Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Guide

Fallout New Vegas: The Complete Pack for Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Fallout New Vegas: The Complete Pack


The complete pack to create your own army from Fallout New Vegas.


All of the units below have been accurately balanced based on play testing. None are too overpowered or too weak.

I’v tried my best at creating these characters and if you think they are not up to your standard feel free to edit them yourself. Also due to bugs colours might change if you fly away too far but this only happens to a few models and its not very noticeable.

Update: Now added community units!

Caesar’s Legion

“Ave True to Caesar!”

A mighty slave army, the Legion excels in brutal wave tactics and shock tactics.

Legate Lanuis

Download it here: [link]

For the Legate i used to scarecrow’s head as it was the closest thing to a mask. I’ve tried to make the button eyes seem “metal” and it sort of works

-Recruit/Veteran Decanus

Download it here: [link]

For some reason he can’t seem to shoot well, expect him to just look cool and miss all of his shots. Its always nice to have one in your army to add some flavour.

UPDATE: He can shoot now!

-Legionary Scout

In the picture he was blinking, normally his eyes would be normal. Part of his hood might change colour due to a bug. But this guy is one of the more accurate depictions of the Scout.

Download it here: [link]

-Legionary Recruit

Either recruited from captured men or slaves, these guys form the bulk of any army and is the main workhorse for the Legion.

Download it here: [link]

-Prime Legionary

A step up from the basic recruit, these men have survived a few more battles than a basic recruit.

Download it here: [link]

-Veteran Legionary

These men are a force to be reckoned with, when the hordes of Recruits thin down these men would do the real messy work.

Download it here: [link]


Download it here: [link]


-Caesar himself
-Legion Centurion
-Legion Slave

New California Republic

“Something something nuclear winter”

I did not make an NCR trooper unit because it would keep looking like a pile of light yellow. So enjoy some of the other members of the NCR.

-NCR Veteran Rangers

The iconic veterans of the NCR with their Pre-War Riot Gear.

I have made multiple versions of them with different weapons.

-Ranger Sequoia Variant

Download it here: [link]

-Hunting Rifle Variant

Download it here: [link]

-Assault Carbine Variant

Download it here: [link]

-Anti-Material Variant

The poster boy for New Vegas! The Barrett was way to powerful to be used so the AWP is a good match for it.

Download it here: [link]

-Riot shotgun variant

Download it here: [link]

-[Former NCR] Craig Boone

Download it here: [link]

“These fantastic troopers were the first from the community to be added here, all of them were made by wormyjb” -NvMe令

Download them here:


Dead Horses (Honest Hearts DLC)

“Zion might not be lost to us after all”

-The Burned Man, Joshua Graham.

Download it here: [link]

Don’t expect him to do much in TABS, the M1911 is piss poor. But enjoy the fact that i took time to modify it to become his personal A Light Shining in Darkness.


“Welcome back. I had hoped you wouldn’t have to see me again so soon. What can I do for ya?”

(Picture Credit: Flat Eric)

-Easy Pete

“No im not going to give you my explosives”

Download it here: [link]

Well Armed Easy Pete

Thanks to free supplies from the Gun Runners Easy Pete got some new toys to play with.

Download it here:

Powder Gangers

“Never gets old when something blows up”

Your everyday basic criminal with explosives.

Download it here:

[Work In Progress]

Im still planning to add more factions and units from the game, but this takes time so make sure to check every once in a while.

UPDATE: 30/06/21

As of now I will not be adding anymore due to me not finding enjoyment of the game anymore, I’ve done everything there is to offer and I played the game since the early builds. I still hope these units bring enjoyment to people.