicians but protected from saboteurs. Generators that are not repaired will catch on fire.
Each Capacitor provides 15 seconds of Infinite Power.
Your Capacitor do not loses durability over time so they do not need easy access for Technicians.
Control Room
Big Screens heat reduction is cumulative, each decreases heat gain by an very small amount but you do notice a difference with about 20 .
Minions working in the control room drain smarts.
Computer Counsel has two modes, it can be used by worker minions or scientist.
Computer Array has two modes, it can be used by worker minions or biologist
Holographic Glob has two modes, it can be used by worker minions or Quantum Chemist
The more equipment you the more science minions will be able to research.
Research that is locked requires higher level science minions unlocked by main story progression.
The Vault does not require minions often so it’s good to place out of the way with many traps and add Laser doors to slow down rogues.
Martial Artist are the only minions that can use a staff.
Mercenary and Hitman are the only minions that can use electrical rifles and sub-machine guns.
Unfortunately minions choice weapons at random.
Camera System
A tagged agent spotted on a camera will cause Muscle Minions at a guard table to come running to the location where the agent was spotted.
If agents are not tagged minions do not respond.
A security desk can support 3 cameras.
Advanced security station can support 6 cameras.
Taking agents prisoners requires lowering both their vitality and skill (Smarts if minion).
Prisoners can be Interrogated which gives inlet or brainwashed into one of your minions.
- A investigator will give you a worker
- A rouge will give you a
- A saboteur will give you a technician
- A soldier will give you a mercenary
- A Minion will give you a worker
Inner sanctum
You can restore Henchmen and the Evil Genius stats their with conference table.
Cover Operation
Deception or Muscle Minions will try to bring agent tagged for distraction back to your casino.
Tourist can earn you a small amount of money without the heat of stealing, but the
mode to scam tourists prevents agents from using.
The floating green $14 dollars is the money I got from a Tourist. Also higher end casino items make more money.
Be cation with distracting agents, agents above average quality that leave the cover operation will kill any minion that tries to bring them back to the cover operation.
Agents will alay try to look behaid doors, create small offshoot room with casino doors.
Agents disable Traps based on their skill, higher level agent will disable nearly all your traps if skill is not reduced by distraction in the Cover Operation.
Bug : If you notice a stuck Minion turn off and on your traps especially for a trap that moves its victim like the giant fan and boxing glove.
If you have a trap like a Poison Darts around a Conner or slipper floor trap, then a giant fan the agent will disabling it, but the Giant Fan will blowing them after their disabling animation finishes
The agent disable the one slipper floor trap but then is pushed by the Giant Fan. I also had the ame thing happen with the Poison Darts.
Giant Fan
Boxing Glove
Damage: 10 Vitality
Freeze Ray
Damage: 20 Resolution, 20 Skill
Poison Darts
Slippery Floor
Pinball Bumper
Laser Wall
Damage: 50 Vitality
Shark Tank
Damage: 50 Vitality, 30 Resolve
Killer Bees
Damage: 29 resolve
Damage: 20 Vitality
Agents caught on fire will run in panic.
Giant Magnet
Damage: 10 Vitality
Fake Safe
Only activates by rogues.
Knockout Gas
Damage: 20 Vitality, 20 Skill
Laser Disco
Damages vitality but raises agents skill.
Three different modes.
- Whale- gets you 100 money and delays an agent 10 seconds.
- Minnow- gets 50 money and delays an agent 20 seconds.
- Free to play- no money but delays the agent 30 seconds.
Puppy of Death
Damage: Area of effect 30 Vitality
Venus Spy Trap
Damage: 125 vitality
The Minion cap is 300
You unlock more minion types through main story progression that unlocks the side story to kidnap that specialist.
Pay 0
constructs objects, work in the control room, man security camera desk, work at mess hall counters, karaoke machine, life drawing, and teach other Workers Training at Evil 101 n the archive.
The work can fight but is terrible and will die in mass.
You can use the hire now button to get 5 additional Workers immediately for $10,000.
Not only do Science minions work in the lab but also the infirmary, archive, and control room.
Pay 0
Repairs and constructs objects.
For a big late game base you may want between 40 – 55 Technicians
Pay $562
Works at Computer Console, whiteboard, data bank, Impact analyzer.
Pay $1125
Works at Computer Array, Organic sample, centrifuge, Impact analyzer..
Quantum Chemist
Pay $2250
Works at Holographic Globe, Super computer
Only minion good in a fight, make sure to build weapon racks in the armory for them to use.
I Recommend your Muscle Minion numbers are a multiple of 5 as all weapon racks have 5 weapons each.
They can waits at a Guard Table to reposed to intruder spotted on camera.
Pay $562
Can equip clubs, pistol and stun guns.
Pay $1125
Can equip clubs, sub-machine guns, electrical rifles, pistols, and stun guns.
Martial Artist
Pay $2250
Can equip only melee weapons the club or staff.
Pay $2250
Can equip sub-machine guns, electrical rifles, pistols, stun guns, cubs.
Unlike Evil Genies 1 where social minions could distract agents in your main base, the only place your Deception Minions can distract agents is in your cover operation. If an agent set to distract is outsise the cover operation a Deception Minion will try to bring the agent back into your casino.
Pay $421
Works at casinos items.
Pay $843
Works at Life Drawing, Karaoke Machine, distracting agents reduce resolve.
Spin Doctor
Pay $843
Works at distracting agents reduce resolve and skill.
Counter Agent
Pay $1687
Works at distracting agents reduce resolve and skill.
Gentle- Won’t want to fight, ever
Crack-shot- More ranged damage.
Poor-shot- less ranged damage.
Decent Uppercut- More melee damage.
Strong Left Hook- More melee damage.
Strong Right Jab- More melee damage.
Strong Right Hook- More melee damage.
Violent- loves fighting because their good at it.
Baseball Fan-
Basketball fan-
Football Fan-
Ruby Fan-
Tennis Fan-
Golf Fan-
Film Buff-
Press Flowers-
Green Fingered-
Game Master-
Tabletop Barbarian-
Tabletop Rogue-
Tabletop Willard-
Board game Enthusiast –
Magic Enthusiast –
Amateur Entomologist-
Dinosaur Enthusiast –
Embarrassing Tattoo-
Misses Teddy-
Bought Unicorn Things
Tell Tale- This Minion cannot be Trusted
Good Nurtured- This Minion cannot be Trusted
Freethinker- This Minion cannot be Trusted
Modest- This Minion cannot be Trusted
Disloyal- Loss Moral more quickly.
Dumb- Loss smarts more quickly
Unsuspecting- More Likely to be fooled by agent disguises
Perspective- More Likely to spot disguised intruders.
Bad Eyesight-
Globe Trotter- Higher chance to go on schemes in the world.
Hate Sleep- Sleep less.
Loves Sleep- Sleeps more.
Volunteer- Works for free.
Cheap- works for a lower salary.
Greedy- Requires a larger salary.
Healthy- losses vitality slower.
Sickly- losses vitality faster.
Hay Fever-
Frog Fanatic-
Tortoise Owner-
Cat Person-
Fears Cats-
Fear of dogs-
Dog Person-
Bird Person-
Feeds the Birds-
Charismatic- Good at distracting agents.
Armature Singer-
Armature DJ-
Loud Voice-
Disco Lover-
Heavy Metal Mosher-
80s Balled Fan- Bigger morale restore boost on Karaoke Machine
Bookworm –
Teacher- Trains other Minions faster.
Fast Learner- Reduced Training Time-
Slow Learner- Increased Training Time-
Sees Dead People- Does not lose Moral from Body Bags-
Bad Back- Lose Vitality from carrying objects and Body Bags-
Workaholic- will work longer before resting.
Computer Wiz- Loves the control Room and wants to be a Technician
Technical Minded-
Fear of Needles- Avoids working in the infirmary
Foodie- Enjoys food even when not cooked- Mess hall without staff does not reduces stat regain speed.
Sweet Tooth-
Ice Cream Fan-
Tea Drinker-
Coffee Drinker-
Toast Breakfast-
Cheeses connoisseur-
Lactose intolerance-
Pizza Fan-
Keeps a Diary-
Well-fed- Improves Moral and Smarts, Gained by eating preferred food type eg. Science minion eating at a sushi bar.
Nice Coat- Improves Moral
Nice Hat- Improves Moral
Mess Hall specialist- Has experience in the mess hall
Control Room specialist- Has experience in the Control Room
- Vitality – 200
- Smarts – 100
- Morale – 100
Work Harder!
Order minions to prioritize jobs in Maximilian’s vicinity
Train Faster!
Instantly completes any minion training near Maximilian
- Earns gold easier.
- Starts with additional minions.
Domesday device M.I.D.A.S.when fired randomly turning some of your minions into gold statues around the base, also creates a schema that gives money.
Fun Fact Maximilian is based off of Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
“All that glitters….”
Red Ivan
- Vitality – 200
- Smarts – 100
- Morale – 100
Do it now!
Order minions to priorities jobs in Red Ivan’s vicinity. Additionally, any nearby minions receive a combat boost
Old School
Ivan equips a Rocket Launcher and fires a devastatingly powerful explosive shot. Warning: Chaos may ensue Cost: 60 Smarts
- Cheap muscle minions.
- Minions are more lethal.
Domesday device H.A.V.O.C. when fired cause fires throughout the base. also creates a schema that
Fun Fact “Gordon’s Alive?” Brian Blessed
“Some they will see red.”
“Stick around.”
“Feel the heat red heat!”
“Say piety to crazy Ivan.”
“All this violence is quite upsetting haha”
“Haha are they even trying?”
“I’ll be back.”
- Vitality – 200
- Smarts – 100
- Morale – 100
Pay Attention- Orders minions to privatize jobs in Emma’s vicinity, Also increase the spotting power of any nearby minion.
Plotter Emma- bolsters her Henchmen resenting their cool down
- Reduces heat more efficiently.
- Deception minions are more efficient.
Domesday device V.E.N.O.M. when fired randomly cause minions to attack each other, also creates a schema that lowers heat across multiple regions. Made by diamonds!
Emma get a V.E.N.O.M. gas trap that lowers vitality and skill.
Emma special V.E.N.O.M. execution
Fun Fact Emma painting of John Steel changes name from painting of a friend.
Into painting of an enemy after you kill him.
“Yes? Get on with it.”
“What to do..”
“I’m thinking.”
“What now?”
“What are our next steps?”
“All part of the plan.”
“Way ahead of you.”
“I need to be alone.”
“Time for a tea break.”
“I need some time away from theses fools.”
“Time to rest my legs all of them.”
“What where you thinking?”
“That won’t work.”
“This one is useless to me.”
“Time to prune the workforce.”
“This Traitor must be dealt with.”
“One rotten apple spoils the barrel.”
“Time to get my hand dirty.”
“I must take matters into my own hands.”
‘If you want something done right do it yourself.”
“They will never leave this place alive.”
“There are all dust they just don’t know it yet.”
“I’ll capture them myself.”
“This one has potential, join me!”
“Another one see the light.”
“Get this done now!”
“Do it, do it right and do it now!”
“Idiots I want this done first.”
“Immediately if not sooner.”
“You see that minion? I want them dead.”
“Idiots, capture that minion.”
“I need that minion captured now!”
“Sizes that minion quickly.”
“I want that minion taken in alive.”
“I want that minion take care of.”
“I’m tired of that minion kill them.”
“Kill that minion. You idiots!”
“Please pay no attention to this minion.”
“Prepare the V.E.N.O.M.and let the maddens begin.”
“Now watch as the world tears itself apart.”
“The human race will destroy itself.”
- Vitality – 200
- Smarts – 100
- Morale – 100
My Plans Take Priority
Order minions to prioritise jobs in Zalika’s vicinity. Science minions receive a bigger boost
Immediately repair all Items and extinguish fires in her aura. Uses Smarts… and “nanobots”.
- Quicker Research.
Domesday device V.O.I.D. when fired gives you a scheme that when finish you’ll get a free tech.
Henchmen part 1 Muscle Henchmen
You can have 5 Henchmen in total, however you can kill a Henchmen and replace then.
Their an achievement to kill your henchmen- Greater Evil Execute a loyal Henchman.
Henchmen are recruited after doing multiple side story related to that Crime lords
Waring all side stories get locked after completing The Final Respite main story mission.( at about 80% main story complete) Recruit your henchmen before the end game!
Some can become a temporary partner, they wander around your base uncontrollable, they will attack enemies but are weaker then if recruited.
Crime lords that are not dealt with will attack near the end of the main story.
Eli Barracuda Jnr.
To recruit complete the 3 side story The Man With The Silver Gun, ,
- Vitality – 200
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Can distract agents.
Silver Revolver : Eli loads his Silver Revolver, a power ranged weapon with six uses. Cost: 80 Morale
Silver Tongue : Eli transfixes his opponent with his charm. His stats regenerate as he deals Resolve damage to the target.
“You hate to see me go but you love to watch me move.”
“what do you need?”
“Not a problem.”
“You got it.”
“That pawn should think twice before snooping around.”
“Let me explain the way things are.”
“Now whose gotten lost in the big boys world?”
“Hello is it me your looking for? It is now.”
“To pretty for conceal carry.”
“The silver lady wants to take over.”
“I need a break from these clowns.”
“About Time to rest my feet.”
“I need to stay fresh to stay frosty.”
“woo time to rest up.”
“That ain’t happening”
“There not going anywhere.”
“Let’s take a walk.”
“Time to show you what a barracuda can do.”
“That what you pay me for.”
“Bearly rumpled my suit.”
“Time to earn my pay.”
“They don’t stand a chance.”
To recruit complete the 3 side story, Strike like the wind An Angry homicidal wind, Wind wars: The wind strikes back, There’s No School Like New School (requires training 5 martial artist)
Warning choice the mission There’s No School Like New School to recruit, their is another side story Out with the Old Jubei if you want to kill him.
Can become a temporary partner but only during the side story There’s No School Like New School that ends with Jubei being recruited.
- Vitality – 175
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Flow- Jubei channelling his energy with each sequential hit causing increased damage while active. Cost: 50 Smarts
Wind Walk- Jubei teleports to a targeted location. Cost: 25 Morale
Cannot use with Flow active.
“Speak your mind.”
“What do you ask of Jubei?”
“I’m listening.”
“Nani wa?”
“As you wish.”
“I live to serve.”
“A wise choice.”
“With deadly accuracy.”
“Fear, rage, and death. I’ll be their in one breath!”
“Tranquility, so boring.”
“All master require a moment of peace.”
“Time to contemplate violence.”
“I must rest my old bones.”
“No you do it.”
“I am old, not stupid!”
“No I’m too old for this.”
“This is not possible.”
- Sir Daniel Ernest Hemingboone
To recruit complete the 3 side story Who Hunts the Hunter, If you Hunt him he will come, The other most dangerous game
Waring do not defeat super agents! The other most dangerous game requires you to kill each super agent.
Can become a temporary partner.
- Vitality – 150
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Has a high damage ranged.
Camouflage- Sir Daniel equips his trusty camouflage and stalks the Lair. Agents will not spot him, and his next attack deals increased damage Cost: 1 Morale per Second
Trap- Sir Daniel creates a Bear Trap to catch unwary Agents in your corridors Cost: 40 Smarts
- Full Metal Jackie
Waring side story doesn’t appear unless Eli Barracuda Jnr., Jubei, Dr. Ming, and Sir Daniel are all untouched. You cannot recruit Jackie with Eli Barracuda Jnr. or Jubei as your first henchmen. Pick either IRIS or Janet Bombe as your initial henchman.
To recruit complete the 3 side story Heavy Metal Queen, Arms Race, Eighteen with a Bullet (You will need to unlock Quantum Chemist.)
- Vitality – 150
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Fire Sale- For a short time her bullets set agents on fire Cost: 80 morale
Hand Guns- Calls in a weapons crate, hands guns to minions Cost: 75 smarts
Henchmen part 2 Deception Henchmen
To recruit complete the 3 side story Ace up the sleeve, Unwanted Guest, Fire in the Hole
Can become a temporary partner.
- Vitality – 125
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Good at distracting agents.
Ranged attack is area of affect, knocks down enemies, can damage base objects and your forces.
Magic Trick- Draws in a large number of Tourists and Agents and deals Resolve Damage Cost:3 smarts per second
Misdirection- uses his magic to fade into the background, hiding himself from Tourists
“Incendio is listening.”
“What do you wish of Incendio?”
“Yes yes watch my hand.”
“Pick a card any card, not that one.”
“Watch closely now.”
“Is it a trick or an illusion.”
“Like a card up a sleeve.”
“Like a rabbit in a hat.”
“I’m really gone this time. Truly I am.”
“Hocus bogus.”
“Magic always has a price.”
“Time to go backstage.”
“Time for an intermission.”
“Ever little thing I do is magic.”
“I’m already their. Well, alright I’m on my way.”
“I will be there in a flash.”
“With grace.”
“But of course.”
“Consider it done.”
“I shall stuff then into a impossibly small box! Magic!”
“Now for a trick I call missing in action.”
“I do like a captive audience.”
“I shall cut you in half like a lovely assistant.”
“I know sometime I even amaze myself.”
“For my next trick you shall disappear.”
“This is were the magic happens to you.”
“Play with fire and get burned.”
“Macrbra- cadabrea.”
Fugu FuruKawa
To recruit complete the 3 side story Death Mote, Hail to the Chef, Fugu State
Can become a temporary partner.
Recruiting Fugu give special schemes to create a franchise(earns money) and (to lower heat).
- Vitality – 150
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Can distract agents.
Food Poisoning- presents an Agent with a delicacy that leaves them with food poisoning Cost: 35 Smarts
Blowfish Explosion- hurls and explosive blowfish at a target, leaves a poisonous gas cloud Cost: 40 Morale
“You have an order for me.”
“What do you need?”
“You want to ask something.”
“Cut to the chase.”
“I do like to travel.”
“One order of sever gastric distress coming right up.”
“This might give you gas.”
“This delicacy may make you delicate.”
“Have a taste of this!”
“Watch this blowfish blow.”
“Let me rest my appetite for death.”
“Resting is one of the best ways to settle a meal.”
“I need to rest my mussels.”
“Wrong page of the cookbook.”
“Your stabbing in the dark.”
“That’s completely off menu.”
“I seam to be missing a ingredient.”
“Reservation for one.”
“Let me show you how I lock in the flavor.”
“Like a fish in a net.”
“The best cuts for my customers.”
- Clara Jones
To recruit complete the 3 side story Inconspicuous Consumption, Knowledge is Power, Recruit Clara Jones
Waring the last side story Recruit Clara Jones requires you to kill a potential henchmen Carl Cafard!
- Vitality – 110
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Can distract agents.
Can become a temporary partner.
Heirs and Graces- Distracts an agent and inflict massive suspicion and resolve damage Cost: 40 Morale
Knowledge of the Ancients- You don’t spend so long in tombs without learning a thing or two about traps. Improve a traps chance of hitting its next target Cost: 75 Smarts
“Making my way.”
“I won’t need a map, will I?”
“Go ahead.”
“Of course.”
“Shiny is it your’s “
“I think yo drop this.”
“Lets keep this between us hmm.”
“Everyone has a price.”
“Lets see what I can do.”
“I learned this from a scroll I stole.”
“Dangerous perhaps but I’ve see better.”
“With ancient knowledge comes power.”
“X marks the shot.”
“Let me rest my well traveled boots.”
“Adventures require rest stops.”
“I should sit down before I fall down.”
“I’am worth it.”
“Hardly the mansion but it will do.”
“They belong in a museum or a cell.”
“Finders keepers.”
“Not my usual loot.”
“That would’t end well.”
“I can understand ancient forgotten languages, but that order makes no sense to me.”
“You choice unwisely.”
“Not Possible.”
“Loot ’em up.”
“Fortune and glory and fortune.”
“You call this archaeology.”
“I hate these guys.”
“Whats your’s is mine.”
“No burial right for this one. give up yet?”
- Carl Cafard
To recruit complete the 3 side story Fool’s Gold, Body Snatcher, Appraising Cafard
Must steal the Declaration of Independence Loot to get Carl Cafard.
- Vitality – 125
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Cunning Trap- The Master uses his artistic skills to create a small trap in the Lair. This is a Distraction Trap that deals Vitality Damage. Cost: 45 Morale
Imperfect Replica- The Master Forger creates loot replicas so subtly different any Rogues will have a tough time knowing the difference. Cost: 30 Smarts
Henchmen Part 3 Science Henchmen
- Janet Bombe
To recruit complete the 3 side story, Technical difficulties, Tech Trouble 2: Electric Boogaloo, Hack the Janet
Warning choice the mission Hack the Janet to recruit, their is another side story if you want to kill her.
Cannot become a temporary partner.
- Vitality – 100
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Remote Detonation- Janet hacks the muntions caired by Agents, turning their own weapons against them. Effects may vary! Cost: 25 Smarts
Scramble Evidence- Janet bypasses a firewall, rejumpers the neutron flow, remove a large amount of an Investigator’s suspicion Cost: 40 Morale
“Communication encrypted.”
“I read you.”
“Listening in.”
‘I read you deactivating enemy weaponry.”
“Activating disarm protocol”
“Hacking into enemy weapons entering disarm codes.”
“Clean sweep program initiated.”
‘Moving to erase data files.”
“I copy. Now to erase.”
“My computer says,,, no”
“Ah-ah-ah you did’t say the magic word.”
“Can’t hack that.”
“No energy drink I guess a chair will have to do.”
“My batteries are low.”
“Time to recharge.”
“Loud and clear.”
“Over and out.”
“Installing prisoner, pleas wait.”
“If your sure you have the storage.”
“Restricting target’s access.”
“Defect in the system? I’ll take care of it.”
“Good thing I have hardware to match my software.”
“Executing instructions. Get it?”
Dr. Magnolia Ming
To recruit complete the 3 side story Going Green, Poisin Ivy, Steal Magnolias
(You will need to unlock Biologist)
Can become a temporary partner.
- Vitality – 150
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Contagion- Waring can hurt your forces Cost: 75 Morale
Cure- Waring can heal your enemy’s Cost: 35 Smarts
“Another experiment?”
“Nope, plant do it.”
“Have you been smelling the wrong chemicals?”
“Don’t hold your breath.”
“Breath deeply darling.”
“Up for some weeding?”
“What do you need from me?”
“Missing your key ingredient?”
“Smells better then it sounds.”
“Smells like team spirit.”
“Another bad air day.”
“Breathtaking isn’t it
“Breath deep it’s your final breath.”
“I’ll just plant myself their for a bit.”
“I need a breather.”
“Ah, a breath of fresh air.”
“If knowledge dictates.”
“This will be a gas.”
“If you insist.”
“You want this one alive?”
“A’ll plant them somewhere shady.”
‘They won’t see the sun for a long time.”
“I will end their pathetic life.”
“It’s my nature.”
“I’m doing the world a favor.”
“They will have a gassy end.”
To recruit complete the 3 side story I. Robotics, I Spy With My Robotic Eye, When you cut me do I not lubricate?
Waring side story sends robots that explode on death, can cause fires.
Naomi Sorayama can become a temporary partner after completing I Spy With My Robotic.
Naom Sorayama leaves after completing When you cut me do I not lubricate?
- Vitality – 200
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
IRIS has a ranged attack.
Reroute Power – Reduces damage taken and health regenerates. Cost: 2 Morale per Second
Security Network Link – Becomes a Mobile Security Camera that has 360 vision and can see through walls Cost: 1 Smarts per Second
“Command processing online.”
“Awaiting input.”
“You have a command?”
“IRIS unite responding.”
“Calculating optimal route.”
“By your command.”
“Defensive protocols online.”
“Enabling firewall”
“Activating defensive measures.”
“Security lockdown initiating.”
“Asses will be denied.”
“Incarceration protocols initiated”
“Isolating unwanted files.”
‘Purging unwanted files.”
“Termination program activated.”
“Threat identified. Stand by for elimination.”
“Confining target.”
“Initiating virus scan.”
“Does not compute.”
“Invalid command.”
“IRIS says no.”
“Command error.”
DLC Henchmen
To recruit complete the 3 side story Giving Up The Ghost, The Feasting Shark, Up In Arms
- Vitality – 200
- Smarts – 150
- Morale – 150
Piston Punch charges up a devastating attack. Cost: 50 Smarts
Clone create a second version of himself Cost: 50 Vitality
Cabal Indoctrination Chamber- Change the appearances of four other henchmen by giving them the Cabal makeover.
To recruit complete the 3 side story The Barragae of Figaro, A Little Fight Music, The Magic Brute
- Vitality –
- Smarts –
- Morale –
Ride Of The Valkyries – Buff surrounding minions with increased damage resistance and Morale.
Shattering Voice – Stuns surrounding enemy
To recruit complete the 2 side story Join The Red Team or Join The Blue Team, Meet The Pyro
- Vitality –
- Smarts –
- Morale –
Armageddon – Launches explosives around Pyro
Compressed Air – Put out a fire or target an enemy on fire intensifying the flames
Waring Rouges will still steal security loot like Tarps or Doors!
Waring If loot is stolen their is currently no way to steal it back!
Waring all side stories get locked after completing The Final Respite main story mission.( at about 80% main story complete)
Waring side stories to get loot can disappear after completing main story missions!
Tsar Bomb
Gives 135 power.
To obtain complete the side story Twinkle Twinkle little Tsar.
Sands of Time
Restores item durability.
To obtain complete the side story Going against the grain.
To obtain complete the side story Meteor Not, Hear I Come.
Broken Time Machine
To obtain complete the side story OUTTA TIME.
Dodo Educator
Can train worker minion into a scientist in less time then normal and can restore smarts.
To obtain complete the side story Wake Me Up Before You Dodo.
Sword in the stone
Gives buff that will allow Minoins a second chance instead of dying when they fight.
To obtain complete the side story The One and Future Thing.
Bug fixed in Hotfix – V1.1.3 Gas clouds of all types, including those seen in the Sword in the Stone Side story, will correctly disperse on completion of the Side Story.
Pandora’s Box
To obtain complete the side story Outside of the Box.
King Solomon’s Mines
Stores 20,000 cash.
To obtain complete the side story What’s Mine is Mine.
Ray Gun Dispernser
Special weapon rack.
To obtain complete the side story Roswell that Ends well.
Ray gun in action.
A Million Bees
It’s a Trap!
To obtain complete the side story One in A Bee-lion.
Hubbard Slice
Prevents fires.
To obtain complete the side story Too Darn Hot.
Waring heatwave cause minion moral to drop minions will be deserting!
Terracotta Army
Give muscle minions stone skin increasing armor.
To obtain complete the side story Reign of Terra
Maple Syrup Dispenser
Restore the morale of minions.
To obtain complete the side story SYRUPTITIOUS
Forces of Justice
Investigators will try to gather evidence, increasing your heat.
Rogues will try to steals your gold and loot.
Saboteurs will try to destroy your base with explosives. Keep Saboteurs away from your Power plant, Control Room, Laboratory, Armory and Prison.
Soldiers have one goal to kill you and all your minions, they attack immediately after entering the base.
If you Start and Complete a Scheme in a region that a super agent is in they will get a team of agents together and go to your lair.
Super Agents can be killed after doing 4 sides story for that super agent.
Waring if you distract a super agent and they leave the cover operation they will slaughter any deception minion that tries to bring them back to the cover operation!
A.N.V.I.L. Symmetry – A Rogue that will spawn in your Vault with a Squad of Rogues, steals your gold and tries to get away via Speedboat
Can place a camera disruptor.
Warning if Symmetry picks up a loot item you can permanently loss if you try to defeat her in combat, Symmetry will not drop loot and leave with it, If Symmetry has loot defeat her with traps.
To kill complete the side story Thy Fearful Symmetry, Where in the World is Symmetry, Spying in Wait, Imbalance of Power
The side story to kill requires you build a Slippery Floor trap.
P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Agent X – A Investigator Spawns in the Middle of your base with a Squad of Investigators and will try to gather evidence
Can place Plated Evidence for Investigator to find.
To kill complete the side story The Star-Spangle Planner, Uncle Sam, Manifest Entropy, X Agent
The side story to kill requires you build a Laser Disco trap.
H.A.M.M.E.R. Atomic Olga – A Soldier Comes via Speedboat with a Squad of Soldiers and will attack immediately after entering the base
To kill complete the side story Daughter of the Atom, The Atomic Age, Up and Atom, Pride Goes Before the Fallout
The side story to kill requires you build a Giant Magnet trap.
S.A.B.R.E. Wrecking Bola – A Saboteur Comes via Speedboat with a Squad of Saboteurs and will try to set parts of your base on fire
Can instantly destroy your doors.
To kill complete the side story Demolition women, Establishing A Wreaking Order, The Brave and the Bola, The Wreaking
The side story to kill requires you build a Puppy of Death trap.
S.M.A.S.H. Blue Sain – A Saboteur Comes via Speedboat with a Squad of Saboteurs and will try to set parts of your base on fire
Can place
To kill complete the side story El Croazon de luchador, Tecnios y Rudos, Lucha Libre, Malaguena Peligrosa
The side story to kill requires you build a Knockout Gas trap.
John Steele– A Saboteur Comes alone via Speedboat and will try to blow up parts of your base
To kill complete the side story Steele Magnolias, An Unbreakable Bound, Cunning as a Foxworth, The Melting Point of Steele
The melting point of Steele part of the quest say to kill J. Steele but your supposed to kill investigators that say their from combined forces, later you fight a horde of different John Steele.
Update Patch V1.2.0
- Agent Steele will no longer arrive at the island dressed in scuba gear. Instead, one of a variety of John or Jane Steele may arrive.
If you defeat all Super Agents, you will only have to deal with 2 level 9 of each agent type during the final battle to take over the world,