Exanima Guide

Exanima Maze Guide for Exanima

Exanima Maze Guide


Still wondering how to pass all this locked gates and trapfloors after “skull” sign? This guide will definately probably help! At least I hope it will…

How to…

Your headache starts with trap floors which are active during some amount of time. Pull the lever and block doorway with something while it’s open.

Now door is broken and you can move it. Clear your way and pull lever again. This time gates remain open and only now you have enough time to pass all trap floors before they fall.

Next gate is pretty easy to pass. Just pull the lever and run.


To pass the third door you have to lean something on it. I used a chair. Door opens, chair falls and blocks the doorway.

Still easy!


Fourth door is kinda tricky. All levers should be turned at the same moment. So I used small plank to block one of them (Lean plank on the lever, pull it and then release). Then you pull another lever and door opens. I got something like this:


Push the button on the wall to open next gate.

In the next room you see 5 levers. Prove that the lever which stans alone is in position “up”. If it’s not block it with pank or something else.
Now look at another levers. I named them (from left to right) 1 2 3 4. So, pull them in this order: 3142.

It will open a door in this room.

Go there and pull the lever. Traps are now closed and you can pass.


Next trap is the most dangerous in this maze. Will you pass it or not depends only from you!
You have to pass all closed traps and build a bridge over the last one. Use long plank from nearby:

Then put some crap on the button:

Now very freakin’ careful walk over your junky bridge!!! Put some crap on another button. Door opens.

Go there and pull the lever. Bring a bench to this room. Pull the lever again and block the opened doorway with this bench.

Pull lever again. Exit is open. Now you have to cross this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trap again to escape! This is the very last time you risk your life in this maze.


Next part is easy. To pass it you have to run very fast. But first of all take a box and lean it on the exit. Pull the first lever, skip the second, run and pull another 3 (The very last one only opens a shortcut). Escape!


Next “room” needs no description. Just walk around a little and you will find exit.
Here is a map, drawn by 3lectr0nic. Use it as a reference if you feel lost.


In the room after wooden door you will find a hint. Push buttons in this order:

Thats all !!!
Enjoy your loot!
You will get two random steel armor parts.
I got this:

Have a nice day!
