Epistory – Typing Chronicles Guide

Finding That Missing Chest for Epistory - Typing Chronicles

Finding That Missing Chest


Trying to get that irksom Explorer achievement? This guide will take you through all of the chests, and hopefully help you find your missing one.

Spoilers Ahead

I became so frustrated with being stuck at 63/64 chests, that I decided to start a new game and document each and every chest from scratch. I swiftly realized that maybe I should take it a step further and compile the information for the use of others in a similar position. I never did figure out which chest I missed on my first playthrough. Oh well!

These may not be in the most logical order, but they are in the order in which I found them during my second playthrough, so they should be somewhat natural. Therefore someone playing through for the first time will be able to follow the numbers from 1-64. Someone trying to find a missing chest may find it easiest to load their existing game and follow my arbitrary numbers through from 1-64.

I really hope that others will find this guide useful.

Be warned though that this guide is one huge spoiler. One of the primary joys of the game is to explore and discover new land reveals for yourself.



Zooming In

For best results, download these images or view in a browser so that you can zoom in!

I have included a link to the steam-hosted image file above each image to make this easier to do.

Afraid this is my very first guide, and I spent hours putting these composite images together and making sure they were big enough for people to see every detail I could muster… and then I discover that Steam doesn’t seem to let you view them at full size.

You can get the same results as my “zoom in” links by right clicking on an image and clicking on Copy Link Address and then paste it into your browser url bar.

Often-missed Chests

This section is based purely off of the comments section. There seem to be a few chests that people tend to have missed, so I’ll list them here and would recommend checking these specific locations before you go to the lengths of starting from scratch!

Check Chests:

List of Map Image Links

Here is a list of all the image links which may help users who can’t seem to load this guide due to the heavy use of quite large images.

The Bridge

Burning Hollow

Forgotten Forest

Drowning Halls

Creation City

Ice Mausoleum

Crystalline Mine

Shattered Isles

Lost Desert

The Bridge

Zoom In

Burning Hollow

Zoom In

Forgotten Forest

Zoom In

Drowning Halls

Zoom In

Creation City

Zoom In

Ice Mausoleum

Zoom In

Crystalline Mine

Zoom In

Shattered Isles

Zoom In

Lost Desert

Zoom In
