Fallout: New Vegas Guide

Fallout 2 in New Vegas? for Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout 2 in New Vegas?


This is a guide about a interesting secret in Fallout New Vegas.Warning: I don’t know mutch about Fallout 2, so I may talk blindly about this secret…

Were is it?

You can Find it at Remnants Bunker near Jacobstown and a NCR Station.

Whats Inside?

Inside the bunker has a line of suited people inside a chamber…
Can you tell the helmiet… the same one on the front of the cover for Fallout 2!Get were I’m going…
Also theres a viper plane inside the bunker and a room with a hologram table and a maping machine…

My Thoughts

I think this would be a mission for some DLC or a mission in defult New Vegas… Also I think this may be a easter egg for the fans of the Fallout seriese, but really, I dont know. Also the only places I have seen a viper around was a crashed pre-war Viper, when you see presedant Kimble(NCR leader) and now in this bunker with people in chambers on the Fallout 2 Cover… If you find something new about this secret, please tell me…
Thanks for reading this Guide…
