Feed and Grow: Fish Guide

Feed and Grow Fish: The Ultimate Guide for Feed and Grow: Fish

Feed and Grow Fish: The Ultimate Guide


If you are looking how to be a master at this game, this guide is for you. It includes everything, including: How to defeat the bosses, how to eat everything whole with a massive low coin fish, how to get tons of coins fast, learn about every single fish there is, earn all the achievements available to earn, and how to master every game mode. If you are ready, then let’s swim right in. (Credit for Artwork goes to Melt Downer)


This guide is for everyone, not just for pros and beginners, but both alike. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about feed and grow, and how to be amazing at the game. If you are ready, then lets jump right in with the first section.

NOTE: This guide will be updated regularly along with the Feed and Grow: Fish updates. If a new update comes up, make sure to check out this guide to see what’s new.


There are currently 3 modes you can play in Feed and Grow: Fish, and those are the survival mode, deathmatch mode, and crab madness. Survival is currently being worked on, so I will update information about that mode when it is finished. But for now, let’s talk about the other two game modes – Deathmatch and Crab Madness.

Deathmatch: This game mode can be played on any map and is the mode you are probably going to be spending most of your time on until survival is released again. The basic concept is that you are a fish trying to survive in one of the four maps, and you have to find food and grow bigger in order to survive. Every boss achievement is earned in survival mode, and I will go over that later on. There are tons of fish you can choose from in this mode, and I will talk about them all in the fish guide.

Crab Madness: This game mode is very similar to deathmatch, except that instead of you playing as different fish you are playing as different types of crabs. This map is also only available on the ocean map. The crabs playable are the regular crab, pirate crab, trilobite, mantis shrimp and the king crab. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

So, as I explained a few moments ago, Deathmatch is the game mode you are going to be spending most of your time on until survival is released again. So let’s go into detail about how to master this mode.

First off, you are going to want to learn about which fish to use. Really, any fish can be used, but you have to know when you are pushing it too far. Example: You can’t grab a barracuda and expect to be able to take down a dunkleosteus right away. No, no. You are going to have to level up your fish to level where it CAN do these things. Eventually, a barracuda CAN take down a dunkleosteus, but only until it has reached a high enough level.

One thing you will notice right away is you can’t just select whatever fish you want to play as right away. In order to play as all the different fish, you’re going to have to collect a whole lot of coins. Coins are relatively easy to get and you can earn them super fast if you know what to do. I will explain how to get tons of coins fast in this section, because it doesn’t really deserve its own section since it’s so easy to collect them. Also, something to remember: coins use RAM data, which means when you close out of your game you lose all of your coins you have earned. Every day you want to play as a high coin fish, you are going to have to start off with the starter fish to gather some coins, and then you can earn more coins from there.

When you first start up deathmatch, depending on which map you choose, you will have different choices of fish. For river, its Crayfish (You will need an achievement to unlock this), River Piranha and Bleak. For the Ocean and the Great map, it’s only the Bibos, and for Swamp, it’s the Ubur, the Raptor, and the Piranha.

The Bibos is probably the best fish you can start with, so make sure you start with that. (Pick the Bibos in the ocean map, as the Great map is too high a difficulty if you are just starting out. However, if you are more experienced, you can start in the Great map), and when you start it up you will spawn in the area of the map where they spawn. This brings up another point: Every time you spawn as a fish, whatever fish you are playing as will always spawn in the same place. For example, Green Morays will always spawn in one place, and Nilins will always spawn in the same place. Each fish has a different area where they spawn, and they are all a good distance from each other.

When you first spawn in, you are going to be at level one and you will have to work your way up. Assuming you have set your controls to your specifics (You can adjust this in settings) You should be able to swim around at a fairly fast pace. You’ll notice at the bottom of your screen, you have a small little section with different parts to it. I’ll talk about each section in detail.

EXP BAR: This is the bar you are going to look at to see how close you are to leveling up. The closer the gray area of the bar is to the right, the closer you are to leveling up.

HEALTH BAR: This is the red bar on the left that is (Or at least, it should be) filled up all the way. the lower your health is, the less red space there will be in the bar. If you are fighting another fish and you want to see if you are about to die, you can just glance down and take a look at your health to see how well you are doing. Every time you level up, you health will be restored automatically.

ENERGY BAR; This is the bar on the right that is green and will rise and fall quite alot while you are playing the game. If you haven’t changed any of your controls, left shift should be the button you use to speed swim. You’ll go faster for like a second and then it’ll drop, and then fill again.

ABILITY BAR: This bar is in the shape of a half circle and will rise and descend depending on what your fish’s ability is. Bibo’s ability is rage, and it multiplies the speed and damage of attacks every time he does damage or takes damage. Every fish has its own set of abilities, although some may have none.

ABILITY BUTTON: This is another button that activates your second ability, if your fish has two. Bibos has the second ability to call of a gang of other bibos, who help you attack you enemies. Depending on the ability it may take a few seconds to charge back up once you have used it, or the ability button may act like an on/off switch for an ability.

NOTE: In this section you are about to read, the level examples are for BIBOS IN THE OCEAN MAP. These levels either are way too low or way to high for different fish to use, or the fish examples may be alot different in other maps.

Now, on to the surviving part. When you fish is a relatively low level, you are going to want to stick with starfish and the pink blobby thingies (I have no idea what they are called, lol) and you can feed off of these until you are strong enough to take other fish. Once you are level 3 (For bibos, for other fish I will explain that in the fish guide), you can take on the zebra fish, clownfish, and dory fish and be able to kill them before they have the time to swim away. Then when you reach level 10, you can take blacktips, and at level 12 hammerheads. Then when you hit level 18, you can take tiger sharks, and at 22, you can take a dunkleosteus. (These are all recommendations, and you do not have to reach these levels exactly, but somewhere roughly around the suggested levels is a place where you can fight fish and not have a problem with dying.

One of the golden rules of this map is to remember is to STAY AWAY from the great white shark, no matter what shark you are (Unless you are another great white, where he can’t bite you) Unless you an relatively high level with anything other than the great white shark, you need to stay as far away from him as possible. He will target your fish, and will be more likely to attack you the bigger you grow. If he starts chasing you, DON’T try to turn around and fight back, as he can just easily rip you to pieces. until you are at a high enough level, stay away from the great white. You can also earn an achievement by defeating the great white, but I will be going over how to do that later.


Well, I ran out of space on the other section, so I will have to continue it here. You are almost complete with deathmatch and you are about to move on to Crab Madness Mastery.

Anyways, once you are at a level you can pretty much kill the dunkleosteus in one blow, you can either play on the map for a bit more and keep avoiding the great white, you can change your fish and take down the great white with a dunkleosteus, or you can mega grow and take on the great white with a massive Bibos Fish. (Both of these will have their own section in this guide)

If you want to farm lots of coins, you have to keep growing your fish and killing tons of enemies and eating everything they drop. (Bigger Enemies – More coins) You get tons of coins for this and it stacks very quickly. You can use coins throughout the entire game, but they vanish when you close out your game.

If you have trouble fighting fish, or you just want to take down everything right away, then I will explain that now. PVP in this game is quite a skill you need to have in order to take down a lot of fish. If you have a big fish that does lots of damage, but the enemy is bigger, you can simply hit and run and you will do repetitive damage. AI Fish also do not recover health, so you can do this without worrying that you are taking too long. Also, remember to attack from behind, as you have a better chance of getting more hits in before the fish strikes back. This tactic is used for the bosses as well, but I will explain that later. If you have a lower level fish, wait until you are a higher level to take down bigger fish. Then you can use the hit and run technique, and if you get even bigger than you can proceed to the section where you grow a fish like bibos to a very high level.

Anyways, that’s how you grow fish in the ocean map and reach a massive level and destroy everything. This also works with any difficulty, as it doesn’t change very much. You can do this again with a different fish other than Bibos, just the levels for killing your enemies will be either higher or lower. For the other 3 maps, everything is practically the same, except the fish are different. If you look at the fish you can unlock in each map, those are the ones that can spawn in the map, and they rank from weakest to strongest. So you can use that to replace the fish from earlier. If you are successfully able to grow any fish to a high level in any map in deathmatch, then congratulations, you know how to survive with no problem anywhere, and you have pretty much mastered everything deathmatch has to offer, except for growing massive and beating the bosses. Both of these have their own sections, so if you want to master deathmatch COMPLETELY then check out both of those sections.

With deathmatch mode out of the way, lets move onto Crab Madness Mastery. (Don’t worry, this one is not as nearly as long and complicated)

The other game mode besides deathmatch that is currently playable is Crab Madness. As I said before, this game mode is very similar to deathmatch, the only thing that changes is the map selection and fish (Or crab, if you’d rather) selection. Therefore, Most of the deeper information was already explained in the deathmatch section. I will only be explaining the achievements and character selection. The achievements may also unlock certain characters, so keep an eye out for any characters that were locked before, and you may unlock them by completing an achievement.

The first thing I will talk about that has changed is the character selection. You now are limited to being able to pick 5 different characters, but they are different from the deathmatch fish. Now you can choose from a regular crab, pirate crab, trilobite, mantis shrimp and king crab. I will go into more detail with these in the fish guide. Now, lets get into the achievements, shall we?

The first two achievements to earn are very easy to get: Grow a crab to level 5 and grow a crab to level 10. If you read the section before this, you are going to have no problem with this. If not, you can just simply reach this level by playing as the normal crab and eating the starfish and pink blobby things on the seabed, and you can grab fish that swim by the bottom.

The next two I find very annoying, but they are relatively easy and just take a bit of time. They are collect 5 pirate coins and collect 10 pirate coins. All you have to do is be the pirate crab and find little gold coins and bring them to the treasure chest in the map. Finding coins isn’t much of a problem, it’s just how you GET them to the treasure chest that’s annoying.

The best way to get coins into the chest is getting to a high enough level to even carry them. If you try to carry a coin to the treasure chest and you are at a low level, it gets extremely tedious and you can barely move without the coin glitching you out. So my suggestion: get your pirate crab to level 12, and then start collecting the coins and bringing them to the chest. If you do this, you should be able to get these achievements with no problem.

Unfortunately, The King Crab achievement is currently unavailable, and so are the Christmas and Halloween ones. If they are added back in, I will add info about them.

Other than the achievements, you can also just play crab madness normally and play as characters that aren’t in the other game modes. The basic concept is the same, so if you haven’t read the previous section, go ahead and do so, and you will be able to master both of these modes. When survival is finished being worked on, I will make a section for that as well. Now onto the next section of this guide: The bosses.


This section is either the section you have all been waiting for, or the section you don’t really care about because you have already beat them. But either way, this section is all about BOSSES! I will go over all 4 (Or 5, if you include the sperm whale) and how to beat them. It doesn’t matter if you are beating them so you can get the achievements or beating them so you can play as them, this is the section for you if you are looking to beat the baddest fishies in this game.

The first boss I will go over is the Great White Shark, which is probably the easiest one other than Arapaima. Defeating him unlocks The King of the Ocean achievement, which unlocks the Great White Shark to play as. It is also extremely recommended to beat the great white shark before you tackle the Prognathon and Megalodon, as you are going to need the great white shark for these two unless you are planning to beat them with another fish that is an incredibly high level.

There are three ways you can beat the Great White: The Normal way, the funny way (Large low-coin fish) or the “Cheating Way”, although it really isn’t a cheat, as it just uses a tactic that makes you invulnerable to Large fish’s attacks. Let’s go ahead and start with the easy way, which I’m sure most of you will do anyways, although this tactic may get patched in the future.

So the easy way to beat the great white is very simple: All you need to do grab the hammerhead shark (I recommend the hammerhead to be a low level just to make sure he doesn’t target you) and swim up to the great white. The Great White won’t waste his time taking down a low level hammerhead, so you can actually get quite close to him before he starts to get annoyed. You just need to swim up to his tail and chomp on it. As soon as you bite him, he is going to start to swing around like crazy and eventually he with glitch you inside him. Now you have to repeatedly bite him over and over again. If he manages to unglitch you (This may happen, it might not, as he swings around randomly when you are biting him) you need to swim away fast and then swim right back and repeat the process. If you are biting him and he starts to move towards the shore, hold down the S key to make him slow down. If he manages to get to shore, you need to be aware of being unglitched because it happens more often at when the great white has things that block him from continually swinging around. This may take a long time, it took me 6 minutes, but after a while you should kill him. Now let’s move onto the second easiest way, which is just beating him normally.

Now, this is the way you are SUPPOSED to take down the great white, not these other two ways that you can. This way is quite simple and I won’t even go into much detail about it. The first thing you are going to want to do is grab to browurag (This is a skin for the dunkleosteus, and you are going to need to collect 300 coins before you can play as him) and level it up to around level 30 – 35. You can do this by simply taking down all the other fish in the map (OTHER than than the great white) Since all the other fish in this map are lower than the browurag. Therefore, this should only take you 15 minutes, if even that. Anyways, after that, charge your bite when you are ready to confront the great white, because you are able to get in a massive damage dealing blow on the first hit. You just need to swim up behind him and hit him with that charged bite, and then continue to bite him, and you should kill him.

The “funny” way to beat the great white has to do with the massive low coin fish thing, so I will explain how to do that after the bosses section.

Now, let’s move onto the Arapaima.

This is by far the easiest boss in the game. She is in the River map, and you don’t really have to be a master to defeat her, you just have to know what you’re doing. The first thing you need to do is grab the tiger fish, and then level it up to like level 10. Then go to the area where the Arapaima is (Just keep heading down the river the current is going and there will be a warning sign. Go in there, and you will fall off of a waterfall), find her, and bite her tail, and keep biting it until she dies. If she manages to turn around and attack you, try to flee because she can do a lot of damage in a second, and then head back and attack her again.

Now, let’s change the maps, and from now on the rest of the bosses are going to be in the great map. I extremely recommend you grab the great white before you attempt to beat these bosses, because it will be quite difficult without him. Anyways, let’s proceed onto the next three bosses, starting with the semi-boss Sperm Whale.

The reason I call the sperm whale a “mini boss”, is for a couple of reasons. First of all, although he is powerful for a fish, you don’t get an achievement for defeating him. Second of all, based off of the other bosses, he is a very low difficulty BASED ON THE SURROUNDING SELECTABLE FISH. This is a very complicated thing to explain, so I’ll break it down real slow.

When you were fighting the great white (If you did), you only had a selection of fish that were much lower in pvp skills to the great white. Basically, all the other fish didn’t stand a chance at defeating the great white when they are the same level. The reason you are able to kill the great white with another fish is because you are at a high enough level that outmatches the great white enough to defeat him. If you grab a dunkleosteus and a great white, and they are both at level 1, the great white will be able to take down the dunkleosteus because the difference in their stats when they are at the same level is too much. To make it less complicated, If you have two fish that are the same level, and their stats are exceedingly far apart, this is a boss difference.

This is what makes the Sperm Whale different. Because you now have the choice of the great white (If you unlocked it), The Great White almost outright overules the Sperm Whale. If you have a level one Sperm Whale and a level one Great White, their stats aren’t too far apart. In fact, the sperm whale will even turn and try to flee from the great white because the great white has good enough stats to challenge the sperm whale. Because there is a fish you can use that takes down the sperm whale very easily, the sperm whale is not called a boss, but it isn’t a normal fish you’d encounter either, so therefore I call it a semi boss.

What’s funny is I basically explained how easy it is to kill the sperm whale with the great white, so I don’t even have to give much more information other than you should grow your great at least to 20, and you can do this by just killing all the dunkleosteus that spawn in the colosseum to the right of the sperm whale area. If you wanna play it safe and get to level 30, than you can do that, although I was able to kill the sperm whale at 22. So any way you prefer, do it your way.

Now, let’s talk about the two big bois: The Megalodon and the Prognathon.

These are the biggest guys you will meet in the game, and beating them isn’t too difficult, but these two definitely aren’t a joke, either. To beat them, grow your great white to level 50. This is very simply done by killing and eating all the dunkleosteus that spawn in the colosseum, and then move onto the sperm whale once you are at a high enough level. Then you can proceed to swim over to the two bosses, get the first hit in by biting their tail, and then bite them until you kill them. If you are successful, then congrats, you have beat all the bosses. If you want more info on pvp and other things, check out the other sections. (Sorry I’m ending it short, running out of room)


Now for the fun! This is the section alot of you have probably been all waiting for, So let’s get right into how to have some fun with a low coin fish!

Starting off, you are going to want to grab Bibos for this example. (Ocean map again) If you want to use another fish just multiply it by the fish stat ratios. (All fish stats can be found in the fish guide) Simply activate your gang and go straight for the big fish, and chomp down all the remains. Your buddies will not grow, so after you are much bigger than them just simply eat them.

Then head for the dunkleosteus spawn, and eat them over and over and over again. You should start doing this at level 20. Once you reach level 100 (This may take a while) head over to the great white and kill him and eat everything he drops. Then repeat the process. Over and over and over and over. Eventually you will get so massive you will just swallow almost everything at once. Your body will perch over the water and if you keep clicking swallow, you will be swallowing almost the entire map. You gain massive levels from this. Eventually you will get so big it will start to lag, and either you can enjoy the mayhem and lag, or you can repeat the process. This takes about 3 hours for Bibos. With bigger fish, it takes less time.

You can do this on any map, and any difficulty, just change up the fish using the fish stat ratios. (Fish guide) It may take time, but it is extremely fun and addictive to do.

Well there you have it! It’s more simple than you were expecting, huh? The only thing that does take alot of time is swallowing the dunkleosteus. It may take you shorter time or longer time, depending on your computer and mastery. Now, let’s move onto the longest part of this guide. bigger than everything else combined: The Fish Guide.


I warn you: Before you decide to read this entire section, I would take a break and do something else, and then come back to this. Because if you are planning to read all the information here in one solid sweep, you are going to be sitting at your computer reading this for a long time. If you just read this as you need, say when you need info on a certain fish, then great, do as you please.

Each fish will come with it’s own box, filled with tons of details. These are the details you will be seeing: an active description of the fish, stats, abilities, maps it is playable in, and a picture of the fish. If you are ready, let’s go.


This fish is the starter fish for the ocean and great map, and it is popular for massive sizing and earning coins with. Although weak when low level, at a high level it has a massive swallow. Maps: Great Map Ocean Map Health: 27 Damage: 1 Weight: 0.05KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +8m/s Max Speed: 16m/s Drag: -8%/s Steering: 1 Turn Speed: 300/s Abilities: Call of The Gang Rage


Twice as good as Bibos (PVP wise), This fish is a decent fish for beginners. Having the ability devour, it is able to swallow fish and meat much bigger than itself. Maps: Great Map Health: 65 Damage: 3 Weight: 44.29KG Bite Speed: 0.4/s Acceleration: +0.5m/s Max Speed: 14m/s Drag: -5%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 180/s Abilities: Swallow


This fish is very similar to Bibos, having the same abilities and similar stats. However, it has much more health when compared at a higher level. Maps: Great Map Health: 37 Damage: 1 Weight: 2.94KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +5m/s Max Speed: 40m/s Drag: -7%/s Steering: 8 Turn Speed: 150/s Abilities: Call of The Gang Rage


This fish is personally one of my favorites, and it is funny because at a high level it looks like the electric eel from Journey 2. Jokes aside, this fish is decent at taking down a variety of fish. Maps: Great Map Ocean Map Health: 22 Damage: 3 Weight: 6.55KG Bite Speed: 1.5/s Acceleration: +5m/s Max Speed: 12m/s Drag: -11%/s Steering: 1 Turn Speed: 120/s Abilities: Stealth This is a pic of the electric eel from Journey 2, not from the game, lol


This fish is very different from the other fish, and has two interesting abilities: Hypnose and Ink burst. Both of these fit because Hypnose makes it change color and ink burst makes it spurt ink. A good fish to troll npc fish with. Maps: Great Map Health: 36 Damage: 2 Weight: 1.17KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +2m/s Max Speed: 10m/s Drag: -7.5%/s Steering: 1.5 Turn Speed: 45/s Abilities: Hypnose Ink Burst


This fish is very colorful, so you won’t have a problem getting your fish confused with npc fish. Has less health but more damage than the Norway Redfish. Maps: Great Map Health: 62 Damage: 4 Weight: 25.00KG Bite Speed: 1.1/s Acceleration: +3m/s Max Speed: 30m/s Drag: -3%/s Steering: 5 Turn Speed: 360/s Abilities: Ambush


I personally love this fish, because of its design and ability. Its stats aren’t bad either, starting with a solid 5 damage at level 1. Maps: Great Map Health: 36 Damage: 2 Weight: 1.17KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +2m/s Max Speed: 10m/s Drag: -7.5%/s Steering: 1.5 Turn Speed: 45/s Abilities: Hypnose Ink Burst Finding Nemo Angler Fish lol


The only creature in the game that can stand on land properly, this lizard is an amazing addition to this game. Has similar stats to angler but better health. Maps: Great Map Health: 88 Damage: 5 Weight: 6.55KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +5.5m/s Max Speed: 18m/s Drag: -10%/s Steering: 1 Turn Speed: 360/s Abilities: Cold Blood


What’s weird is a lizard has better stats than a medium-sized shark. Talk about prehistoric changes in size and power. Anyways, this shark is the weakest of the sharks, however it is pretty good at a higher level. Maps: Great Map Ocean Map Health: 53 Damage: 3 Weight: 13.29KG Bite Speed: 0.5/s Acceleration: +3m/s Max Speed: 14m/s Drag: -5%/s Steering: 2 Turn Speed: 240/s Abilities: Electroreception Rip Apart


The 4th best shark in the game, under the Megalodon, Great White and Whale. Tiger and Ghost fight for 5th, but I think ghost is better because it may have less health, but better damage, less coins, and an extra ability. Maps: Great Map Health: 111 Damage: 16 Weight: 196.45KG Bite Speed: 0.4/s Acceleration: +5m/s Max Speed: 20m/s Drag: -6%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 160/s Abilities: Rip Apart Electroreception


An interesting fish to play as, it deals more damage when its “sword” is on contact with the target. Maps: Great Map Ocean Map Health: 41 Damage: 2 Weight: 13.29KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +1.5m/s Max Speed: 20m/s Drag: -1.5%/s Steering: 10 Turn Speed: 360/s Abilities: Slash


One of the sharks that you use to level up low coin fish fast, this shark doesn’t post a threat to anything that has the same stats as it. Maps: Great Map Ocean Map Health: 87 Damage: 4 Weight: 120.67KG Bite Speed: 0.6/s Acceleration: +3m/s Max Speed: 12m/s Drag: -5%/s Steering: 1.9 Turn Speed: 240/s Abilities:


The stat enemy of the Ghost Shark, A good shark to start with when you start to master PVP skills. Can be used as a substitute for Ichthy in some situations. Maps: Great Map Ocean Map Health: 174 Damage: 9 Weight: 850.31KG Bite Speed: 0.5/s Acceleration: +4.5m/s Max Speed: 18m/s Drag: -5.5%/s Steering: 2.8 Turn Speed: 300/s Abilities: Rip Apart


A very well designed model, this fish is the one I played with alot when I first started playing this game. It can takes down loads of things at high levels. Maps: Great Map Health: 125 Damage: 12 Weight: 284.77KG Bite Speed: 1.0/s Acceleration: +4m/s Max Speed: 30m/s Drag: -6%/s Steering: 6 Turn Speed: 190/s Abilities: Accelerated Oxygen Consumption


An albino fish with pretty good stats. Looks like a shastosaurus when at a massive level. Maps: Great Map Health: 264 Damage: 17 Weight: 1176.15KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +5m/s Max Speed: 15m/s Drag: -8%/s Steering: 2 Turn Speed: 130/s Abilities: Accelerated Oxygen Consumption



The exact same model as the Beluga, only with a horn and different colors, with a few trims. Good for taking down dunkleosteus. Maps: Great Map Health: 290 Damage: 19 Weight: 1600.00KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +7m/s Max Speed: 20m/s Drag: -7%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 160/s Abilities: Slash


An interesting name, this fish is a funny fish to sneak up on npc fish with. Can destroy everything, and will do so at a high level. Maps: Great Map Health: 122 Damage: 16 Weight: 850.31KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +11m/s Max Speed: 28m/s Drag: -9%/s Steering: 1.2 Turn Speed: 150/s Abilities: Ambush Call Of The Gang


Growing massive very fast, this shark is an absolute BEAST at a high level. Has alot of health to resist most attacks. Maps: Great Map Health: 462 Damage: 9 Weight: 18225.00KG Bite Speed: 0.2/s Acceleration: +3m/s Max Speed: 12m/s Drag: -4%/s Steering: 12.5 Turn Speed: 60/s Abilities: Devour


A better version of the beluga, this fish is able to resist alot of hits and has amazing stats for its place. Take down hordes of enemies with its wide range! Maps: Great Map Health: 277 Damage: 41 Weight: 3700.90KG Bite Speed: 0.5/s Acceleration: +6m/s Max Speed: 16m/s Drag: -8%/s Steering: 2 Turn Speed: 170/s Abilities: Accelerated Oxygen Consumption


An incredibly famous fish, both in game and in real life. Can be used for a variety of things across the entire game. Maps: Great Map Ocean Map Health: 296 Damage: 12 Weight: 850.31KG Bite Speed: 0.5/s Acceleration: +5m/s Max Speed: 8m/s Drag: -10%/s Steering: 2 Turn Speed: 70/s Abilities: Snap


An incredibly powerful and huge fish, although not even close to being a boss. You can replace the dunkleosteus with this fish for certain situations. Maps: Great Map Health: 753 Damage: 34 Weight: 9685.51KG Bite Speed: 0.3/s Acceleration: +6m/s Max Speed: 14m/s Drag: -7%/s Steering: 1 Turn Speed: 120/s Abilities: Devour


This is my favorite fish, no doubt about it. Its design, stats and size capability are absolutely amazing. It looks like Prognathon, but it’s not a boss, it’s smaller, and has different colors. Maps: Great Map Health: 924 Damage: 81 Weight: 18225.00KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +1.5m/s Max Speed: 14m/s Drag: -3%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 80/s Abilities: Hold the picture above is a krono glitch, in case you were wondering.


A fish similar to Bibos, but with almost twice as much health. It looks like a little dunkleosteus, but blue. Maps: Ocean Map Health: 42 Damage: 1 Weight: 0.39KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +4m/s Max Speed: 8m/s Drag: -7%/s Steering: 1 Turn Speed: 60/s Abilities: Snap


An extremely fast fish, you can hit and run with this very successfully. If you have a gang, you can kill almost anything this way. Maps: Ocean Map Health: 10 Damage: 2 Weight: 0.39KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +15m/s Max Speed: 12m/s Drag: -7%/s Steering: 1.2 Turn Speed: 180/s Abilities: Ambush Call of The Gang


Having the ability bleed, this fish is a killer at a high level, able to hit and run, successfully killing almost anything. Be careful of your health though. Maps: Ocean Map Health: 24 Damage: 1 Weight: 0.69KG Bite Speed: 1.1/s Acceleration: +10m/s Max Speed: 14m/s Drag: -6%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 130/s Abilities: Bleed I’m sorry, I was not able to find a picture for Nilin. Here’s spongebob for now. Oof.


This fish grows to be massive, and can swallow huge things, including the great white. Fun to get to level 365 with. Maps: Ocean Map Health: 135 Damage: 3 Weight: 120.67KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +4m/s Max Speed: 12m/s Drag: -7.5%/s Steering: 1.7 Turn Speed: 150/s Abilities: Devour


This fish has two forms: River and Swamp. They both start with 0 damage and 8 health, which is very weak, but still a decent fish to start with, and its design isn’t bad. Maps: Swamp Map River Map Health: 8 Damage: 0 Weight: 0.02KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +5m/s Max Speed: 13m/s Drag: -8%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 200/s Abilities: Bloodthirsty


Raptor has three different colors, and the pfp for this guide is a fanart of one made by Melt Downer. Maps: Swamp Map Health: 11 Damage: 1 Weight: 0.05KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +7m/s Max Speed: 24m/s Drag: -7%/s Steering: 5 Turn Speed: 300/s Abilities: Ambush Call of The Gang The picture above is a Halloween Raptor.


A strange looking fish, it has alot of health for a starter fish. This makes it good for low coin fish sizing. Maps: Swamp Map Health: 16 Damage: 1 Weight: 0.05KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +4m/s Max Speed: 20m/s Drag: -7.5%/s Steering: 1.5 Turn Speed: 360/s Abilities: Rage


Has pretty good stats, but its ability is interesting, as it doesn’t look like it would have Devour. Anyway, still a decent fish. Maps: Swamp Map Health: 79 Damage: 2 Weight: 13.29KG Bite Speed: 1.1/s Acceleration: +2.7m/s Max Speed: 12m/s Drag: -4.5%/s Steering: 2.5 Turn Speed: 190/s Abilities: Devour Real life one.


A mean looking fish, this fish can bite you for a long time, so it’s best not to try and hit and run this fishy. Bad fishy! Maps: Swamp Map Health: 47 Damage: 3 Weight: 44.29KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +3.5m/s Max Speed: 17.5m/s Drag: -7.5%/s Steering: 1.5 Turn Speed: 75/s Abilities: Hold


This fish is in both the river and swamp, and is fun to play as. It has good stats and puts up a tough fight against a lot of things. Maps: Swamp Map River Map Health: 39 Damage: 5 Weight: 9.43KG Bite Speed: 0.6/s Acceleration: +10m/s Max Speed: 60m/s Drag: -10%/s Steering: 9 Turn Speed: 250/s Abilities: Ambush lololololol


This fish is a pretty big guy, and he can take on almost anything in his map. If you are planning to kill snakeheads for food, level up to level 7. Maps: Swamp Map Health: 292 Damage: 26 Weight: 6103.52KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +4m/s Max Speed: 8m/s Drag: -8%/s Steering: 2 Turn Speed: 190/s Abilities: Devour



The most powerful fish in Swamp, he can kill almost anything at level 5. Have fun growing him, but be careful of the snapping turtle. Maps: Swamp Map Health: 81 Damage: 15 Weight: 284.77KG Bite Speed: 0.7/s Acceleration: +4m/s Max Speed: 16m/s Drag: -5%/s Steering: 2 Turn Speed: 170/s Abilities: Hold


This is an interesting choice, because it crawls on land instead of swimming. Be careful of fish who can pick you up. Maps: River Map Health: 17 Damage: 2 Weight: 0.39KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +1.5m/s Max Speed: 7.5m/s Steering: 1.5 Abilities: None


This is an interesting choice, because it crawls on land instead of swimming. Be careful of fish who can pick you up. Maps: River Map Health: 14 Damage: 1 Weight: 0.00KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +4m/s Max Speed: 18m/s Drag: -10%/s Steering: 10 Turn Speed: 360/s Abilities: None Wasn’t able to find a gameplay one.


As basic as fish can get. Normal stats, normal look. It’s not bad, but I can’t think of any uses for it. Maps: River Map Health: 18 Damage: 2 Weight: 0.39KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +6m/s Max Speed: 30m/s Drag: -8.5%/s Steering: 9 Turn Speed: 300/s Abilities: None


This is an interesting choice, because it crawls on land instead of swimming. Be careful of fish who can pick you up. Maps: River Map Health: 24 Damage: 2 Weight: 1.17KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +6m/s Max Speed: 60m/s Drag: -9%/s Steering: 20 Turn Speed: 300/s Abilities: None Wasn’t able to find a gameplay fish for this either.


This eel can shock things, get hits in, and then run, and repeat the process. Probably the best hit and runner out there. Maps: River Map Health: 17 Damage: 2 Weight: 2.07KG Bite Speed: 1.5/s Acceleration: +4m/s Max Speed: 14m/s Drag: -11%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 180/s Abilities: Hunter’s and Sach’s Organs Discharge


Basically Salmon, but better stats, more coins, and better design. Maps: River Map Health: 42 Damage: 3 Weight: 13.29KG Bite Speed: 0.5/s Acceleration: +5m/s Max Speed: 18m/s Drag: -5%/s Steering: 13 Turn Speed: 190/s Abilities: None


I love the design of this fish, and it’s amazing for massive sizing. Maps: River Map Health: 44 Damage: 8 Weight: 6.55KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +7m/s Max Speed: 24m/s Drag: -7%/s Steering: 6 Turn Speed: 150/s Abilities: None


Pretty good design, and not bad stats. Having devour, it can swallow huge things. Maps: River Map Health: 73 Damage: 4 Weight: 13.29KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +6m/s Max Speed: 12m/s Drag: -7.5%/s Steering: 1.7 Turn Speed: 150/s Abilities: Devour


This is an interesting choice, because it crawls on land instead of swimming. Be careful of fish who can pick you up. Maps: River Map Health: 87 Damage: 16 Weight: 44.29KG Bite Speed: 0.4/s Acceleration: +9m/s Max Speed: 40m/s Drag: -11%/s Steering: 2.5 Turn Speed: 220/s Abilities: None



The boss fish for the River map, you get an achievement for defeating her. Maps: River Map Health: 568 Damage: 170 Weight: 102400.00KG Bite Speed: 0.3/s Acceleration: +7m/s Max Speed: 28m/s Drag: -9%/s Steering: 5 Turn Speed: 450/s Abilities: Accelerated Oxygen Consumption


The shark you will need for defeating the bosses in the great map, he is very strong even at level 1. Maps: Ocean Map Great Map Health: 812 Damage: 106 Weight: 102400.00KG Bite Speed: 0.8/s Acceleration: +7m/s Max Speed: 20m/s Drag: -6%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 130/s Abilities: Rip Apart


The strongest boss in the game, competing for 1st place with the Megalodon. Can take down ANYTHING except for the Megalodon at level 1. Maps: Great Map Health: 4924 Damage: 567 Weight: 2941225.00KG Bite Speed: 0.4/s Acceleration: +6m/s Max Speed: 26m/s Drag: -10%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 120/s Abilities: Ambush


Has the most health of any fish in the game. Competes with Prognathon for 1st place in PVP skills. Maps: Great Map Health: 6424 Damage: 338 Weight: 6553600.00KG Bite Speed: 0.6/s Acceleration: +5m/s Max Speed: 60m/s Drag: -3%/s Steering: 3 Turn Speed: 150/s Abilities: Rip Apart


Thank you for reading this guide! If you enjoyed this guide, make sure to leave a like and comment what you think I should change or add. This guide will also be edited in the future along with updates. This guide will change alot, especially considering Feed and Grow is only in beta. If a major update comes out, make sure to check out this guide for information on it. (It may take a few days for me to update the information) Happy growing!
