This is a guide to designing a good Farm by means of Efficient and Effectiveness. Explained using Spreadsheet screenshoots.
Efficient : The more money you can make by utilizing all of crop boxes in the farm.
Effective: The best (subjective) way to be able to watering all of your farm every day using Mithril Watering Can. Even without the help of Sprites.
Full Width Crops: 9×9 Crops (9 seeds)
Normal Width Crops: 3×3 Crops (1 seed)
My Current Farm
So here it is my Day 2 of Spring of Year 2 in Story of Season FOMT:
As you can see this is made by the maximum Full Width of Mithril ability to watering the fields in one shot (9 x 9).
We can only have 6 Full Width Crops.
Beauty + Effective Farm Table Design
This is my design/planning for my farm:
As you can see, it is indeed beautiful with Specification:
6 Full Width Crops (486 crops) + 9 Normal Width Crops (81 crops) + 105 Grass Crops
With this design, I can water my crops everyday Effectively.
The dark: My main corps
The light: For flowers or other extra corps
The green: No need to water, all the animals will be eating grass in this side of farm
Efficient Farm
Honestly, I do not recommend these because it will be hard to water everyday (I mean I know for those who after the money making in SoS FOMT might be good Idea). You will need help from Sprites to water your crops everyday.
The specification:
8 Full Width Crops (648 crops) + 24 Normal Width Crops (216 crops) + 92 Grass Crops
+25% Efficient than Beauty Design for Full Width Crops
+62.5% Efficient than Beauty Design for Normal Width Crops
-9.5% Efficient than Beauty Design for Grass
If you are after those efficient, than this is a way to design your farm.
Honestly, on 1st year I plant almost all of the crops field and (because all of sprites skill of watering is NOT FULL yet AND my watering can is only GOLD) I only be able to water half of the field of my crops. So I do not think it is possible for year 1 to water all the fields.
But, if you want to ask all of sprites (with their skill of watering maxed) and you already have Mithril Watering can. I guess you can water all of your field. Is it possible? I guess so.
Take Home Message
I believe those two design are one of the best option for SoS FOMT player to farm with. You can re position the Grass with the Normal Width Crops so you can get the animals to move around the center of the filed. Or you can position the Normal Width Crops so they are on the top side of Farm, design wise it is your preferences to make it the most beautiful or most profitable farm for yourself.
You are the farmer, you decide, and you enjoy the farming in SoS FOMT.
Good luck and hopefully this guide will help you! 😉