Hello there! This guide is a simple list about every single unit that exists in the mod Fall of the Republicfor the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Update V 1.0 has finally arrived on december 23rd delivering new content for many gameplay mechanics.
Empire at War Expanded Mechanics
The new versions of Empire at War Expanded now use different ressources to add more aspects to the gameplay. Besides Credits you now find 3 other ressources in the game. However Credits are still the primary ressource of income and are required to build up the new industry. Ground units remain unchanged and are only build with credits. To increase credit income you can build Trade Stations and Mining Facilitys on planets. Check the summary screen to see the most efficient seperatist worlds and boost their income even further.
Ship Crews
Are used for the construction of space ships. More ship crews can be recruited with the Naval Academy. On Geonosis is the special option to build a tactical droid factory. Generally the bigger the ship, the higher the Credits and Ship Crew cost. If you dont have Ship Crews left you wont be able to construct more ships so be carefull.
Food Supplies
Is the weekly upkeep for the barracks building and the government building (Local Corporate Headquarters)
Industrial Supplies
Is the weekly upkeep for your mechanized forces buildings, the light and heavy factorys.
Influence Level
All of these 3 ressources are aquired threw credits and have an weekly upkeep cost as shown in the picture. If the weekly upkeep of Food or industrial supplies are fullfilled, it will have a positive impact on the influence level of your planets. On the Contrary, having not enough supplies and industries will lower the influence level and can create local unrest. Its also important to note that every faction in EaWE has its own capital building, giving extra ressources and Influnce. For the seperatists their capital world is on Geonosis, in other eras the capital will move to Raxus Secundus. When a planet is captured it will beginn most of the times with a mediocre influence level, before any other things can be constructed, a local government building must be constructed first. Influence is important because it determines how much income a planet will generate while planets with unrest will decrease their income and potentially join the opposing faction.
These are special structures that can only be build on specific planets. Building a company will give a discount to all of its products and reduces the building time of their units on the planet.
A Corporation may also increase the influence level of a planet. A list of all avaible companies is in the ingame guide.
Seperatist Forces invading Naboo.
B1 Battle Droid Platoon
Light infantry that comes in very high numbers, but are very weak and only equiped with blasters. Since they are not really strong, you basically use them as shields for your other units because they block allied and enemy movement with their huge platoons.
200 Credits
B2 Super Battle Droid Platoon
Heavy infantry thats equiped with wrist blasters and rockets. Versatile but most expensive units for the CIS Barracks.
350 Credits
STAP Company
Serves the quick reconnaissance of a map, with their high speed they can give support fire against enemy Infantry.
90 Credits
Crab Droid Company
Cheap anti infantry unit
100 Credits
Droideka Company
A better version of the crab droid with better speed and shield capabilties. B2 Battle Droids come in higher numbers so you want the Droidekas for their speed and shield while B2´s deal the real damage.
200 Credits
BX Commando Droid Company
Supossed to work as a small commando unit for special tasks. In the current version of the mod they are not really worth using. The BX´s combat role will probably be developed in future versions.
100 Credits
Light Factory
OG-9 Homing Spider Droid Company
This light walker is armed with both anti – infantry and vehicle weaponry making it a versatile unit
Consists like the Hailfire of weak armor.
500 Credits
Hailfire Droid Tank Company
Quick mobile Artillery which should be placed in the rear of your Platoons, protected by stronger untis. Its rockets are effective against every vehicle and can easily take down republic gunships.
600 Credits
Heavy Factory
J-1 Proton Canon
Heavy Artillery with long range. Shreds infantry to pieces and can even deal high damage to most midle sized vehicles
500 Credits
AAT-1 Company
Medium tank that fills in a classic combat role but should always be send with infantry
600 Credits
Multi-Troop Transport (MTT)
Heavy transport. It has anti vehicle canons and can deploy B1 Droids for support
600 Credits
Persuador Droid Enforcer Company
Medium tank which is armed against vehicles and can roll over big ammounts of enemy Infantry
700 Credits
HMP Gunship Company
Can fly above most obstacles and attacks the enemy buildings directly. Be careful about anti air turrets.
800 Credits
Magna Octuptarra Droid Company
A very heavy and slow walker which annihilates enemy vehicles. Its best to deploy later in a battle to get it near the enemy base for the final push.
900 Credits
Dont just spam vehicles, give them infantry escorts, specialize planets with only barracks or factorys etc.
Advanced Factory – not avaible
Vulture M1 Squadron
Standard fighter
Hyena Bomber Squadron
Scarab Fighter Squadron
Heavy fighters that have more health
Nantex Fighter Squadron
Light Frigate Shipyard
Gozanti Cruisers
Close combat Gunship that Anhilihates Fighters and Corvettes completly
240 Credits – Ship Crew: 0
Diamond Cruiser
Serves a pure anti fighter role
550 Credits – Ship Crew: 1
Hardcell Missile Ship
Well armed with canons and long range missiles to engage other ships. Should be behind bigger ships.
600 Credits – Ship Crew: 1
Kolivex Cruiser
All around Frigate with 1x Nantex Fighter
750 Credits – Ship Crew: 1
C-9979 Carrier
Armed with some canons, it drops 4 Fighter and 1 Bomber Squadron.
900 Credits – Ship Crew: 1
Munifex Light Cruiser
New added ship
1k Credits – Ship Crew: 5
Small Ships should always be escorted by bigger ships and vice versa.
Heavy Frigate Shipyard
Auxilia Pursuit Destroyer
Battleship against middle sized ships. Its main emphasis are on the canons and the shields, making it a good ship for the frontline.
1,9k Credits – Ship Crew: 10
Captor Heavy Munitions Carrier
Counterpart to the Auxilia Destroyer. This version makes space for a hangar in the front to deploy fighters, at the cost of the armament and shield, changing it to a support role.
4x Vulture, 2x Bomber and a Scarab Fighter Squadron.
2,1k Credits – Ship Crew: 10
Munificent Star Frigate
In direct comparison with the Auxilia very weak armored. Can at least jam sensors to evade rockets for a limited time. It has more heavy Weaponry for both long and close range.
2,2k Credits – Ship Crew: 10
Recusant Class Light Destroyer
A frigate with strong long range turbolasers. Best deployed with carriers for fighter support.
2,25k Credits – Ship Crew: 10
Capital Shipyard
DH Omni Support Vessel
Support Vessel that can repair nearby fighters and ship modules. The main role however is the placement of 4 interdicton mines to block the nearby hyperspace travel. Not really made for combat
2.4k Credits – Ship Crew: 10
Providence Class Carrier/Destroyer
A balanced battleship with everything that you would need in a space battle with 2 Squads of vulture, Scarabs and bombers, as well as a good armament with a full salvo ability to fight other capital ships
3,6k Credits – Ship Crew: 15
Dreadnought Shipyard
Lucrehulk Battle Carrier
Large Capital Ship with huge ammount of fighters and canons on it. But dont feel to confident with your big ship, always give your valuable ships a good escort
17,5k Credits – Ship Crew: 50
Subjugator Class Heavy Cruiser
The biggest ship in the CIS navy with an insane armament of turbolasers and the special Ion pulse canon which can inflict high damage on enemy capital ships.
20k Credits – Ship Crew: 150
Count Dooku
Command Tier 3
Force Sensitive
Asajj Ventress
Command Tier 4
Force Sensitive
Ginivex Class Starfighter
Sev‘Rance Tann
Command Tier 3
Force Sensitive
Ginivex Class Starfighter
Whorm Loathsom
Command Tier 3
AAT Tank
Admiral Trench
Command Tier 2
Providence Class Dreadnought
General Grievous
Command Tier 2
Recusant class Dreadnought
Able to upgrade to a Providence and subjugator class if on a Dreadnought shipyard
Sora Bulq
Command Tier 4
Force Sensitive
Location depends on the map size
Command Tier 4
Munificent Star Frigate
Nute Gunray
Skilled Administrator 1
Rel Harsol (only era 4 beginning)
Command Tier 5
Munificent Star Frigate
The government mechanics of the CIS function very simple, in the beginning of the clone wars the seperatist sub-factions are less integrated and fight under their own autonomy. This will centralize in other era starts. All factions beginn with a Opinion of 50 and give missions from time to time. 5 Opinion costs 2000 Credits. At 100 it will join the alliance completly. Farious factions grant different bonuses and heroes to unlock.
Commerce Guild
Iaco Stark
Command Tier V
Skilled Administrator IV
Recusant Class Light Destroyer
New ship types
Providence and Recusant Dreadnought types
Recusant Class Dreadnought
4,44k Credits – Ship Crew: 25
Providence Class Dreadnought
7,6k Credits – Ship Crew: 30
Similiar to the Bulwark II, the Dreadnoughts are upsized versions with even more strenght in their respective role.
Trade Federation
Lok Durd
Command Tier 3
Artillery Engineer
Mar Tuuk
Command Tier 3
Lucrehulk class droid command ship
Banking Clan
Admiral Pors Tonith
Command Tier 2
Lucrehulk Battle Cruiser
Captain Canteval
Command Tier 5
Munificent Star Frigate
Techno Union
Wat Tambor
Skilled Administrator II
Domb Treetor
Command Tier 3
Captor- Class Heavy Cruiser
Research and Progression
Era 2
Research Hull Latching
Add fighters to Providence and Recusant Variants
10k Credits
Era 3
Lucrehulk Battleship
In contrast to the carrier, this version makes space for even more shields and weaponry at the cost for some of the hangars. Unlocked for free
20k Credits
Tri Fighters
Interceptors that replace the outdated scarab fighters automaticly.
Bulwark Battlecruisers Mk. I and II research
Including one new hero
13,5k Credits
Dua Ningo
Command Tier 3
Bullwark I
Bulwark class Battlecruiser Mk I
A balanced Battleship. In direct comparison to the providence, the Bulwark class focuses more on ship to ship combat with its better shields and ammount of turbolasers.
3,2k Credits
Bulwark class Battlecruiser Mk. II
An upscaled version of the previous version, making it a capital ship with even more strenght in its roll to fight other large ships. Both Bulwarks can be build at Heavy Frigate Shipyards
General Kalani
Command Tier 2
BX Commando Squad
Era 4
Gizor Dellso – Will appear in Mustafar if Count Doku and trench or Ningo are dead.
Command Tier 5
Skilled Administrator 5
Providence Class Destroyer/Carrier
Droideka Mk II Company
This is also an upscaled version of the original, upgrading the unit but decreasing the Company size. Adding also Ion canons, it is still used for its anti infantry role.
300 Credits
Depending on the Era start, the CIS is more or less integrated. In the beginning of the war this gives you a better overview on your map. The AI can easily hold the ground on its own and can even go on the offensive. Before you integrate one of your sub factions make sure to stockpile some Credits because every building on the new planets will dissapear and you need to build them up from scrap again. Its your choice which faction to integrate first. I personally go for the Commerce guild to get those improved Dreadnoughts for the seperatist navy. There also pretty good located together with some other CIS planets.
All in all the seperatist forces can be grouped in 3 main locations. Group S south, group G Grievous north and R Raxus Secundus and other forces. Group some into a fleet and you should be ready for meaningfull offensive action against the republic. While the CIS consolidates in the outer Rim and captures the cut off republic planets, the enemy will do the same in the core. Decide to either sell all units and structures, abandon planet, retreat or hold the ground in those planets. Especially on higher difficulty and big GCs. Group S should only capture Rodia and Ryloth, as important planets like Kamino posess a big defense fleet, you will need to expand the navy first. Dont stretch forces to thin to Naboo for now, the republic will lead Incursions into Tatooine and will threaten the important shipyards of Geonosis.
Independent Forces are neutral in the clone wars and dont attack any faction. Their local defense forces vary from planet to planet so dont underistimate them. One easy Target for Group G is Dathomir, push on Ithor after that. Group R will clear the Rhen Var pocket which can be one battle or an entire prolonged campaign based on your GCs size.
In this section I will talk about tactics for your army, as most players tend to dislike ground battles in Empire at War. Some maps are really narrow while others wide open. The start is always the hardest phase, the defender has all of his units deployed. The attacker is limited in the ammount of units and has to secure other Reinforcement points quickly before the republic surrounds him. B1 Battle Droids should always bee part of your army. They will absorb all the damage and protect your stronger units. Different kind of columns or formations will always set your infantry in the front, vehicles like the OG or AAT in the middle and long range units like the Hailfire in the back. Pay attention to combined arms tactics, an MTT with an Droideka squad alone can inflict much damage.
Once a second point is captured, the cavalry can land on the battlefield. Personally, I only deploy one hero at the beginning for the command tier bonus. With the second wave, the march on the enemy base can beginn. All military buildings will keep spawning enemy units until destroyed, so they are high priority targets for your bombers. As for defense on a planet, look for choke points on a map and defend these, but in these you want to avoid big columns in case of enemy bombardement. Lastly always have some credits for ground battles, turrets and support buildings will help great in both offense and defense. The mod now has field bases at reinforcement points, these can give acess to different unit types. Bombardements can now be disabled completly if the base has an orbital shield.
Fell free to give feedback and other recommandations in the comments. I will try to continue with the guide and keep it updated.
Thank you for reading!