Having difficulty beating the last battle? A walkthrough of how to beat the game with ease on both Normal and Hard.Update: This guide no longer works with the new update on the Lantern Fruit
Hey guys, I want to let you know this walkthrough is mainly about focusing only on getting all 48 Gems of lvl-3 on all dishes to get a maximum score of 1200 without the expertise book.
Have a look at the content first before you play and try the tutorial at the same time. Just follow the general method of how to obtain the maxed level gems. You can pause frequently to stop and think about what items you need left. It will halt the timer until you are ready to resume again.
You need to multi-task as you cook and collect the ingredients…
(I had expertise books on me so I gain 450pts to my total of 1200 and I did not use any Fiery/Earthen/Watery Sauce for the sake of this tutorial demonstration. However, feel free to use them as they will save you time when you are making the food. Add them in where they make sense.)
Here’s my (not really) tutorial demonstration on Hard mode as I paused the video to prove it. Just loosely follow how I obtain the maximazed gems, you don’t need to place them like I did or make the dishes in the exact order. I mainly did it so it can visually be easier to understand. I skipped out the sauce for the sake of this tutorial. I highly reccommend getting them like turning 4 perfect fire gem from the lantern fruit in the slow cook into green or blue gems in place of getting 6 quarry caps or 2 extra slime eggs. (Final Score: 1725)
+ Combo Bonus
Place it in this Order
[Entirely Optional]
(Not the point of this guide. You can use any of these expertise book and still win the game)
* = Reccommend
Note: I will not cover combat items needed in this guide for the loadout since this is all about maxing out the points for all 48 gems.
Ingredients Needed
(Not Reccomended)
(Well prepared)
(No Leftover)
(Note 1: I reccomend to focus overstocking the Lantern Fruit and Quarry Cap)
(Note 2: To obtain the Slime Eggs, you need to feed the little slime monster any ingredients ahead of time and after 20ish seconds, it will turn into slime eggs)
Be prepared to multi-task when you cook and gather the ingredients. Do not rush yourself. I causually followed my tutorial and had over 30 seconds left on the timer. Accuracy is the key.
Theme Ingredient – How to Include
1) Add in ANY single ingredient onto the Cutting Board first and THEN add in the Hydra Neck
2) Remove all of the gems from the Hydra Neck out of the dish until you are remained with the other untouched ingredient of your choice.
Note: Repeat this processs for all 3 dishes as you make the Fire, Water, and Earth dish.
Judge – Akebo (Fire)
1) Add a Lantern into the Slow Cooker and activate it
2) Go to your Combo Pan and completely fill the grid up with 4 Lantern Fruit
3) Start cooking and allow all of the Red Gems to merge completely until all of the gems are promoted to level 3 and THEN do clockwise.
(Note: I would take this time to run and grab more ingredients OR pick up the dish to instantly promote the last Red Gem lvl-2 -> lvl 3)
4) Pick up your dish and transfer it to the Slow Cooker
5) Drop the dish into the Slow Cooker
6) Repeat the steps of filling the Combo Pan completely with 4 Lantern Fruit
7) Counter-Clockwise
8) Counter-Clockwise
9) Counter-Clockwise
10) Pick up the dish
11) Drop it into the Slow Cooker
12) Serve the dish to Akebo
Judge – Maradain (Water)
1) ~ * Repeat all of the steps for making the Fire Dish* ~
2) Follow what I did in this image of adding the 5 Slime Eggs and rotating the 2 Red Gems to the top
3) Serve the dish to Maradain
Judge – Hazgil (Earth)
1) Look at the Red Gems of how they are arranged in next step and repeat the tutorial for making the Fire dish accordingly
2) Set the Fire dish to the side and work on the Green Gems
3) Drop the [Quarry Cap] in this exact order
4) Start Cooking and… Clockwise -> Counter-Clockwise -> Counter-Clockwise -> Pick up the dish to instantly promote the 2 Green Gems to level 3.
(Note: Watch out for the Combo Timer before it runs out)
5) Clockwise
6) Pick up the dish
7) Drop it into the counter with the Red Gems
8) Repeat the process of step 3 & 4
9) Pick up the Green Gems as it is
10) Repeat creating the Green Gems of level 3 and fill it completely
11) Serve the dish to Hazgil
Achievements that can be obtain:
Thanks for coming by!
Please comment below to let me know if you are able to complete the final match, that will really let me know if my guide helped!
It literally took me all day to create this guide and I have seen some people getting frustrated trying to score high enough to beat the game. Feel free to comment if there is any confusion on the walkthrough. 🙂
If you are using this guide to help others, please credit me and thank you! ^_^
– Kim Tran