Eternal Senia Guide

游戏内FB奖励密码及特典房间密码(FB reward code in the game and the code of the special room) for Eternal Senia

游戏内FB奖励密码及特典房间密码(FB reward code in the game and the code of the special room)

游戏内FB奖励密码(FB reward cipher in the game)

用于与游戏内的游戏开发者换取材料(Used to exchange materials with game developers in the game)

FB reward cipher:1215

特典房间密码(Code of the special room)

在游戏的第三章或第四章,从女神像处可进入特典房间(In the third or fourth chapter of the game, you can enter the special room from the goddess)
Code of the special room:0130