You may receive several errors in relation to loading saves or entering new/old area cells, which leads to a crash and some form of error window similar to, “The instruction at 00000011 referenced memory at 00000011The memory could not be read fromClick OK to terminate the applicationOK”Here is a guide of the method I used to fix my error. I stumbled upon this fix myself accidentally and never had an issue since doing this.
Further Explanation
Basically an error can be an issue with save files being overwritten and then data in those consequent save folders clashing, (I use the term, “can be,” due to not being certain on what errors it can fix, whether it will actually successfully help you etc.)
Three other things to mention are:
– I was playing this in January, 2019, three months ago, so my memory could be wrong, but I decided a guide would be good as I saw it mentioned recently by someone and told them my fix.
– I was playing using FalloutFIXT mod with only vanilla assets enabled
– I tweaked my game folder to allow FIXT to register game time on Steam
These may or may not contribute to this guide being right for you and your specific issue.
I have specifically made this walk through as friendly as possible to anyone who knows nothing about navigating game folders on their hard drive.
This seemed to help me. It may not help you.
I am not responsible for any issues relating to you reading/imitating this guide. Do not follow this guide if you are not willing to have potential major errors with your save files or game files.
TL;DR/Confident People Follow This
Go into your Fallout 1 folder and GAMEDATA.
Now delete all files in the SAVEDATA>SLOT01-09 folders for each slot EXCEPT the one you wish to keep for where you are currently up to.
Abbreviated area names are what the files are named after so you will know where you are.
Continue on with your save.
FULL EXPLANATION Where the Save Files Are Located
1. Go To Your Library
2. Right click on “Fallout 1” on your list and select, “Properties,” at the bottom of the list.
3. Left click on properties and then select, “Browse Local Files…”
4. Click the folder named, “DATA”
5. Go in to folder, “SAVEGAME”
6. Here you see all the save slots.
7. This is an example of your save files in the folder, “SLOT01,” which represents save file 1, or the save file at the top of the list within the game.
On a sidenote, the reason the save files seem to have a L4D2 image may be due to me having deleted the game previously, but not the save files that stayed within the large Steam folder.
Deleting Excess Data
As you can see, there are a multitude of game files with abbreviated lettering.
The first few are:
These signify area cells within the game.
For example, LAADYTUM relates to a save file you made with the Adytum city cell, which is located within LA in the game world.
As you can see, this shows the game keeps a stock of your save files, and does not just wipe/overwrite the older ones.
All folders, “SLOT01,”, “SLOT 02,” etc., are like this.
As an example, I want to delete all files except, “BROHD12,” which is the most recent one or more the area you know you are currently at where your savefile is glitching/crashing.
Simply use your mouse, ctrl, or shift click function to select all other files and use the del, (delete,) button on your keyboard to delete them in to your recycle bin.
Do not empty the recycle bin just yet. As long as they are no longer in this folder they will not conflict. It will ease your stress of accidentally deleting the wrong save too. Backup files are an even better idea.
Your folder should now look like this:
You are done here and can close these folders.
Your Save Should Now Work
– Your save file should now work properly. If not, this fix does not work for you.
– Keep in mind cloud save file functions can interfere and replace files etc.
– A good way to ensure this does not work is to keep your folders neat always and delete excess save files every session.
Areas this glitch is common in are:
– The Glow
– The Cathedral
– Mariposa Military Base
Please let me know if you need any more help, clarification or for me to update or make sections clearer.
It is very hard to replicate these errors, especially once fixed, so there may be mistakes within this guide or it may not work for you the first time etc.
Fallout 1 Advice
I have played through Fallout 1 fully and I am happy to give advice there too.
If you want Fallout 1 to run with FIXT and contribute to your Steam playtime there is a fantastic guide in the forums to do that, as well as get FIXT to begin with. I have followed those two guides well and recommend them.