Not every boar out there has the explorer gene! So this guide contains (enlargeable) maps of the five areas you can visit in the game. The guide also contains the route to take for the achievement “Pigs Posses no Pockets”.
1. Introduction
For some people running around may be confusing and they’ll loose orientation. Others don’t feel the urge to find everything by themself. So in order to help those people I have created those maps which will reveal the complete map (you can enlarge them for a better view, in some cases it might be necessary to save them depending on your browser) of the five different areas to you. I have marked rooms of “special interest” with a specific color. Check legend (down right corner) for more information. The number inside the rectangles gives you the amount of such rooms inside this area. Additional I have marked the way you need to take in order to gain the “Pigs Posses no Pockets” achievement in green. The green line is also the shortest possible way to the “first ending” of the game. So if you have no clue where to go in a specific area just follow the green line.
Furthermore in section 3 I’ll reveal how you activate the shrines for those of you who can’t and don’t want to figure it out alone. However this guide does not tell you how to solve any of the other puzzles you will confront on your way to glory.
2. The Maps
A. Workings
The Workings are the starting area of your journey. The rocket will lead you straight to the Vault and from there the story begins. You will learn the basic of the games and get a first taste of the puzzles yet to come.
Beside the Shrine Rooms (marked Blue) and the Dark Eye Rooms (marked Red) there are three special items you can obtain in this area. The first is the Creepy Mask in The Vault (which can only be obtained by accessing the room through the teleporter), the second is the Truncated Cone Hat in Vision (by translating the QR code you’ll get //LRLRLLLR//, which means stomp, stomp, moving one left, stomp, moving one right, stomp and so on …. you start in the center) and the third one is the Pig Irons aka the Old Training Bracelets of your rival (which you’ll receive by winning the race against your rival). Three additional items can be “collected” in this area; the Key to the Ruined Door (story item, not missable), the Latchkey Circuit (story item, not missable) and the Wholehoggitude (for collecting all there is) which I have not marked as special items since they are only obtainable later in game.
For those trying the “Pigs Posses no Pockets” achievement, follow the green line. In Dig Site it splits. First time there follow downwards, only after returning from Deep Altar and getting the Key follow the green line to the Ruined Door for entering Bhudevi.
B. Deep Delve
The second area you’ll access is Deep Delve. As a side note: The only way to leave Deep Delve is through the teleporter system. Like in the Workings there are three Shrine rooms and four Dark Eye rooms but no Special items.
The main goal here is to reach Deep Altar where you can trigger a cut scene. This will bring you back to the Surface which is also the reason for the green line ending in Deep Altar. After you have been brought back enter Bhudevi through the Ruined Door.
C. Bhudevi
The third area: Bhudevi. The most colorful of the five locations and the central waypoint of the later game connecting the Sleepless Sea and the Scrapyard. As usual there are three Shrine rooms and four Dark Eye rooms. In contrast to Deep Delve there is a special item again, the Rainbow Flower. You can get it in A Family Reunited which is a reference to “Offspring Fling”.
As for the green line: You can safely ignore the largest part of the area and go directly to the scrapyard. As in Deep Delve the only way for getting back to the Workings is through the teleporter system.
For accessing the last room Down, Down … in order to access the Sleepless Seayou need to enter The Way is Shut through three different doors in order to stamp the bridges down.
D. Scrapyard
For me, the scrapyard was the hardest part of the game (atleast harder than the rest) as the most blocks here will break by walking over them. So you need to plan your way carefully or the puzzles will become unsolvable pretty fast. Again, there are three Shrine rooms with the one in Plain Sight being the “most important” in the game since it will help you figuring out how to activate them.
For those trying the “Pigs Posses no Pockets”: Your journey will end here. You need to reach the Teletransit Hub, talk to Matheson and solve the puzzles in the Inbetween (the one with the explosives is one of the most fun in the game).
Two special items in this area: The Magical Skull in the Ruins of Agnus (an obvious reference to “Escape Goat”) and the Paper Bag (you need to solve the Guantlet in the Inbetween to obtain it; for getting there jump into the trash bin in the Inbetween). A third item, a Magic Hat, will be received by talking to Matheson after solving all puzzles in the Inbetween and rescuing the Full Bore miners.
E. Sleepless Sea
Explorationswise this area is easy. There are no Shrine Rooms and no Dark Eye rooms. Keep in mind that the room A Seal once Opened is only accesible after rescuing the Full Bore Miners and that you can only progress there if you have “activated” enough Dark Eyes.
From special interest may also be the room A Final Prayer. If you are ever searching something and have no clue where to go, try there. It might the place you are looking for.
3. The Shrines
So you have decided to not overcome this wall by yourself? But fear not, I will give you another chance to do that by giving you two hints before revealing the solution.
a. For a better understanding on how the shrines works visit the room Plain Sight located in the Scrapyard. Just try out a bit and you should figure out the mechanism pretty fast.
b. Look at the “tree” on top of the shrine. Each shrine has one of those and it always looks different. The solution has to do something with stomping.
c. To activate a shrine you need to stomp four times. The “tree” will give you the sequence. Start at the top and begin stomping where the first rectangle shows than work your way down. In our example, Plain Sight, the sequence would be: Stomp in the middle, move right, stomp, move to the left, stomp, move to the middle, stomp and solved.
4. Final Remarks
And here ends my third guide on Steam. I hope the maps are helpful for you. I tried my best for giving you information without spoilering you the puzzles. If you came here looking for solutions, I am sorry. This guide was just meant to reduce your time running around and searching stuff (the exploration part of the game).
If you find any errors (spelling, content, etc.) or think there is missing information just make a comment and I’ll try to correct it.
So as final words:
Thank you for reading
PS: If you have the time (or more: the need) also check out my other Full Bore guide: [link]