Counter-Strike: Source Guide

Fastest way to complete achievements Part 4 for Counter-Strike: Source

Fastest way to complete achievements Part 4


Console commands used:bot_kill bot_add mp_c4timer mp_limitteamssv_maxspeedWe have 6 different types of achievements:RescueBombSpecialKillsMapsWeaponsThis part aids you with Kill achievements. Kill Achievements:Variety Hour – Get kills with 5 different guns in a roundAs soon as you kill an enemy, ditch the weapon you killed them with an pick up their gun.Required: bots with weapons.Street Fighter – Kill an enemy player with a knife during the pistol roundEasiest way to kill enemies with a knife is a right-click stab to their backs. Use Flashbangs, blinded bots will usually crouch along walls and in corners.Spray and Pray – Kill two enemy players while you are blinded from a flashbangno matter how far you throw the flashbang, as long as you are in it’s range when it explodes, you will be “blinded” (Slow-mo! Easier for you to aim at heads and kill your enemies)Snipe Hunter – Kill 100 zoomed-in enemy sniperscreate a match with bots only able to use snipers. This is a quick draw battle, I recommend playing in De_dust or De_dust2 where it is harder for enemies to blend into the surroundings. Important tip, Aim!Sknifed – Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a knifeFlash a sniper, they will take cover by a wall and will zoom, run up and backstab them.Shot With Their Pants Down – Kill an enemy player while they are reloadingFind a reloading enemy, kill them before they finish reloading.Safety First – Survive a shot to the head because you had the good sense to wear a helmetRequired: Helmet, set up a pistol map, hopefully an enemy will shoot you in the head before you take too much damage. Tip: crouch, they are mostly aiming at your chest, so crouching will move your head into their aim.Three the Hard Way – Kill 3 enemy players with a single HE grenadeWith a pistol, give the melee bots following you a couple of shots to their body each, throw a grenade between you and their feet whilst running away. The Bleeding Edge – Win 100 knife fightsflash enemies, backstab them Ten Angry Men – Get 10 kills on enemy players you are already dominating during a single matchdominate enemy players and keep killing them. 3 kills on the same person to dominate them, then kill them 10 more times, easier with more people you dominate.Repeat Offender – Dominate an enemy playerkill the same enemy 3 times in a row, if he kills you, you start again.Overkill – Kill an opponent you are already dominatingkill the same enemy 4 times in a row, if he kills you, you start again.Make the Cut – Win a knife fightflash enemy, backstab them Hip Shot – Kill an enemy with an un-zoomed sniper riflerun from bots, aim in general direction, when the name of the enemy shows, shoot them, or let them come to a 2 meter range, zoom in then back out and shoot.Hat Trick – Dominate three enemy players simultaneouslyKill 3 enemies before anyone else diesGod of War – Kill 10,000 enemiesRecommended you ignore this achievement or go 1v(10-31).Expert Marksman – Get a kill with every weaponKill enemies once with each weapon.Excessive Brutality – Kill an enemy player 4 additional times while you are dominating themKill 4 people dominating youEye to Eye – Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a sniper rifle of your ownquickdraw battle, bots are slow aimers.Defuse This! – Kill the defuser with an HE grenadeMake sure that the defuser is slightly injured. DO NOT shoot them whilst defusing. Throw a grenade to them, more damage taken the closer the grenade lands. Max damage on unarmored enemies is 96, max damage on armored enemies is 72.Decimator – Dominate a total of 10 enemy playersKill 10 different people 3 times in a row.Corpseman – Kill 500 enemiesRecommend you ignore this achievement, just kill 500 enemies however you want.Command and Control – Get a total of 100 kills on enemy players you are dominatingKill dominated enemies 100 timesCan’t Keep a Good Man Down – Kill a total of 20 enemy players that are dominating youkill 20 dominating enemiesBody Bagger – Kill 25 enemiesKill 25 enemies…duhBlind Fury – Kill an enemy player while you are blinded from a flashbangflash yourself, no matter how far you throw the flashbang, as long as you are in it’s range when it explodes, you will be “blinded” (Slow-mo! Easier for you to aim at heads and kill your enemies)Blind Ambition – Kill a total of 25 enemy players blinded by flashbangsflash yourself, no matter how far you throw the flashbang, as long as you are in it’s range when it explodes, you will be “blinded” (Slow-mo! Easier for you to aim at heads and kill your enemies) 25 timesBattle Sight Zero – Kill 250 enemy players with headshotsrecommend you ignore this achievement. Tip: aim for the head, it kills enemies easier.Ballistic – Kill 5 enemy players within 15 secondsKill 5 enemy bots following you in 15 seconds, easy if you have a semi-automatic weapon.Ammo Conservation – Kill two enemy players with a single bulletEasy with sniper, easy if they are running at you. If they run at you, they run straight at you, so aim at the person behind and hope the guy infront of him stays between you and your target.

Fast way to complete achievements

This is part 4, it deals with kill achievements due to the fact that there was a limited amount of space available.