A quick, third-party-mod-free guide on how to completely erase the disappearing bug associated with climbing on ledges, and potentially make the game smoother.
Step One: Defining the Problem
To know whether you have the problem or not, it is quite easy to tell. But to illustrate, say you are in a cave, and want to jump up a ledge. Easy, right? And for this particular jump, you don’t think you could die, so you haven’t saved for a couple of minutes.
… You jump, and- wait, where’d he go?
And now you might find yourself unable to open the menu, move or do very much of anything beside make the camera look up and down. Well, I guess I have to fight those wolves again. After I manage to quit the game.
I might note that while many outside ledges seemed to work for me, lulling me into complacency, many of the interior ones if not all made this happen. Supposedly, it has something to do with FPS.
Step Two: Fixing the Problem
Well, after reloading ten times to try and climb up that ledge, I really want to fix the game and play it the way it was meant to be played. But what’s this? V-sync isn’t doing its job properly here? And what’s that? I need a third party program to lock my FPS at a certain number? NOT ON MY WATCH.
Luckily for you, there’s an easy .ini edit that will make your life easier, and doesn’t involve downloads, installations or any of that jazz.
- Find the ini folder. Two ways you can do this.
- First one is to go into your Steam Library, find Risen, right click it and go into properties, change to the local files tab and finally, press browse local files. From there, data, and then ini.
- For those of you who’d prefer to browse to it using your explorer, you’ll want to go to where you installed Steam, and follow into “SteamLibrarysteamappscommonRisendataini”.
Once there, it should roughly resemble this on windows, or something similar:
- You’ll want to open “ConfigDefault.xml”, or just “ConfigDefault” if you like to hide your extensions in your pants. It’s in XML format, so Notepad, Notepad++ or whatever your favourite text editor is should suffice. Back it up if you’re afraid you’ll set things on fire.
Now, find the bit headed by “Timer” and change the values from their default to 60, or your desired FPS so long as it is consistent.
- It should look something like:
- And afterwards:
- It should look something like:
- And now you want to apply those changes and save the file.
Step Three: Ledge Climbing!
And wala! Start up your game, find a ledge, and jump up that ledge!
Congratulations, enjoy your Risen experience now with 100% less disappearing acts that freeze the show.
Guide written and uploaded by Soup.
Step Four: If it doesn’t work!
With more information available, potential tweaks to the numbers you use may help in cases where the straight up value of 60 may not fix the issue or cause others. If you’re finding it causes other glitches, a minimum value of 30 and maximum of either 60, 90 or 120 with the fixed fps number back to -1 to allow the framerate to be variable may alleviate your woes.