The Isle Guide

EVRIMA - Map & Tips for The Isle

EVRIMA – Map & Tips


A shortcut to the in-game evrima map as a guide. Also some tips and tricks for the evrima branch, such as reading coordinates and AI spawn points!

The map

About the map: (info on the map)
In-game name: Isla Spiro
Updated: 20.12.2020, Game version:
Note: This map asset is fan-made. The naming convention may differ from the game’s intended terminology.
All credits for the map go to graphic designer Skudde, in collaboration with Vulnona.
For an interactable version of the map, visit Vulnona[].


When you press insert and open your character HUD, in the top right you will see your coordinates, LAT, LONG and ALT. What you quickly will notice is that in this branch, the coords are a little different from in legacy branch. There’s MANY more numbers and barely any comas, which made me, and most likely many people confused. Did they up the scale of the map and dinos?

However, even though the weird writing, reading them is almost exactly the same as in legacy. Simply take the first 3 numbers in each category (except ALT, your elevation, which is usually not required), and write them down. For example if your coordinates are those in the image above, they’d just be read -252,-130. You don’t need the rest of the numbers. Using the coords this way will tell you your location right away. Open Vulnonas map site (link in description box above). On the side, you’ll see you need to fill a column with your LAT and LONG coordinates. The site will then show you your location on the map!

Sometimes though, the map will show a very unlikely location than where you thought you were. Maybe the marker will show you’re outside of the map, or somewhere you surely aren’t. That is, because your current LONG or LAT actually do not involve 3 digits, but 2. Since there is no way to know for sure when this is because of the lack of comas, you will need to experiment. Firstly, take the last number of the LAT off. Example: from -387,-125 to -38,-125. If it still doesn’t feel right, start again, but this time remove the last number of your LONG. Example: from -387,-125 to -387,-12.

It will take time to get used to them, but I found this to be the best way to know my location!

AI Spawns

WIP, coming soon!


I will try to update the guide as the game, and the map updates.
In the meantime, if you feel the image or guide content is outdated, HD version and updates can be found at Skudde’s stash[] and tell me in the comments.
Feel free to give me feedback <3

Thank you!

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