This guide will give the ability for BOTH Desktop and Laptop users a sense of peace when it comes to fixing Fallout 3 and Fallout GOTY
Now, I know the feeling of depression one might get when not being able to play a game they bought. Look, I get it. Now, after two years of waiting, I finally bought another steam copy of Fallout 3 and not to my surprise it didn’t work. It kept constantly freezing(BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, WANTED TO BLOW MY BRAINS OUT). Anyways, here are a few ways to fix some of your problems.
Note: I will have BOTH Fallout 3/ New Vegas pics to make this a little more spicy.
Step One
First uninstall the game. Delete any files relating to Fallout 3/ Fallout 3 GOTY. You can do this by going to steam first. You will then go directly to the Fallout , and right click on it.
From there, you will uninstall it. After that, RIGHT CLICK on the game again, and click on ‘properties’. From there you will have a list of options to go through. Click on ‘Local files’ and then click on ‘Browse Local Files.’
From there any files you do see remain delete after the full uninstalling of the game. What I am trying to attempt is for you to make sure that NONE of the game files are corrupting any future saves/ wont cause any crashing for you.
Step Two
Step Two: Reinstall the game. I know for some of you reading this, it might just make you frustrated, but I am making sure that no files are making the game crash any longer.
Step Three
Step Three, Go to the file named “Fallout_Default” and once found, right click on it and edit.
From there your computer should put the file into notepad for you to edit the file. Use the command “Crtl F”. This will allow you to find specific key words which will make your life easier. From there, type in ” bUse”. Continue to use BUse until you find the code bUseThreadedAI=0.
Once you find that specific piece of code, replace the 0 with 1. Also, directly below that piece of code you will type in “iNumHWThreads=2” . What this will do is improve the performance of the game.
After this save the changes made.
Step Four
YAY! Your on step four! Before anything, you will need to install game for windows live. You will not need to edit files or anything. You just need to download a updated version of it.
Download Link(Game For Windows Live): [link]
UPDATE: Game for windows live has a downloading issue. Here is a partial Guide to fix that issue. Other than that, once the issue is fixed continue following my guide. Here is a link.
Now you will need a nexus mods account. Do make that because the next few steps will require you to do so. Be aware that there are certain mods that I want you to download. I also want to note that, no, you dont need a mod manager for the little amount of files being used.
The mods that I downloaded that fixed all of my problems are the following(DOWNLOAD IN ORDER OF EACH OTHER!):
Download One(UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch NEWB FRIENDLY VERSION): [link]
Here is a video to show you how to set it up. Skip to minute 9:07 of the video. Stop at minute 11:30 This will show the installation process of the patch.
Video Link:
Step Five
What you are going to do here will vary. This next download will still be on nexus mods. This download will be a file. THERE ARE TWO FILES. BOTH vary. For some computers the first file works. For some computers the second file works. What you will do is install the file of your choice. From there extract it and place into the Fallout 3 file. NOTE: THE FILES MAY VARY. For example, the second file didn’t work for me and it just made the game into a black screen. I deleted that file and then put the first file in, which that worked for me. Launch the game to see if the file selected works for you. Then you should be fine.
Download link(Nvidia d3d9 perf fix) : [link]
Lastly when playing fallout make sure you load all loose files and click on what each file that will load.
Step Six
Play the game. I hope you can like and give me a thumbs up and favorite this!Feel free to go to my steam profile page and make a comment.
Also here are some of my other guides on the steam workshop.
[link] [link]